Data modelling ( secondary index vs clustering key ) - cassandra

I am trying to understand if it's going to be a performance issue if I choose
very high unique value column as partition key ( order_id), and create indexes on store_id and status. ( i can query on order_id | store_id | status | both store&status , and also ***update(important) status based on order_id)
Option 2:
store_id as partition_key and very high unique value column as clustering key ( order_id) and create secondary index on status ( so that i can filter on status)
( I can query on store_id | store&order_id | store&status | and also **update status based on store&order_id )
I would like to know what will be the performance issues in above scenarios. which one will be a better option. Thank you very much for your help and time.

Option 1 is interesting, but you need to be careful with your indices. See your other question for more information there (especially the bit concerning querying multiple secondary indices at the same time). That may be alleviated with tables purpose built for your index lookups (further discussed below).
The advantage of the highly unique partition key is that data will be more distributed around your cluster. The downside here is that when you perform a request with WHERE store_id = 'foo' all nodes in the cluster need to be queried as there is no limit on the partition key.
Option 2 you must be careful with. If your partition key is just store_id, then every order will be placed within this partition. For each order there will be n columns added to the single row for the store representing each attribute on the order. In regards to data location all orders for a given store will be placed on the same Cassandra node.
In both cases why not pursue a lookup table for orders by status? This will remove your need for a secondary index on that field. Especially given it's relatively small cardinality.
CREATE TABLE orders_by_store_id_status (
store_id VARCHAR,
status VARCHAR,
order_id VARCHAR,
... <additional order fields needed to satisfy your query> ...
PRIMARY KEY ((store_id, status), order_id)
This would allow you to query for all orders with a given store_id and status.
SELECT * FROM orders_by_store_id_status WHERE store_id = 'foo' AND status = 'open';
The read is fast as the partition key limits the number of nodes we perform the query against.


Cassandra order by timestemp desc

I just begin study cassandra.
It was a table and queries.
CREATE TABLE finance.tickdata(
id_symbol int,
ts timestamp,
bid double,
ask double,
PRIMARY KEY(id_symbol,ts)
And query is successful,
select ts,ask,bid
from finance.tickdata
where id_symbol=3
order by ts desc;
Next it was decision move id_symbol in table name, new table(s) scripts.
ts timestamp PRIMARY KEY,
bid double,
ask double
And now query fails,
select * from mts_src.ticks_3 order by ts desc
I read from docs, that I need use and filter (WHERE) by primary key (partition key),
but technically my both examples same. Why cassandra so restricted in this aspect?
And one more question, It is good idea in general? move id_symbol in table name -
potentially it can be 1000 of unique id_symbol and a lot of data for each. Separate this data on individual tables look like good idea!? But I lose order by possibility, that is so necessary for me to take fresh data by each symbol_id.
You can't sort on the partition key, you can sort only on clustering columns inside the single partition. So you need to model your data accordingly. But you need to be very careful not to create very large partitions (when using ticker_id as partition key, for example). In this case you may need to create a composite keys, like, ticker_id + year, or month, depending on how often you're inserting the data.
Regarding the table per ticker, that's not very good idea, because every table has overhead, it will lead to increased resource consumption. 200 tables is already high number, and 500 is almost "hard limit"

Cassandra sorting the results by non-clustering key

Our use case with Cassandra is to show top 10 recent visitors of a blogpost. Following is the Cassandra table definition
CREATE TABLE blogs_by_visitor (
blogposturl text,
visitor text,
visited_ts timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (blogposturl, visitor)
Now in order to show top 10 recent visitors for a given blogpost, there needs to be an explicit "order by" clause on timestamp desc. Since visted_ts isn't part of the clustering column in Cassandra, we aren't able to get this done. The reason for visited_ts not being part of clustering column is to avoid recording repeat (read as duplicate) visitors. The primary key is designed in such a way to upsert the latest timestamp for a repeat visitor.
In RDBMS world the query would look like the following and a secondary index could be created with blogposturl and timestamp columns.
Select visitor from blog_table
blogposturl = ?
and rownum <= 10
order by timestamp desc
An alternative currently being followed in our Cassandra application, is to obtain the results and then sort based on timestamp on the app side. But what if a particular blogpost becomes so popular and it had more than 100,000 visitors. The query becomes really slow for those blogs.
I'm thinking secondary index wouldn't be useful here, as I don't worry about filtering on it (rather just for sorting - which isn't possible).
Any idea on how we could model the table differently?
The actual table has additional columns, reduced it here for simplicity
These type of job are done by Apache Spark or Hadoop. A schedule job which compute the unique visitor order by timestamp for each url and store the result into cassandra.
Or you can create a Materialized View on top of the blogs_by_visitor. This table will make sure of unique visitor and the materialized view will oder the result based on visited_ts timestamp.
Let's create the Materialized View :
FROM blogs_by_visitor
WHERE blogposturl IS NOT NULL AND visitor IS NOT NULL AND visited_ts IS NOT NULL
PRIMARY KEY (blogposturl, visited_ts, visitor)
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (visited_ts DESC, visitor ASC);
Now you can just select the 10 recent unique visitor of a blogpost.
SELECT * FROM unique_visitor WHERE blogposturl = ? LIMIT 10;
you can see that i haven't specify the sort order in select query. Because in the materialized view schema a have specified default sort order visited_ts DESC
Note That : The above schema will result huge amount of unexpected tombstone generation in the Materialized Views
Or You could change your table schmea like below :
CREATE TABLE blogs_by_visitor (
blogposturl text,
year int,
month int,
day int,
visitor text,
visited_ts timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((blogposturl, year, month, day), visitor)
Now you have only a small amount of data in a single partition.So you can sort all the visitor based on visited_ts in that single partition from the client side. If you think number of visitor in a day can be huge then add hour to the partition key also.

Get first row for each partition key in Cassandra

I am considering Cassandra as an intermediate storage during my ETL job to perform data deduplication.
Let's imagine I have a stream of events, each of them have some business entity id, timestamp and some value. I need to get only latest value in terms of in-event timestamp for each business key, but events may come unordered.
My idea was to create staging table with business id as a partition key and timestamp as a clustering key:
CREATE TABLE sample_keyspace.table1_copy1 (
id uuid,
time timestamp,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY (id, time)
Now if I insert some data in this table I can get latest value for some given partition key:
select * from table1 where id = 96b29b4b-b60b-4be9-9fa3-efa903511f2d limit 1;
But that would require to issue such query for every business key I'm interested in.
Is there some effective way I could do it in CQL?
I know we have an ability to list all available partition keys (by select distinct id from table1). So if I look into storage model of Cassandra, getting first row for each partition key should not be too hard.
Is that supported?
If you're using a version after 3.6, there is an option on your query named PER PARTITION LIMIT (CASSANDRA-7017) which you can set to 1. This won't auto complete in cqlsh until 3.10 with CASSANDRA-12803.
In a word: no.
The partitioning key is why Cassandra can work essentially any amount of data: It decides where to put/look for data using the hash of the partitioning key. That is why CQL SELECTs always need to do an equality filter on the entire partitioning key. In order to find the first time for each id, Cassandra would have to ask all nodes for any partition of the data, then perform a complex operation on each of them. Relational databases allow this, Cassandra does not. All it allows are full table scans (SELECT * from table1), or partition scans (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM table1), but those cannot* be linked to any complex operation.
*) I am omitting ALLOW FILTERING here, since it does not help in this context.

Why use a compound clustered key in Cassandra tables?

Why might one want to use a clustered index in a cassandra table?
For example; in a table like this:
key text,
a text,
b timestamp,
c double,
PRIMARY KEY ((key), a, b, c)
The clustered part is the a, b, c part of the PRIMARY KEY.
What are the benefits? What considerations are there?
Clustering keys do three main things.
1) They affect the available query pattern of your table.
2) They determine the on-disk sort order of your table.
3) They determine the uniqueness of your primary key.
Let's say that I run an ordering system and want to store product data on my website. Additionally I have several distribution centers, as well as customer contracted pricing. So when a certain customer is on my site, they can only access products that are:
Available in a distribution center (DC) in their geographic area.
Defined in their contract (so they may not necessarily have access to all products in a DC).
To keep track of those products, I'll create a table that looks like this:
CREATE TABLE customerDCProducts (
customerid text,
dcid text,
productid text,
productname text,
productPrice int,
PRIMARY KEY (customerid, dcid, productid));
For this example, if I want to see product 123, in DC 1138, for customer B-26354, I can use this query:
SELECT * FROM customerDCProducts
WHERE customerid='B-26354' AND dcid='1138' AND productid='123';
Maybe I want to see products available in DC 1138 for customer B-26354:
SELECT * FROM customerDCProducts
WHERE customerid='B-26354' AND dcid='1138';
And maybe I just want to see all products in all DCs for customer B-26354:
SELECT * FROM customerDCProducts
WHERE customerid='B-26354';
As you can see, the clustering keys of dcid and productid allow me to run high-performing queries on my partition key (customerid) that are as focused as I may need.
The drawback? If I want to query all products for a single DC, regardless of customer, I cannot. I'll need to build a different query table to support that. Even if I want to query just one product, I can't unless I also provide a customerid and dcid.
What if I want my data ordered a certain way? For this example, I'll take a cue from Patrick McFadin's article on Getting Started With Time Series Data Modeling, and build a table to keep track of the latest temperatures for weather stations.
CREATE TABLE latestTemperatures (
weatherstationid text,
eventtime timestamp,
temperature text,
PRIMARY KEY (weatherstationid,eventtime),
By clustering on eventtime, and specifying a DESCending ORDER BY, I can query the recorded temperatures for a particular station like this:
SELECT * FROM latestTemperatures
WHERE weatherstationid='1234ABCD';
When those values are returned, they will be in DESCending order by eventtime.
Of course, the one question that everyone (with a RDBMS yes, everyone) wants to know, is how to query all results ordered by eventtime? And again, you cannot. Of course, you can query for all rows by omitting the WHERE clause, but that won't return your data sorted in any meaningful order. It's important to remember that Cassandra can only enforce clustering order within a partition key. If you don't specify one, your data will not be ordered (at least, not in the way that you want it to be).
Let me know if you have any additional questions, and I'll be happy to explain.

Primary Key related CQL3 Queries cases & errors when sorting

I have two issues while querying Cassandra:
Query 1
> select * from a where author='Amresh' order by tweet_id DESC;
Order by with 2ndary indexes is not supported
What I learned: secondary indexes are made to be used only with a WHERE clause and not ORDER BY? If so, then how can I sort?
Query 2
> select * from a where user_id='xamry' ORDER BY tweet_device DESC;
Order by currently only supports the ordering of columns following their
declared order in the PRIMARY KEY.
What I learned: The ORDER BY column should be in the 2nd place in the primary key, maybe? If so, then what if I need to sort by multiple columns?
user_id varchar,
tweet_id varchar,
tweet_device varchar,
author varchar,
body varchar,
PRIMARY KEY(user_id,tweet_id,tweet_device)
INSERT INTO a (user_id, tweet_id, tweet_device, author, body)
VALUES ('xamry', 't1', 'web', 'Amresh', 'Here is my first tweet');
INSERT INTO a (user_id, tweet_id, tweet_device, author, body)
VALUES ('xamry', 't2', 'sms', 'Saurabh', 'Howz life Xamry');
INSERT INTO a (user_id, tweet_id, tweet_device, author, body)
VALUES ('mevivs', 't1', 'iPad', 'Kuldeep', 'You der?');
INSERT INTO a (user_id, tweet_id, tweet_device, author, body)
VALUES ('mevivs', 't2', 'mobile', 'Vivek', 'Yep, I suppose');
Create index user_index on a(author);
To answer your questions, let's focus on your choice of primary key for this table:
PRIMARY KEY(user_id,tweet_id,tweet_device)
As written, the user_id will be used as the partition key, which distributes your data around the cluster but also keeps all of the data for the same user ID on the same node. Within a single partition, unique rows are identified by the pair (tweet_id, tweet_device) and those rows will be automatically ordered by tweet_id because it is the second column listed in the primary key. (Or put another way, the first column in the PK that is not a part of the partition key determines the sort order of the partition.)
Query 1
The WHERE clause is author='Amresh'. Note that this clause does not involve any of the columns listed in the primary key; instead, it is filtering using a secondary index on author. Since the WHERE clause does not specify an exact value for the partition key column (user_id) using the index involves scanning all cluster nodes for possible matches. Results cannot be sorted when they come from more than one replica (node) because that would require holding the entire result set on the coordinator node before it could return any results to the client. The coordinator can't know what is the real "first" result row until it has confirmed that it has received and sorted every possible matching row.
If you need the information for a specific author name, separate from user ID, and sorted by tweet ID, then consider storing the data again in a different table. The data design philosophy with Cassandra is to store the data in the format you need when reading it and to actually denormalize (store redundant information) as necessary. This is because in Cassandra, writes are cheap (though it places the burden of managing multiple copies of the same logical data on the application developer).
Query 2
Here, the WHERE clause is user_id = 'xamry' which happens to be the partition key for this table. The good news is that this will go directly to the replica(s) holding this partition and not bother asking the other nodes. However, you cannot ORDER BY tweet_device because of what I explained at the top of this answer. Cassandra stores rows (within a single partition) sorted by a single column, generally the second column in the primary key. In your case, you can access data for user_id = 'xamry' ORDER BY tweet_id but not ordered by tweet_device. The answer, if you really need the data sorted by device, is the same as for Query 1: store it in a table where that is the second column in the primary key.
If, when looking up the tweets by user_id you only ever need them sorted by device, simply flip the order of the last two columns in your primary key. If you need to be able to sort either way, store the data twice in two different tables.
The Cassandra storage engine does not offer multi-column sorting other than the order of columns listed in your primary key.
