Tile-live mapnik returns blank image when i set tileSize : 1024 - mapnik

protocol: 'mapnik:',
pathname: './styles/listingStyles2.xml',
xml: xml,
tileSize: 256,
//metatile: 1,
autoLoadFonts: false
}, function(err, source) {
if (err) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'Blank.png'));
} else {
source.getTile(filterParams.z, filterParams.x, filterParams.y, function(error, tile, headers) {
//res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'Blank.png'));
This code works correctly, But when i change the tileSize : 1024 and then it returns blank images.

You are getting it because in the Library , the calculation are being made on keeping 256 as a base. to locate the positions .
var minx = (x * 256) * resolution - ORIGIN_SHIFT;
var miny = -((y + metaHeight) * 256) * resolution + ORIGIN_SHIFT;
var maxx = ((x + metaWidth) * 256) * resolution - ORIGIN_SHIFT;
var maxy = -((y * 256) * resolution - ORIGIN_SHIFT);
this is the snippet from the Render.Js in the package, try playing around it and you can modify it for your resolution .
also you have to take care about the following .
I hope this will help you out until the library is updated.


Getting bus error when composing a lot of images with sharp

I'm trying to compose a ton of images (2300) into a transparent png using sharp. I'm trying that with the following code:
await sharp({
create: {
width: 256,
height: 256,
channels: 4,
background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0 },
Where images is an array generated like this:
const pinSvg = fs.readFileSync("./icon_web_pin_record_basic.svg");
const pinWidth = 18;
const pinHeight = 25;
const generateImageFromLocationArray = (locations) => {
const images = [];
for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
const [x, y] = locations[i];
input: pinSvg,
blend: "add",
left: x - Math.floor(pinWidth / 2),
top: y - pinHeight,
return images;
With a few images, everything works fine, but with 2300 images, I get the following error:
[1] 12202 bus error node index.js
I have tried to set sharp.cache(false), but that has not worked. Any idea how to solve it? I suppose I'm getting some overflow, but I do not know how to fix it.

Pixi.js v5 - apply alpha to displacement map

I'm scaling a displacement map on click but would like that map to fade away once it reaches almost full scale. The idea is that the filter should be non-existent after a couple of seconds.
const app = new PIXI.Application({
view: document.querySelector("#canvas"),
width: 512,
height: 512
const logo = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage("https://unsplash.it/600");
const displacement = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage("https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1541701494587-cb58502866ab?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&w=1000&q=80");
const filter = new PIXI.filters.DisplacementFilter(displacement);
logo.interactive = true;
displacement.alpha = 1
app.stage.filterArea = app.screen;
app.stage.filters = [filter];
app.stage.addChild(logo, displacement);
app.ticker.add(function() {
displacement.scale.x += 0.05
displacement.scale.y += 0.05
if (displacement.scale.x > 10) app.ticker.stop()
logo.on('mousedown', function() {
Here's what I have so far:
I've only just started looking at Pixi but I think you want to use the scale property of the displacement filter. This value says how far to shift. Reducing this value to 0 will lessen its effect to none.
The way it works is it uses the values of the displacement map to look
up the correct pixels to output. This means it's not technically
moving the original. Instead, it's starting at the output and asking
"which pixel from the original goes here". For example, if a
displacement map pixel has red = 1 and the filter scale is 20, this
filter will output the pixel approximately 20 pixels to the right of
the original.
const app = new PIXI.Application({
view: document.querySelector("#canvas"),
width: 512,
height: 512
const logo = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage("https://unsplash.it/600");
const displacement = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage(
const filter = new PIXI.filters.DisplacementFilter(displacement);
logo.interactive = true;
displacement.alpha = 1;
app.stage.filterArea = app.screen;
app.stage.filters = [filter];
app.stage.addChild(logo, displacement);
const displacementScaleFrom = 0.05;
const displacementScaleTo = 10 ;
const displacementStep = 0.05;
const filterScaleFrom = 20;// the default value for the filter is 20
const filterStep = filterScaleFrom / ((displacementScaleTo-displacementScaleFrom) / displacementStep);
app.ticker.add(function () {
displacement.scale.x += displacementStep;
displacement.scale.y += displacementStep;
filter.scale.x -= filterStep;
filter.scale.y -= filterStep;
if (displacement.scale.x >= displacementScaleTo) {
filter.scale.x = 0;
filter.scale.y = 0;
logo.on("mousedown", function () {
filter.scale.x = filterScaleFrom;
filter.scale.y = filterScaleFrom;

Drawing multipe items in svg g elements using d3

I want to draw three different shapes collected inside a g element. I want to draw text, line and a graph. The problem im having with the code below is that the text is shown but the line does not show. It is drawn and I can see it in the source but it is not visible on the screen. What am I missing here?
//Bind data to a new g element
line = svg.selectAll("g")
"transform": function(d,i){ return "translate(50 " + (height - 50 + 15 * i) + ")"}
return d.name;
"opacity" : 1,
"stroke-width" : 2,
"stroke" : "blue",
"class" : "crisp",
"x1" : function (d) { return vfTimelineScale(d.start); },
"y1" : function (d,i) { return (height - 50 + 15 * i); },
"x2" : function (d) { return vfTimelineScale(d.stop); },
"y2" : function (d,i) { return (height - 50 + 15 * i); },
You are already positioning through the transformation, I presume you don't need the lines to be 450 px offset vertically from the text. Change the formula to something such as...
"x1" : function (d) { return vfTimelineScale(d.start); },
"y1" : 50,
"x2" : function (d) { return vfTimelineScale(d.stop); },
"y2" : 50
You will need to change the 50 value to suit your needs of course.

NVD3 line chart with vertical line

I'm trying to generate a linechart in NVD3 with a vertical line. Particularly this kind of line chart.
The linechart has two panels a viewing panel and a zoom panel, I would want the line to be on both.
Something like this:
Is this feasible?
I found out a way to do this by just appending to the data an extra stream which represents a line. e.g.
streams[3] = {key:'myline', values:[{x:68,y:0},{x:68,y:7}]}
Is there a better way?
Yes it's possible,
Here is an example of how to do it :
The solution here is to add a javascript function drawing vertical lines using NVD3 ( read carefully the comments ) :
function drawVerticalLines(opts) {
// CAREFUL HERE !!! the css pasth ".nvd3 .nv-focus .nv-linesWrap" depends on the type of chart you are using, lineChart would use only ".nvd3 .nv-linesWrap" ... !
if (!(d3.select('#' + opts.id + ' the css pasth ".nvd3 .nv-focus .nv" depends on the type of chart you are using, lineChart would use only -linesWrap').select('.vertical-lines')[0][0])) {
// Adds new g element with .vertical-lines class; use a css debugger to verify
d3.select('#' + opts.id + ' .nvd3 .nv-focus .nv-linesWrap').append('g')
.attr('class', 'vertical-lines')
vertLines = d3.select('#' + opts.id + ' .nvd3 .nv-focus .nv-linesWrap').select('.vertical-lines').selectAll('.vertical-line')
'date': new Date('1967-11-30'),
'label': 'something to highlight 1967'
}, {
'date': new Date('2001-11-30'),
'label': 'something to highlight 2001'
var vertG = vertLines.enter()
.attr('class', 'vertical-line')
// CAREFUL 2 : chart.xAxis.scale() scale depends how you are defining your x Axis in nvd3 chart ... if your are using timestamps, (d.date / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000) becomes (d.date)
.attr('x1', function(d) {
return chart.xAxis.scale()(d.date / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000)
.attr('x2', function(d) {
return chart.xAxis.scale()(d.date / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000)
.attr('y1', chart.yAxis.scale().range()[0])
.attr('y2', chart.yAxis.scale().range()[1])
.style('stroke', 'red')
.text(function(d) {
return d.label
.attr('dy', '1em')
//x placement ; change dy above for minor adjustments but mainly
// change the d.date/60/60/24/1000
//y placement ; change 2 to where you want vertical placement
//rotate -90 but feel free to change to what you would like
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' +
chart.xAxis.scale()(d.date / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000) +
',' +
chart.yAxis.scale()(2) +
') rotate(-90)'
//also you can style however you would like
//here is an example changing the font size
.style('font-size', '80%')
And call this method in nv.addGraph Callback :
var sharedChart = null; // Shared reference on the chart
nv.addGraph(function() {
sharedChart = chart;
return chart;
function() {
drawVerticalLines(opts, sharedChart);
With opts ... (obviously you don't really need it):
var opts${widgetID.replace('-', '0')} = {
"dom": "chart${widgetID}",
"width": 800,
"height": 400,
"x": "date",
"y": "value",
"group": "variable",
"type": "lineWithFocusChart",
"id": "chart${widgetID}"
Hope this helps, it took me quite a long time to find it and to make it work !

How to smoothen lines using SVG?

I am looking at this example. How this can be done using Raphael for below example ?
Raphael("canvas", function () {
var win = Raphael._g.win,
doc = win.document,
hasTouch = "createTouch" in doc,
M = "M",
L = "L",
d = "d",
COMMA = ",",
// constant for waiting doodle stop
INTERRUPT_TIMEOUT_MS = hasTouch ? 100 : 1,
// offset for better visual accuracy
CURSOR_OFFSET = hasTouch ? 0 : -10,
paper = this,
path = "", // hold doodle path commands
// this element draws the doodle
doodle = paper.path(path).attr({
"stroke": "rgb(255,0,0)"
// this is to capture mouse movements
tracker = paper.rect(0, 0, paper.width, paper.height).attr({
"fill": "rgb(255,255,255)",
"fill-opacity": "0.01"
active = false, // flag to check active doodling
repath = false, // flag to check if a new segment starts
interrupt; // this is to connect jittery touch
tracker.mousedown(function () {
interrupt && (interrupt = clearTimeout(interrupt));
active = true;
repath = true;
tracker.mousemove(function (e, x, y) {
// do nothing if doodling is inactive
if (!active) {
// Fix for Raphael's touch xy bug
if (hasTouch &&
(e.originalEvent.targetTouches.length === 1)) {
x = e.clientX +
(doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0);
y = e.clientY +
(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft || 0);
// Insert move command for a new segment
if (repath) {
path += M + (x + CURSOR_OFFSET) + COMMA +
repath = false;
path += L + (x + CURSOR_OFFSET) + COMMA +
(y + CURSOR_OFFSET); // append line point
// directly access SVG element and set path
doodle.node.setAttribute(d, path);
// track window mouse up to ensure mouse up even outside
// paper works.
Raphael.mouseup(function () {
interrupt && (interrupt = clearTimeout(interrupt));
// wait sometime before deactivating doodle
interrupt = setTimeout(function () {
active = false;
Above code is copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/17781275/1595858
To create a smooth line through several points, use Raphael's Catmull-Rom extension to SVG paths. See: http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Paper.path .
// Creating a line:
var line = paper.path("M x0 y0 R x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4");
// Adding next point:
line.attr("path", line.attr("path") + " x5 y5");
The easiest way to smoothen the lines in your case (using Raphael) is to use the Raphael._path2curve function.
The place where you are doing doodle.node.setAttribute(d, path); replace it with the following line, thus replacing all line segments with curves.
doodle.node.setAttribute(d, Raphael._path2curve(path));
Note that this will result in degradation of performance. There is a huge scope of improvement of this by realtime converting path to curves instead of converting the entire path every time.
