How to use a typeclass like `HasDynFlags m` in GHC - haskell

While playing with GHC code base, I find a typeclass named HasDynFlags:
class HasDynFlags m where
getDynFlags :: m DynFlags
Although the typeclass name looks self-explanatory, I couldn't find other
constraints in the typeclass definition that says m has to be Monad or at least Functor so we can get access to that value.
However, most use of it I find in the code base is inside a do-notation, e.g dynFlag <- getDynFlags where m is further constrainted to be an instance of Monad.
My questions are:
For HasDynFlags m, does m have to be at least Functor to make this typeclass useful?
If the answer to the first question is no, then how are we supposed to get access to a value of DynFlags given getDynFlags :: m DynFlags, without any further knowledge about m?

According to the class definition,
class HasDynFlags m where
getDynFlags :: m DynFlags
m is satisfied by kind (* -> *). The kind (* -> *) is implied by the type m DynFlags, which demonstrates that m is a type constructor taking exactly one type parameter.
There are no further constraints on m here. Specifically, the resulting type needn't be a Functor (or Monad), although given common naming conventions for type variables in Haskell, there's a good chance Monad is the motivating case.
EDIT: To answer the second question, the Functor or Monad class constraints we expect are introduced in more specific contexts. For example, consider the type,
(HasDynFlags m, Monad m) => m DynFlags
I think that's all there is to it.


Adding a Constraint to a Monad Result Type

I would like to create a type that is an instance of Monad such that the result type can only be an instance of a specific typeclass. I would like to be able to write something like
data T a = T a
class C a where
instance Monad T where
return :: (C a) => a -> m a
return x = ...
(>>=) :: (C a, C b) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
p >>= f = ...
In the actual code that I'm working on, I need a typeclass constraint on the result type so that a specific function from the typeclass is available in the definitions for return and (>>=).
Is there any way to do this?
As per #chi's comment, the best solution is probably to use either constrained monads or indexed monads. Both solutions have the caveat of having to work around the standard library, but it can be done with workarounds such as rebinding syntax using the RebindableSyntax extension for example. The best example of constrained monads I was able to find was the constrained-monads package available on Hackage, while the best example I was able to find of indexed monads was a post at Kwang's Haskell Blog.

Does Higher order polymorphism require strict order of arguments?

Reading LYAH, I stumbled upon this piece of code:
newtype Writer w a = Writer { runWriter :: (a, w) }
instance (Monoid w) => Monad (Writer w) where
return x = Writer (x, mempty)
(Writer (x,v)) >>= f = let (Writer (y, v')) = f x in Writer (y, v `mappend` v')
While trying to understand what the heck is Writer w in the first line, I discovered this not being a full type, but a sort of type constructor with 1 argument, like Maybe for Maybe String
Looks great, but what if the initial type if Writer' is defined with swapped type arguments, like this:
newtype Writer' a w = Writer' { runWriter :: (a, w) }
Is it possible to implement Monad instance now? Something like this, but what could actually be compiled:
instance (Monoid w) => Monad (\* -> Writer' * monoid) where
The idea of \* -> Writer' * monoid is the same as Writer w :
A type constructor with one type argument missing -- this time first one.
This is not possible in Haskell, what you'd need is a type-level lambda function, which does not exist.
There are type synonyms which you can use to define reorderings of type variables:
type Writer'' a w = Writer' a w
but you can not give class instances for partially applied type synonyms (even with the TypeSynonymInstances extension).
I wrote my MSc thesis about the subject of how type-level lambdas can be added to GHC: to be used in type-class instances without sacrificing type inference.
What you are seeing here is a parochial design choice of Haskell. It makes perfect sense, conceptually speaking, to say that your Writer' type is a functor if you "leave out" its first parameter. And a programming language syntax could be invented to allow such declarations.
The Haskell community hasn't done so, because what they have is relatively simple and it works well enough. This isn't to say that alternative designs aren't possible, but to be adopted such a design would have to:
Be no more complex to use in practice than what we already have;
Offer functionality or advantage that would be worth the switch.
This generalizes to many other ways that the Haskell community uses types; often the choice to represent something as a type distinction is tied to some artifact of the language's design. Many monad transformers are good examples, like MaybeT:
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
instance Functor m => Functor (MaybeT m) where ...
instance Applicative m => Applicative (MaybeT m) where ...
instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where ...
instance MonadTrans MaybeT where ...
Since it's a newtype, this means that MaybeT IO String is isomorphic to IO (Maybe String); you can think of the two types as being two "perspectives" on the same set of values:
IO (Maybe String) is an IO action that produces values of type Maybe String;
MaybeT IO String is a MaybeT IO action that produces values of type String.
The difference between the perspectives is that they imply different implementations of the Monad operations. In Haskell then this is also tied to the following parochial technical facts:
In one String is the last type parameter (the "values") and in the other Maybe String is;
IO and MaybeT IO have different instances for the Monad class.
But maybe there is a language design where you could say that the type IO (Maybe a) can have a monad specific to it, and distinct from the monad for the more general IO a type. That language would incur some complexity to make that distinction consistently (e.g., rules to determine which Monad instance to by default for IO (Maybe String) and rules to allow the programmer to override the default choice). And I'd wager modestly that the end result would be no less complex than what we do have. TL;DR: Meh.

Motivation of having Functional Dependencies

What is the motivation of having functional dependencies in Haskell ?
One example of a functional dependency:
class (Monad m) => MonadSupply s m | m -> s where
next :: m (Maybe s)
It is stated in the RWH book, that functional dependency helps the type checker. How does it actually help ?
Also, this piece of code actually compiles:
class (Monad m) => MonadSupply s m where
next :: m (Maybe s)
But I guess, it will produce an runtime error.
It's perfectly fine to write code not using functional dependencies, it's just a pain to use since the inference sucks.
Basically without FDs, the function get :: MonadState m s => m s will have to figure out m and s independently. Usually m is quite easily inferred, but often s would require an explicit annotation.
Moreover, this is much more general than we need, so instead we can restrict our typechecker to say "For m, there is exactly 1 s", this way, once m is inferred, s is obvious to the type inference algorithm

Why aren't monad transformers constrained to yield monads?

In the MonadTrans class:
class MonadTrans t where
-- | Lift a computation from the argument monad to the constructed monad.
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
why isn't t m constrained to be a Monad? i.e., why not:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Monad (t m) => MonadTrans t m where
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
If the answer is "because that's just the way it is", that's fine -- it's just confusing for a n008.
You suggested the following:
class Monad (t m) => MonadTrans t m where
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a
...but does that really mean what you want? It seems you want to express something like "a type t may be an instance of MonadTrans if, for all m :: * -> * where m is an instance of Monad, t m is also an instance of Monad".
What the class definition above actually says is more like "types t and m may constitute an instance of MonadTrans if, for those specific types, t m is an instance of Monad". Consider carefully the difference, and the implied potential for instances that may not be what you'd want.
In the general case, every parameter of a type class is an independent "argument", a fact which has been a bountiful source of both headaches and GHC extensions as people have attempted to use MPTCs.
Which isn't to say that such a definition couldn't be used anyway--as you point out, the current definition is not ideal either. The age-old problem "Why Data.Set Is Not a Functor" is related, and such issues helped motivate the recent ConstraintKinds tomfoolery.
The ultimate answer to "why not" here is almost certainly the one given by Daniel Fischer in the comments--because MonadTrans is pretty core functionality, it would be undesirable to make it depend on some terrifying cascade of increasingly arcane GHC extensions.

Linking/Combining Type Classes in Haskell

Say I have two type classes defined as follows that are identical in function but different in names:
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
return :: a -> m a
class PhantomMonad p where
pbind :: p a -> (a -> p b) -> p b
preturn :: a -> p a
Is there a way to tie these two classes together so something that is an instance of PhantomMonad will automatically be an instance of Monad, or will instances for each class have to be explicitly written? Any insight would be most appreciated, thanks!
Good answer: No, what you're hoping to do isn't really viable. You can write an instance that looks like it does what you want, possibly needing some GHC extensions in the process, but it won't work the way you you'd like it to.
Unwise answer: You can probably accomplish what you want using scary type-level metaprogramming, but it may get complicated. This really isn't recommended unless you absolutely need this to work for some reason.
Officially instances can't really depend on other instances, because GHC only looks at the "instance head" when making decisions, and class constraints are in the "context". To make something like a "type class synonym" here, you'd have to write what looks like an instance of Monad for all possible types, which obviously doesn't make sense. You'll be overlapping with other instances of Monad, which has its own problems.
On top of all that, I don't think such an instance will satisfy the termination check requirements for instance resolution, so you'd also need the UndecidableInstances extension, which means the ability to write instances that will send GHC's type checker into an infinite loop.
If you really want to go down that rabbit hole, browse around on Oleg Kiselyov's website a bit; he's sort of the patron saint of type-level metaprogramming in Haskell.
It's fun stuff, to be sure, but if you just want to write code and have it work, probably not worth the pain.
Edit: Okay, in hindsight I've overstated the issue here. Something like PhantomMonad works fine as a one-off and should do what you want, given the Overlapping- and UndecidableInstances GHC extensions. The complicated stuff starts up when you want to do anything much more complicated than what's in the question. My sincere thanks to Norman Ramsey for calling me on it--I really should have known better.
I still don't really recommend doing this sort of thing without good reason, but it's not as bad as I made it sound. Mea culpa.
That's an unusual design. Can you not just remove the PhantomMonad, since it is isomorphic to the other class.
Is there a way to tie these two classes together so something that is an instance of PhantomMonad will automatically be an instance of Monad?
Yes, but it requires the slightly alarming language extensions FlexibleInstances and UndecidableInstances:
instance (PhantomMonad m) => Monad m where
return = preturn
(>>=) = pbind
FlexibleInstances is not so bad, but the risk of undecidability is slightly more alarming. The issue is that in the inference rule, nothing is getting smaller, so if you combine this instance declaration with another similar one (like say the reverse direction), you could easily get the type checker to loop forever.
I'm generally comfortable using FlexibleInstances, but I tend to avoid UndecidableInstances without a very good reason. Here I agree with Don Stewart's suggestion that you'd be better off using Monad to begin with. But your question is more in the nature of a thought experiment, the answer is that you can do what you want without getting into an Oleg level of scariness.
Another solution is to use newtype. This isn't exactly what you want, but is often used in such cases.
This allows linking different ways of specifying the same structure. For example, ArrowApply (from Control.Arrow) and Monad are equivalent. You can use Kleisli to make an ArrowApply out of a monad, and ArrowMonad to make a monad out of ArrowApply.
Also, one-way wrappers are possible: WrapMonad (in Control.Applicative) forms an applicative out of a monad.
class PhantomMonad p where
pbind :: p a -> (a -> p b) -> p b
preturn :: a -> p a
newtype WrapPhantom m a = WrapPhantom { unWrapPhantom :: m a }
newtype WrapReal m a = WrapReal { unWrapReal :: m a }
instance Monad m => PhantomMonad (WrapPhantom m) where
pbind (WrapPhantom x) f = WrapPhantom (x >>= (unWrapPhantom . f))
preturn = WrapPhantom . return
instance PhantomMonad m => Monad (WrapReal m) where
WrapReal x >>= f = WrapReal (x `pbind` (unWrapReal . f))
return = WrapReal . preturn
Though this doesn't really make sense, try
instance Monad m => PhantomMonad m where
pbind = (>>=)
preturn = return
(maybe with some compiler warnings deactivated).
