Google Wallet Demo compilation error - android-pay

From Apis provided by server side developer, we are getting which are required for Wallet Integration but demo which we are using for Google Wallet for Android but its giving us some compile time error.
Can you any one suggest why this could be?


How to get response from the API (which is not in local) using webhook

An android app has been developed by my development team. For which a chatbot is to be developed. So I chose DialogFlow platform to create the chatbot. Here, the API's for the app screens has been created by the development team. For the chatbot in DialogFlow, after creating all the necessary intents, is it just enough to enter the API url in the webhook url section or do I need to apply any logic in inline editor. [Here, the API's are created using python and it is connected with MySql DB]
As a beginner to DialogFlow, I couldn't move forward. Can anyone please help me out. Thanks in advance.
If you made your intents for your chatbot you will still need to write code which chooses what to do for each intent. Dialogflow's documentation can explain you more about the details of what you need to do.
Below is an image of an overview of all components from the documentation. To connect your chatbot to your MySQL API you will have to write a webhook service. This service can be an API which you host somewhere or code that you write in Dialogflows inline editor. Here you can program what API's to call on each intent and how to output it to the user. More info about that can be found here.

Using Google Cloud Speech on mobile never returns an isFinal

I am currently implementing a ChatBot using Google Cloud Speech.
I am using to record a microphone stream and then sending that through node to Google Cloud Speech.
Everything is working fine on my laptop and my android mobile phone (Nexus 5x, Chrome 68)
I record the audio, and having set single_utterance to true, get a result with "isFinal" as soon as I pause speaking.
But if I set the language code to 'da-DK', I never get a "isFinal" result (unless I end the stream myself) on mobile. Works fine on my laptop, but not mobile.
Have anyone experienced anything similar?
As a bonus info:
If I set interimResults to true, I do get multiple results, but they are just never isFinal.
So just to be clear: everything is working perfectly apart from the one case: da-DK on mobile.
As this behavior is occurring only when using the da-DK supported language on a mobile device, it might be related to an internal service issue; therefore, I think that you should take a look the Issue Tracker tool that you can use to raise a Speech-to-Text API in order to verify this scenario with the Google Technical Support Team. In this way, you will be able to share your code, audio files and internal project information if required by the troubleshooting process.
Additionally, I suggest you to take a look on this link that contains some useful documentation and example to use Google Cloud Speech API on an Android environment that you may use as a reference for your project.

actions on google demo code is not working on my android phone

I followed tutorial and built my first google action. The action is working fine on my laptop browser in the test (Followed "Preview the App" section of the tutorial) environment. However, when I am trying to use this action on my phone by saying "OK Google talk to my first app". It's not working. Is it supposed to work on my phone as well? I have logged in with the same Gmail account on my phone also.
PS - I have posted the same question on "actions on google" google plus community google as well but I am not sure if that community is to post such questions or not. Therefore, I am posting it here also.
Thanks in advance!
Once you have enabled testing through the simulator, it should be available on all devices (mobile, speakers like Google Home, etc) with the same account your simulator is running in. Double check to make sure they're the same account.
In your case, however, you may be using the wrong invocation phrase. If you actually said what you did above, you need to say the exact same thing that you typed to invoke it.
If you haven't set a name in the configuration, then that phrase will be
Talk to my test app
As you note in the comments - you also need to make sure you're running the Google Assistant, and not one of the other voice search components. The Google Assistant requires:
Android 6.0 or higher
Google app 6.13 or higher
Google Play services
1.5 GB of memory
720p screen resolution
Phone set to a supported language
As you probably already know you have to enable Web & App Activity, Device Information, Voice & Audio Activity in the Activity controls page.
Then you also have to be sure that the language of your agent is the same used by your google assistant.
I solved thanks this last step.
Hope this helps

Google Sign In trouble after using baseGameUtils Android Studio

After extending BaseGameActivity on MainActivity, when you open the game it shows the animation of connecting to Google Play Games but at the end shows the message Failed to sign in. How can i solve it?
You may follow this documentation that describes how to troubleshoot issues that you might encounter while developing Android games with the Play Games SDK.
If you are unable to sign players into your game, first make sure that you have followed the instructions to create your client IDs and configure the games services.
If you still encounter sign-in errors, check the following items to make sure that your game is set up correctly.
Check your metadata tags
Check your package name
Check the certificate fingerprint
Check that test accounts are enabled
If you are using Proguard and are seeing errors on the obfuscated APK, check the target API level on your AndroidManifest.xml. Make sure to set it to 17 or above.
Here's another reference which might also help: Google Play Services fails to connect

How to work with Visual studio Team Services Oauth Model and what is the purpose of Azure

I'm working with Visual Studio Online, and trying to use work with Oauth, which will allow me to use RESTFUL API of VSTS in my APP. How can I work. Please give a detailed answer, I'm confused.
One more thing is, while registering App in VSTS, there are two fields Application Website and Authorization Callback URL, which are making me more confused, what is the purpose of these two fields while registering App for Oauth.
First go read some documentation on Oauth and how it works.
On a high level, how does OAuth 2 work?
Then go read the documentation, which includes code examples, for VSO.
Once you run into a specific issue, ask your question here with examples of what you tried.
i tried to use app for OAuth on my site. Got 400 Bad request on Visual Studio Online site everytime when code executed (user redirected to next URL from sample app):
return String.Format("{0}?client_id={1}&response_type=Assertion&state={2}&scope={3}&redirect_uri={4}",
What`s wrong? Is there is some limitation for values in App registration page above?
