Displaying multiple items in Excel graph and few calculation issues - excel

I've done some Googling for each of my issues but haven't found exactly the results as I wanted. Things I need to be done doesn’t probably include any macros/VBA skills, just basic knowledge of Excel.
Now to my spreadsheet. I'm a Dota 2 player and I like statistics. I like it that much that I'd like to keep track of my achievements and results. Only problem is that the game tracker sucks and to get great information in web you have to pay for it, so I decided it's time for me to create my own spreadsheet to track my skills.
I don't know which place is the best to share my spreadsheet but I uploaded it to Estonian uploading host, link is here. I will also provide with pictures so you don't have to download anything.
This is what it looks like in general:
Problem number 1: The left table, or column has 1000 rows. In web design it's possible to make elements fixed depending on the scroll, I'd like to use similar feature here. If the table gets scrolled down, the right table (area with games, bonus and graph) will get scrolled down with it.
Problem number 2: Average MMR. I'd like to show average MMR after each entry depending on the first entries. Right now there's avg MMR for J4:J8. The calculation for J8 looks like this: =AVERAGE(C4:C8). For J7 it looks like this: =AVERAGE(C4:C7). I'd like to do this for all my 1000 rows, but I don't want to type it out. If I try to drag down from the corner, it will continue with C5:C8, C6:C9 etc (so it changes the starting point)
Problem number 3: Under longestGame there's currently Date and Hero. This should show the Date and Hero of which the longest game occurred. I tried to do this with LOOKUP function but it required table to be in ascending order, which I don't want. For current, 44,22, there should be Storm Spirit and 14.06.2015.
Problem number 4: Graph. I'd like to display three series on graph - MMR, average MMR and game length (time). The problem is, that MMR and average MMR will be in the numbers on 3000-7000 but the game length will only be probably in timeframe 20:00-120:00. Maybe it's possible to add two sets of values to the Y axis or maybe set Time series maximum 200:00 and minimum 0:00 and create graph according to this. I'm really stupid making graphs and I haven't figured out a clever way yet.
Problem number 5: Graph again. Right now I have to set the series for the graph. I've currently set it to C4:C54 (so 50 rows). I'd like it to move around a bit and by that I mean that if there happens to be C55-th game then the graph would start from C5:C55 and move along (so it'll count 50 last games).

I'm in a benevolent mood so rather than downvoting your question, because it is not really suitable for this forum I'm going to give you some hints and guidance. The numbers below correspond to the problems in your question.
Excel permits more than one window to be used on the same workbook -
so one window can show the data and one the summary.
Find out about absolute and relative cell addressing - its a valuable bit of knowledge for anyone serious about Excel and it will be of use in solving your problem.
Find out about the MATCH function. You can use this to find out which row of your table contains the longest game, shortest game, max MMR, min MMR by matching an element from the summary on the right (cols M onward) against the appropriate column table on the left. The find out about the INDEX function - this can be used to pull the values in the columns for Hero and Date which correspond to a specific row (such as the row containing the longest game, shortest game, etc). Search INDEX MATCH and find out why using these two functions in combination is often preferred to using the VLOOKUP function
Persevere - there are graph options available to do what you want and the only way to really learn is to go through the pain of trying them out, failing and working at it until you succeed.
Set up an area of worksheet to hold the 50*3 table of data for your graphs. Find out about the COUNT function and think how it might be of use in determining which rows of the data table map to the 50 rows of graph data. Then think about how to populate the graph data table using one of the functions mentioned above. Incidentally, C4:C54 is actually 51 rows, not 50.


Tableau Reference Line on a Table

I am trying to put a reference line on a table that shows a ranking by point.
for example, if 10 teams are ranked by points, and only the top 3 teams advance to the next round, I want to draw a red line between 3rd and 4th teams.
I researched a lot and found there is no conventional way to do this (Please let me know how if I am wrong).
My one workaround idea was to split 1st-3rd teams (1st sheet) and 4th-10th teams (2nd sheet). Then, when I put them on a dashboard, place a blank sheet (filled with red color and 1pt height) between the 1st and 2nd sheets that are placed vertically.
However, the problem with this approach is that when I split the rank, then the rank column is messed up because of the filter. So, if I want to stick with this approach, I should figure out how I can rank the entire 10 teams regardless of the filter.
To summarize, I guess there are three parts to this question.
1) Is there a conventional way to put a red line on a table?
2) How can I rank teams by point regardless of the filter that was used to split the teams into two?
3) Is there any other ways to solve this?
Your approach seems good to me and this is what it would look like using the traditional superstore:
Probably I'm missing youre second point related to filtering the ranking column.
In my example I'm using the table calculation "rank" in order to have a dynamic value.
Can you elaborate more on this topic?
For reference, this is how the first worksheet is built: using a table calculation based on sales (triangle sign) as a filter for the rank from 1 to 3.
The same has been done for the second worksheet, filtering from rank 4 on:

How can I create a salary area chart with a specific data point

I am trying to create a compensation breakdown for each employee to show their financial health in the market. I found instructions on here from 7 years ago for a column chart that was similar to what I'm looking for.
However, is there a way to have a specific point highlighted on an area chart?
I've attached the chart that I currently have, as you can see the data point is not in the blue section like I'd like it to be. I've tried all sorts of formatting and cannot get it to work. Help, please!?
Sample chart with data point here
is there a way to have a specific point highlighted on an area chart?
No, area charts are sums, or counts (like histograms) or actual values. So, when you want to combine that with raw data, it won't work as you requested.
This only works if you have the same amount of data entries per data series. So, you need to have as many values for the blue area, as you have for the orange.
Thus, this is will not work. Also, from my understanding, you want to show where "Andy"'s salary is in relation to others (and the max/min/average).
I wonder if you could do this some other way? Establish what you want to convey with this chart, maybe we can find some alternatives.
But to merge two different sized series, not possible as far as I am aware (not in a way that it looks good).
I found instructions on here from 7 years ago for a column chart that was similar to what I'm looking for.
Would you mind sharing this? Maybe we can proceed further with that!

Using Sumproduct to calculate two tables using horizontal (table headers) and vertical references

Hopefully the title makes some sense because I'm trying to wrap my head around the logic and I'm not quite sure how to phrase the question.I'll try to give a brief explanation of the end goal without over complicating it with unnecessary details.
I have a table of survey score averages for every month per person and a correlating table with the number of surveys each person received for each month. The logic is essentially multiple the score for each month by the number of surveys, combine them, divide by the total number of surveys within that time period to get their true average. Where things get a little complicated is that I have to include the ability to set a custom date range and return the value. So sometimes I might be looking at the average for Jan - Apr, other times I might just be looking at Feb-Mar etc.
I think sumproduct is going to get what I need done but I'm running into issues trying to write it out. I've written it several different ways and none of them worked so here's one that best conveys what I'm trying to do,
I super appreciate any assistance I can get on this. I'm hoping the end result is not nearly as difficult as I'm making it out to be.
Some additional information:
I'm going to be using this same process to calculate multiple metrics across multiple worksheets.In the test example each of the tables will most likely be on different sheets. The dashboard with the calculated results will contain everyone's names and will be filtered and rearranged frequently, so I need to make sure we're always matching directly to their names and not just the relative rows. Basically, in my example I show that Agent 1 is always lined up on row 8 but that's not always going to be the case. Agent 1 could be in Row 8 on Sheet 1, Row 10 on Sheet 2, and Row 12 on Sheet 3 and I need all the correct values to multiply and sum against one another.

Summing up cohort behavior cumulatively by date ranges without offsets in excel

I think this problem, when solved by creating additional charts with offsets, is easy. I want to cut out the middle man and not use offsets (unless they are useful to the answer). I have data for daily cohorts and I know specific information about their behavior 1 day later, 2 days, 3 days ect.
Now it is rather easy to make a waterfall chart of day by day activity like so...
What I want to do is skip this step (directly above, the waterfall chart) in hopes of shrinking my current workbook by a substantial amount. You can imagine having simply 1 year of data across multiple channels measuring even 1 aspect of behaviors can account for a lot of data and pivot charts. Also, btw, I have the top chart as a pivot thus allowing this to be hands off when calculating what I am looking for.
What I seek - I look to further construct groups of days as other cohorts to examine (for example, say, 1/1 - 1/5) and see what their activity has been in a cumulative fashion since then. To be more specific, I want a table that will show cohort 1/1-1/5's activity in the date range 1/1-1/5 (11) and then their activity from 1/1-1/9 (24, an additional 13 "behavior points" summed).
So far, as I said, my current solution involves the "blue arrow" schematic where an additional table is constructed and I can sum on, essentially, rectangles build by using OFFSET on sell ranges with the MATCH function. I am stumped with how to go about this without the additional charts.
VBA would better for this, but use this formula in C30:
and this in D30:
And copy both down.
If one does not have the dynamic Array formula SEQUENCE() then replace all the SEQUENCE($B30-$A30+1) and SEQUENCE($B30-$A30+1,,0) with ROW($ZZ$1:INDEX($ZZ:$ZZ,$B30-$A30+1)) and (ROW($ZZ$1:INDEX($ZZ:$ZZ,$B30-$A30+1))-1) Respectively, and use Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.
I was able to collaborate on a solution. I am told that it will be highly inefficient at scale but it gets the job done. It ss less automation-friendly but can be formulated to capture data not currently present on a, say, a pivot table that you call to update later by extending the area that the formula works on.
Formula in in I31:

Dividing people in to groups based on strength and rank

after using Solver which Saulo Suggested I have managed to get excel sorting them in to groups up to 8 groups of 3. though am approaching troubles when going further ideally at this time I need to be able to do 18 groups of 3. but even with the same settings obviously adjusting for the increase in groups excel seems to belly up on the process and fails, any suggestions to adapt to this?
I am trying to figure out an easy and as accurate as possible without going too crazy with the math and formulas as I am basic with my excel coding (coding in general) to calculate the ideal groups of 3 based on rank and strength for a video game.
I want to pair the strongest with the weakest and then fill the gaps evenly for the 3rd person. so, that each team’s overall strength is the same roughly.
factors I have is a designated leader(rank) and an overall power level(strength).
doing this manually isn't too hard but trying to automate it is. any thoughts or suggestions would be amazing!?
something like this but automated which is where I am getting stuck, as I want to be able to add more players and adjust strengths as they come along.
Hope this makes sense.
Jordan, you have a classic situation to use "Solver". First of all, you have to make "Solver available in your Excel. Select Home -> Option -> Supplements -> Solver. Then, the solver button´s will be at the "Data" menu.
Solver is about solving a problem with especific conditions, changing specific cell, with specifc purpose. In your case, your purpose is creat teams with the minimal strength diference. A condition of your problem is that teams should have the same number of players. See how I organized the sheet.
When do you open solver, the first field is "Seat Goal". Our goal (or purpose) is reduce the diference between teams as minimal as possible. So we selected the cell with the diference between teams. Then we have to tell to excel that our purpose is that cell have the minimal value (chossing "min").
Then we have to tell excel wich cells they can change values to achieve our goal. In this case, Excel can change the teams of player, so we select the cells with the teams.
Last we have to tell excel whats condition (or restrictions) of this problem. The first restction is that the total of player of team 1 is tree. The total of players of team 2 is, both, 3. Then we have to tell to excel what are the limits (superior and inferior) of values of variable cells. In this case, we chose superior or equal to 1, AND (other restrction) inferior or equal to 2.
Ok. Now we have a problem with specif goal, changing the value of specifc cells, with specif restriction. Now solver can work. Then choose the method of soluction "Evolutionary", Honestly, I do know the diference between the methods, but my experience is that evolutionary method works better than the others.
I recomend reading the excel tutorial on solver. At first, all of us think that is too dificult, but believe that is simpler than it seems.
