Cassandra CQL where clause with multiple collection values? - cassandra

My data model:-
tid | codes | raw | type
a64fdd60-1bc4-11e5-9b30-3dca08b6a366 | {12, 34, 53} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
type TEXT,
codes SET<INT>,
raw TEXT,
CREATE INDEX ON myTable (codes);
How to query the table to return rows based on multiple set values.
This works:-
select * from logData where codes contains 34;
But i want to get row based on multiple set values and none of this works:-
select * from logData where codes contains 34, 12; or
select * from logData where codes contains 34 and 12; or
select * from logData where codes contains {34, 12};
Kindly assit.

If I create your table structure and insert a similar row to yours above, I can check for multiple values in the codes collection like this:
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow2> SELECT * FROM mytable
tid | codes | raw | type
2569f270-1c06-11e5-92f0-21b264d4c94d | {12, 34, 53} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
(1 rows)
Now as others have mentioned, let me also tell you why this is a terrible idea...
With a secondary index on the collection (and with the cardinality appearing to be fairly high) every node will have to be checked for each query. The idea with Cassandra, is to query by partition key as often as possible, that way you only have to hit one node per query. Apple's Richard Low wrote a great article called The sweet spot for Cassandra secondary indexes. It should make you re-think the way you use secondary indexes.
Secondly, the only way I could get Cassandra to accept this query, was to use ALLOW FILTERING. What this means, is that the only way Cassandra can apply all of your fitlering criteria (WHERE clause) is to pull back every row and individually filter-out the rows that do not meet your criteria. Horribly inefficient. To be clear, the ALLOW FILTERING directive is something that you should never use.
In any case, if codes are something that you will need to query by, then you should design an additional query table with codes as a part of the PRIMARY KEY.

The data model you are using is highly inefficient. Sets are meant to be used to get a set of data for a given primary key and not the other way round. If that is what is needed, you will have to rethink the model itself.
I would suggest creating different columns for each value you are using in a set and then using those columns as a composite primary key.

Are you really looking to get ALL log entries based on just codes? That could be quite a large dataset. Realistically, wouldn't you be looking at specific dates / date ranges? I'd key on that, and then use codes for filtering, or even filter on codes entirely on the client side.
If you have many codes, and you index on the sets, it might result in very high cardinality of the index, which would cause you issues. Whether you have your own lookup table, or use an index, remember that you essentially have a "table" where the pk is the value, and there are rows for that value for every "row" that matches the value. If that looks unacceptably large, then that's exactly what it is.
I'd recommend revisiting the requirement - you really need all log entries EVER that match a certain code combination?
If you really do need to analyse the whole lot, then I'd recommend using Spark to run the job. You could then run a Spark job, and each node would deal with data on the same node; this will significantly reduce the impact compared to doing full table processing entirely in the application.

I know it's late. IMO the model with few minor changes would be sufficient to achieve what is expected. What one can do is to have as many rows as members of the power set of the set being queried.
CREATE TABLE data_points_ks.mytable (
codes frozen<set<int>>,
tid timeuuid,
raw text,
type text,
PRIMARY KEY (codes, tid)
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {12}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {34}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {12, 34}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {53}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {12, 53}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {34, 53}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
INSERT INTO mytable (tid, codes, raw, type) VALUES (now(), {12, 34, 53}, '{sdafb=safd}', 'cmd');
tid | codes | raw | type
8ae81763-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {34, 53} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
8746adb3-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {12, 53} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
fea77062-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {34} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
70ebb790-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {12, 34} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
6c39c843-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {12} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
65a954f3-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | null | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
03c60433-1143-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {53} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
82f68d70-1142-11e8-846c-cd9226c29754 | {12, 34, 53} | {sdafb=safd} | cmd
Then the following queries are sufficient and do not need any filtering.
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE codes = {12, 34};
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE codes = {34};


Cassandra find records where list is empty [duplicate]

How do I query in cassandra for != null columns.
Select * from tableA where id != null;
Select * from tableA where name != null;
Then I wanted to store these values and insert these into different table.
I don't think this is possible with Cassandra. First of all, Cassandra CQL doesn't support the use of NOT or not equal to operators in the WHERE clause. Secondly, your WHERE clause can only contain primary key columns, and primary key columns will not allow null values to be inserted. I wasn't sure about secondary indexes though, so I ran this quick test:
create table nullTest (id text PRIMARY KEY, name text);
INSERT INTO nullTest (id,name) VALUES ('1','bob');
INSERT INTO nullTest (id,name) VALUES ('2',null);
I now have a table and two rows (one with null data):
SELECT * FROM nullTest;
id | name
2 | null
1 | bob
(2 rows)
I then try to create a secondary index on name, which I know contains null values.
CREATE INDEX nullTestIdx ON nullTest(name);
It lets me do it. Now, I'll run a query on that index.
SELECT * FROM nullTest WHERE name=null;
Bad Request: Unsupported null value for indexed column name
And again, this is done under the premise that you can't query for not null, if you can't even query for column values that may actually be null.
So, I'm thinking this can't be done. Also, if null values are a possibility in your primary key, then you may want to re-evaluate your data model. Again, I know the OP's question is about querying where data is not null. But as I mentioned before, Cassandra CQL doesn't have a NOT or != operator, so that's going to be a problem right there.
Another option, is to insert an empty string instead of a null. You would then be able to query on an empty string. But that still doesn't get you past the fundamental design flaw of having a null in a primary key field. Perhaps if you had a composite primary key, and only part of it (the clustering columns) had the possibility of being empty (certainly not part of the partitioning key). But you'd still be stuck with the problem of not being able to query for rows that are "not empty" (instead of not null).
NOTE: Inserting null values was done here for demonstration purposes only. It is something you should do your best to avoid, as inserting a null column value WILL create a tombstone. Likewise, inserting lots of null values will create lots of tombstones.
1) select * from test;
name | id | address
bangalore | 3 | ramyam_lab
bangalore | 4 | bangalore_ramyam
bangalore | 5 | jasgdjgkj
prasad | 11 | null
prasad | 12 | null
india | 6 | karnata
india | 7 | karnata
ramyam-bangalore | 3 | jasgdjgkj
ramyam-bangalore | 5 | jasgdjgkj
2)cassandra does't support null values selection.It is showing null for our understanding.
3) For handling null values use another strings like "not-available","null",then we can select data

Cassandra CLUSTERING ORDER BY is not working and showing in correct results

Hi I have created a table for storing data of like this
CREATE TABLE keyspace.test (
name text,
date text,
time double,
entry text,
details text,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, date), time)
And inserted data into the table.But a query like this gives an unordered result.
SELECT * FROM keyspace.test where device_id name ='anand' and date in ('2017-04-01','2017-04-02','2017-04-03','2017-04-05') ;
Is there any problem with my table design.
I think you are misunderstanding cassandra clustering key order. Cassandra Sort data with cluster key within a single partition.
That is for your case cassandra sort data with clustering key time within a single name and date.
Example : Let's insert some data
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-01', 1, 'a');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-01', 2, 'b');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-01', 3, 'c');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-02', 0, 'nil');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-02', 4, 'd');
If we select data with your query :
SELECT * FROM test where name ='anand' and date in ('2017-04-01','2017-04-02','2017-04-03','2017-04-05') ;
Output :
name | date | time | details | entry
anand | 2017-04-01 | 3 | null | c
anand | 2017-04-01 | 2 | null | b
anand | 2017-04-01 | 1 | null | a
anand | 2017-04-02 | 4 | null | d
anand | 2017-04-02 | 0 | null | nil
You can see that time 3,2,1 are within a single partition anand:2017-04-01 are sorted in desc And time 4,0 are within single partition anand:2017-04-02 are sorted in desc. Cassandra will not take care of sorting between different partition.
Here is the doc :
In the table definition, a clustering column is a column that is part of the compound primary key definition, but not the first column, which is the position reserved for the partition key. Columns are clustered in multiple rows within a single partition. The clustering order is determined by the position of columns in the compound primary key definition.
Source :
By the way why is your data field is text type and time field is double type ?
You can use date field as date type and time as timestamp type.
The query that you are using is o.k. but it probably doesn't behave as you are expecting it to because coordinator will not sort the results based on partitions. I also run into this problem couple of times.
The solution to it is very simple, basically It's far better to execute the 4 separate queries that you need on the client and then merge the results there. In short IN operator puts a lot of pressure to the coordinator node in the cluster, there's a nice read on this subject:

Duplicate rows/columns for the same primary key in Cassandra

I have a table/columnfamily in Cassandra 3.7 with sensordata.
CREATE TABLE test.sensor_data (
house_id int,
sensor_id int,
time_bucket int,
sensor_time timestamp,
sensor_reading map<int, float>,
PRIMARY KEY ((house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket), sensor_time)
Now when I select from this table I find duplicates for the same primary key, something I thought was impossible.
cqlsh:test> select * from sensor_data;
house_id | sensor_id | time_bucket | sensor_time | sensor_reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 2016-01-02 03:04:05.000000+0000 | {1: 101}
1 | 2 | 3 | 2016-01-02 03:04:05.000000+0000 | {1: 101}
I think part of the problem is that this data has both been written "live" using java and Datastax java driver, and it has been loaded together with historic data from another source using sstableloader.
Regardless, this shouldn't be possible.
I have no way of connecting with the legacy cassandra-cli to this cluster, perhaps that would have told me something that I can't see using cqlsh.
So, the questions are:
* Is there anyway this could happen under known circumstances?
* Can I read more raw data using cqlsh? Specifically write time of these two rows. the writetime()-function can't operate on primary keys or collections, and that is all I have.
This is what I've tried, from comments, answers and other sources
* selecting using blobAsBigInt gives the same big integer for all identical rows
* connecting using cassandra-cli, after enabling thrift, is possible but reading the table isn't. It's not supported after 3.x
* dumping out using sstabledump is ongoing but expected to take another week or two ;)
I don't expect to see nanoseconds in a timestamp field and additionally i'm of the impression they're fully not supported? Try this:
SELECT house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket, blobAsBigint(sensor_time) FROM test.sensor_data;
I WAS able to replicate it doing by inserting the rows via an integer:
INSERT INTO sensor_data(house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket, sensor_time) VALUES (1,2,4,1451692800000);
INSERT INTO sensor_data(house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket, sensor_time) VALUES (1,2,4,1451692800001);
This makes sense because I would suspect one of your drivers is using a bigint to insert the timestamp, and one is likely actually using the datetime.
Tried playing with both timezones and bigints to reproduce this... seems like only bigint is reproducable
house_id | sensor_id | time_bucket | sensor_time | sensor_reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 2016-01-02 00:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-01 23:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-02 00:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-02 00:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-02 01:01:00+0000 | null
edit: Tried some shenanigans using bigint in place of datetime insert, managed to reproduce...
Adding some observations on top of what Nick mentioned,
Cassandra Primary key = one or combination of {Partition key(s) + Clustering key(s)}
Keeping in mind the concepts of partition keys used within angular brackets which can be simple (one key) or composite (multiple keys) for unique identification and clustering keys to sort data, the below have been observed.
Query using select: sufficient to query using all the partition key(s) provided, additionally can query using clustering key(s) but in the same order in which they have been mentioned in primary key during table creation.
Update using set or update: the update statement needs to have search/condition clauses which not only include all the partition key(s) but also all the clustering key(s)
Answering the question - Is there anyway this could happen under known circumstances?
Yes, it is possible when same data is inserted from different sources.
To explain further, incase one tries to insert data from code (API etc) into Cassandra and then tries inserting the same data from DataStax Studio/any tool used to perform direct querying, a duplicate record is inserted.
Incase the same data is being pushed multiple times either from code alone or querying tool alone or from another source used to do the same operation multiple times, the data behaves idempotently and is not inserted again.
The possible explanation could be the way the underlying storage engine computes internal indexes or hashes to identify a row pertaining to set of columns (since column based).
The above information of duplicacy incase same data is pushed from different sources has been observed, tested and validated.
Language used: C#
Framework: .NET Core 3
"sensor_time" is part of the primary key. It is not in "Partition Key", but is "Clustering Column". this is why you get two "rows".
However, in the disk table, both "visual rows" are stored on single Cassandra row. In reality, they are just different columns and CQL just pretend they are two "visual rows".
Clarification - I did not worked with Cassandra for a while so I might not use correct terms. When i say "visual rows", I mean what CQL result shows.
You can create following experiment (please ignore and fix any syntax errors I will do).
This suppose to do table with composite primary key:
"state" is "Partition Key" and
"city" is "Clustering Column".
create table cities(
state int,
city int,
name text,
primary key((state), city)
insert into cities(state, city, name)values(1, 1, 'New York');
insert into cities(state, city, name)values(1, 2, 'Corona');
select * from cities where state = 1;
this will return something like:
1, 1, New York
1, 2, Corona
But on the disk this will be stored on single row like this:
| state | city = 1 | city = 2 |
| +-----------------+-----------------+
| | city | name | city | name |
| 1 | 1 | New York | 2 | Corona |
When you have such composite primary key you can select or delete on it, e.g.
select * from cities where state = 1;
delete from cities where state = 1;
In the question, primary key is defined as:
PRIMARY KEY ((house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket), sensor_time)
this means
"house_id", "sensor_id", "time_bucket" is "Partition Key" and
"sensor_time" is the "Clustering Column".
So when you select, the real row is spitted and show as if there are several rows.
The PRIMARY KEY definition is made up of two parts: the Partition Key
and the Clustering Columns. The first part maps to the storage engine
row key, while the second is used to group columns in a row. In the
storage engine the columns are grouped by prefixing their name with
the value of the clustering columns. This is a standard design pattern
when using the Thrift API. But now CQL takes care of transposing the
clustering column values to and from the non key fields in the table.
Then read the explanations in "The Composite Enchilada".

Cassandra compound clustering key and queries with ordering

We use cassandra wide rows heavily to store per user time-series as they are perfect for that use-case. Let's assume we have a table:
create table user_events (
user_id text,
timestmp timestamp,
event text,
primary key((user_id), timestmp));
What if clashes on timestamp may happen (same user can emit two different events with the same timestamp). What is the best way to tweak this schema to resolve that assuming we have an ordering for all events present (have a sequence int for each event).
If I modify schema the following way:
create table user_events (
user_id text,
timestmp timestamp,
seq int,
event text,
primary key((user_id), timestmp, seq));
I won’t be able to do WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY timestmp ASC, seq ASC – cassandra does not allow that.
I won’t be able to do WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY timestmp ASC, seq ASC – cassandra does not allow that.
You might be seeing an error because you are repeating ASC. This should work:
WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY timestmp,seq ASC
Also, as long as you have defined your primary key as PRIMARY KEY((user_id),timestmp,seq)) you don't even need to specify ORDER BY x[,y] ASC. It will cluster the data on disk in that order, and thus return it to you already sorted in that order. ORDER BY should only be necessary when you want to put your results in descending order (or whatever the opposite of how you have it defined is).
What if clashes on timestamp may happen?
I think your extra seq column should be sufficient, depending on how you plan on inserting the data. If you are setting the timestmp from the client, then you should be ok. However, look what happens when I (using your second table) INSERT rows while creating the timestamp two different ways.
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('Mal',dateof(now()),1,'commanding');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('Wash',dateof(now()),1,'piloting');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('River',dateof(now()),1,'freaking out');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('River',dateof(now()),3,'being weird');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('River',dateof(now()),2,'killing reavers');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('River','2015-01-13 13:14-0600',1,'freaking out');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('River','2015-01-13 13:14-0600',3,'being weird');
INSERT INTO user_events(user_id,timestmp,seq,event) VALUES ('River','2015-01-13 13:14-0600',2,'killing reavers');
Querying that data by a user_id of "River" yields:
aploetz#cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT * FROM user_events WHERE user_id='River';
user_id | timestmp | seq | event
River | 2015-01-13 13:14:00-0600 | 1 | freaking out
River | 2015-01-13 13:14:00-0600 | 2 | killing reavers
River | 2015-01-13 13:14:00-0600 | 3 | being weird
River | 2015-01-14 12:58:41-0600 | 1 | freaking out
River | 2015-01-14 12:58:57-0600 | 3 | being weird
River | 2015-01-14 12:58:57-0600 | 2 | killing reavers
(6 rows)
Notice that using the now() function to generate a timeuuid, and then converting that to a timestamp with dateof() causes the two rows with the timestmp "2015-01-14 12:58:57-0600" to appear to be the same. But they are not the same, as you can tell by the seq column.
So just a bit of caution on using/generating timestamps. They might look the same, but they may not be stored as the same value. Just to be on the safe side, I would use a timeuuid instead.

Timestamp / date as key for cassandra column family / hector

I have to create and query a column family with composite key as [timestamp,long]. Also,
while querying I want to fire range query for timestamp (like timestamp between xxx and yyy) Is this possible ?
Currently I am doing something really funny (Which I know its not correct). I create keys with timestamp string for given range and concatenate with long.
like ,
and pass set of keys to hector api. (so if i have date range for 1 month and I want every minute data, i create 30 * 24 * 60 * [number of secondary key - long])
I can solve concatenation issue with composite key. But query part is what I am trying to understand.
As far as I understood, As we are using RandomPartitioner we cannot really query based on range as keys are MD5 checksum. Whats ideal design for this kind of use case ?
my schema and requirements are as follows : (actual csh)
ts timestamp,
user_id long,
svc1 long,
svc2 long,
svc3 long,
PRIMARY KEY(ts, user_id));
select from report where ts between (123445345435 and 32423423424) and user_id is in (123,567,987)
You cannot do range queries on the first component of a composite key. Instead, you should write a sentinel value such as a daystamp (the unix epoch at midnight on the current day) as the key, then write a composite column as timestamp:long. This way you can provide the keys that comprise your range, and slice on the timestamp component of the composite column.
Denormalize! You must model your schema in a manner that will enable the types of queries you wish to perform. We create a reverse (aka inverted, inverse) index for such scenarios.
svc1 bigint,
svc2 bigint,
svc3 bigint
) with default_validation=uuid AND comparator=uuid;
)with default_validation=uuid AND comparator=uuid;
See here for a nice explanation. What you are doing now is generating your own ascii key in the times table, to enable yourself to perform the range slice query you want - it doesn't have to be ascii though just something you can use to programmatically generate your own slice keys with.
You can use this approach to facilitate all of your queries, this likely isn't going to suit your application directly but the idea is the same. You can squeeze more out of this by adding meaningful values to the column keys of each table above.
cqlsh:tester> select * from report;
KEY | svc1 | svc2 | svc3
1381b530-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 332 | 333 | 334
13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 222 | 223 | 224
13816710-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 112 | 113 | 114
cqlsh:tester> select * from times;
KEY,1212051037 | 13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5,13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 1381b530-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5,1381b530-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5
KEY,1212051035 | 13816710-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5,13816710-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5,13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5
KEY,1212051036 | 13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5,13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5
cqlsh:tester> select * from users;
KEY | 13816710-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5
23123123231 | 13816710-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5 | 13818e20-1dd2-11b2-0000-242d50cf1fb5
Why don't you use wide rows, where Key is timestamp and Column Name as Long-Value then you can pass multiple key's (timestamp's) to getKeySlice and select multiple column's to withColumnSlice by there name (which is id).
As I don't know what is column name and value, I feel this can help you. Can you provide more details of your column family definition.
