Enable Azure Active Directory Access Control with Office 365 Azure Active Directory tenant - azure

I currently have an Office 365 tenant with around 1,400 users all licensed. We have enabled the Azure AD tenant with the same account and are now using Azure AD Dirsync to have same sign-on to Office 365.
We are now having an external Sharepoint site developed and have been offered either ADFS or Azure AD ACS as an authentication method. As we've already got an Azure AD subscription (through Office 365) I thought this would be the easiest method. However, when in my tenant on https://manage.windowsazure.com, I have access to Active Directory, can add a new directory but cannot add a new Access Control service. It's greyed out and says "not available" underneath.
I've tried talking to Office 365 support, who referred me to Azure support, who then said we don't have support so can't help. I've spoken to Azure sales and they've referred me to Azure support, who then guess what, said we don't have support.
Has anyone else managed to implement an Azure Access Control service from an Office 365 tenancy using the free Azure Active Directory subscription? I get the feeling I just need to buy a cheap Azure subscription and the option would become available, but without knowing for sure I'm a bit hesitant about taking the plunge.

I can imagine that you cannot use the free Azure subscription for this purpose because using the Access Control Service brings costs. The free subscription is not tied to any creditcard. When you have e.g. a pay-as-you-go subscription you should be able to create a ACS namespace. I just tried in one of my pay-as-you-go subscriptions.
You are (still) able to create a namespace but I suggest you to also take a look into the identity possibilities Azure AD itself has. Azure AD has currently only support for SAML 2.0 (and a lot of other protocols but they are not directly relevant for SharePoint). I know SharePoint (on-premises) only talks SAML 1.1 so that's where ACS comes in. You can read more about this topic here. Azure AD itself is going to support SAML 1.1. The only question is when. (see one of the comments from the source mentioned below this answer)
I also would make one remark about Azure AD ACS because this is going to be replaced by Azure AD. The only question left is when.
ACS Capabilities in Azure AD
As we've mentioned previously, we are adding ACS-like capabilities into Azure AD. In the coming months, as part of a feature preview Azure AD administrators will be able to add federation with social identity providers, and later custom identity providers to Azure AD. This will allow app developers to use Azure AD to simplify the identity implementation in their apps, similar to how developers use ACS today. We look forward to getting your feedback on the preview to improve these experiences.
Migrating ACS Customers to Azure AD
Once these new ACS capabilities of Azure AD are out of preview and generally available, we will start migrating ACS namespaces to use the new Azure AD capabilities.
Source: The future of Azure ACS is Azure Active Directory

Quick solution:
Create an Azure paid account. Add the administrator user of the paid account in the Office 365 directory, and set it as global administrator of this later directory (you can add users from other directories).
Then switch back to the paid account. The new global administrator will be able to manage the Office 365 directory and add a namespace.


Azure AD Premium enterprise applications licensing

This is a licensing related question for Azure Active Directory.
We would like to use Azure AD as a SAML identity provider for our own applications, using the available method in the Azure AD Premium subscription, i.e. by creating a new custom application in the 'enterprise applications' list. Now do I need to assign a Premium license to every user that is going to login to this application via SAML? Or does it suffice to assign this license to the users that are administering the application?
The former case seems more plausible to me, however it would be way too expensive for us, and during testing the custom applications seems to work also for users which do not have the license.
I am not a licesing expert, that said, Azure AD licenses are per user. Read the doc above. If the app is pre-integrated in the gallery, Azure AD users with the free tier can connect to 10 apps at no cost. If the app is on-premises, that requires Azure Application Proxy which would require Azure AD Basic.
If it's a custom application not in the gallery AD Premium is required. Keep in mind AD premium has a ton more functionality. Conditional Access is a Game Changer. Very powerful. Multifactor Authentication, self service password reset, MIM, SCCM CALs, are all included.
Being able to simplify identity for users and link All applications they use to their AD account is important. Ems gives you the ability to monitor identity with Advanced Threat Analytics etc. It's actually a very useful suite of services and not drastically different in price than stand alone AD premium.
There is an interesting point on license page too
With Azure AD Free and Azure AD Basic, end users who have been assigned access to SaaS apps can get SSO access to up to 10 apps. Admins can configure SSO and change user access to different SaaS apps, but SSO access is only allowed for 10 apps per user at a time. All Office 365 apps are counted as one app.

Can O365 and Azure AD use the same domain

Assume there exists and O365 instance where user identities are managed in the cloud - see the Cloud Identity section here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Understanding-Office-365-identity-and-Azure-Active-Directory-06a189e7-5ec6-4af2-94bf-a22ea225a7a9
Assume there also exists a separate Azure subscription that maintains it's own Active Directory, as well as an assortment of other resources such as SQL Databases, VMs, Virtual Networks, etc...
Can the two (the O365 instance and the Azure AD) use the same domain? Given it seems like Office 365 uses an Azure AD under the covers, my question is really just asking if two Azure Active Directories can use the same domain. Unfortunately, I can't find much online with regards to answers for this and I can't yet test it.
If you had two Active Directory tenants using the same example.com domain, and you logged into the portal with bob#example.com How would the portal know which tenant was responsible for bob?
An Azure Active Directory tenant much be authorative over the domains that are associated with it.
What you can do is associate the Office 365 Active Directory with an Azure subscription (or as many Azure Subscriptions as you have) and then you will have SSO across all of your subscriptions and Office 365.
This is probably the simplest guide on how to achieve that - it is for RemoteApp, but the underlying concept is the same.
Two Azure Active Directories cannot have same domain.
Technically O365 instance with a tenant name (.onmicrosoft.com) is an Azure AD. Office 365 is just a SaaS application attached to every Azure AD. Basically for Office 365, Identity Management backend is Azure AD. Basically if we have a domain abc.com added/verified in tenant A , it means that we can create users in tenant A with user#abc.com. If we were able to add the same domain in tenant B, which is not possible practically but if we consider theoretically, there would be a user user#abc.com in tenant B too! Hence its impossible to have same domain with two Azure AD.
If you have a domain abc.com under a tenant - contoso.onmicrosoft.com (does not matter whether its in Office 365). If we want to view this directory in azure portal (classic) and if you know the global administrator of this directory, we can add it to the Azure Classic portal (use custom directory) option (comes up for live account service admin).
Also, Office 365 subscription gives you benefit of free "Access to Azure Active
Directory" subscription to all office 365 Global administrators. This is given to effectively manage the users in office 365 via Azure AD as well (SSPR, MFA settings- which is not available via O365 portal).

Enabling multi-factor authentication for the Azure portal

Is it possible to enable multi-factor authentication for getting access to the Azure portal, https://portal.azure.com?
I know there is an MFA server resource in Azure itself, but my understanding is that this is for Azure hosted applications/resources. I initially want to enable MFA for getting access to the portal itself, before setting it up for the different resources themselves in Azure.
Yes, you can.
For example here they say
Add protection for Azure administrator accounts
Multi-Factor Authentication adds a layer of security to your Azure administrator account at no additional cost. When turned on, you need to confirm your identity to spin up a virtual machine, manage storage, or use other Azure services.
Here is one of step-by-step guides.
UPD Feb 2019
Azure is constantly evolving, so many answers and related articles quickly become outdated.
As it is now, MFA is not a free option. I would start reading this Microsoft page for details, in particular:
Multi-Factor Authentication comes as part of the following offerings:
Azure Active Directory Premium licenses
Azure MFA Service (Cloud)
Azure MFA Server
Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365
Azure Active Directory Global Administrators
The feature I originally mentioned has been replaced by Security Defaults, which includes requiring that all users register for MFA (but non-admin users don't necessarily have to use it), and requires admin users to use MFA.
Old response:
There is currently a feature in preview offering a baseline policy to apply MFA to the Azure Portal (and PowerShell and CLI).
This is applicable even at the free level of AAD.

Two-step verification for microsoft company account?

I have a MS company account using Office 365 (so myname#mydomain.com is my account), and I use Office, Azure, and Visual Studio Team Services.
However, I cannot find anywhere how to enable 2FA for this account. I can set up 2FA for my normal, personal, windows live Id using this page:
But that doesnt work for company accounts.
Anyone knows if this is possible? thanks!
What you need is Multi-Factor Authentication for Azure Active Directory. It is part of AAD Premium features.
You can read how to enable and configure it here. And more info on it here.
As per documentation:
Multi-Factor Authentication is now included with Premium and can help
you to secure access to on-premises applications (VPN, RADIUS, etc.),
As well as per this documentation:
Azure Multi Factor Authentication is included in Azure Active
Directory Premium and as a result it is also included with the
Enterprise Mobility Suite
Note: MFA is (at least was) possible with the free AAD but only for the Global Admins in the directory, or for Subscription Administrators within an Azure Subscription.

Windows Azure Active Directory and Office 365 integration

In my company, we are using Office365 for our emails.
In addition to this, we are using Windows Azure Active Directory to secure some applications.
Now I've been asked to create some kind of link between our users in Office 365 and Windows Azure Active Directory.
The point would be to have some admin applications deployed and secured with WAAD but for which the users are the ones from Office365.
I've found lots of documentation on the web on how to sync directories but not really anything stating clearly that this is possible.
I'd like to insist on the fact that it is our own application that we'd like to secure like this.
(Edit 2018-03-23: This answer was updated to reflect changes in the new Azure portal.)
The underlying directory for Office 365 is Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This means that if you have an Office 365 account, you already have a directory -or "tenant"- in Azure AD.
In your case, I think what you want to do is move from securing your application with a different Azure AD tenant (under a different domain), to securing your applications with the tenant you got when you started using Office 365. The key here is to be able to get access to your Office 365 tenant from the Azure portal.
All you need to do is sign in to the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com) with you Office 365 account (which, remember, is an Azure AD account), and head over to the "Azure Active Directory" blade. (Note: You do not need an Azure subscription in order to manage your Azure AD tenant in the Azure portal.)
Now you can go about adding and configuring apps to the Office 365 tenant so that you can use that tenant to secure your apps.
Extra: Since you've already started doing things with another Azure subscription (presumably your Microsoft Account, MSA --formerly LiveID--), you might be interested in transferring that Azure subscription to be owned by an account in your primary Azure AD tenant: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/billing/billing-subscription-transfer
If the aim is to make the Office 365 directory available inside the Azure portal, this currently works:
In the Azure portal, under Active Directory, click the New button, then Directory, then Custom Create. In the Directory pull-down, select 'Use existing directory' and follow the instructions to sign out and sign in using your Office 365 admin user. This will make your Office 365 directory available inside your Azure portal (in addition to any other Azure directories you have access to.)
When you setup your Azure Subcription did you use the same account you used when you setup your Office 365 Subscription? If so you should be able to see an existing WAAD instance when you log into Azure that has your #*.onmicrosoft.com domain registered against it. If you don't see that you may be able to add the domain to Azure subscription assuming of you are the domain admin. See here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bspann/archive/2013/10/20/adding-existing-o365-directory-to-azure-msdn-subscription.aspx
For the sake of completion, I hope the OP would come back and accept the answer provided by Philippe.
I found this that was quite helpful: http://blogs.technet.com/b/ad/archive/2013/04/29/using-a-existing-windows-azure-ad-tenant-with-windows-azure.aspx
