raphael change animation direction - svg

simple by using rapheal i successfully make animation along path , but i can't reverse the animation direction ,,, just how to make it animate to the other direction when clicking the same path .
var paper = Raphael(0,0,1024,768);
var pathOne = paper.path(['M', 15,15 , 100,75]).attr({'stroke-width':18}).data("id",1);
//and this is just the circle
var circle = paper.circle(0, 0, 13).attr({
fill: '#09c', cursor: 'pointer'
//make the path as custom attribute so it can ba accessed
function pathPicker(thatPath){
paper.customAttributes.pathFactor = function(distance) {
var point = thatPath.getPointAtLength(distance * thatPath.getTotalLength());
var dx = point.x,
dy = point.y;
return {
transform: ['t', dx, dy]
//initialize for first move
circle.attr({pathFactor: 0}); // Reset
//Asign first path and first move
function firstMove(){
circle.animate({pathFactor: 1}, 1000});

I couldn't get the original to run, so here is something using the main bits that should suit...
There's not a lot to it, get the length of the path, iterate over the length, draw object at the path. It uses the Raphael customAttributes to be able to animate it. I've added a custom toggle to make it easy to switch between them.
These are the key changes..
var len = pathOne.getTotalLength();
paper.customAttributes.along = function (v) {
var point = pathOne.getPointAtLength(v * len);
return {
transform: "t" + [point.x, point.y] + "r" + point.alpha
circle.attr({ along: 0 });
function animateThere( val ) {
val = +!val; // toggle
pathOne.click( function() { animateThere( val ) } );
circle.animate({ along: val }, 2000 );
pathOne.click( function() { animateThere(0) } );
For completeness, you may want to do some extra checks like only allow the click if the animation has finished or something, as there may be a problem if you quickly click a lot and it buffering up animations.


phaser.io how to draw over a path

I need to write a game like: https://robowhale.com/html5/drawing-letters/ with phaser.io library. I mean user must follow a path and draw for example letter "A".
basically, need to draw over a path, I checked almost all examples and tutorials, But couldn't find any proper tutorial or algorithm.
any help, link, source code or tutorial can helps me to figure out algorithm and start project.
Usually you will never find the full solution, you will have to merge multiple.
Here ist how I would approach this task (a quick and dirty solution):
Step 1)
Find an Example that solves a part of the problem and work from there
(Based on the example Quadratic Bezier Curve)
Then I :...
I removed the tween
added Mouse Input
split the path in segments
calculate until where the path should be draw
draw path segments
... And slowly adding missing features:
just update path when close enough
just allow move forwards
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 600,
backgroundColor: '#2d2d2d',
parent: 'phaser-example',
scene: {
create: create,
update: update
var path;
var curve;
var graphics;
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
var _myMaxPointIndex = 6;
function create() {
graphics = this.add.graphics();
path = { t: 0, vec: new Phaser.Math.Vector2() };
var startPoint = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(100, 500);
var controlPoint1 = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(50, 100);
var endPoint = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(700, 500);
curve = new Phaser.Curves.QuadraticBezier(startPoint, controlPoint1, endPoint);
function _myDrawPath(g, points) {
let startPoint = points.shift();
graphics.lineStyle(30, 0x0000ff, 1);
g.moveTo(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
let maxPointsToDraw = _myMaxPointIndex == -1 ? points.length : _myMaxPointIndex + 1;
for (let index = 0; index < maxPointsToDraw; index++) {
const point = points[index];
g.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
function update() {
graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00ff00, 1);
// get 20 Point from the Curve (can be more if to jaggy)
let _myPoints = curve.getPoints(20);
_myDrawPath(graphics, _myPoints)
if (this.input.activePointer.isDown) {
// Here I update the Max point that should be draw
let _myMouse = this.input.activePointer.position;
let _myNearestPoint = _myPoints.reduce((p, c, i) => {
let distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.BetweenPoints(_myMouse, c)
if (p.distance == -1 || p.distance > distance) {
p.distance = distance
p.idx = i
return p
}, { distance: -1 })
_myMaxPointIndex = _myNearestPoint.idx
h1 {
transform: translate(-20%, -20%) scale(.5);
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/phaser#3.55.2/dist/phaser.min.js"></script>
<h1>Click to calculate path</H1>
<div id="phaser-example"></div>
And with a bit of luck:
While building this solution, I had to "google" for some documentation details, and found this in a Phaser forum, that points to a interesting solution with a working CodePen, with a more complex full working example (Just adding the codepen link if the forum entry gets deleted).

PhaserJS: After Rotation of camera dragging a Sprite gives strange coords

Basically the problem is that after you rotate the camera, the points that are given as arguments in the callback for dragging are not what I expected. I'm guessing I have to Rotate the given points also but I just couldn't.
Can Someone explain what is going on, is this some kind of bug or what should I do in order the sprite to follow the mouse cursor?
Easiest way to explain the problem is to reproduce it:
1) Go to Phaser Example Runner
2) Copy- Paste this code:
var config = {
type: Phaser.WEBGL,
parent: 'phaser-example',
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function preload ()
this.load.image('eye', 'assets/pics/lance-overdose-loader-eye.png');
function create ()
var image = this.add.sprite(200, 300, 'eye').setInteractive();
image.on('pointerover', function () {
image.on('pointerout', function () {
this.input.on('dragstart', function (pointer, gameObject) {
this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
console.log(`x: ${dragX}, y: ${dragY}`);
gameObject.x = dragX;
gameObject.y = dragY;
this.input.on('dragend', function (pointer, gameObject) {
3) Open the console, drag around the Eye and look at what coordinates are given.
4) If you remove line 24 (the rotation of the camera) Everything works as expected.
(The example is taken from Phaser 3 Official examples and a bit changed for the bug)
According to Phaser's API Documentation on the setRotation() method, the rotation given in radians applies to everything rendered by the camera. Unfortunately, your pointer isn't rendered by the camera so it doesn't get the same rotated coordinates. Not sure if this is a bug with the library or just a poorly documented exception, but I believe there is a workaround.
Create 2 variables to hold an initial position and a final position:
var image = this.add.sprite(200, 300, 'eye').setInteractive();
var initial = [];
var final = [];
Populate the initial position in your .on('dragstart') method:
this.input.on('dragstart', function (pointer, gameObject) {
initial = [
Then, populate the final variable in your .on('drag') method:
this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
final = [
gameObject.x, // not necessary but keeping for variable shape consistency
gameObject.y, // not necessary but keeping for variable shape consistency
gameObject.x = initial[0] + (initial[2] - final[2]);
gameObject.y = initial[1] + (initial[3] - final[3]);
All we're doing here is keeping track of the change in pointer position and mimicking that change in our gameObject.

Is it possible to morph SVG's paths using Velocity.js?

Is it possible to morph SVG's paths using Velocity.js?
var path = document.querySelectorAll('svg path');
Velocity(path[0], {
tween: 1000
}, {
duration: 6000,
easing: 'easeOutBounce',
progress: function (el, c, r, s, t) {
el[0].setAttribute('d', ??????);
EDIT: Please note I am the author of the code that enabled this in 2016, so it is the official supported way to do it!
Almost, should be something like this:
var path = document.querySelectorAll('svg path'),
from = "M292,129c55.2,0,193,125.8,193,181S365.7,506,310.5,506S136,355.2,136,300S236.8,129,292,129z",
to = "M230,38c55.2,0,348,57.8,348,113S391.2,569,336,569S55,456.2,55,401S174.8,38,230,38z";
Velocity(path[0], {
tween: [to, from]
}, {
duration: 6000,
easing: 'easeOutBounce',
progress: function(elements, complete, remaining, start, tweenValue) {
elements[0].setAttribute('d', tweenValue);
Edit: Velocity has some string animation support built in, see Rycochets answer below.
If not you could try doing that yourself, by breaking down the path string into an array.
One way could be to use the path data polyfill (as Chrome has deprecated that feature to give easy access to the array points) at polyfill. Then you could loop similar to below through the path points and interpolate.
You could also try using some regex to split and then build back up, a quick example could be something like the following. It's probably not complete (I haven't really tested the regex, and you may get varying number of elements if there are some characters that I haven't thought of).
var fromPath = "M292,129c55.2,0,193,125.8,193,181S365.7,506,310.5,506S136,355.2,136,300S236.8,129,292,129z";
var toPath = "M230,38c55.2,0,348,57.8,348,113S391.2,569,336,569S55,456.2,55,401S174.8,38,230,38z";
var re = /(([+-]?[0-9\.]+)|[a-z]|\s+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/gi
var fromMatch = fromPath.match(re)
var toMatch = toPath.match(re)
{ opacity: 0.5, tween: [0,1] },
{ progress: function( el, complete, remaining, start, tweenValue) {
var interpPath = '';
for( c=0; c<fromMatch.length; c++) {
if( !isNaN( fromMatch[c]) ) {
interpPath += ( toMatch[c] - fromMatch[c] ) * tweenValue + +fromMatch[c]
} else {
interpPath += toMatch[c]
el[0].setAttribute('d', interpPath)
} }

How to correctly make sets draggable in Raphael

One often wants to make a set of objects in Raphael draggable, but using .transform() to do so can be maddening. Say you start like this:
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, 500, 500);
var set = paper.set();
set.push(paper.circle(100,100,35), paper.circle(150,150,15));
set.attr("fill", "orange");
set.data("myset", set);
function(dx, dy, x, y, e) {
this.data('myset').transform("T" + dx + "," + dy);
function(x, y, e) {},
function(e) {}
If you try this out, you see it works once. But if you drag, stop, then drag again, it resets the position to 0,0 relative to the original position, as you'd expect from .transform(). No good.
A variant of this question has been touched on here, and the respondent suggested prepending transforms with "...". That's all fine and good, but for two things:
you still have to track previous position, since you don't want to
translate by (dx,dy) on every call of dragmove, which will send
the objects flying off the screen.
I worry about creating a monster
transform if an object is dragged many times. (Though maybe I
My tentative solution is to track the offset from the original positioning in another key/value pair, like so:
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, 500, 500);
var set = paper.set();
set.attr("fill", "orange");
set.data("myset", set);
set.data("position", [0,0]);
var current_position = [0,0];
function(dx, dy, x, y, e) {
this.data('myset').transform("T" + (this.data("position")[0] + dx) + "," + (this.data("position")[1] + dy));
current_position = [dx,dy];
function(x, y, e) {
function(e) {
this.data('myset').data("position", [
this.data("position")[0] += current_position[0],
this.data("position")[1] += current_position[1]
You can see it in action here.
It works, but it feels incredibly sloppy. I must be missing something obvious, right?
My answer is similar to your last variant:
var onmove = function (dx,dy){
onstart = function (){
this.default_transform = this.transform();
onend = function(){
this.default_transform = this.transform();
set.drag(onmove, onstart, onend);
Don't worry it won't create a long long line of transformations because Raphael converts everything to one whole matrix transformation so it doesn't build up each time you move an object.

How to snap a polyline to a road with walking travelmode in Google Maps?

II want an user to draw a route with polylines on GoogleMaps. I've found a way to snap a polyline ( example in the link, code in below ). The code works with the directions service to draw a polyline on a road, the only problem is this only works with G_TRAVELMODE_DRIVING but I want to use G_TRAVELMODE_WALKING and when you use WALKING you have to supply the map and a div in the constructor of the directions object. When I do that it automatically removes the last line and only displays the current line. I've tried several things like supplying the map as null, or leaving out the map in the constructor.. I've also tried to give a second map in the constructor, get the polylines from the directions service and display them on the right map. But nothing works! I'd appreciate it if someone could help me!
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(53.7877, -2.9832),13)
map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
var dirn = new GDirections();
var firstpoint = true;
var gmarkers = [];
var gpolys = [];
var dist = 0;
GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,point) {
// == When the user clicks on a the map, get directiobns from that point to itself ==
if (!overlay) {
if (firstpoint) {
} else {
// == when the load event completes, plot the point on the street ==
GEvent.addListener(dirn,"load", function() {
// snap to last vertex in the polyline
var n = dirn.getPolyline().getVertexCount();
var p=dirn.getPolyline().getVertex(n-1);
var marker=new GMarker(p);
// store the details
if (!firstpoint) {
dist += dirn.getPolyline().Distance();
document.getElementById("distance").innerHTML="Path length: "+(dist/1000).toFixed(2)+" km. "+(dist/1609.344).toFixed(2)+" miles.";
firstpoint = false;
GEvent.addListener(dirn,"error", function() {
GLog.write("Failed: "+dirn.getStatus().code);
else {
alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser");
I know it's an old post, but since no answer came forward and I've recently been working on this sort of code (and got it working), try swapping the addListener with this.
GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,point) {
// == When the user clicks on a the map, get directiobns from that point to itself ==
if (!overlay) {
if (firstpoint) {
dirn1.loadFromWaypoints([point.toUrlValue(6),point.toUrlValue(6)],{ getPolyline:true,travelMode:G_TRAVEL_MODE_WALKING});
} else {
dirn1.loadFromWaypoints([gmarkers[gmarkers.length-1].getPoint(),point.toUrlValue(6)],{ getPolyline:true,travelMode:G_TRAVEL_MODE_WALKING});
