Synchronous dialog invocation from managed bean - jsf

Is there a way to use PrimeFaces RequestContext to call a dialog defined in the JSF from a managed bean, which has a form, but synchronously, meaning that the managed bean wait its thread execution until the user submits the form?
Currently, I am successfully invoking a dialog from my managed bean but the call is asynchronous, meaning the dialog is popped open but the managed bean thread continues on without waiting for the user to supply the needed additional data via the dialog.
So, in my JSF, I have the dialog defined as follows:
<p:dialog header="My Dialog" widgetVar="myDialog" modal="false" height="100">
<h:outputLabel for="inputData" value="Input Data:"/>
<p:inputText id="inputData" title="Input Data"
maxlength="16" required="true" ... >
<h:commandButton value="Submit"/>
In my managed bean, I call the dialog conditionally if some criteria is met:
if(noteReqd) {
RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
//here I want the managed bean to stop until the user supplies the extra data needed
//but it just proceeds downstream without the data the user enters
Prompting overlay for extra data by managed bean
Calling a JavaScript function from managed bean

No it's not possible. The Primfaces's RequestContext can only do his job then the JSF lifecycle continues and sends the javascript information (PF('myDialog').show();, e.g., what to do) back to the client (browser).
A solution would be change your logic in some way.
user supplies some data
check if data was enough
if not, reopen the same form (or another one)
do step 2 + 3 until enough data is supplied
continue with your logic


View scoped managed bean's #PostConstruct reinvoked after closing p:dialog

I have a popup defined within my XHTML which gets shown conditionally depending on what selections the user makes in the main screen rendered by default:
<p:dialog id="commentDialogID" header="Enter comment" widgetVar="commentDialog" modal="true" resizable="true" height="auto">
<h:form id="commentForm">
<h:outputLabel for="comment" value="Comment:"/>
<p:inputTextarea id="comment" title="Comment"
rows="6" cols="33"
<f:ajax render="comment"/>
<h:commandButton id="commentSubmit" value="Submit" action="#{managedBean.proceed}" onclick="PF('commentDialog').hide();">
<f:ajax render="commentSubmit"/>
The problem is that, once this dialog/popup is closed, the container (JBoss) or the framework (JSF/Primefaces), not sure which, thinks that the whole view has been closed and therefore on the next request that triggers an appearance of this popup, it re-invokes the backing bean's #PostConstruct method. The backing bean is #ViewScoped. I really don't want it to do that, instead, I want it to treat the dialog/popup as a div in the page whose closure does not affect the view state.
The first time the dialog is brought up, the #PostConstruct is not invoked as the initial view from rendering the page, which called the #PostConstruct, is still active. However, on the second appearance, it is reinvoked, which leads me to believe it is because it was closed after the first time, which either the container of the framework or both mistake as needing to reload the bean.
What can I do to prevent the backing bean from going into the #PostConstruct after this dialog has been closed?
I know what the problem is..
You are using h:commandButton to submit the form and to close the dialog.
Lets look at your code:
<h:commandButton id="commentSubmit" value="Submit" action="#{managedBean.proceed}" onclick="PF('commentDialog').hide();">
<f:ajax render="commentSubmit"/>
In the above code As soon as you clikc Submit button:
1. Your action will get triggred to call ManagedBean method managedBean.proceed.
2. since you have bound onclick JS event, your dialog gets closed.
After your action="#{managedBean.proceed} comes back it has to update the button with id commentSubmit since you have used render="commentSubmit".
But by the time your action="#{managedBean.proceed} comes back to render="commentSubmit" the disloag in which your button commentSubmit is placed is closed. so this might the reason for re initializing the ManagedBean.
To Avoid this you ca use Primefaces p:commandButton which has oncomplete attribute which is helpfull in this scenario.
<p:commandButton id="commentSubmit" value="Submit" action="#{managedBean.proceed}" update="commentSubmit" oncomplete="PF('commentDialog').hide();" />
So in the above case p:dialog will close after the action is completed.

One <p:dialog> for multiple beans

I have a <p:dialog> in my general layout. I have its Header attribute hardcoded at the moment.
What I want is to access it from different beans and change its Header at run-time according to my choice.
I am using it to show a loading message to the user at the moment and want to update the loading text according to the current backend processing, e.g "waiting for server's response" etc.
<p:dialog id="main-status-dialog"
Now I am calling it from different JSF pages on button clicks e.g <h:link outcome="/generalInformation" value="General Information" onclick="" />
It works fine but always Show me "Loading..." because I have a hardcoaded Attribute. So how can I make it dynamic? Please note that I don't want to do it only for one page or bean, but from any page it Access it, i can Change ist Header accordingly.
You can use a managed property with #ManagedProperty of one of your managed beans (e.g HeaderBean)and change it every time accordingly and set the header value to this value, and it whould look dynamically updated.
private HeaderBean headerBean;
And in your header managed bean make a String property value where you will store the value of the header:
#ManagedBean(name = "headerBean")
public class HeaderBean implements Serializable
private String value = null;
// getter and setter methods
And in your p:dialog:
<p:dialog id="main-status-dialog"
Take a look at the following liks to find more about it:
The BalusC Code: Communication in JSF 2.0
Injecting Managed beans in JSF 2.0
#ManagedProperty - Inject one request scoped bean into another request scoped bean
You can use RequestContext to update the dialog from your beans, If you take a look at Better ajax operations and callbacks in JSF with PrimeFaces you will see that:
RequestContext API enables developers to do 2 simple things. 1st you can tell what you want to update in the xhtml based on conditions in actions that you define in your Managed Beans.To update a component from serverside, you can just write:
The code you need to update the p:dialog from your managed beans is:
You can also use update attribute in your commandLink like this:
<h:link outcome="/generalInformation" value="General Information" oncomplete="" update=":main-status-dialog"/>

p:remoteCommand won't fire bean method

I have simple primefaces remoteCommand in composite component that won't trigger method in back bean.
<h:form id="frm1" prependId="false">
<p:remoteCommand name="rc1"
RemoteCommand works, it runs onstart client-side script but it doesn't trigger method in bean (never steps into method, as if it doesn't exist). I get no error on client or server side.
I'll close this topic. I resolved this issue by putting code in initialize (#PostConstruct) methode. Didn't want to do it like that but this dialog isn't used too often and bean is associated just with this component so it shouldn't do much damage.

Why does a h:commandButton fail to submit the form if it's parent is dynamically rendered?

This JSF1 code has me totally puzzled for hours. The basic setup is this page displayed with Seam2:
<h:form encType="multipart/form-data">
<rich:dataTable value="#{results}">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{contact.type}">
<s:selectItems value="#{contactTypes}" var="t" label="#{t.label}" />
<s:convertEntity />
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="submitControls" />
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{template}">
<s:selectItems value="#{allTemplates}" var="t" label="#{t.label}" />
<s:convertEntity />
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="submitControls" />
<a4j:outputPanel id="submitControls" layout="block">
<a4j:outputPanel rendered="#{null != results and results.size gt 0 and ('ONE' == contact.type.label or template != null)}">
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{manager.generate}" />
<h:outputText value="Search first" rendered="#{results == null or results.size == 0}" />
<h:outputText value="Select template first" rendered="#{'ONE' == contact.type.label and template == null}" />
Obviously, the original page is a bit larger. What has me scratching my head is that if I don't change contact.type (leave it at a default selected by the backing bean) the form submits fine. If I switch the type to ONE this correctly renders the "Select template first" text instead of the submit control. Restoring the submit button by selecting another type re-produces the <input> BUT without the onclick handler that was there when the form was first rendered.
Now a click on the <h:commandButton> sends a request to the server but does NOT trigger the associated action. However, it now restores the onclick handler and a second click triggers a proper submit.
I'm at a loss why this is so. Any suggestions?
EDIT: moving the rendered attribute to the button results in the same behavior (even if it did work, the original panels contain more controls that share the same condition, so they do serve a purpose)
EDIT2: I've just tested that simply re-adding the "lost" onclick handler (via firebug) that gets rendered on the submit button makes the action work as intended. I'm beginning to suspect a bad interaction between richfaces and the trinidad libs also included in this project (but not used on this page).
It's a safeguard against tampered/hacked requests. Otherwise a hacker would be able to invoke actions s/he isn't allowed to invoke by just editing the sent HTTP request parameters accordingly that the non-rendered (e.g. due to missing "ADMIN" role) command button will be invoked.
You need to make sure that you prepare the same model (managed bean instance with all properties responsible holding the conditions behind rendered attribute) during the HTTP request of processing the form submit as it was during the HTTP request of displaying the form. In JSF2, this is easy achievable by placing the bean in the view scope instead of the request scope. The view scope lives as long as you're interacting with the same view. In JSF1, you'd need to grab a 3rd party framework tag like Tomahawk's <t:saveState> or RichFaces' <a4j:keepAlive> in order to simulate the JSF2 view scope.
<a4j:keepAlive beanName="results" />
The same story applies to disabled attribute by the way.
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
JSF 1.2: How to keep request scoped managed bean alive across postbacks on same view?
I think that with the rendered attribute and anything inside you have to take care that the evaluation of it is the same on the initial request AND the submit. It may change just before the render phase but if its not the same during application invoke it will most likely ignore the action if in this phase the button would not be rendered.
As far as i remember this happend for me mostly when the rendered expression uses something like an entity attribute that will be changed during the apply request values phase already.

JSF ViewScope and Bean creation

I have a problem that i don't understand:
I request a new site. A site has a link that opens a dialog. The link is inside a form.
The dialog is not inside the form.
A reduced code example:
<p:outputPanel id="layout-center" >
<p:commandLink id="option_field_user_profile" actionListener="#{controllerBean.getBean('userProfileBean', component).init}" oncomplete="#{controllerBean.getBean('userProfileBean', component).show}" >
<h:outputText value="#{msg.mProfile}"/>
<p:dialog header="#{userPreferencesBean.header}" widgetVar="#{userPreferencesBean.widgetVar}" appendToBody="#{userPreferencesBean.appendToBody}" resizable="#{userPreferencesBean.resizable}" id="#{userPreferencesBean.xhtmlId}" dynamic="#{userPreferencesBean.dynamic}" modal="#{userPreferencesBean.modal}" closable="#{userPreferenceBean.closable}">
<ui:include src="/WEB-INF/templates/modification/userPreferences.xhtml" />
UserPreferencesBean is in ViewScope. My problem is now that the #PostConstruct method from the UserPreferencesBean is called twice with the non-postback request i.e. the Bean is constructed twice although it should be the same view. If i move the dialog inside the form for testing purposes it is called once, like expected. But since the dialog has its own form this is not a solution, for sure.
When the site is loaded and I hit F5, the PostConstruct method is executed once.
Has somebody an idea?
This is caused because you referenced a view scoped bean property in the view build time attribute id of the <p:dialog>. If you fix the id to be static, or to reference a request or application scoped bean property instead, then your view scoped bean will behave as expected.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? - for some background explanation on view build time and view render time; the id and binding attributes of UI components are evaluated during view build time.
