Modify image obtained from loopback-component-storage - node.js

I am using loopback for storing Image to the server.
I want to modify the file name of the file before getting saved to the server.
Also I want to convert it to another thumbnail form before getting saved.
Here is how I am doing.
At client side
url: '/api/containers/container_name/upload',
file: file,
fileName: "demoImage.jpg",
//Additional data with file
orderId: 1,
customerId: 1
At Server Side I am receiving the query "params" but not getting the "File Name"
My Storage model name is container
Container.beforeRemote('upload', function(ctx, modelInstance, next) {
//OUPTUTS: {orderId:1, customerId:1]}
//Now I want to change the File Name of the file.
//But not getting how to do that
How to change the File name of the File getting saved at the server?

I figured it out.
We have to define a custom function getFileName in boot/configure-storage.js.
Suppose my datasource for loopback-component-storage is presImage.
module.exports = function(app) {
//Function for checking the file type..
app.dataSources.presImage.connector.getFilename = function(file, req, res) {
//First checking the file type..
var pattern = /^image\/.+$/;
var value = pattern.test(file.type);
if(value ){
var fileExtension ='.').pop();
var container = file.container;
var time = new Date().getTime();
var query = req.query;
var customerId = query.customerId;
var orderId = query.orderId;
//Now preparing the file name..
var NewFileName = '' + customerId + '_' + time + '_' + orderId + '.' + fileExtension;
//And the file name will be saved as defined..
return NewFileName;
throw "FileTypeError: Only File of Image type is accepted.";
Now suppose my container model is container.
module.exports = function(Container) {
Container.afterRemote('upload', function(ctx, modelInstance, next) {
var files = ctx.result.result.files.file;
for(var i=0; i<files.length; i++){
var ModifiedfileName = files[i].name;
console.log(ModifiedfileName) //outputs the modified file name.
} //for loop
}); //afterRemote..
Now for converting it images to Thumbnail size
Download the quickthumb
Here is how to use it with loopback.
This code is copied directly from Loopback thumbnail view
module.exports = function(Container) {
var qt = require('quickthumb');
Container.afterRemote('upload', function(ctx, res, next) {
var file = res.result.files.file[0];
var file_path = "./server/storage/" + file.container + "/" +;
var file_thumb_path = "./server/storage/" + file.container + "/thumb/" +;
src: file_path,
dst: file_thumb_path,
width: 100
}, function (err, path) {

Piggybacking on the answer above, this configure-storage enables the file name to be set explicitly via req.params.filename and to default to the existing name if none is provided.
module.exports = function(app) {
//Function for checking the file type.. = function(file, req, ignoreRes) {
if (!req.params.filename) {
var fileExtension ='.').pop()
return req.params.filename + '.' + fileExtension


how to send file from specified path in response from local storage using node.js

I Have path tmp\daily_gasoline_report\9. where 9 is uniqe-id which will be different every time I want to send image from that folder in response. how can I send that file in response ??
I have tried with fs
if (!req.body.path) {
return res.status(500).send(error.MANDATORY_FIELDS)
let directory_name = req.body.path;
let filenames = fs.readdirSync(directory_name);
console.log("\nFilenames in directory:");
filenames.forEach((file) => {
console.log("File:", file);
let result = error.OK = filenames;
return res.status(200).send(result)
I get only files name not files but now I have files name which comes in Url with path and file name from front end so, how can I send file from path in response
I got the Answer
this worked for me to get single image from folder
const fs = require('fs');
const url = require('url')
let query = url.parse(req.url, true).query;
let pic = query.image;
let id =
let directory_name = "tmp/daily_gasoline_report/" + id + "/" + pic
let filename = fs.existsSync(directory_name);
if (filename) {
//read the image using fs and send the image content back in the response
fs.readFile(directory_name, function (err, content) {
if (err) {
res.writeHead(400, { 'Content-type': 'text/html' })
res.end("No such image");
} else {
//specify the content type in the response will be an image
Try this,
let directory_name = req.body.path;
let filenames = fs.readdirSync(directory_name);
let resultantArr = [];
console.log("\nFilenames in directory:");
filenames.forEach((file) => {
console.log("File:", file);
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var data = fr.result;
var array = new Int8Array(data);
resultantArr.push(JSON.stringify(array, null, ' '));
let result = error.OK = resultantArr;;
return res.status(200).send(result)
#Arya Here is the code-snippet to deal with image file:
let fr = new FileReader();
fr.onloadend = function(event) {
let base64Data = fr.result;
let arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array(base64Data);
let blob = new Blob( [ arrayBufferView ], { type: file.type } );
And later on to read the blob values of an array and create image url out of it, you can do this:
let urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL || {}.createObjectURL;
let imageUrl = urlCreator.createObjectURL( blob );
you will need to zip all files in the path and send zip folder, you cannot send multiple files.
Also cross check your requirements, if file size goes to big number your application will crash

Saving blobs as a single webm file

I'm recording the users screen via webrtc, and then posting video blobs every x seconds using MediaStreamRecorder. On the server side I have an action set up in sails which saves the blob as a webm file.
The problem is that I can't get it to append the data, and create one large webm file. When it appends the file size increases like expected, so the data is appending, but when I go to play the file it'll either play the first second, not play at all, or play but not show the video.
It would be possible to merge the files with ffmpeg, but I'd rather avoid this if at all possible.
Here's the code on the client:
'use strict';
// Polyfill in Firefox.
// See
if (typeof adapter != 'undefined' && adapter.browserDetails.browser == 'firefox') {
adapter.browserShim.shimGetDisplayMedia(window, 'screen');
}'/processvideo', function(resData) {
console.log("Response: " + resData);
function handleSuccess(stream) {
const video = document.querySelector('video');
video.srcObject = stream;
var mediaRecorder = new MediaStreamRecorder(stream);
mediaRecorder.mimeType = 'video/webm';
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function (blob) {
console.log("Sending Data");
//var rawIO = io.socket._raw;
//rawIO.emit('some:event', "using native");'/processvideo', {"vidblob": blob}, function(resData) {
console.log("Response: " + resData);
function handleError(error) {
errorMsg(`getDisplayMedia error: ${}`, error);
function errorMsg(msg, error) {
const errorElement = document.querySelector('#errorMsg');
errorElement.innerHTML += `<p>${msg}</p>`;
if (typeof error !== 'undefined') {
if ('getDisplayMedia' in navigator) {
navigator.getDisplayMedia({video: true})
} else {
errorMsg('getDisplayMedia is not supported');
Code on the server:
module.exports = async function processVideo (req, res) {
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
upload_dir = './assets/media/uploads',
output_dir = './assets/media/outputs',
temp_dir = './assets/media/temp';
var params = req.allParams();
if(req.isSocket && req.method === 'POST') {
_upload(params.vidblob, "test.webm");
return res.send("Hi There");
else {
return res.send("Unknown Error");
function _upload(file_content, file_name) {
var fileRootName = file_name.split('.').shift(),
fileExtension = file_name.split('.').pop(),
filePathBase = upload_dir + '/',
fileRootNameWithBase = filePathBase + fileRootName,
filePath = fileRootNameWithBase + '.' + fileExtension,
fileID = 2;
/* Save all of the files as different files. */
while (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
filePath = fileRootNameWithBase + fileID + '.' + fileExtension;
fileID += 1;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, file_content);
/* Appends the binary data like you'd expect, but it's not playable. */
fs.appendFileSync(upload_dir + '/' + 'test.file', file_content);
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I decided this would be difficult to develop, and wouldn't really fit the projects requirements. So I decided to build an electron app. Just posting this so I can resolve the question.

Loopback : Rename file from before remote method using context

I want to rename file from before remote hook using context.
container.beforeRemote('upload', function (context, res, next) {
/////rename file
Can anyone tell me how can i access files from this?
I don't know if it's possible to do it before because we haven't unpacked the multipart form yet.
The afterRemote hooks contains enough information to rename the file if you really need to. Here's an example built on top of loopback's default storage example
app.start = function() {
// Adding an operation hook which renames the recently uploaded file
var container =;
container.afterRemote('upload', (context, res, next) => {
// The file object is stored in the res param
let file = res.result.files.file[0];
// Get the filepath of our datasource, in this case `storage`.
let root = container.dataSource.settings.root;
// Get the full path of the file we just uploaded
// root/containerName/filename.ext
let filePath = path.resolve(root, file.container,;
// aand rename
fs.rename(filePath, path.resolve(root, file.container, 'newFile.txt'), () => console.log('renamed!'));
return app.listen(function() {
var baseUrl = app.get('url').replace(/\/$/, '');
console.log('Web server listening at: %s', baseUrl);
if (app.get('loopback-component-explorer')) {
var explorerPath = app.get('loopback-component-explorer').mountPath;
console.log('Browse your REST API at %s%s', baseUrl, explorerPath);
Here is a boot script which will rename the file using a UUID (You need to install UUID package). You can apply other logic such as timestamp etc for renaming the file.
var uuid = require('uuid-v4');
module.exports = function(app) {
var uuid = require('uuid-v4');
module.exports = function(app) { = function(origFilename, req, res) {
var origFilename =;
var parts = origFilename.split('.'),
extension = parts[parts.length - 1];
return uuid() + '.' + extension;

Error: PDFDocument: stream must have data

I am using pdf.js to parse pdf files. First I am uploading the file and then trying to parse that file.I am passing the url to parse function to read it in PDFJS.getDocument(url)
If I don't use the upload part and hardcode the URL of the pdf file it works.
Code :
var parse = function(payload,callback){
var data = payload;
var name = data.file.hapi.filename;
var ext = name.split('.');
var extension = ext[1];
if(extension == "pdf"){
var path = __dirname + "/uploads/" + name;
var file = fs.createWriteStream(path);
file.on('error', function (err) {
var fileName = data.file.hapi.filename;
var fileAbsolutepath = __dirname + "/uploads/" + fileName ;
var parser = script.pdfParser(fileAbsolutepath,function(err,resp){
else {
console.log("Invalid fileType");
callback(JSON.stringify("Invalid FileType"));
var checkFileExist = function() {
var path = __dirname + '/uploads';
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists === false) fs.mkdirSync(path);
exports.pdfParser = function(url,callback){
PDFJS.workerSrc = 'pdf.worker.js';
PDFJS.getDocument(url).then(function (pdf) {
var pdfDocument = pdf;
The file is uploaded properly with expected file size in uploads folder still I get error : "Error: PDFDocument: stream must have data"
To parse files with pdf.js, rather than loading the file with PDFJS.getDocument, try converting the pdf file to an arrayBuffer or Uint8Array, and use that to create a new LocalPdfManager object. Then you can call the LocalPdfManager's methods directly to parse the pdf.
Something like this:
import { LocalPdfManager } from 'pdfjs-dist/lib/core/pdf_manager';
pdfManager = new LocalPdfManager(1, arrayBuffer, '', {}, '');
// parameters = (docId, data, password, evaluatorOptions, docBaseUrl)
pdfManager.ensureDoc('parseStartXRef', []); // [] = arguments
pdfManager.ensureDoc('parse', false); // false = recoveryMode
Then look at pdfManager.pdfDocument for the parsed pdf data.
For example, the main "/Catalog" entry will be in pdfManager.pdfDocument.catalog.catDict.
I've used this method to successfully parse and modify pdf files locally in a browser. I haven't tried it on a server with node.js, but I expect it should work the same.

NodeJS/Meteor how to download many files from external server through request.get and future?

I'm currently having a problem when trying to download many images through a external request.get, bellow are the code
var future = new Future();
var images, nome, blob;
.each(imoveis, function(dadosImovel, numeroImovel){
images = dadosImovel.images;
_.each(imagens, function(value, key){
// the name of the image to a permalink format, this function is working
nome = Meteor.createPermalinkFromString(value[3]);
// the link pointing to the image
blob = Meteor.getImage(value[0]);
Meteor.saveImage(blob, nome, '.jpeg');
// Get a image through a url
Meteor.getImage = function(url){
var options = {
url : url,
encoding : null
// get raw image
request.get(options, function(error, result, body) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
// pause until binaries are fully loaded
return future.wait()
// save a image in a server folder
Meteor.saveImage = function(name, blob, ext, encoding) {
var projectPath = basepath.resolve('.').split('.meteor')[0],
chroot = Meteor.chroot || projectPath + 'public', // (process.env['PWD'] +'/public') ;
path = chroot + (path ? '/' + path + '/' : '/'),
name = Meteor.cleanName(name || 'file'),
encoding= encoding || 'binary';
// TODO Add file existance checks, etc...
fs.writeFile(path + name + ext, blob, encoding, function(err) {
if (err) {
throw (new Meteor.Error(500, 'Failed to save file.', err));
} else {
console.log('The file ' + name + ' (' + encoding + ') was saved to ' + path);
return true;
Now here what happens: in the first iteration of the loop I receive the image just fine, the problem appears for the next ones iterations.
If I have, 10 images all of then are saved with 10 different names (and they also have 10 links pointing to the correct images link) but when you visualize the image it's the first image on the list save for all the other 9, it's like once the first image is loaded meteor don't wait for the next binary/image codes to arrive before saving then.
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
Changing the
var Future = new Future();
from the outter scope to inside the function getImage fixed the issue with the images, but created another one.
My current code is
_.each(imoveis, function(dadosImovel, numeroImovel){
var imagens = dadosImovel.imagens;
_.each(imagens, function(value, key){
var nome = Meteor.createPermalinkFromString(value[3]);
var blob = Meteor.getImage(value[0]);
Meteor.saveImage(blob, nome, '.jpeg');
And now I have a infinite outer loop, saving again and again only the set of images from the first item of the loop.
For referente (in case this might help someone in the future) this is the code I used to make this works:
// imovel[0] = link, imovel[1] = width, imovel[2] = height, imovel[3] = title, imovel[4] = codigo
var futures =, function(imovel) {
var future = new Future();
var onComplete = future.resolver();
var options = {
url : imovel[0],
encoding : null
// get raw image
request.get(options, function(error, result, body) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
var nome = Meteor.createPermalinkFromString(imovel[3]);
var data = {'codigo' : imovel[4], 'blob' : body, 'nome' : nome};
onComplete(error, data);
return future;
// wait for all futures to finish
// and grab the results out.
links = _.invoke(futures, 'get');
