Problems running Agent AI in CodeRally - code-rally

When I try and deploy to my AI into a local liberty Eclipse informs me that I don't have servlet 3.0 installed.
My liberty installation is:-
Launching server1 (WebSphere Application Server
1749) on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_45-b15 (en_GB)
and it contains servlet 3.1
Even after installing the servlet 3.0 feature, it still says I need to install the feature

Here's some troubleshooting suggestions specific to your scenario.
If you're having issues with your own Liberty install, you can try using the one that ships with the Code Rally install (it's automatically included when you install using the Installation Manager install). You can find it under the Code Rally install dir, for example, on my Windows machine the Liberty install dir is:
C:\Program Files\IBM\CodeRally\wlp
As of July 2015, the Code Rally 1.4 install includes the Liberty 2015.5.0.0 beta, which does includes the servlet-3.0 feature by default.
I would also suggest creating a new workspace for Code Rally, rather than reusing an old workspace. This way you can ensure that there are not any old servers/runtimes defined (either Servers in the Servers view, or Runtimes defined under Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments). Code Rally should work with an existing workspace, but using a new workspace helps rule out these types of issues.
Ensure that you have the correct Liberty server defined in the Servers view, such that the 'WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile at localhost' entry should be the only one listed. Note that you may also see Web Preview Server in the Servers view list; it can't hurt to remove this.
Finally, Code Rally Agents have a target Liberty server defined in their vehicle info. Right click on your vehicle in the Vehicles tab, and select Edit. Ensure that the "Liberty Server:" combo box is pointing to the correct server.

Thank you Jonathan for your help. The extra step I needed to do, was delete the contents of the c:\users\bondj\user.coderally directory - and then reinstall.


How to install DCEVM in Guidewire?

I have downloaded DCEVM jar file. Now I want to install this jar to run Gosu queries in my Gudiewire Studio.
Please help me how to install this DCEVM jar in Guidewire Studio.
DCEVM was first published in June 2010 as a research paper. Since then it has been widely used by Guidewire as the preferred VM for development environments. It allows you to Hot Swap (partially reload code changes to classes) without restarting the VM. In a development environment, it can help save a lot of time where a full VM restart can take several minutes. A fork of the original DCEVM is available at
The Dynamic Code Evolution Virtual Machine (DCE VM) is a modification
of the Java HotSpot™ VM that allows unlimited redefinition of loaded
classes at runtime. The current hot-swapping mechanism of the HotSpot™
VM allows only changing method bodies. Our enhanced VM allows adding
and removing fields and methods as well as changes to the super types
of a class.
You can download the suitable installer jar file for your java version and patch your existing JDK by DCEVM. Unfortunately, the only installer available is a jar file and there are caveats to using it.
First of all, you can only patch your JDK if the DCEVM version supports your JDK minor version. A lot of people don't understand this and encounter failures when they try to patch a newer update of Java with the previous version of DCEVM.
A key point to note in the image is the available versions of DCEVM. To be able to install it on Java 8, you must have Java with the update 181 installed i.e. your JDK version must equal 8u181. If you installed an update on the JDK and updated it to 8u271 or another version, the patch is not going to work.
Once you have the installer jar downloaded, you must run it with Administrator privileges on Windows for it to work. In Windows, run cmd as Administrator and then navigate to the directory where the jar is downloaded and run:
java -jar dcevm-installer.jar
For unix based systems you must run:
sudo java -jar dcevm-installer.jar
This should open a window where you need to select your correct JDK version and then click on the Replace by DCEVM button. If done correctly you'll be able to see the status as below:
DCEVM isn't required to run queries in GW Studio. DCEVM enables more capabilities to hotswap (class reloading after compile).
To run queries in GW Studio you only need start server in debug mode, open Gosu Scratchpad (Tools menu or Alt+Shift+S) and use "Run in Debug Process" button in scratchpad
C:\ java -jar dcevem.jar
It will open the DCEVM window, select the java version, and click on the install button.
For version 10.0.3 there actually 2 possible paths to run Guidewire on DCEVM, depending on the version of Java you are using. Those instructions should also work for other versions of GW
For Java 11
Click the Java 11 link.
Scroll to find the binary for your development platform, and click to download the relevant file, extract the contents of the downloaded file.
Add the DCEVM as an alternate JDK in Studio.
In Studio, click File → Project Structure
Under Platform Settings, click SDKs.
Click Add New SDK +.
Select the folder for the DCEVM, and then click OK.
In the Name text box, change the name to DCEVM.
Click OK.
Click Run → Edit Configurations.
Under Application, click Servers.
Next to JRE, click DCEVM.
Do not set the DCEVM as your project SDK.
For Java 8
Click the link under Binaries to download the appropriate DCEVM installer for your java version.
Install the DCEVM as an alternative JVM.
At a command prompt, run java -jar installer.jar, where installer.jar is the name of the file you downloaded in the previous step.
java –jar DCEVM-8u181-installer.jar
The Dynamic Code Evolution VM Installer dialog appears.
Select the installation directory for the JDK corresponding to the DCEVM version you are installing.
Click the Install DCEVM as altjvm button.
The Dynamic Code Evolution VM Installer dialog displays Yes in the Installed altjvm column for the selected JDK.
Click "X" to close the Dynamic Code Evolution VM Installer dialog.
In Studio, at the right hand side of the toolbar, select Server.
Click Run → Edit Configurations.
Under Application, click Servers.
In VM options, add -XXaltjvm=dcevm to the end of the line.
Click OK.
Both instructions above are based on the info from documentation

Attempting to install NuGet server on iis 10 on w2016 yields 404 not found error

My environment:
Windows 10 Creator (1703 with current updates to this date)
Visual Studio 2017, Enterprise, 15.3 with most of the goodies turned on.
Windows 2016, again with all current updates.
iis 10 with WebDeploy installed (that's a whole other installation nightmare, suffice it to say that SO helped there and the answers are already out there so I won't go into it here). Turned on ASP.NET 4.6, otherwise mainly accepted the defaults.
My process:
As per the NuGet.Server documentation, create a new ASP.NET MVC project using the "Empty" template and download and install NuGet.Server as specified. I'm using .NET 4.7 as my framework.
Compile and configure as desired (at least ensure you have an api key in place).
Deploy to iis using the "Publish" | Web Deploy option
Try to get in touch with the NuGet.Server on the website and fail miserably!
My bindings are (yes, the server has a fixed IP address), port 80. The name of the site is AWENuGet and the desired url is
To be sure, all of this works just fine if you take the same project as described above, assign a local port number (creating the project will do that anyway) and then simply running the application in Visual Studio works just fine.
But, when I took that self-same project and simply deployed it to iis, miserable failure.
I tried to open the host file (Windows\System 32\drivers\etc) and added the following:
to said file and it still failed.
...and the answer, for me, was to take that same hosts file entry that I made on the server so that the server could see it and install it in my dev machine's hosts file and voila! NOW it works just fine.

Liferay First Start wizard not openeing

I had an old Liferay 6.2 environment that is no longer working well, so I decided to download and run a fresh new environment, so I downloaded the Liferay studio, unzipped it and started the executable, I was expecting to see the First Start wizard that installs the sdk and the server automatically, but this didn't happen and the LR studio finally opened bare with no server installed, even I have no idea if I wished to add the server, where its instance might be, As per what I understand, it's wrapped in one or more of the zip files contained inside.
Liferay Developer Studio 3.0 does not come with a "First Start Wizard" any more, however, Developer Studio 2.2 (the last one that explicitly targeted 6.2) does.
If the First Start Wizard already ran, it won't automatically start again (it's quite particular about that "first" attribute). However, if you look at the top right corner of the eclipse workbench, there's an input field, named "Quick Access". Enter "First" in that field, it will autocomplete to "First Start Wizard" (in DevStudio up to 2.2) and you can run the wizard again this way.
As Liferay 6.2 EE is no longer included in DevStudio 3.0, the wizard to set it up is no longer needed. And the Workspace setup for Liferay 7 / DXP is totally different than the Plugins SDK for Liferay up to 6.2
I don't understand your problem to be honest. Could you please delete ALL your liferay's folders and do this:
Install JDK and setting required environment variables (JAVA_HOME, path)
Download MySQL server and start server (mysqld --console and mysql -u root -p, ext.)
Connecting to MySQL server and create Database for Liferay (write down if you don't know how to do that)
Download Liferay 6.2 Tomcat Bundles
Download Liferay 6.2 Plugins SDK
Download Eclipse LUNA
Create Work space folder; extract the downloaded files in work space directory.
Configure Liferay Tomcat sever information in Plugins SDK properties file.
Start Eclipse and choose liferay prospective
Configure Plugins SDK in Eclipse
Configure Liferay Tomcat Server in Eclipse
Start Server
Could you please do this steps and then write down which point you have trouble with?
Thank you!
Sometimes due to some missing config or some corrupted file this might occur.
So firstly Liferay plugins SDK may or may not be a part of developer studio but generally server is available as a standalone component.
In case you fo not have LR server,please download it from Liferay site or it's github repo.
In order to configure LR server/Plugins SDK go to Windows->Preferences->Liferay to configure the same.

5.2 and Windows 10 compatibility release

I know this isnt a dev question per se, but is there a timeline on a 5.2 build that can be installed on Win 10?
I think the issue i am seeing is just with the installer so an in place upgrade to Win 10 might work fine, but a clean install fails as it doesnt acknowledge IIS 10 or whatever version comes with Win 10.
Official answer - Windows 10 is not yet supported by the currently available Acumatica ERP installers, however the issue has already been fixed internally (AC-56069 - fixed in 4.20.2262, 5.10.0785, 5.20.1012 and newer). Following workaround can be used in the meantime:
Download the Orca tool to edit the MSI file:
Open the
MSI file using this tool (might be able to right click on MSI and
open with Orca)
Go to the LaunchCondition table
Drop/delete the IIS version condition (inside MSI, the LaunchCondition entry is IISVERSION >="#7"; system does a string comparison and "10" is
smaller than "7")
Save and close Orca
Run the setup
I can't give you an "official" answer but I can give you a work around.
If you download a utility called LessMSI you can extract the installation files. They will come out in a folder called "SourceDir". Simply take these and replace the files in your default installation folder or run them from another location.
Then you can proceed as normal.
The installer only checks if pre-reqs are installed and then copy's the files to the output location. If you have IIS already setup with dotnet support then the rest will be fine.
I do this frequently if I have to install a site with a specific version in order to upgrade or test a client's snapshot.
I have 4.1,4.2,5.1,5.2 running on my Windows 10 workstation as I type

Setting up Eclipse with Tomcat 7 in Arch Linux

I have recently installed Arch Linux and using Pacman I installed Eclipse and Tomcat 7 using the relevant guides in the ArchWiki. I followed the guide Apache Tomcat Eclipse Integration, An Illustrated Quick Start Guide to integrate the two together.
To sum it up, I did the following:
Installed WPT from the Eclipse Install New Software feature.
Opened the new Dynamic Web Project wizard
During the wizard I selected Apache Tomcat v7.0 and set the Tomcat installation directory to /usr/share/tomcat7
Completed the wizard
Right clicked on the server tab (located at the bottom of the IDE) and clicked on the new server dialogue
In this dialouge is were I encounter an issue. When I choose Tomcat v7.0 Server the error Cannot create a server using the selected type pops up.
I'm suspecting that it might be a permission issue since I am not running Eclipse via root, but I am not sure how to set them up for this scenario. Other than that I am not sure if maybe it is a directory issue, that is, Eclipse is trying to locate a specific folder which is located somewhere else.
I am uncertain if this is an Arch Linux question specifically or Linux in general.
As mentioned before this sounds very much like a permission issue. Ensure that the user running Eclipse has read and execute privileges for Tomcat. Also you should check that the Tomcat server can start properly without running from Eclipse. Verify that it can bind to the default 8080 port, etc.
You can check the Tomcat logs for the details and the configuration file for Tomcat is usually in the <tomcat base>/conf/server.xml.
As you already suspect, it is probably a permission issue. Check that your user is added to the tomcat group and make sure that scripts in /usr/share/tomcat7/bin are readable and executable by tomcat group members. Also it is important that tomcat group has read access to /usr/share/tomcat7/conf files and of course the permission to enter the directories itself.
