Can I do a Twig import in a loop? - twig

Is there any way I can do an import in twig with a loop?
For example i have a code that looks the following where all_widget_file_names is the array of filenames
{% if 'dwtext' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwtext.twig" as dwtext %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwpassword' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwpassword.twig" as dwpassword %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwradio' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwradio.twig" as dwradio %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwcheckbox' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwcheckbox.twig" as dwcheckbox %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwmultiselect' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwmultiselect.twig" as dwmultiselect %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwtextarea' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwtextarea.twig" as dwtextarea %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwselect' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwselect.twig" as dwselect %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'dwform' in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/dwform.twig" as dwform %}
{% endif %}
Can I make something like this
{% for filename in all_widget_file_names %}
{% import "dnkn/widgets/"~filename ~".twig" as filename %}
{% endfor %}
I know the import statement dosen't take a value of the variable after as? Do I have any other way to make this code cleaner ?


How to filter out the order status in frontend at orders overview in shopware6

I am trying to filter the order status depending on the orderstatus at frontend.
enter code here
{% block page_account_orders_overview %}
<div class="account-orders-overview">
{% block page_account_orders_table %}
{% block page_account_orders_table_body %}
{% for order in page.orders %}
{% set orderState = order.stateMachineState.technicalName %}
{% if order.type == in_progress %}
<div class="table order-table"
{% sw_include '#Storefront/storefront/page/account/quotationorder-history/quotationorder-item.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
You need to add quotes to a string comparison:
{% if order.type == "in_progress" %}

How to break “for loop” in Django template

My code is:
{% for key, value in section.items %}
{% for key_t, value_t in title.items %}
{% if value_t.section_id == key|add:"0" %}
<li class="nav-item-header"><div class="text-uppercase font-size-xs line-height-xs">
{{value.title}}</div> <i class="icon-menu" title="Tables"></i></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I want to break the for loop when if the condition is true. like as
{% for key, value in section.items %}
{% for key_t, value_t in title.items %}
{% if value_t.section_id == key|add:"0" %}
<li class="nav-item-header"><div class="text-uppercase font-size-xs line-height-xs">
{{value.title}}</div> <i class="icon-menu" title="Tables"></i></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
How is it possible? please help me...
There is no way to break out of a for loop in Django Template. However, you can achieve this by setting a variable and adding an if statement on the top like this.
{% set isBreak = False %}
{% for number in numbers %}
{% if 99 == number %}
{% set isBreak = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if isBreak %}
{# this is a comment. Do nothing. #}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
for some additional help check out this link
or check this answer on stack overflow
How to break "for loop" in Django template

Add template in Twig-exel bundle

Some have some example of using template in twig-exel bundle.
Here I give you an example of how I have used it but I can't make it work.
{% xlsdocument {'template': './template_advanced.xlsx'} %}
{% xlssheet %}
{% xlsrow %}
{% xlscell %}Hello2{% endxlscell %}
{% endxlsrow %}
{% xlsrow %}
{% xlscell 1 %}Bar2{% endxlscell %}
{% endxlsrow %}
{% endxlssheet %}
{% endxlsdocument %}
I have changed the address of the file but it don't load.
If I skip the code {'template': '#./template_advanced.xlsx'}, the exel is generated.

Accessing associative array in twig

I have this array:
$modules = array(
'submodule' => array(
My question is how can I access all the values and display it on html?
I have tried the following but no luck :
{% for key, module in modules %}
{% if modules.key is iterable %}
{{ module }}
{$ else %}
{{ module }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
If your array has only 2 levels, you can just do something close to what you did:
{% for module in modules %}
{% if module is iterable %}
{% for submodule in module %}
<p>{{ submodule }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{{ module }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Will give you (with the context you given):
See fiddle
But if your array has an arbitrary number of levels, you should do some recursive using macros:
{% macro show_array(array) %}
{% from _self import show_array %}
{% for module in array %}
{% if module is iterable %}
{{ show_array(module) }}
{% else %}
<p>{{ module }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% from _self import show_array %}
{{ show_array(modules) }}
With the following context (in YAML format):
0: users
0: submodule1
1: submodule2
0: subsubmodule1
1: subsubmodule2
This will give you:
See fiddle

Is it possible to turn on spaceless mode only in certain situations in twig?

I want to do something like this:
{% if compress %}{% spaceless %}{% endif %}
{% if compress %}{% endspaceless %}{% endif %}
I'm trying to pass ['compress' => true] to the template from PHP to turn on spaceless mode. But it causes an error; template tags need to be nested properly.
Is there any technique that would let me turn spaceless on/off from PHP?
You would have to restructure your template to do something like this instead.
{% import _self as example %}
{% macro stuff(obj) %}
output stuff with {{ }}, etc...
{% endmacro %}
{% if compress %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ example.stuff(bla) }}
{% endspaceless %}
{% else %}
{{ example.stuff(bla) }}
{% endif %}
Using macros avoids you have to duplicate the content. The import statement at the top is important, so don't forget it.
{% block page %}
page content
{% endblock %}
{% extends 'page.twig' %}
{% block page %}
{% if compress %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endspaceless %}
{% else %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
