npm path and installation issues - suggestions - node.js

I have used to install my nodejs on D:\ drive instead of C and have set environment variables to D drive node & npm folders.
Then i changed npm installation path as "prefix=D:\node\node_modules\npm
" on "npmrc" file. So i could confirm that all user based modules are pointing on D drive npm folder instead of appdata.
I tried to install express js globally and i used to check the package tree on my cli as mentioned below,
npm ll -g
while trying this command am getting npm extraneous ERR,
Please suggest me that which way i have to use npm path and installation stuffs.
Thanks in advance.

It might seem like a good idea to install packages globally, but this is one great reason not to.
Often used packages like express, and cookies should be kept local to a package. Mostly because of versioning issues. You might have one package using express2, but your new one wants to use express3. You would have trouble if it was a global install. When in doubt leave off that -g, and use a --save instead. (This adds the package to your npm dependencies list.)
On the other hand, command line tools like mocha, yeoman, and uh not much else that I know of should be installed with the -g flag.
I'm not much of a windows person, so you'll have to look a little yourself, but I would also recommend not installing Node by hand, but instead using a version manager like nvm to do that stuff. Here's an nvm port for windows:


What is the difference between installing a package locally and globally using npm?

What is the difference between installing a package locally and globally using npm?
From my understanding:
Locally install: npm install <package>
This package/module will find on your local node_modules folder and
can only be usable for this project.
This package/module can be accessible in using require("package")
from code.
This package/module can't be accessible in command line interface.
Globally install: npm install <package> -g
This package/module will find on where node is installed in your machine like /usr/local and can be usable everywhere.
This package/module can't be accessible in using require("package")
from code.
This package/module can be accessible in command line interface.
Please let me know. If I could misunderstand anything here. Thanks!
You are correct except for 1 point.
The local packages exposing CLI utilities can be accessed from the command line. Newer versions of NPM create this .bin/ directory inside the local node_modules/.
Whenever you try to use a tool (let's take babel for example), if you use it from the command line and you have it installed in your project, npm will properly identify that package and run it's CLI for you.
Here's a useful article on the topic.
Global modules are mostly tools like gulp, yoman or any other module you use in your daily work.
Local modules are the dependencies of your project. You should never depend on a global module in your project. Even dependencies as gulp should be a local dependency in your dev-dependency section.

Doesn't npm install check for a global version first?

I just setup a test, and tried to npm install express even though express already exists globally on my system. To my surprise, instead of using the global version, it ended up re-installing a version locally!? Isn't it supposed to use the global version... Or am I suppose to use -g every time, even when I only want to use the existing global version. Otherwise, what's the point of installing anything locally!?
The answer is "NO". It isn't supposed to use your global version.
If you want to use your global version, then you doesn't need to execute npm install at all because it is already installed.
If you do it then, obviously, you are saying "I want to install it locally to my project". And more than that: "I want to install its latest version unless it is declared in my package.json with other explicitly specified version".
In fact, the actual question is: Why in the hell would you want to not install a dependency of your project locally? To have more version mismatch issues?
As #anshuman_singh says, best practice is to always do an npm install --save.
You are able to use globally installed packages, of course. It could be handy for fast testing code that you will drop just after a few hours or so.
But, anyway: If you doesn't have really hard disk or network bandwidth issues, installing all dependencies locally will avoid you too much trouble in the future.
On the other hand, uploading that modules to your code repository is also a bad idea (maybe that is what you were trying to avoid) because, with different versions of node, most native modules won't work if not rebuild. But most VCS support ignoring files and or directories that must not be uploaded.
For example, in git (.gitignore file):
In summary:
npm init (if you didn't already it).
npm install --save for all your project dependencies.
npm install --save-dev for dependencies not needed in production (testing stuff).
Don't upload node_modules to your VCS.
After new checkout: npm install or npm install --production (to not install dev-dependencies).
npm install -g only for tools you will use in console.
This way, you are sure that you will have in production (or other dev environments) the exact same version of each package.
And, finally, if you ever want to upgrade some package to its latest version, simply run:
npm install --save <pagkage_name>#latest.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your program, using require('whatever'), then install it locally, at the root of your project.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your shell, on the command line or something, install it globally, so that its binaries end up in your PATH environment variable.
The first option is the best in my opinion. Simple, clear, explicit. The second is really handy if you are going to re-use the same library in a bunch of different projects
Install locally-
npm install moduleName
install locally and save in package.json-
npm install moduleName --save
install globally-
npm install moduleName -g

how should I update paths to global packages like node-inspector when changing versions via NVM?

Related, not an answer: Managing global npm packages when using nvm
Let's say I install Node 0.12.4 with NVM. Now I want to install node-inspector and use it from the command line:
npm install -g node-inspector
Node-inspector will be placed in: /Users/[xxx]/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.4/lib/node_modules/node-inspector/node_modules/v8-profiler
OK no problem. But now when I run which node-inspector I get no results. Clearly I need to alias it in /usr/local/bin (I think) or add that path to my $PATH. But that would mean changing those values when I switch node versions, which doesn't seem in keeping with what nvm is meant to do.
Is there a better way to update the path to any globally installed packages when using nvm and switching versions?
But that would mean changing those values when I switch node versions, which doesn't seem in keeping with what nvm is meant to do.
You'll find a long discussion of this issue here which I interpret to contradict your idea of "what nvm is meant to do".
My personal solution has 2 aspects: First, don't install npm modules globally as described in my blog post here. I find that 95% of my npm libraries that recommend global installation work better with a node version installed courtesy of nvm and tied to the project via a .nvmrc file within the project's directory, and project-specific npm modules in the node_modules directory within the project. Really, for things like bower, gulp, grunt, stylus, less, browserify, uglify, etc, local install and decent PATH management work just fine.
For things that are really less project specific, I just install a shared node at ~/shared_node.js and install things in there and put ~/shared_node.js/node_modules/.bin on my PATH permanently and call it good. At the moment I have just a few things in there like html2jade, keybase, and node-inspector.
i know it's an old question.
but after too much searching i didn't find non dirty way to do.
i'm using fish.
and i just need to add this kind of path in $PATH
so i put this in my
set PATH $PATH (npm root -g)/bin
if you change your node version. your $PATH will change and you must install those package you want for new version

Locally installed versus globally installed NPM modules

In my package.json file, I have bower listed as a dependency. After I run npm install, bower gets installed locally. When I try to run bower after installing it locally I get an error
"bower" is not recognized as an internal or external command
It seems the only way to resolve this is to install bower globally. Why should I have to do this? If my project contains a local copy of bower, why won't node use it?
Installing locally makes bower available to the current project (where it stores all of the node modules in node_modules). This is usually only good for using a module like so var module = require('module'); It will not be available as a command that the shell can resolve until you install it globally npm install -g module where npm will install it in a place where your path variable will resolve this command.
Edit: This documentation explains it pretty thorougly.
You can execute your local instance by typing the line below in cmd:
node_modules/bower/bin/bower <bower args>
We use both PHP and JavaScript, so we have composer and npm.
Each of the projects we work on have different packages both for runtime of the package as well as build/dev tools.
As there are version constraints in each project, installing version x of a package globally (that would be run from the command line), would cause us issues, we install all the tooling in each package. Much easier to define in the appropriate composer.json / package.json files.
But running the CLI tools is a pain if you have to constantly add an additional path to the command.
To that end, we have recommend to the team that the following paths are added to your $PATH in the appropriate .bashrc (or equivalent):
(EDIT: For Windows, the paths would be .\vendor\bin;.\node_modules\.bin;)
So, whilst in project X, we have access to the CLI tools for that project. Switch to project Y, and we get that projects tools.
Sure, you are going to get duplications, but each project is maintained by different teams (and some people are in multiple teams), so again, having 1 version in the global setup is an issue there.
Usually you install NPM modules globally if you want them included in your path to be ran from the command line. Since it is installed locally you will have to run it from the node_modules folder.

NPM basics and Local Installs?

I'm not regular node user, so my apologies if this is a stupid newbie question, but I haven't been able to find any clear documentation on this, and my feeble newbie node skills don't let me dig into myself.
I'm following along with these instructions for installing the Ghost blogging system, (a system built with NodeJS).
After telling me to open a terminal window in the just downloaded package folder, yhe instructions include the following line
In the new terminal tab type npm install --production
This confuses me. My understanding of npm is it's a package manager that, like perl's CPAN
Fetches packages from The Internet
Installs them into my local node system
That's clearly not what's happening above, but I don't know what is happening when I run that command, and since I don't run with a NodeJS crowd I don't know who to ask.
I'd like to know what NPM is doing. Specific questions
When I run npm install, it looks like it's downloading a number of packages (lots of npm http GET in the console). How does NPM know what to download?
Where is it downloading these module files to? How does npm know where to download the files?
What effect does the --production flag have on NPM's behavior?
Happy to have specific answers, or a meta-answer that points out where I can learn how npm works with (what appears to be) a application installs (vs. a system install, which is how I normally think of it)
npm has a few different installation modes. From within a module (with a package.json file) npm install installs the dependencies listed in the dependencies and devDependencies fields of the package.json file. Installation means that files the modules are downloaded, placed in the node_modules folder, then npm installed themselves, (but only their dependencies) placing modules their own node_modules folders. This continues until everything needed is installed. Use npm ls to see the tree of installed packages.
Most of the time this is what you want, because running npm install from within a module is what you would do when developing on it, and you'll want to run tests etc. (which is what devDependencies is for).
Occasionally though, you'll be coding a service that consumes modules, but should not necessarily be treated like one (not intended to be require'd). Ghost is such a case. In these cases, you need npm install --production, which only installs the dependencies, leaving the devDependencies.
When I run npm install, it looks like it's downloading a number of
packages (lots of npm http GET in the console). How does NPM know what
to download?
It reads the package.json configuration file in the current directory.
Where is it downloading these module files to? How does npm know where to download the files?
It will create and populate a node_modules directory within the current directory. The file structure is designed in to npm/node and is (mostly) intentionally not configurable.
What effect does the --production flag have on NPM's behavior?
Install just the dependencies without the devDependencies from package.json, meaning "give me what I need to run this app, but I don't intend do do development on this app so I don't need dev-only stuff". has some docs, FAQ, and man pages, which are pretty good although they are mostly lacking basic introductory material.
