Dreamwaver doesn't auto hint code when typing - dreamweaver

I'm using an install of Dreamweaver on my Macbook to code. When I type code on Dreamweaver the hint code still works but it is not perfect. For example, when I type $ it shows the tooltip to hint the code but when I continue to type $_S it does not show code that starts with $_S. (I want it to show tooltip start with $_SESSION.)

I almost feel that this is too obvious to be the answer, but... 'C' and 'S' are different letters. If you wanted it to suggest $_SESSION, you should begin typing $_S, not $_C.


What is the reason for an error within Dash elements properties?

I have been working with Dash and Plotly for Python for quite a while now. Everything was working (in fact, it still does). The problem is I opened VS Code this morning and I have a bunch of highlighted errors on all my .py files. They all show an error like this:
Argument of type "list[dict[str, Any]]" cannot be assigned to parameter "options" of type "_UNDEFINED" in function "init"
"list[dict[str, Any]]" is incompatible with "_UNDEFINED"
This was not here when I last worked on this project (about two days ago). I can still run the web app and it works as expected, but it is really hard to keep working when I have all this highlighted text for apparently no reason.
Screenshot of errors
Does anyone know why this could have happened overnight, and how to fix it?
It looks like you have inadvertently switched type checking on.
In VSC, hover over the curly braces next to 'Python' that appears in the footer at the bottom of the application window to toggle it on and off.
Seems like that you haven't choosen the Python interpreter in your IDE. Select it from the setting of your IDE.

Shortcut for print() function in Spyder

Yes I know that using print() as a function rather than a statement is "better" in a bunch of ways. I still hate it, in part because it makes debugging and checking things so much more annoying. If you had a line
and you wanted to see if it was doing what you thought it was, you could just add a print to it and get
print do_thing(stuff)
However, adding the parentheses can sometimes be a bit fiddly.
Yes I know I'm lazy, but is there a shortcut in Spyder or other consoles for highlighting a line of text and putting a print() wrapper around it like it does for parentheses (which is about 80:20 useful:annoying)
(Spyder maintainer here) You can do this, and not only for print but for any function, by going to the menu
Tools > Preferences > IPython console > Advanced settings > Autocall
and selecting there the Smart or Full options.
To learn about the difference between them, please go here (Smart is equivalent to Active and Full to Active always).

How to expand an UltiSnips snippet using <c-y> in the YouCompleteMe pop-up menu?

This problem really hit a nerve with me. I have both YouCompleteMe and UltiSnips installed on my vim 8.0 editor. It seems that both of these plugins use the tab key for doing the auto-completion and that has created an incompatibility that has been also addressed by this question. My question is more specific, though. When I write a piece of code like <html, there is a pop-up menu that shows me all related snippets for that code.
I use the tab key to navigate through that menu but when I hit ctrl+y to accept and therefore expand one of these snippets, nothing happens! I think this structure suggests that it's possible to somehow choose one of those snippets from the menu without trying to define a shortcut for UltiSnip. What am I doing wrong? How should I navigate and choose those snippets?
I also would not want to stuff my vim with any new plugins (like supertab, etc.).
The solution was actually a lot simpler than I expected. In the beginning, I felt stupid for not knowing it but when I find a similar question like this one, I thought that probably many were fallen into the same trap.
I don't know whether to name it a bug or not but it's how Ultisnips and YouCompleteMe work together. In order to expand a snippet, you have to write the initializer exactly as it's defined. Of course, this seems obvious, but when you see a pop-up menu of different snippets, you might think they can be chosen but it only works if you already wrote the snippet initializer exactly as it's defined.
So when a snippet is called "html5"---as it's shown in my question---writing an extra opening bracket (<) will cause it to stop working. It cannot be expanded.
Also, don't forget to check out Siegfried Gevatter configuration. It's not possible to use tab key both for navigating into the pop-up menu and expanding the snippets.
P.S. It was nice if navigating through the pop-up menu could change the whole word (including the angle bracket), not just what succeeds it. This feature works this way in most of the other editors I see and that's probably why I wasn't able to spot the problem in the beginning.

xmonad submap not working

I'm new to xmonad and haskell. I try to create a xmonad config on my own, this is the current state: https://gist.github.com/sbechtel/7900440
My problem is the submap on line 45 for different search prompts. It compiles without problems but doesn't do anything. I belief it was working but now it isn't working anymore so my guess is some kind of side effect because I didn't change anything on that line?
Kind regards,
It looks correct on first sight to me. Beware though that there is no prompt for the search engine selection. To test it, you have to to press mod1 + s, then g for example. Only then google pops up.

Dreamweaver CS5 code hinting

I've been programming in Xcode a lot and the code hinting/autocompletion is amazing. Now Im working with CS5 and it's a pain to need to hit Crtl+Space every single time for code completion. Every time i type a letter, instead of autocompletion, dreamweaver saids "There is a syntax error on line ... Code hitting may not work until you fix this".
So is there anyway to have code hinting enable right when you type a letter or at least have error checking be less aggressive? Thank you so much!
Unfortunately, you don't get a ton of control over Dreamweaver's code hinting and syntax checking.
The code hinting can be enabled or disabled and also given a delay before appearing at Edit | Preferences | Code Hinting.
The Syntax Error in the header can be disabled in Split View or Code View from the Coding Toolbar. Look for the icon that has the triangular yellow background with an exclamation point and toggle it. When you have invalid syntax you'll still get red coloring on the line numbers (or left margin if you disable the line numbers) but that's about it.
Firstly Go to Edit Preference (Ctrl+U) After that see the screenshot
