pull finding no changes with hgscc - visual-studio-2012

My friend and me have been trying to set up a common repository. We're both able to push without problems; but when I'm trying to pull my friend's changes, hgscc reports "no files changed". This is despite us using exactly the same link to push & pull.
Please could anyone tell what are we doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.


Error: Commit and push configuration files to Platform.sh

enter image description here
I tried this, but there's an error
enter image description here
Error message says
No .platform/services.yaml file found in the repository.
No .platform/routes.yaml file found in the repository.
enter image description here
but It's definitely there.
i don't understand...
Without seeing your repository, my guess is that those two files haven't been committed to the repository (the ! next to each of them in your third image). You can double-check by doing git status. If they are definitely committed, hop into our slack workspace and/or submit a support ticket so we can take a look at what's happening.
It sounds like you use visual studio and you need to:
add the files to git
commit the files to git
push the file to platform.sh
If you have trouble with this, you may want to use one of the existing template https://docs.platform.sh/development/templates.html and the modify these files.
In general, it is easier to start from a functional solution than a non working one ;-)

Is there an endpoint to activate "file finder" for github

I’m pretty new to GitHub.
Is it possible to get the list of files in the specific branch.
The endpoint I have been using is https://api.github.com/repos/myOrg/myRepo/contents?ref=/master.
The problem with this is that it returns even folders. I only want files, like they appear when using GitHub UI File Finder.
Thanks in advance!

Gitlab repository time length and size of of file storage

I am not sure this is the right forum for this question.
I use Gitlab for storing all my codes, version control, etc. since I don' trust my PC. It suddenly dawned on me, will my account get deleted if I don't access it for a while or is there a limit to size of project that I can push there, etc. Basically use Gitlab for file storage also.
I didn't find any relevant answers on google. Can you please point me to these answers?
Gitlab has a maximum auf 10G/repo. If you have larger files you should use Git LFS otherwise git is for small code files. So i don't think that your account is deleted if you are inactive. Otherwise you should get an e-mail with a notification.

git pushed changes are not reflecting on heroku server

I have a sever on heroku. I'm making changes on my project (for ex. adding something inside my JSON file). I'm pushing my changes on heroku/master branch like this:
git add .
git commit -am "changes in json file"
git push heroku master
I'm getting "Everything up-to-date". When I'm reloading the server the changes that I made don't appear, it makes sense because if I'm trying to push to my heroku master brench I'm gerring "Everything up-to-date" but I'm expecting to show me the changes and to restart the server automatically.
Can you help me?
For any additional informations please ask me!
It works!
I don't know what I did to solve the problem, it solved after I made a new project following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P86N9FqNqso&list=LL69VX7JLGdfJjh-p8M1RzVw&index=2&t=0s
It might be possible due to the fact that I wasn't in the right folder, I didn't check the folder I was in, I'm not saying that that was my problem but I consider it a possibility.
It works now, thanks for helping and if you have the same problem I can suggest to you rechecking if you are in the right folder, your project folder, or check the tutorial I linked above.

TortoiseSVN Access to trunk forbidden when trying to create branch

I am trying to create a branch off of trunk in my project and Tortoise tells me that "access to '/svn/el_dev/!svn/bc/4656/trunk' forbidden". Does anyone have a clue about what this means and what I am doing wrong? I have verified that none of my colleagues are comitting and I have tried to create the branch at a number of different occasions with the same result.
Thank you!
I had exactly the same kind of error today (that is why I found this question on StackOverflow). It turned out that I did not have read access to one of the subdirectories I wanted to branch, after an accidental change to authz.
So probably you do not have read access to one of the trunk directories.
