Use gulp to copy part of a text/html file? - node.js

I'm looking for something like gulp-html-replace but instead of replacing what's in between the
Will be useful for modifying html documents.

I think you're asking the wrong question. If you have a consistent part (content) present in multiple html documents, you should be using a server side language to generate the html pages. That way you can create partials and modularize them to be included in multiple pages so when you change it once the change can be reflected.
If this is somehow not an option (for whatever reason) you should consider looking at something like handlebars
Also if the content is fairly static, most modern editors will allow you to search / replace in multiple files, there should be no reason to use gulp for what you are describing.
That being said try gulp-inject


Node.js & Express: template engine for plain html code

Using Node.js and express in a MEAN environment, I am looking for a simple and straightforward template engine, meeting these requirements:
does not dictate me to only use its own weird syntax but allows me to keep writing webpages using pure/plain html and js
supports conditional includes
works with express
operates on server-side (Node.js/Express)
executes freakin' fast ;)
Basically I just want to slice my webpage into several modules (e. g. header, footer, ...) and include those now and then based on simple conditions. I don't want to entirely (re-)rebuild all webpages using a proprietary template language but rather prepare a few html modules that I concatenate at runtime (comparable to PHP where I just use the include instruction to paste prepared html code).
I had a look at and but the sites seem outdated and according to them, there ain't no template engine available fully meeting my requirements!?
Suggestions anyone?
I think ejs is more natural for what you are looking for, but jade can work also. The example in the link uses partials, which you dont need to use if ur just rendering a single page

Automatic cache-busting for static builds that works well with npm run?

I use npm as my build tool, by populating the scripts field with various commands for the tasks I need. I’m satisfied with the setup, except for one small detail: when building for production, I’d like for references to CSS files in <link> tags and references to JS files in <script> tags to be updated for cache busting (i.e. to be modified by appending ?random_string to the file names, or similar).
I’m using jade, in case there’s a way to do it that way that I missed.
I don’t mind if the solution busts every file, even if they weren’t changed since the last build. What I care is that it does not require me to add complex code to the website itself (like a function with this as its sole purpose); it should preferably be an external command.
So far, I haven’t been able to find an acceptable solution. I’m almost about to resort to a regex, but would really rather have a more robust solution.
Since Jade allows executing any piece of Javascript code you can append a datestring at the end of your URL as a query string which is the standard way of invalidating cached scripts:

ExpressionEngine file manager - default to thumbnail view

At the moment when you go to select an image inside an entry using the EE default file manager, the default view is 'show files as a list'.
Is there a way to show the thumbnail view as the default?
At this point I would be happy with a core hack.
I don't usually use the file manager for sites (much prefer Assets) but this client had a tight budget
I've wondered about doing this in the past as well - turns out it's pretty simple. Open up ee_filebrowser.js and search for the first instance of a("#dir_choice").val(). Immediately after that add this:
; a("#view_type").val('thumb').change();
Make sure you include the leading ;.
I've only tested this in Safari but I can't see why it wouldn't work everywhere. Incidentally, JS beautifier makes this sort of thing infinitely easier.
I don't recommend hacking core for any reason and I suggest it should be avoided at all cost.
With that said, I will provide what I've found out just the same.
Looks like the following files, in EE 2.5.3, are what you'd want to edit:
I found these doing a file search in my text editor for view_type which was from the id of that dropdown. The javascript is minified so you'd probably want to un-minify it and then rewrite the part which handles the switch. I'm not the best JS/jQuery person out there, and un-minified js makes it a bit harder too so, I won't offer any more than what I've found so far.
Consider pulling out the parts parts from the two files if you aren't great with js and maybe start a new post tagged accordingly.
Also note: there might be more to this than just those two files so consider this answer a start and nothing more.

GitHub Markdown NodeJS (`ghm`)

I am using Works but when I delimit code like:
some code here ...
Theres no syntax hilighting, do I need to include something? Like CSS or something? I could use another library of course, but that will defeat the purpose of the ```javascript part?
It certainly looks like the pygments.css file in the distribution under shared/css/ is necessary for syntax highlighting to be displayed. Assuming you're serving the results to a browser, you should probably be serving all of shared as static files.

Equivalent of ModX chunks

I'm looking for the equivalent of ModX's chunks in CMSMS. I've found Global Content but this doesn't appear to be what I want.
I want to be able to define some HTML, have it completely hidden from the end user editors that will be using the CMS to edit the site, and insert it into various templates like you can do with ModX's chunks.
You are looking for User Defined Tags.
They are PHP code blocks that you can use in your templates/global content blocks/content pages.
