malloc()/ Dynamic memory allocation - malloc

I always have confusion regarding malloc function, how much ever I read there are always loose ends , can someone please help me understand the use of malloc() and a scenario where it can be used.
Thank you

malloc() is used for dynamic memory allocation.
So, We can allocate the memory needed when we use.
(Instead of static allocation like int[1024])
For instance,
When we read the document file and we have to do something for every words, but we don't know the contents.
In that time, we should use dynamic memory allocation.


What is uninitialized memory and why isn't it initialized when allocating?

Taking this signature for a method of the GlobalAllocator:
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8
and this sentence from the method's documentation:
The allocated block of memory may or may not be initialized.
Suppose that we are going to allocate some chunk of memory for an [i32, 10]. Assuming the size of i32 it's 4 bytes, our example array would need 40 bytes for the requested storage.
Now, the allocator found a memory spot that fits our requirements. Some 40 bytes of a memory region... but... what's there? I always read the term garbage data, and assume that it's just old data already stored there by another process, program... etc.
What's unitialized memory? Just data that is not initialized with zeros of with some default value for the type that we want to store there?
Why not always memory it's initialized before returning the pointer? It's too costly? But the memory must be initialized in order to use it properly and not cause UB. Why then doesn't comes already initialized?
When some resource it's deallocated, things musn't be pointing to that freed memory. That's that place got zeroed? What really happens when you deallocate some piece of memory?
What's unitialized memory? Just data that is not initialized with zeros of with some default value for the type that we want to store there?
It's worse than either of those. Reading from uninitialized memory is undefined behavior, as in you can no longer reason about a program which does so. Practically, compilers often optimize assuming that code paths that would trigger undefined behavior are never executed and their code can be removed. Or not, depending on how aggressive the compiler is.
If you could reliably read from the pointer, it would contain arbitrary data. It may be zeroes, it may be old data structures, it may be parts of old data structures. It may even be things like passwords and encryption keys, which is another reason why reading uninitialized memory is problematic.
Why not always memory it's initialized before returning the pointer? It's too costly? But the memory must be initialized in order to use it properly and not cause UB. Why then doesn't comes already initialized?
Yes, cost is the issue. The first thing that is typically done after allocating a piece of memory is to write to it. Having the allocator "pre-initialize" the memory is wasteful when the caller is going to overwrite it anyway with the values it wants. This is especially significant with large buffers used for IO or other large storage.
When some resource it's deallocated, things musn't be pointing to that freed memory. That's that place got zeroed? What really happens when you deallocate some piece of memory?
It's up to how the memory allocator is implemented. Most don't waste processing power to clear the data that's been deallocated, since it will be overwritten anyway when it's reallocated. Some allocators may write some bookkeeping data to the freed space. GlobalAllocator is an interface to whatever allocator the system comes with, so it can vary depending on the environment.
I always read the term garbage data, and assume that it's just old data already stored there by another process, program... etc.
Worth noting: all modern desktop OSs have memory isolation between processes - your program cannot access the memory of other processes or the kernel (unless you explicitly share it via specialized functionality). The kernel will clear memory before it assigns it to your process, to prevent leaking sensitive data. But you can see old data from your own process, for the reasons described above.
What you are asking are implementation details that can even vary from run to run. From the perspective of the abstract machine and thus the optimizer they don't matter.
Turning contents of uninitialized memory into almost any type (other than MaybeUninit) is immediate undefined behavior.
let mem: *u8 = unsafe { alloc(...) };
let x: u8 = unsafe { ptr::read(mem) };
if x != x {
May or may not print, crash or delete the contents of your harddrive, possibly even before reaching that alloc call because the optimizer worked backwards and eliminated the entire code block because it could prove that all execution paths are UB.
This may happen due to assumptions the optimizer relies on, i.e. even when the underlying allocator is well-behaved. But real systems may also behave non-deterministically. E.g. theoretically on a freshly booted embedded system memory might be in an uninitialized state that doesn't reliably return 0 or 1. Or on linux madvise(MADV_FREE) can cause allocations to return inconsistent results over time until initialized.

can we use too many malloc and free in c program

is it ok to call too many malloc & free in a program?
i have a program that does malloc and free for each record. Although it sounds bad, does it have performance issue if i use too many malloc and free ?
Most modern malloc(3) implementations work like a memory pool. Since most modern OSes treat memory with pages (usually 4KB size), a malloc will probably request at least 4KB from the OS.
Suppose you keep calling malloc with 32. In your first malloc, at least one new page is requested from the OS (via sbrk(2) on unix). The successive mallocs have nothing to do with the OS, they just return you the next free chunk of memory in the memory pool as long as memory is available. So, calling malloc many times is not a big deal, usually. The point here is that system calls (the communication between the user process and OS) are usually expensive and malloc tries its best to avoid as much as possible.
free is similar too. When you free memory, usually OS isn't notified about that. When a page is totally freed, the page may be returned to the OS. Some implementations do not return the page to the OS unless the process already holds many unused pages.
To sum it up, malloc and free are like generic memory managers working with arbitrary size. The problem you might face is that malloc is designed to work with arbitrary size allocations, which might be slower than a memory manager that's designed to work with fixed size allocations. If you're usually allocating the same types of memory, you might be better off with implementing your own memory pool. Another case would be that malloc calls involve locking/unlocking in most modern implementations to support multithreading. If you're working with a single thread, that might also be an overhead: another reason to implement your own memory pool.
You might also want to work with different malloc implementations, benchmark them and decide to go with either one. Starting with a clean implementation and stripping off unnecessary parts might also be a good idea here.
yes/no. Large volumes of malloc/free can cause the heap to be fragmented to the point where malloc can fail. It is less of an issue now that memory is pretty cheap.
There is some overhead in calling malloc, but not a lot. malloc basically has to go to through the heap and find a block of memory that is unused and large enough to hold the number of bytes you asked for, then it designates that block as used and tells the operating system to mmap it for you and returns a pointer to that block.
It's a few steps, but really not a lot of work for your computer. The difference between using malloc to get memory for you, and putting a variable on the stack is a handful of instructions, and a system call, and unless you're programming on an embedded system, you honestly shouldn't worry about it. You'll only take a real performance hit if you allocate so much memory that you actually run out of RAM (in which case your Virtual Memory Manager will have to move some things into the swap space to make more room - as it turns out, malloc never fails)!
Freeing memory is even easier than allocating it, and in the end it's better to free what you allocate (future malloc calls will be faster, more memory will be available).
In short, use malloc to your hearts content! Decades of advances in technology have worked hard to earn you that right, there's no sense squandering it!
By definition 'too many' is 'too many'.
But more seriously, on most systems heap allocation is reasonably fast - because its done a lot. Allocating space for a record each time its processed doesn't sound bad.
The real answer is : write your program and measure its speed, is it acceptable? If not then profile it and find where the bottlenecks are - my 10c says it wont be heap processing

mmap(): resetting old memory to a zero'd non-resident state

I'm writing a memory allocation routine, and it's currently running smoothly. I get my memory from the OS with mmap() in 4096-byte pages. When I start my memory allocator I allocate 1gig of virtual address space with mmap(), and then as allocations are made I divide it up into hunks according to the specifics of my allocation algorithm.
I feel safe allocating as much as a 1gig of memory on a whim because I know mmap() doesn't actually put pages into physical memory until I actually write to them.
Now, the program using my allocator might have a spurt where it needs a lot of memory, and in this case the OS would have to eventually put a whole 1gig worth of pages into physical RAM. The trouble is that the program might then go into a dormant period where it frees most of that 1gig and then uses only minimal amounts of memory. Yet, all I really do inside of my allocator's MyFree() function is to flip a few bits of bookkeeping data which mark the previously used gig as free, but I know this doesn't cause the OS remove those pages from physical memory.
I can't use something like munmap() to fix this problem, because the nature of the allocation algorithm is such that it requires a continuous region of memory without any holes in it. Basically I need a way to tell the OS "Listen, you can take these pages out of physical memory and clear them to 0, but please remap them on the fly when I need them again, as if they were freshly mmap()'d"
What would be the best way to go about this?
Actually, after writing this all up I just realized that I can probably do an munmap() followed immediately by a fresh mmap(). Would that be the correct way to go about? I get the sense that there's probably some more efficient way to do this.
You are looking for madvise(addr, length, MADV_DONTNEED). From the manpage:
MADV_DONTNEED: Do not expect access in the near future. (For the time being, the application is finished with the given range, so the kernel can free resources associated with it.) Subsequent accesses of pages in this range will succeed, but will result either in reloading of the memory contents from the underlying mapped file (see mmap(2)) or zero-fill-on-demand pages for mappings without an underlying file.
Note especially the language about how subsequent accesses will succeed but revert to zero-fill-on-demand (for mappings without an underlying file).
Your thinking-out-loud alternative of an munmap followed immediately by another mmap will also work but risks kernel-side inefficiencies because it is no longer tracking the allocation a single contiguous region; if there are many such unmap-and-remap events the kernelside data structures might wind up being quite bloated.
By the way, with this kind of allocator it's very important that you use MAP_NORESERVE for the initial allocation, and then touch each page as you allocate it, and trap any resulting SIGSEGV and fail the allocation. (And you'll need to document that your allocator installs a handler for SIGSEGV.) If you don't do this your application will not work on systems that have disabled memory overcommit. See the mmap manpage for more detail.

memory leak in an embedded system

I need to check for a memory leak in an embedded system.
The IDE is HEW and we are using uCOSIII RTOS.
Valgrind does not support the above configurations. Can you please suggest a tool or a method to check for memory leaks?
First rule of dynamically allocating memory in embedded systems is "don't". Allocate it all once at the start of execution and then leave well alone. Otherwise you have to assess and decide what to do when a malloc (or similar operation) fails.
If you must dynamically allocate memory at runtime, then at its simplest you may be able to use a logging infrastructure to track calls to malloc/free by writing wrappers around them. Then you can track where and when the allocations and deallocations are happening and hopefully see what is missing.
Take a look at libtalloc, the core memory allocator used in Samba. It may not work out-of-the-box for you if you don't have atexit() or stdio.h, but it shouldn't take too much work to port it to your environment.
Have a look at talloc_enable_leak_report_full() and talloc_report_full() (among others) to get you started.
I have been giving some thoughts about it, and here is a random try on how to do this with embedded systems:
First you need to check in which thread leakage occur. When doing alloc, you should also count for each thread how many active allocation. Where number of allocation keeps growing without deallocation, this is suspicious task
Secondly, you need to count number of allocations for allocs comming from that thread. To do this, replace alloc with a macro. Using macro you can save name of the file and line number where the call originated.
for example
#define alloc(x) my_alloc(x, __LINE__, __FILE__)
void * my_alloc(size_t size, int line, char * file)
// increase number of allocations and dealocations for each combination line/file
Similarly you need to define my_free.
After this, run the program and printf from time to time allocations that keep growing. This should help find memory leaks.
P.S. I didn't test this, but I saw somebody do something similar in our code :)
Your requirement is not completely clear. If you are looking for the tool as "valgrind" that can be able find the memory leak in your environment; that is difficult to find out.
If you are having some code than you can check all the memory allocations & freeing of the memory in the particular application. As link1 Link2
Also there are some files available by executing them you can find the memory leak.
debugalloc.* code has the ability to track memory leaks, and it has
description and usage information in comments.
debuglogger.* code has some code for profileing your code.
debuglog.* is some limited C version of the code.

mmap and hash table extension issue in glibc

In an approach to detect the heap corruption I am trying to implement a hash table to keep some information about the malloced memory. This is being done inside glibc itself. When we malloc(), we put the information like address and size in the hash table and when we free(), we deallocate the corresponding hash table entry, again in glibc's free() itself.
To allocate memory for the hash table i have mmap'd some memory (refrained from using malloc for this, as the chances of process induced heap corruption can corrupt my hash table also).
The issue is that there is no limit to the number of mallocs that a process can ask for, this requires my hash table to be extensible. Since my hash table works on array indices, memory used for hash table need to be contiguous so that using an index we can easily reach the bucket or record. Now, when hash table uses all the memory, i need to do a 'mmap' again in such a way that this memory starts where the previous ended. man page of mmap says that we can provide an address to mmap, that will act as a hint to kernel to map virtual memory at that address. To the hash table, it will look like a contguouis chunk of memory. I would like to ask for you suggestions how reliable is this approach and what are the potential pitfalls using this.
If this is Linux, you can use mremap.
If you write your hash table to be based on offsets and not absolute pointers, you can pass the MREMAP_MAYMOVE flag and never have to worry about allocation failures. (Well, until you exhaust your virtual memory, anyway.)
how reliable is this approach
MAP_FIXED is very reliable: IF the memory you are asking for is available, the kernel will give it to you.
what are the potential pitfalls
The obvious one: something else may have gotten mmaped into the region you want to extend into, and you lose.
If you are doing this for 64-bit process, you can mmap e.g. 1TB of memory as your initial hash table allocation. So long as you don't actually access it, this mmap is effectively free (of cost), assuming you are doing MA_ANON mapping.
BTW, I hope you realize that you are re-inventing a bicycle here, as many existing solutions (such as tcmalloc and jemalloc) will already provide debugging facilities that are likely to be better that whatever you concoct yourself.
