Assigning a Method in WSGI/Python - wsgi

Hi I'm going through a Werkzeug tutorial and I'm a little confused about the statement: app.wsgi_app = SharedDataMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, {
'/static': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
Contained inside:
class Shortly(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.redis = redis.Redis(config['redis_host'], config['redis_port'])
def dispatch_request(self, request):
return Response('Hello World!')
def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response):
request = Request(environ)
response = self.dispatch_request(request)
return response(environ, start_response)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)
def create_app(redis_host='localhost', redis_port=6379, with_static=True):
app = Shortly({
'redis_host': redis_host,
'redis_port': redis_port
if with_static:
app.wsgi_app = SharedDataMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, {
'/static': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')
return app
What's going on there? Why is app.wsgi_app being assigned to whatever SharedDataMiddleware is returning? I mean, isn't app.wsgi_app just a method name?
Any insight will be appreciated :) Thanks!

TL;DR In this example an extra functionality is added to the Shortly app by wrapping its entry point with a SharedDataMiddleware object.
Long explanation
app.wsgi_app is not a method name. It's rather a reference to the method. And since Python is pretty dynamic language, one can replace any object's methods after this object was created.
Let's consider a simple example:
class App:
def run(self, param):
app = App()'foo') # prints 'foo'
original_run = # save a reference to the original run method
def run_ex(param):
print('run_ex') # add our extra functionality
original_run(param) # call the original one = run_ex'foo') # prints 'run_ex' and then 'foo'
So, in such way one can easy replace app's method run with a regular function.
Now, let's go back to Werkzeug. As you know from the WSGI specification, an application must be a callable with a specific signature. And Shortly's wsgi_app method is the desired callable. However, somebody wants to add an extra functionality to the Shortly app via SharedDataMiddleware middleware. If you look closer to it, you'll see, that it's a regular class with a __call__ method. Hence, all objects of SharedDataMiddleware class can be called.
middleware = SharedDataMiddleware(...) # create an object
middleware(...) # call the object. It can be slightly confusing at a first glance
So, for now you can see that any objects of SharedDataMiddleware is a WSGI applications by itself. And since you already know how to replace app's main method wsgi_app, the only one thing you have to do - is to store a reference to the original method Shortly.wsgi_app to be able to call it later. It's done by passing it to the SharedDataMiddleware constructor.


How to log the return value of a POST method after returning the response?

I'm working on my first ever REST API, so apologies in advance if I've missed something basic. I have a function that takes a JSON request from another server, processes it (makes a prediction based on the data), and returns another JSON with the results. I'd like to keep a log on the server's local disk of all requests to this endpoint along with their results, for evaluation purposes and for retraining the model. However, for the purposes of minimising the latency of returning the result to the user, I'd like to return the response data first, and then write it to the local disk. It's not obvious to me how to do this properly, as the FastAPI paradigm necessitates that the result of a POST method is the return value of the decorated function, so anything I want to do with the data has to be done before it is returned.
Below is a minimal working example of what I think is my closest attempt at getting it right so far, using a custom object with a log decorator - my idea was just to assign the result to the log object as a class attribute, then use another method to write it to disk, but I can't figure out how to make sure that that function gets called after get_data every time.
import json
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from functools import wraps
from pydantic import BaseModel
class Blob(BaseModel):
id: int
x: float
def crunch_numbers(data: Blob) -> dict:
# does some stuff
return {'foo': 'bar'}
class PostResponseLogger:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.post_result = None
def log(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
def func_to_log(*args, **kwargs):
post_result = func(*args, **kwargs)
self.post_result = post_result
# how can this be done outside of this function ???
return post_result
return func_to_log
def write_data(self):
if self.post_result:
with open('output.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.post_result, f)
def main():
app = FastAPI()
logger = PostResponseLogger()'/get_data/')
def get_data(input_json: dict, request: Request):
result = crunch_numbers(input_json)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
Basically, my question boils down to: "is there a way, in the PostResponseLogger class, to automatically call self.write_data after every call to self.log?", but if I'm using the wrong approach altogether, any other suggestions are also welcome.
You could have a Background Task for that purpose. A background task "will run only once the response has been sent" (see Starlette documentation). "This is useful for operations that need to happen after a request, but that the client doesn't really have to be waiting for the operation to complete before receiving the response" (see FastAPI documentation).
You can define a task function to run in the background for writing the log data, as shown below:
def write_log_data():
Then, import BackgroundTasks and define a parameter in your endpoint with a type declaration of BackgroundTasks. Inside of your endpoint, pass your task function (i.e., write_log_data, as defined above) to the background_tasks object with the method .add_task():
from fastapi import BackgroundTasks'/get_data/')
def get_data(input_json: dict, request: Request, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
result = crunch_numbers(input_json)
return result
The same principle could be applied if a middleware was used to capture and log the response data, as described in this answer, or a custom APIRoute class, as demonstrated in this answer.
For future reference, if you (or anyone) ever need to use async/await syntax, and run into concurrency issues (such as the event loop getting blocked) while performing some heavy background computation, please have a look at this answer, which explains the difference between defining an endpoint or a background task function with async def and def (briefly, async def endpoints/background tasks will run in the event loop, whereas def functions will run in an external threadpool that is then awaited), as well as provides solutions when it comes to running blocking I/O-bound or CPU-bound operations in such functions.

Using singledispatch with custom class(CPython 3.8.2)

Let's say I want to set functions for each classes in module Named 'MacroMethods'. So I've set up singledispatch after seeing it in 'Fluent Python' like this:
def addMethod(self, obj):
print(f'Wrong Object {str(obj)} supplied.')
return obj
def _(self, obj):
print('adding object wait')
obj.delay = self.waitSpin.value
obj.onFail = None
obj.onSuccess = None
return obj
Desired behavior is - when instance of class 'MacroMethods.Wait' is given as argument, singledispatch runs registered function with that class type.
Instead, it runs default function rather than registered one.
>>> Wrong Object <MacroMethods.Wait object at 0x0936D1A8> supplied.
However, type() clearly shows instance is class 'MacroMethods.Wait', and dict_keys property also contains it.
>>> dict_keys([<class 'object'>, ..., <class 'MacroMethods.Wait'>])
I suspect all custom classes I made count as 'object' type and don't run desired functions in result.
Any way to solve this problem? Entire codes are here.
I've managed to mimic singledispatch's actions as following:
from functools import wraps
def state_deco(func_main):
Decorator that mimics singledispatch for ease of interaction expansions.
# assuming no args are needed for interaction functions.
func_main.dispatch_list = {} # collect decorated functions
def wrapper(target):
# dispatch target to destination interaction function.
nonlocal func_main
# find and run callable for target
return func_main.dispatch_list[type(target)]()
except KeyError:
# If no matching case found, main decorated function will run instead.
def register(target):
# A decorator that register decorated function to main decorated function.
def decorate(func_sub):
nonlocal func_main
func_main.dispatch_list[target] = func_sub
def register_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func_sub(*args, **kwargs)
return register_wrapper
return decorate
wrapper.register = register
return wrapper
Used like:
def general():
return "A's reaction to undefined others."
def _():
return "A's reaction of another A"
def _():
return "A's reaction of B"
But still it's not singledispatch, so I find this might be inappropriate to post this as answer.
I wanted to do similar and had the same trouble. Looks like we have bumped into a python bug. Found a write-up that describes this situation.
Here is the link to the Python Bug Tracker.
Python 3.7 breaks on singledispatch_function.register(pseudo_type), which Python 3.6 accepted

Using LogRecordFactory in python to add custom fields for logging

I am trying to add a custom field in my logging using LogRecordFactory. I am repeatedly calling a class and every time I do that, I want to set the custom_attribute in the init module so the remainder of the code within the class will have this attribute. But I cannot get this to work. I found the following which works, but its static.
import logging
old_factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory()
def record_factory(*args, **kwargs):
record = old_factory(*args, **kwargs)
record.custom_attribute = "whatever"
return record
logging.basicConfig(format="%(custom_attribute)s - %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger()
This will output correctly:
whatever - test
However, my use case is that the custom_attribute will vary. Every time I call a specific function, I want to change this. So it seems like record_factory needs another parameter passed to it so it can then return the correct record with the new parameter. But I cant figure it out. I have tried adding a parameter to the function, but when I make the call I get:
TypeError: __init__() missing 7 required positional arguments: 'name', 'level', 'pathname', 'lineno', 'msg', 'args', and 'exc_info'
I think this has something to do with the *args and **kwargs but I don't really know. Also, why are there no parenthesis after record_factory when its called by logging.setLogRecordFactory? I have never seen a function work like this.
You can try to use closure:
import logging
old_factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory()
def record_factory_factory(context_id):
def record_factory(*args, **kwargs):
record = old_factory(*args, **kwargs)
record.custom_attribute = context_id
return record
return record_factory
logging.basicConfig(format="%(custom_attribute)s - %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger = logging.getLogger()
$ python3
whatever - test
whatever2 - test
I stumbled upon this question while I was trying to do something similar. This is how I solved it, assuming that you want to add something called xyz to every log line (further explanation below):
import logging
import threading
thread_local = threading.local()
def add_xyz_to_logrecords(xyz):
factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory()
if isinstance(factory, XYZLogFactory):
logging.setLogRecordFactory(XYZLogFactory(factory, xyz))
class XYZLogFactory():
def __init__(self, original_factory, xyz):
self.original_factory = original_factory = xyz
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
record = self.original_factory(*args, **kwargs)
try: =
except AttributeError:
return record
def set_xyz(self, xyz): = xyz
Here I've created a callable class XYZLogFactory, that remembers what the current value of xyz is, and also remembers what the original LogRecordFactory was. When called as a function, it creates a record using the original LogRecordFactory, and adds an xyz attribute with the current value.
The thread_local is to make it thread-safe, but for an easier version, you could just use an attribute on the XYZLogFactory:
class XYZLogFactory():
def __init__(self, original_factory, xyz):
self.original_factory = original_factory = xyz
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
record = self.original_factory(*args, **kwargs) =
return record
def set_xyz(self, xyz): = xyz
In my very first attempt (not shown here), I did not store the original factory, but stored it implicitly in the new LogRecordFactury using a closure. However, after a while that led to a RecursionError, because it kept calling the previous factory, which called the previous factory, etc.
Regarding your last question: there are no parentheses because the function is not called here. Instead it's passed to the logging.setLogRecordFactory, which saves it in a variable somewhere, and then calls that someplace else. If you want more information you can google something like 'functions as first class citizens'.
Easy example:
x = str # Assign to x the function that gives string representation of object
x(1) # outputs the string representation of 1, same as if you'd called str(1)
> '1'

Python - Wrapping object with a class and preserving its methods

I have a scenario where I can accept different objects (classes or functions) and I wrap them with a class to enhance their capabilities and I want to still be able to access their native methods (that I didn't write).
With the __call__ function, I can easily pass the arguments to the native __call__ function, but how can I still route the functions I don't know beforehand to their native functions?
For example:
import modules.i.didnt.write as some_classes
import modules.i.didnt.write2 as some_functions
class Wrapper:
def __init__(self, module, attr_name):
self.obj = getattr(module, attr_name)
self.extra_args = ....
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.obj(*args, **kwargs)
def added_functionality(self, ...):
wrapped_class = Wrapper(some_classes, 'class_a')
wrapped_function = Wrapper(some_functions, 'func_a')
wrapped_class(a=1, b=2)
wrapped_function(a=10, b=20)
wrapped_class.native_method(c=10) # <--------------
In this example, the last one will fail, because native_method does not exist in the Wrapper class, but it exists in the class_a original structure.
How can I support the native functionality while adding my own?
Am I taking the wrong approach? Is there a better way to do it? Is it even possible?

Show docstrings on every function call

Let's say I have a code like this:
class NewTestCase(unittest.TestCase, CommonMethods):
def setUp(self):
def test_01_sample test(self):
"""Testing something"""
assert ...
class CommonMethods():
def create_account(self, account):
"""Creating account"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(verbosity=2, warnings='ignore')
I want to show the docstrings of all methods defined / created by me ('Testing something' and 'Creating account'), but the execution shows 'Testing something' only. Any tip?
Maybe there is an option for that in the unittest module, but I doubt it; otherwise, how would that module distinguish between your methods and functions and all sorts of library functions?
What you could do is to use another function to modify the existing functions to print their Docstring and/or other useful information whenever they are called. You could make this a decorator, or just call the function manually before running the tests.
This one should 'verbosify' all the methods of a given class (only slightly tested!), and you could make similar ones for individual functions or entire modules.
def verbosify(clazz):
for name in dir(clazz):
attr = getattr(clazz, name)
if not name.startswith("__") and callable(attr):
def attr_verbose(*args, **kwargs):
print("Calling", name, args, kwargs)
return attr(*args, **kwargs)
setattr(clazz, name, attr_verbose)
Just call verbosify(CommonMethods) in your main block.
