db.collection.find() is ignoring query criteria - node.js

I have the following node.js code interacting with mongo:
var lowrange = 1;
var collection = db.get('postings');
collection.find({},{postid: { $gt: lowrange }, limit: 10, sort: {_id: -1}},function(e,docs){
I am using this to list the contents of the collection 'postings' via a json response. The limit: 10 and sort criteria work as expected. The postid: { $gt: lowrange } section seems to be ignored.
In other words, I am getting all records, even those that are less than the var lowrange. Why is this?
Then what is the correct syntax? This produces no results (I assure you there are documents with a post id greater than 1):
collection.find({postid: { $gt: 1 }}, function(e,docs){
and how do you use limit/sort when you have a function as a param of find? The following errors:
collection.find({postid: { $gt: 1 }}, function(e,docs){
}).limit(10).sort( {_id: -1});

The first parameter of find is the query document. Yours is empty ({}).
In fact, I'm not sure where you've seen that syntax, with limit and sort as field names.
See Read Operations Overview.


Mongo db - how to join and sort two collection with pagination

I have 2 collections:
Office -
_id: ObjectId(someOfficeId),
name: "some name",
..other fields
Documents -
_id: ObjectId(SomeId),
name: "Some document name",
officeId: ObjectId(someOfficeId),
I need to get list of offices sorted by count of documetns that refer to office. Also should be realized pagination.
I tryied to do this by aggregation and using $lookup
const aggregation = [
$lookup: {
from: 'documents',
let: {
id: '$id'
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: ['$officeId', '$id']
// sent_at: {
// $gte: start,
// $lt: end,
// },
as: 'documents'
{ $sortByCount: "$documents" },
{ $skip: (page - 1) * limit },
{ $limit: limit },
But this doesn't work for me
Any Ideas how to realize this?
p.s. I need to show offices with 0 documents, so get offices by documets - doesn't work for me
you can use lookup to join on that field, and pipeline to group so you count the documents of each office (instead of putting the documents into an array, because you only case for the count)
$set is to get that count at top level field
sort using the noffices field
you can use the skip/limit way for pagination, but if your collection is very big it will be slow see this. Alternative you can do the pagination using the _id natural order, or retrieve more document in each query and have them in memory (instead of retriving just 1 page's documents)
Test code here
"pipeline":[{"$group":{"_id":null, "count":{"$sum":1}}}],
[{"$eq":["$noffices", []]}, 0,
{"$arrayElemAt":["$noffices.count", 0]}]}}},
As the other answer pointed out you forgot the _ of id, but you don't need the let or match inside the pipeline with $expr, with the above lookup. Also $sortByCount doesn't count the member of an array, you would need $size (sort by count is just group and count its not for arrays). But you dont need $size also you can count them in the pipeline, like above.
you can add in the pipeline what you need or just remove it
this keeps all documents, and counts the array size
and then sorts
Test code here
There are two errors in your lookup
While passing the variable in with $let. You forgot the _ of the $_id local field
let: {
id: '$id'
In the $exp, since you are using a variable id and not a field of the
Documents collection, you should use $$ to make reference to the variable.
$expr: {
$eq: ['$officeId', '$$id']

How to use $inc operator for variables in MongoDB using Node.JS

I am trying to build a "number of visitors" collection in mongoDb using Node.JS backend of my website. The frontend sends the following info to Node.JS backend as JSON.
isUniqueVisitor - 1 if yes, 0 if no
country - standard country code - "JP", "IN", "UK", etc
My database looks like following
"today": 2019-06-07,
"uniqueVisitors": {
"count": 230,
"countries": {
"JP": 102,
"IN": 88,
"UK": 30
It works well if I use $inc with fixed values
Eg. $inc: {count: 1} // for string/integers keys
Eg. $inc: {"uniqueVisitors.count": 1} // inside quotes to access key of a JSON
Main issue:
I am not able to access a document name using variable.
Eg. $inc: {`uniqueVisitors.countries[${req.body.country}]`}
This creates an error as backticks can't be used for Mongo.
I tried with
Eg. $inc: {uniqueVisitors["countries"][req.body.country]}
But even this creates error.
I followed the web and found that mongo $set using variables can be realized by passing the required JSON directly to $set. Hence I resorted to code it the following way.
mongoClient.connect(mongoURL, async function (err, db) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Database connected");
// Identifying my document with today's date
var myQuery = {
date: getTodayDate()
// Defining the JSON to be passed to uniqueVisitors $inc
var uniqueVisitorsInc = {
"uniqueVisitors": {
"count": 0,
"countries": {}
// Populating the JSON to be passed to uniqueVisitors $inc => essentially asking to increase count by 1 and increase that country's count by 1
uniqueVisitorsInc["uniqueVisitors"]["count"] = 1;
uniqueVisitorsInc["uniqueVisitors"]["countries"][myData.country] = 1;
var newValues = {
$inc: uniqueVisitorsInc
await db.collection("visitorStats").update(myQuery, newValues, {upsert: true});
The above method worked well on editor but threw the following runtime error:
$inc requires numerical values
Basically asking me to pass values to $inc in {var1: 1, var2: 5} pattern.
Please help me bypass this weird situation.
I know I can do a two step process where I read the values first, increment in variable and $set it in Mongo.
But does anyone know how to overcome this situation using $inc?
If this update were hardcoded to update "JP" only, it'd need to look like:
$inc: { "uniqueVisitors.country.JP": 1 }
So you were almost there with the backtick method but change the syntax a bit and keep the : 1 part like so:
$inc: { [`uniqueVisitors.country.${req.body.country}`]: 1 }

Filter, sort, limit, skip subdocument mongoose

const A = mongoose.Schema({
bs: [B.schema],
So basically i have two schemas, and one is subdocument of another.
From my datatable i get params. like filter, page limit, page, sort...
What i need to do is, to create query that will with _id from A schema get all his B schemas and always sort, limit, skip, filter with params. that i sent
I tried something like this
b = await A.find({'_id' : idA},
{ 'bs' :
{ $slice: [ offset * limit, limit ]
And it's working but i can't still figure out how to filter and sort.
So if somebody have some idea welcome to share.
P.S Sorry for bad english
What you're trying to do is not find A documents that fulfill your array criteria, but to modify the results to accommodate to your needs. You can do this with two approaches, depending on where you want the processing to be done:
1. Use MongoDB Aggregation. The processing is done in the DB.
The aggregation pipeline is a series of steps you determine that documents go through being queried and transformed.
A rough untested (and probably syntactically wrong) example would be:
{ $match: { _id: "id" }},
{ $project: {
bs: {
$filter: { input: "$bs" , as: "filteredBs" , cond: { /* conditions object */} }},
{ $slice: ["$filteredBs", offset * limit, limit ] }
/* ... */
2. Get the document by Id and process the array on your server.
Here you're just limited by javascript and its array capabilites.
const found = A.findById('id');
const bs = A.bs.filter( /* filter function */ ).slice() // ... whatever you want.
A.bs = bs;
return A;

Node, MongoDB (mongoose) distinct count

I have a collection with multiple documents and every one of them has and 'eID' field that is not unique. I want to get the count for all the distinct 'eID'.
Example: if there are 5 documents with the 'eID' = ObjectID(123) and 2 documents with 'eID' = ObjectID(321) I want to output something like:
ObjectID(123): 5,
ObjectID(321): 2
I don't know if that can be done in the same query but after knowing what are the most ocurring eID's I want to fetch the referenced documents using the ObjectID
Mongoose version 3.8.8
$status is the specific field of collection that i need to count distinct number of element.
var agg = [
{$group: {
_id: "$status",
total: {$sum: 1}
model.Site.aggregate(agg, function(err, logs){
if (err) { return res.json(err); }
return res.json(logs);
"_id": "plan",
"total": 3
"_id": "complete",
"total": 4
"_id": "hault",
"total": 2
"_id": "incomplete",
"total": 4
This answer is not in terms of how this query can be written via mongoose, but I am familiar with the nodejs MongoClient class if you have further questions regarding implementation.
The best (most optimal) way I can think of doing this is to use mapReduce or aggregation on your database. The closest thing to a single command would be the distinct command, which can be invoked on collections, but this will only give you an array of distinct values for the eID key.
See here: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/map-reduce/
For your specific problem, you will want your map and reduce functions roughly as follows:
var map = function() {
var value = 1;
emit(this.eID, value);
var reduce = function(key, values) {
var result = 0;
for(var i=-1;++i<values.length;){
var value = values[i];
result += value;
return result;
There might be an easier way to do this using the aggregation pipeline (I would post the link but I don't have enough reputation).
I also found the mapReduce command for mongoose: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#model_Model.mapReduce

$inc with mongoose ignored

I am using the following code to add some content in an array and increment two different counters.
The item is properly pushed in the array, and the pendingSize is properly incremented. But the unRead is never incremented. It used to increment, then today it stopped. The value of the unRead field in my mongodb collection ( hosted on mongohq ) is set to 0 (numerical, not string)
When I look in my console, I see 'update success'.
any clue why it stopped working ?
Notifications.update({ "id" : theid}, { $push: { pending: notification}, $inc: { unRead : 1 }, $inc: { pendingSize: 1 }}, function(err){
console.log('update failed');
callback("Error in pushing." + result.members[i]);
console.log('update succes');
Combine the args of $inc into a single nested object, like this:
$inc: { unRead : 1, pendingSize: 1 }
Objects represented in JSON are key:value, where the keys must be unique, so trying to specify multiple values for $inc won't work.
