How can I find files of multiple types using an or statement? - linux

I can't seem to find this on StackOverflow by searching. How can I find all files of type .html and .py?
I'm trying find ./ -name *.py or *.html -type f
But this is returning find: or: unknown primary or operator

$ find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp'.
or find . -type f \( -name "*.class" -o -name "*.sh" \)


Exclude list of file extensions from find in bash shell

I want to write a cleanup routine for my make file that removes every thing except the necessary source files in my folder. For example, my folder contains files with the following extensions: .f .f90 .F90 .F03 .o .h .out .dat .txt .hdf .gif.
I know I can accomplish this with:
find . -name \( '*.o' '*.out' '*.dat' '*.txt' '*.hdf' '*.gif' \) -delete
Using negation, I can do this:
find . -not -name '*.f*' -not -name '*.F*' -not -name '*.h' -delete
But, when I try to do this:
find . -not -name \( '*.f*' '*.F*' '*.h' \)
I get an error:
find: paths must exceed expression: [first expression in the above list]
(In this case, I would get:
find: paths must exceed expression: *.f*
Can you explain why this happens, and how to do what I am trying to do? I just hate writing -not -name every time I want to add a file extension to the list. Also, I want to find out why this is giving me an error so that I can learn Linux better.
find . -not -name \( '*.f' '*.F' '*.h' \)
is interpreted as
. # path to search
-not # negate next expression
-name \( # expression for files named "("
'*.f' '*.F' .'*.h' \) # more paths to search?
leading to the error.
Since these are single-letter extensions, you can collapse them to a single glob:
find . -not -name '*.[fFh]'
but if they are longer, you have to write out the globs
find . -not -name '*.f' -not -name '*.F' -not -name '*.h'
find . -not \( -name '*.f' -o -name '*.F' -o -name '*.h' \)
or switch to using regular expressions.
find . -not -regex '.*\.(f|F|h)$'
Note that regular expressions in find is not part of the POSIX standard and might not be available in all implementations.

How to remove files without certain extension?

How to remove all files without the .txt and .exe extensions recursively in the current working directory? I need a one-liner.
I tried:
find . ! -name "*.txt" "*.exe" -exec rm -r {} \
find -type f -regextype posix-extended -iregex '.*\.(txt|exe)$'
Try this.
find . -type f ! -name "*.exe" ! -name "*.txt" -exec rm {} \;
The above command will remove all the files other than the .exe and .txt extension files in the current directory and sub directory recursively.
If you have GNU find with the -delete action:
find . -type f ! \( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.exe' \) -delete
And if not:
find . -type f ! \( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.exe' \) -exec rm -f {} +
using -exec ... {} + to execute rm as few times as possible, with the arguments chained.
Try the following:
rm -f $(find . -type f ! \( -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.exe" \))
This will first recursively find all files that do not end with .txt or .exe extensions, and then delete all of these files.

How to recursively delete multiple files with different extensions?

I am trying to write a command to remove recursively several files with different extensions (*.extension1, *.extension2 etc) from the current directory and all its related sub-directories.
So far I got this command from another post but I couldn't workout how to adapt it to more than one file in the same command line:
find . -name "*.extension1" -type f -delete
Is it as simple as below?
find . -name "*.extension1";"*.extension2" -type f -delete
Just as a side note, these are all output files that I do not need, but not all are necessarily always output so some of the extensions might not be present. This is just as a general clean-up command.
find . \( -name "*.extension1" -o -name "*.extension2" \) -type f -delete
find Documents ( -name ".py" -o -name ".html" ) -exec file {} \;
find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex ".*\.(extension1|extension2)$" -type f -delete
Just add more options. A regex solution can also apply but this one's better and safer.
find . \( -name '*.ext1' -or -name '*.ext2' \) -type f -delete
Edit: You probably need -or as well. Before deleting, test it first without the -delete option. (2) Added a pair of () as suggested by gniourf_gniourf.
Maybe regexp will help you
find . -regextype posix-awk -regex "(.*.ext1|.*.ext2)" -type f -delete
Another solution using rm:
rm -rf ./**/*.{txt,nfo,jpg,jpeg,png,exe,url}
If you want to delete other files too for e.g. those starting with sample. just add that too:
rm -rf ./**/*.{txt,nfo,jpg,jpeg,png,exe,url} ./**/*/sample.*
This simple command will delete all the files with extension1 and extension2 recursively in that directory.
rm find . -name *.extension1 -o -name *.extentions2

find command how to combine OR and AND

I would like to find all php and js files inside a directory and exclude one of sub directory.
I may have to exclude more than one sub directory in the future.
I tried :
find /home/jul/here -type f -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.js" ! -path "/home/jul/here/exclude/*"
Problem is that it is excluding only js file from /home/jul/here/exclude.
Is there a way to put some kind of parentheses?
find (something OR something else) AND exclude THIS
find /home/jul/here -type f \( -iname "*.php" -o -iname "*.js" \) ! -path "/home/jul/here/exclude/*"
You need to add the exclusion pattern after each group of files. So something like this should work:
find /home/jul/here -type f -iname "*.php" ! -path "/home/jul/here/exclude/*" -o -iname "*.js" ! -path "/home/jul/here/exclude/*"
Or maybe better with a variable:
find /home/jul/here -type f -iname "*.php" ! -path "$EXCLUDE/*" -o -iname "*.js" ! -path "$EXCLUDE/*"

find command search only non hidden directories

In the following command i want to search only only the directories which are non hidden how can i do this using the following command .Iwant to ignore hidden directories while searching the log file
find /home/tom/project/ -name '.log.txt'
ls /home/tom/project/
find /home/tom/project -type d -name '.*' -prune -o -name .log.txt -print
This will find all files but ignore those that start with a dot so hidden files.
find /home/tom/project/ -type f \( -iname ".log.txt" ! -iname ".*" \)
If the above those not work, this should do the trick. It has a better regex.
find /home/tom/project/ \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f -name ".log.txt"
The following will exclude hidden folders but will search for the hidden files that have the requested pattern:
find /home/tom/project/ \( ! -regex '.*/\..*/..*' \) -type f -name ".log.txt"
The grep solution :) if this doesn't work i'm lost :)
find /home/tom/project/ \( ! -regex '.*/\..*/..*' \) -exec grep -l ".log.txt" {} \;
Have you tried the simple solutions?
find /home/tom/project/ -type f -name ".log.txt"
find /home/tom/project/ -type f -name "*" -exec grep -l ".log.txt" {} \;
