azure search lookup document count as query - azure

If i look up document to bring data from azure search - does it affect the queries per second per index indicate in here
I want to know if i can use the azure search to host some data and access it without affecting the search performance.

Yes a lookup is considered a query. Please note that we do not throttle your queries and this number listed in the page you point to is only meant as a very rough indication of what a single search unit with an "average" index and an "average" set of queries could handle. In some cases (for example, if you were just doing lookups which are very simple queries), you might very likely get more than 15 QPS with a very good latency rate. In some cases (for example, if you have queries with a huge number of facets), you might get less. Please note, that although we do not throttle you, it is also possible that you could exceed the resources of the units allocated to you and will start to receive throttling http responses.
In general, the best thing to do is track the latency of your queries. If you start seeing the latency go higher then what you find acceptable, that is typically a good time to consider adding another replica.
Ultimately, the only way to know for sure is to test your specific index with the types of queries and load you expect.
I hope that helps.


Best way to Fetch N rows in ScyllaDB

I have a use case in which I utilize ScyllaDB to limit users' actions in the past 24h. Let's say the user is only allowed to make an order 3 times in the last 24h. I am using ScyllaDB's ttl and making a count on the number of records in the table to achieve this. I am also using to get the hash for the partition key.
However, I would like to know what is the most efficient way to query the table. So I have a few queries in which I'd like to understand better and compare the behavior(please correct me if any of my statement is wrong):
using count()
count() will implement a full-scan query, meaning that it may query more than necessary records into the table.
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM orders WHERE hash_id=? AND user_id=?;
using limit
limit will only limit the number of records being returned to the client. Meaning it will still query all records that match its predicates but only limit the ones returned.
SELECT user_id FROM orders WHERE hash_id=? AND user_id=? LIMIT ?;
using paging
I'm a bit new to this, but if I read the docs correctly it should only query the up until it received the first N records without having to query the whole table. So if I limit the page size to a number of records I want to fetch and only query the first page, would it work correctly? and will it have a consistent result?
my query is still using limit, but utilizing the driver to achieve this with
iter := conn.Query(
"SELECT user_id FROM orders WHERE hash_id=? AND user_id=? LIMIT ?",
Please let me know if my analysis was correct and which method would be best to choose
Your client should always use paging - otherwise you risk adding pressure to the query coordinator, which may introduce latency and memory fragmentation. If you use the Scylla Monitoring stack (and you should if you don't!), refer to the CQL Optimization dashboard and - more specifically - to the Paged Queries panel.
Now, to your question. It seems to be that your example is a bit minimalist for what you are actually wanting to achieve and - even then - should it not be, we have to consider such set-up at scale. Eg: There may be a tenant allowed which is allowed to place 3 orders within a day, but another tenant allowed to place 1 million orders within a week?
If the above assumption is correct - and with the options at hand you have given - you are better off using LIMIT with paging. The reason is because there are some particular problems with the description you've given at hand:
First, you want to retrieve N amount of records within a particular time-frame, but your queries don't specify such time-frame
Second, either COUNT or LIMIT will initiate a partition scan, and it is not clear how a hash_id + user_id combination can be done to determine the number of records within a time-frame.
Of course, it may be that I am wrong, but I'd like to suggest different some approaches which may be or not applicable for you and your use case.
Consider a timestamp component part of the clustering key. This will allow you to avoid full partition scans, with queries such as:
SELECT something FROM orders WHERE hash_id=? AND user_id=? AND ts >= ? AND ts < ?;
If the above is not applicable, then perhaps a Counter Table would suffice your needs? You could simply increment a counter after an order is placed, and - after - query the counter table as in:
SELECT count FROM counter_table WHERE hash_id=? AND user_id=? AND date=?;
I hope that helps!
I have a few points I want to add to what Felipe wrote already:
First, you don't need to hash the partition key yourself. You can use anything you want for the partition key, even consecutive numbers, the partition key doesn't need to be random-looking. Scylla will internally hash the partition key on its own to improve the load balancing. You don't need to know or care which hashing algorithm ScyllaDB uses, but interestingly, it's a variant of murmur3 too (which is not identical to the one you used - it's a modified algorithm originally picked by the Cassandra developers).
Second, you should know - and decide whether you care - that the limit you are trying to enforce is not a hard limit when faced with concurrent operations: Imagine that the given partition already has two records - and now two concurrent record addition requests come in. Both can check that there are just two records, decide it's fine to add the third - and then when both add their record - and you end up with four records. You'll need to decide whether this is fine for you that a user can get in 4 requests in a day if they are lucky, or it's a disaster. Note that theoretically you can get even more than 4 - if the user managest to send N requests at exactly the same time, they may be able to get 2+N records in the database (but in the usual case, they won't manage to get many superflous records). If you'll want 3 to be a hard limit, you'll probably needs to change your solution - perhaps to one based on LWT and not use TTL.
Third, I want to note that there is not an important performance difference between COUNT and LIMIT when you know a-priori that there will only be up to 3 (or perhaps, as explained above, 4 or some other similarly small number) results. If you assume that the SELECT only yields three or less results, and it can never be a thousand results, then it doesn't really matter if you just retrieve them or count them - you should just do whichever is convenient for you. In any case, I think that paging is not a good solution your need. For such short results and you can just use the default page size and you'll never reach it anyway, and also paging hints the server that you will likely continue reading on the next page - and it caches the buffers it needs to do that - while in this case you know that you'll never continue after the first three results. So in short, don't use any special paging setup here - just use the default page size (which is 1MB) and it will never be reached anyway.

What is the most performant and scalable way to paginate of cosmos db result with the SQL API

I have more questions based on this question and answer, which is now quite old but still seems to be accurate.
The suggestion of storing results in memory seems problematic in many scenarios.
A web farm where the end-user isn't locked to a specific server.
Very large result sets.
Smaller result sets with many different users and queries.
I see a few ways of handling paging based on what I've read so far.
Use OFFSET and LIMIT at potentially high RU costs.
Use continuation tokens and caches with the scaling concerns.
Save the continuation tokens themselves to go back to previous pages.
This can get complex since there may not be a one to one relationship between tokens and pages.
See Understanding Query Executions
In addition, there are other reasons that the query engine might need to split query results into multiple pages. These include:
The container was throttled and there weren't available RUs to return more query results
The query execution's response was too large
The query execution's time was too long
It was more efficient for the query engine to return results in additional executions
Are there any other, maybe newer options for paging?

Azure CosmosDB pricing - how many RTs

Is there a way to calculate how many RUs I would need if the a documentdb database is expected to have roughly 800 writes a second and 1500 reads a second?
Each read is a simple retrieve based on the index, and each item will have about 15 small data fields (a few bools, short strings, and short doubles).
Each write will be an update of most of the data values for the record.
The documentations states 1 RU = 1kb GET, well each GET in this instance should be less than 1kb I would suspect so the reads would be about 1500 RU/s but I have no idea how to calculate the writes; any help would be greatly appreciated.
There's a simple to use capacity planning tool available online. You can simply upload a sample JSON document and then specify how many reads and writes per second you expect and it will estimate your required RU/s throughput.
As David so eloquently pointed out, this should only be used as a starting point to give you a ballpark of what your minimum RU cost might be. If your primary read pattern was simply retrieving documents directly by their Id then it might be relatively accurate. In reality, RU is calculated based on the complexity of your queries. So once you have your baseline it's important to do proper analysis of your query patterns and get a feel for their RU cost.
Luckily, the ease and speed with which you can scale Cosmos in response to load is one of it's most compelling features in my opinion. In my experience, adding or removing RU throughput is done within a matter of seconds so you can definitely add a layer of intelligent database tuning within your application to optimize your cost and usage.

How fast is Azure Search Indexer and how I can index faster?

Each index batch is limited from 1 to 1000 documents. When I call it from my local machine or azure VM, I got 800ms to 3000ms per 1000 doc batch. If I submit multiple batches with async, the time spent is roughly the same. That means it would take 15 - 20 hours for my ~50M document collection.
Is there a way I can make it faster?
It looks like you are using our Standard S1 search service and although there are a lot of things that can impact how fast data can be ingested. I would expect to see ingestion to a single partition search service at a rate of about 700 docs / second for an average index, so I think your numbers are not far off from what I would expect, although please note that these are purely rough estimates and you may see different results based on any number of factors (such as number of fields, quantity of facets, etc)..
It is possible that some of the extra time you are seeing is due to the latency of uploading the content from your local machine to Azure, and it would likely be faster if you did this directly from Azure but if this is just a one time-upload that probably is not worth the effort.
You can slightly increase the speed of data ingestion by increasing the number of partitions you have and the S2 Search Service will also ingest data faster. Although both of these come at a cost.
By the way, if you have 50 M documents, please make sure that you allocate enough partitions since a single S1 partition can handle 15M documents or 25GB so you will definitely need extra partitions for this service.
Also as another side note, when you are uploading your content (and especially if you choose to do parallelized uploads), keep an eye on the HTTP responses because if the search service exceeds the resources available you could get HTTP 207 (indicating one or more item failed to apply) or 503's indicating the whole batch failed due to throttling. If throttling occurs, you would want to back off a bit to let the service catch up.
I think you're reaching the request capacity:
I would try another tier (s1, s2). If you still face the same problem, try get in touch with support team.
Another option:
Instead of pushing data, try to add your data to the blob storage, documentDb or Sql Database, and then, use the pull approach:

Azure Table Storage - How fast can I table scan?

Everyone warns not to query against anything other than RowKey or PartitionKey in Azure Table Storage (ATS), lest you be forced to table scan. For a while, this has paralyzed me into trying to come up with exactly the right PK and RK and creating pseudo-secondary indexes in other tables when I needed to query something else.
However, it occurs to me that I would commonly table scan in SQL Server when I thought appropriate.
So the question becomes, how fast can I table scan an Azure Table. Is this a constant in entities/second or does it depend on record size, etc. Are there some rules of thumb as to how many records is too many to table scan if you want a responsive application?
The issue of a table scan has to do with crossing the partition boundaries. The level of performance you are guaranteed is explicity set at the partition level. therefore, when you run a full table scan, its a) not very efficient, b) doesn't have any guarantee of performance. This is because the partitions themselves are set on seperate storage nodes, and when you run a cross partition scan, you're consuming potentially massive amounts of resources (tieing up multiple nodes simultaneously).
I believe, that the effect of crossing these boundaries also results in continuation tokens, which require additional round-trips to storage to retrieve the results. This results then in reducing performance, as well as an increase in transaction counts (and subsequently cost).
If the number of partitions/nodes you're crossing is fairly small, you likely won't notice any issues.
But please don't quote me on this. I'm not an expert on Azure Storage. Its actually the area of Azure I'm the least knowledgeable about. :P
I think Brent is 100% on the money, but if you still feel you want to try it, I can only suggest to run some tests to find out yourself. Try include the partitionKey in your queries to prevent crossing partitions because at the end of the day that's the performance killer.
Azure tables are not optimized for table scans. Scanning the table might be acceptable for a long-running background job, but I wouldn't do it when a quick response is needed. With a table of any reasonable size you will have to handle continuation tokens as the query reaches a partition boundary or obtains 1k results.
The Azure storage team has a great post which explains the scalability targets. The throughput target for a single table partition is 500 entities/sec. The overall target for a storage account is 5,000 transactions/sec.
The answer is Pagination. Use the top_size -- max number of results or records in result -- in conjunction with next_partition_key and next_row_key the continuation tokens. That makes a significant even factorial difference in performance. For one, your results are statistically more likely to come from a single partition. Plain results show that sets are grouped by the partition continuation key and not the row continue key.
In other words, you also need to think about your UI or system output. Don't bother returning more than 10 to 20 results max 50. The user probably wont utilize or examine any more.
Sounds foolish. Do a Google search for "dog" and notice that the search returns only 10 items. No more. The next records are avail for you if you bother to hit 'continue'. Research has proven that almost no user ventures beyond that first page.
the select (returning a subset of the key-values) may make a difference; for example, use select = "PartitionKey,RowKey" or 'Name' whatever minimum you need.
"I believe, that the effect of crossing these boundaries also results
in continuation tokens, which require additional round-trips to
storage to retrieve the results. This results then in reducing
performance, as well as an increase in transaction counts (and
subsequently cost)." slightly incorrect. the continuation token is used not because of crossing boundaries but because azure tables permit no more than 1000 results; therefore the two continuation tokens are used for the next set. default top_size is essentially 1000.
For your viewing pleasure, here's the description for queries entities from the azure python api. others are much the same.
Get entities in a table; includes the $filter and $select options.
table_name: Table to query.
Optional. Filter as described at
select: Optional. Property names to select from the entities.
top: Optional. Maximum number of entities to return.
Optional. When top is used, the next partition key is stored in
Optional. When top is used, the next partition key is stored in
