Excel Conditional Formating: Comparing columns of data? - excel

I have two columns D and J which are supposed to contain the same value.
Column D is a Calculation (e.g. =ROUND(1.704 * 1.989437,2)
Column J is a VLOOKUP of the static value, that should match D (e.g. 3.39)
How do I compare the 2500+ rows to see if the values match in the corresponding cells, or that D = J, with formatting? (I have another column P that contains whether they are the same, but I want the value in D to be highlighted.)

Create a conditional formatting rule =$D2=$J2 in while D2 being highlighted, and change the "applies to" from D2 to D2:D2502, assmuming you have values starting in row 2.
Or =$D2<>$J2 if you want to show them not matching.


Conditional Formatting on Sum of Two Columns in Excel

I have two conditional formatting rules. One highlights the minimum value of the column and works correctly (Column B). I want to also highlight the adjacent columns within the same row (Columns D and E). Columns D and E in the same row will always add up to the value in columns B.
Essentially, I need equivalent code to be put into the conditional formatting field that resembles this:
=($B$175=($D$175+$E$175)) AND $B$175=MIN($B$175:$B$190)
This will incorrectly fill any item in column D that matches the minimum of column B.
This will incorrectly fill the minimum of column between columns D and E.
=$B$175=($D$175+$E$175) or <br>
=SMALL(($D$175:$D$190)+($E$175:$E$190), 1)
This will incorrectly fill all rows of columns D and E.
=$B$175=MIN(($D$175:$D$190)+($E$175:$E$190), 1)<br>
This will not fill any rows column between columns D and E.
I know I'm close, but can't seem to figure it out!
You just need to check that the value in B is the SMALL of $B$175:$B$190. You don't need to consider the sum of E and F.

Search the Alphanumeric values from column C's each cell in column D's each cell if found mark/highlight in column D or column E

Search alphanumeric serial numbers from column C's every row in column D, which is having a string in each row and after finding give some mark to that row(eg. highlight with color)
Give some type of highlight to column D where serial number matched with column C.
Column C has more than 8000 entries and column D has around 2500 entries.
Using Conditional Formatting I'm using the following formula
and formatted it to fill with a colour if True
or even better you can use the formula from #Plutian below which will ignore where both cells in columns C and D are blank
I've then applied it to the range I want it to work on
Giving the following results
Update after comments:
For column C use the following conditional formatting formula
and for column D use

Is there a formula to line up column rows based on cell value or partial value?

I have a sheet with 4 columns, see screenshot_1
Column A - word
Column C - word (column A) + extra word
The rows of Column A and column C and their values (column B and D) are not lined up. As you can see in the screenshot,
I want to place C2 And D2 on line 29, C3 and D3 on line 15, etc. So column C and D are filled with the matching word of column A (if it exists).
Resulting in something like screenshot_2
Is there a formula to line up column rows based on cell value or partial value?
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
You can achieve this by using wildcard in Vlookup. Enter this formula =VLOOKUP("*"&A2&"*",$F$2:$G$26,2,FALSE) in column C.
Possibly the easiest solution would be to keep columns A and B untouched, and have column C automatically display "used (whatever)" if column D contains a number.
To accomplish this, type the following formula into cell C2 and drag down:
= IF(ISNUMBER(D2),"used "&A2,"")
First, separate the ranges with some empty columns; so column A & is the same, C is empty, D & E are a not connected
Create a new column in the empty C column:
See this Example

Excel: Find duplicates in column with differences in another column

I want to highlight cells in column A, which have duplicates in column A but a difference in column B.
1 2 -
2 3 +
3 2 -
2 4 +
1 2 -
3 2 -
4 5 -
The rows (or a cell within the row) with the - shall not be highlighted, but the rows (or a cell within the row) with the + shall be highlighted.
How can I accomplish this in an Excel formula?
Please pay attention to the fact, that not all unique combinations shall be highlighted (last row!).
In SQL the corresponding query would be something like this:
FROM table
A simpler solution might be to use Concatenate to join A and B together and use a conditional formating to highlight the unique values. This would leave your desired list highlighted:
For the Conditional Formatting highlight column C then navigate:
Home-> Conditional Formatting -> New Rule-> Format only unique or duplicate values
Then change selection from "duplicate" to "unique" and select the desired format. Apply the setting and have identified the appropriate rows.
Assuming your data is in A1:B7, (with "A" and "B" as headers on row 1):
I used the following formulas to get the matches ..
I just did a simple search after, and before .. if it finds a record above or below, it "flags" it in column F as TRUE.
Not sure it works for 3 or more duplicates, though you didn't seem to indicate how you wanted a 3 of a kind to work ;)
D col locates the first matching A column after the current row.
G col locates the first matching A Column prior to current row.
E col pulls that remote B column value to current row to more easily check.
F col puts the logic together: If we found something, and B cols are not equal.
Here is another way to do it assuming your above data is in cells A2:B7:
1) Copy and paste your column A values to a blank section of your workbook(Lets say A11) and perform the following function Data->Remove Duplicates with the section selected.
2) Highlight cells B10:B13(all cells where a value is in column A) and type in the following formula:
Hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to make this an array.
3) Similar to step two highlight all cells in column C where there is data in columns A and B. In this case C2:C7 and use the following formula:
Hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to make this an array.
Your cells that need to be highlighted will now say "Highlight"

Highlighting a cell in one column when matching value found anywhere in a second column

Column B is where data is going to be entered.
Column I has a list of data that is predefined.
I want column I's data to be highlighted when the data is found anywhere in column B. Example:
3 1
2 2
7 3
So the cells in column I containing 2 and 3 would be highlighted because found in Column B at some point.
Please try selecting ColumnI, HOME > Styles - Conditional Formatting - New Rule..., Use a formula to determine which cells to format, Format values where this formula is true:
choose your formatting, OK, OK.
Use conditional formating with
as the condition for cells that don't match (the zero is important as it means exact matches only)
... but
will do the same thing, while
is a condition for matches
