Xpages viewPanel column looses sorting link after category filter reset - xpages

I have a Xpages page with a viewPanel control definied. It it filtered by category and contains some columns. One of them is sortable. Unfortunatelly it looses sorting capabilty in the following scenario:
Open Xpage (filter category: null) - I may click the sort column
Change filter category (filter category: 'something') - The sorting is unavailable (and that's ok thus datasource)
Change filter category back (filter category == null) - The sorting is unavailable, there is no column sorting link (sorting arrows are visible) .
I've tried partial and full refresh but it does not work. What should I do in order to have sorting enabled again?
Here is sample code:
<xp:button value="All companies" id="button5">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="vpDocuments">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:viewScope.cat = null;}]]></xp:this.action>
<xp:button value="Single Company" id="button2">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="vpDocuments">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:viewScope.cat = 'abc';}]]></xp:this.action>
<xp:viewPanel id="vpDocuments" var="rowData"
<xp:dominoView var="view1"
databaseName="#{javascript:computeMyDb()}" viewName="xMyView"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="$Company" id="viewColumn1">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Company" id="viewColumnHeader1">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="Invoice" id="viewColumn2">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Invoice" id="viewColumnHeader2">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="OrderDate" id="viewColumn7"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Order Date" id="viewColumnHeader7"
So the last column is sortable, but after clearing category filter the header in not clickable

Please use the keys property instead of the categoryFilter property to fix your issue.


View Column Header cannot sort column when use Filter by category name?

I have a view in the xpage. The view will display relevant information depends on user login. In my previous post, thanks for the useful answer and comments, I was able to do the part.
However, I notice that the view cannot sort when click the column header. In Properties, I go to View Column Header, I see the Sort column has a tick in the check box.
I am not sure why the view column header cannot sort, I guess the Filter by category name effect the sort function. It is because when I remove the code in Filter by category name, I can click the column header to sort. But when I add the add code in Filter by category name, I click the column header, it cannot sort.
So my question is why the view column header cannot sort column when use filter by category name? Is there any method that I can make view column header able to sort when clicked?
I would like to post my code below because I don't know which part I did wrong.
<xp:viewPanel rows="30" id="viewPanel3"
pageName="/BookVenue.xsp" iewStyle="width:700.0px">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true"
layout="Previous Group Next" xp:key="footerPager" id="pager1">
<xp:dominoView var="view1"
<xp:this.categoryFilter><![CDATA[# {javascript:var uName:NotesName = session.createName(session.getEffectiveUserName());
return uName.getCommon();
<xp:viewColumn columnName="Venue"
id="viewColumn7" displayAs="link">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Course Name"
id="viewColumnHeader7" sortable="true">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="ReturnDate"
id="viewColumn8" displayAs="link">
<xp:convertDateTime type="date"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Remarks"
id="viewColumnHeader8" sortable="true">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="Remark"
id="viewColumn9" displayAs="link">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Remark"
id="viewColumnHeader9" sortable="true">
Would someone let me know my mistakes please. Thanks a lot.
I have read the following posts and I try to use the solution in the view but it still cannot sort.
XPages "filter by category name" for View Panel Controll random error
xpages : Filtering a View Data Source using the keys parameter(filter by category name)
You may want to just ditch the View Control and use a repeat and store the data in a Java object. Then you can sort for any of the columns. I covered this in a webinar I did, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln-meA0WXaw&feature=youtu.be
The sample database is at http://www.tlcc.com/mwlug

Edit box in repeat control with default value does not update on delete

I have a Repeat control in which I have a edit box which has passed a default value.There is a Delete button to delete that row.
just for test I have used a computed field along with the edit box.Computed field is also passed the same value as edit box.Now both computed Field and Edit Box has same value,When I click on Delete button randomly,it gets delete but only computed field updates properly in repeat control wherever deleted,
In case of Edit box,it shows the last record disappears.
So the issue is, the value in edit box does not get update like computed field does.I have done the test by writing following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="testing">
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" multipleSeparator=",">
<xp:this.defaultValue><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vector();
return v;}]]></xp:this.defaultValue>
<xp:repeat id="repeat1" rows="30" var="r" indexVar="i" first="0">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return getComponent("inputText1").getValue();}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:div style="text-align:center">
<xp:label value="#{javascript:r}" id="label1"
<xp:button value="Delete" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v:java.util.Vector = getComponent("inputText1").getValue();
if(v != null){
var sdtString = getComponent("inputText2").getValue();
<xp:inputText id="inputText2">
This is the example code for testing to get the exact issue.
Edit 1: Real Scenario
We have an application to select multiple dates for a meeting and hence using the notes free time we mark multiple dates and then users are allowed to edit/delete the same in another window..Since, it was not possible/feasible enough to save all the fields in SSJS, we rather preferred binding each field with the data-source under the repeat control by using custom properties of the custom control (hope I am making some sense). Every fields is mapped as #chintan pointed out as follows:
As described in the first part of the question the fields are not getting updated since we set them using default values. However, based on the suggestion we tried to set the field using the script library which does work well, however, might seem stupid but it messes the date field. When we set the value using the following:
var d:java.util.Date = new java.util.Date(compositeData.selectedDate);
It jumbles up the month, date and year field and shows a complete different value (the same code works well when put as the default value).
Hope this makes sense.
Any kind of solution can be appreciated.
inputText2's defaultValue gets executed only once at first page load. Then the XPage memorized that repeat 1 has inputText2 defaultValue 1, repeat 2 has inputText2 defaultValue 2 and so on.
Example: as you can see in print log, inputText2's defaultValue doesn't get calculated again after deleting row 3 and later row 1.
Turn it around and set inputText2's value in label1's value code:
value="#{javascript:getComponent('inputText2').setValue(r); r}"
then it will set inputText2's value properly. You don't need inputText2's defaultValue property anymore.
As an alternative you can define inputText2's value property and bind it to a row-specific data source or viewScope variable.
As you described in your "Edit 1 Real Scenario", you want to edit and delete pairs of dates. I created the following example. Instead of dates I just use strings for simplicity. Keep the dates in a viewScope variable and edit/delete them right there:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
{"from":"a", "to":"b"},
{"from":"c", "to":"d"},
{"from":"x", "to":"y"}];}]]></xp:this.beforePageLoad>
<xp:br />
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript: viewScope.dates.remove(i);
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript: "";
var length = viewScope.dates.length;
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += viewScope.dates[i].from + " - " + viewScope.dates[i].to + "<br />";
Create the viewScope variable as an array of objects.

How to make the xpage can be adjusted automatically according to the size of the screen automatically displays rows?

I have created a xpage to show the domino view, and I have set the "Maximum rows per page:20", but when I review the xpage from my Iphone, I found that the view only half of the creen. So I have set the "Maximum rows per page:30", but when I review the xpage from Ipad, the view only half of the screen again.
So How to make the xpage can be adjusted automatically according to the size of the screen automatically displays rows??
Following is the xpage coding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:dominoView var="view1" viewName="webvwbyDept" />
<xp:viewPanel value="#{view1}" id="viewPanel1" var="rowData"
viewStyle="width:99.0%" rows="38">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true" layout="Previous Group Next"
xp:key="headerPager" id="pager1">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true" layout="Previous Group Next"
xp:key="footerPager" id="pager2">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="$4" id="viewColumn1"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Location" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader1" style="width:65.0px;text-align:center">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="Dept" id="viewColumn2"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Department" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader2" style="width:88.0px;text-align:center">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="signNO" id="viewColumn3"
style="text-align:center;width:30.0px" displayAs="link"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Document No" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader3" style="width:30.0px;text-align:center">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
refreshMode="complete" id="eventHandler1">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:if (!rowData.isCategory())
var url = "0/"+rowData.getUniversalID()+"?OpenDocument"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="BDT" id="viewColumn4"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Begin Date" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader4" style="width:65.0px;text-align:center">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="EDT" id="viewColumn5"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="End Date" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader5" style="width:65.0px;text-align:center">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="$3" id="viewColumn7"
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Reason" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader7" style="text-align:center;width:30.0px">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="F1" id="viewColumn9">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Project" xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader9" style="text-align:center">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var maxLength=10;var columnValue=rowData.getColumnValue("F1");if (typeof columnValue == "java.util.Vector") {
columnValue = columnValue.toArray().join(",");
}return columnValue.length > maxLength?columnValue.substring(0,maxLength)+"...":columnValue;}]]></xp:this.value>
Here are two XPages snippets that I think will help you.
FYI: In case you never used them, a CSS media query allows you to specify certain CSS for each device based on screen size in pixels. You generally need four media queries: phone, tablet, desktop, large desktop, you might only need the first three.
For you, you want to adjust a serverside setting based on a media query which adds an extra layer of complexity. Please check out these snippets, and modify to fit your need. The first one is the one you should focus on. Both are by Tony McGuckin of IBM, who is part of the team that created XPages.
Using this example in the first snippet, I think you will need to have a different view for each device, and show the correct on based on the media query. IMO this will be the best user experience. If this is too much trouble, considering using Bootstrap and you will get responsiveness built in.
There isn't a simple way to do this because the server side cannot tell how large the screen is before the page loads. Here is an example....
To start you have to
check a sessionScope variable and if blank assume a value = 20.
have the page load to determine the size of the screen
figure out how many rows you want to show based on that
set the sessionScope value using JSONRPC
partialrefresh the view with the new number of rows displayed.
The code below shows an example of this but is not perfect. There are too many variables for CSS in the view and the size of your rows, it would have to be adapted for your individual application.
The XPage code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"
<script src="jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<xp:dominoView var="view3" viewName="vwSomeData"></xp:dominoView>
<xe:jsonRpcService id="jsonRpcService1" serviceName="myRPC">
<xe:remoteMethod name="setRows"
script="sessionScope.put('numRows', rows)">
<xe:remoteMethodArg name="rows" type="boolean"></xe:remoteMethodArg>
<xp:panel styleClass="viewWrapper" id="viewWrapper">
<xp:viewPanel value="#{view3}" id="viewPanel1">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true"
layout="Previous Group Next" xp:key="headerPager" id="pager1"
var temp = sessionScope.get("numRows");
print (temp)
//if no sessionScope value assume 10
return (temp || 10)
<xp:viewColumn columnName="Record_ID" id="viewColumn1">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Record_ i d"
xp:key="header" id="viewColumnHeader1">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="departdate" id="viewColumn2">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="D e p a r t d a t e"
xp:key="header" id="viewColumnHeader2">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="returndate" id="viewColumn3">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="R e t u r n d a t e"
xp:key="header" id="viewColumnHeader3">
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
//This is only rendered if there is no sessionScope variable
var rowFactor = parseInt($(window).height()/32);
var temp = $('.viewWrapper').attr("id");
XSP.partialRefreshGet(temp, {})
var temp1 = !sessionScope.get('numRows');
print (temp1);
return temp1;

open blank page (new page) on clicking calculated page url in a view

I've got following viewPanel. I would like to open a new page when the users clicks on the calculated page url. I just don't seem to figure this out.
<xp:viewPanel rows="30" id="viewPanel9" showColumnHeader="false" var="rowData"viewStyle="width:auto" disableTheme="true">
<xp:dominoView var="view9" databaseName="product/picture.nsf"
viewName="pictures3" keysExactMatch="true"
<xp:this.rendered><![CDATA[#{javascript:getComponent("viewPanel9").getRowCount() > 0}]]>
<xp:viewColumn columnName="picDescr" id="viewColumn9" displayAs="link" openDocAsReadonly="true">
<xp:this.iconSrc><![CDATA[#{javascript:thisid = rowData.getColumnValue("unid");
thisdocument = rowData.getColumnValue("picName");
calculatedlink = "servername/product/picture.nsf/O/"+thisid+"/$FILE/"+thisdocument;
return calculatedlink}]]>
<xp:this.pageUrl><![CDATA[#{javascript:thisid = rowData.getColumnValue("unid");
thisdocument = rowData.getColumnValue("picName");
picturename = thisdocument.replace("th_","");
calculatedlink = "servername/product/picture.nsf/O/"+thisid+"/$FILE/"+picturename;
return calculatedlink}]]></xp:this.pageUrl>
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Description" id="viewColumnHeader9">
Some time back I was grappling with same issue. I created a workaround for it which works, but I don't know if it is the best way to go about it.
First set the displayAs attribute of xp:viewColumn to hidden. So it looks something like this:
<xp:viewColumn columnName="picDescr" id="viewColumn9" displayAs="hidden" openDocAsReadonly="true">
Now put a Link control in the column, you would have to do this in Source tab. You can then set the target attribute to _blank for the Link control. So your code would look something like this:
<xp:viewColumn columnName="picDescr" id="viewColumn9" displayAs="hidden" openDocAsReadonly="true">
<xp:link escape="true" target="_blank">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:thisid = rowData.getColumnValue("unid");
thisdocument = rowData.getColumnValue("picName");
picturename = thisdocument.replace("th_","");
calculatedlink = "servername/product/picture.nsf/O/"+thisid+"/$FILE/"+picturename;
return calculatedlink}]]></xp:this.value>
I think I would use a repeat control instead.
Up near the top establish the linkage to the data as you did:
<xp:dominoView var="contactsView"
and then, where you want your "view":
<xp:repeat id="contactRepeat" rows="30" value="#{contactsView}" var="dataRow" disableOutputTag="true">
<xp:link escape="true" id="link1">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return "m_ContactDetails.xsp?action=OpenDocument&documentId=" + dataRow.getDocument().getUniversalID();}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:this.text><![CDATA[#{javascript:return dataRow.getColumnValue("Name");}]]></xp:this.text>
I got the basics of that from TeamStudio in their recent video on mobile apps. It's part of a jQuery-powered contacts list that opens the contact details XPage for the contact you click on.

Filtering categorized View Panel in xPages

I have a view panel with a categorized view as it source. The data I am viewing can have various statuses (Status='Submitted' , Status = 'Approved') etc.
I have a combo box on my page that lets me to select the status to display in the view. That all works great with the exception that the xPages view does the same annoying thing as in the client when displaying a categorized view. And that is, it does not display the categorized columns then a full text index search filter is in place.
Other than creating a view and a corresponding xpage for each status, is there any way to filter by status and still display the categorized field?
I don't think you need 2 views or 2 view panels on XPage.In the view that was categorized by Status, put the below formula for the categorized Status column :
Status : "All"
The above formula will add category 'All', and shows all documents irrespective of status.
If I understand right:
You want to use "single category" to select by "Status" (e.g. "Draft") and still want to show the column with "Draft"?
.... besides that you probably would be better off to just show it at a header above the view, since it saves you a full column, you simply add another column to your view (unsorted) that repeats the field "Status". If you don't want to add a view column, you can create a computed column that uses the status field.
I went with two view panels / views. If "All" is selected then the view that is categorized by client is displayed. Otherwise the view categorized by status then client is displayed. The category filter is then used for that view.
<xp:viewPanel rows="30" id="viewPanel1">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true" layout="Previous Group Next"
xp:key="headerPager" id="pager1">
<xp:dominoView var="view1"
<xp:this.rendered><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v = getComponent("comboBoxFilterBy").getValue();
return (v=="All" || v==null);
<xp:viewColumn columnName="ClientName" id="viewColumn1">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="ClientName"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="RequestNum" id="viewColumn2">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Request #"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="APPSNo" id="viewColumn3">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="APPS Number"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="LoanType" id="viewColumn4">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Loan Type"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="LoanAmount" id="viewColumn5">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Loan Amount"
<xp:viewColumn columnName="Term" id="viewColumn6">
<xp:viewColumnHeader value="Term" id="viewColumnHeader6">
<xp:viewPanel rows="30" id="viewPanel2">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true" layout="Previous Group Next"
xp:key="headerPager" id="pager2">
<xp:dominoView var="view2"
<xp:this.categoryFilter><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v = getComponent("comboBoxFilterBy").getValue();
