Register, login, logout Website with Node - node.js

I'm currently moving on with reading about node. I'm getting through the tutorials well using the command line. However I am thinking ahead and I want to create a simple register, log in and log out website.
Where would I place the node files on a server (all examples I see run from local host:3000)?
What is the best tutorial for creating this type of website from scratch with node?
Thanks in advance!

It doesn't really matter where you put the files on the server. The localhost:3000 bit comes from the fact that your core server file tells the server to listen on that port.
I would recommend using the express-generator from npm. It's pretty versatile and does a lot of the leg work.
Just run the following:
npm install express-generator
After installing, you'll need to just run the following to create a new web app:
The details are here:
Also, try to read through and understand all of the pre-provided code.


How to hot reload on netlify?

Netlify just as example, same question with CloudFlare Pages etc.
In the past I setup my own server with node and react/vue.
I have my node setup on a server because I don't want to install node and node packages on my local machine.
When I was developing I SSH into the server with port forwarding.
So I ran a dev server on port 8888 (npm run dev) on the server and opened http://localhost:8888 in my local browser.
When I make a change to the files I can immediately see the effects without running npm run build.
I am thinking about using a service like netlify because its the right thing to do? But how can I see the changes I make without actually running build?
Is this even possible or do you use theses service only when you are building a website that rarely changes? I am probably missing something. But not sure how to proceed.
I don't know what's the right way. I am very open to suggestions.
Edit: These services that I mentioned are meant for build only. See answer below. I am still leaving this question so people can post suggestions.
You cannot do this. Those services are only for hosting the build version of your app. You have to develop it locally and push the build to these services.
Why would you even want to run a development version online?

Running node js on cloudflare pages

I am using Cloudflare pages for the first time and I've been trying to understand how my node js project should be started.
Usually, when I work on a server, what I would do is npm install and then npm start. But in Cloudflare pages (serverless) I should run a single command inside the build command box (in the Cloudflare UI).
Adding npm install to the start script of packages.json is not a right solution.
What should be a good solution for my situation?
Is there a place where I can see actual logs better than what the Cloudflare UI offers?
Cloudflare Pages helps you to deploy SPA. So, the build command, it asks for, is used to build the SPA to generate HTML, CSS and JS.

Run React basic app on ubuntu using node js

I am fairly new to NodeJS, here is the problem statement:
I have a small app (let's consider default app) of ReactJS. I installed NodeJs on my Ubuntu Server. Now when I hit in a browser I want my ReactJS app to show there. I know I need to do some configuration but somehow not able to find what's the right way of doing it. I have nothing installed on my Ubuntu server except NodeJS and npm.
Any suggestion will help me.
For pure Node.js solution, tou can use static files (HTML/JS/CSS) HTTP server like following
I've used http-server which is super simple and can be installed as a CLI tool as well

Angular 2: NodeJS vs XAMPP

I'm starting to learn Angular 2 and I am quite lost in some subjects... like the server.
Following the instructions for a Quick Setup I installed Node and npm... when I run the project in Node everything goes perfect. The label <label> gets recognized and it gets the template for that label (in this case an html form).
But when I run the same project in MAMP, that label doesn't get recognized and comes out a 'Failed to load resource' error in the console for the template associated to that label.
So I guess Angular 2 is dependent on Node and that's a problem because I want to upload later the project and I think my hosting plan doesn't allow me to run Node...
I don't know if I'm prejudging, maybe anybody can help me clear this... Thanks.
Angular2 has niether any Relation nor any Dependency on node.js.
You can write Angular2 app just using Angular2 packages without using node or mamp or xampp and host that app.
If you have written any thing in Angular2 and node.js combination then you can host it on free services like Heroku for testing purpose.
Final solution:
Ok, wrong again. I'm the worst detective ever.
it works with TypeScript as with JavaScript, just need the "npm start" to compile TypeScript into JavaScript. Then it automatically runs on a "localhost", but once compiled, you can run the index.html like any html, without the need of a server, like you were all saying, it's not like .php which makes all sense.
so the problem that led me to all of this misunderstandings was that the Node "localhost" worked and the Apache "localhost" didn't, and the mistake was that I was calling into #Component: templateUrl: "../template/file.html", and the path is written in "/app/whatever.js", but it's working from "index.html", so it would be just templateUrl: "template/file.html" and everything works as expected.
what I don't know is why it works, with the wrong path, when I run it from Node! an error would have saved me a lot of time... and yours...
Well, at least I have clarified a lot of concepts in this investigation. Thank you all!
Thanks, Zeeshan, in the links you gave me the clue. As I told on my original message, I started following the Quick Start, but I forgot to mention I chose TypeScript over JavaScript... and that was the "mistake", because TypeScript needs Node to compile to JavaScript, as I'm guessing for the results I get:
the TypeScript project only runs after executing it in Node via console ("npm start") and not in Apache, that doesn't get all the Angular part (it gets the tag <whatever></whatever> but doesn't translate it into the content <whatever><h1>Hey</h1></whatever>)
with JavaScript it works "as always", without need of a server, as you were telling me
So I'll have to choose between using TypeScript (and all the official documentation!) and host it in some platform like Heroku or work with JavaScript without needing an specific server so I can still work with Apache.

Can't access

this might be a bit of a silly question but it's something that i've been struggling to find the answer to and for some reason it doesn't seem to be evident from the tutorials and websites i have been reading, so maybe it's something that is assumed that i'm really missing.
So anyway, i installed node.js and then used the command npm install it them proceeds to download and install a bunch of files, i don't see any error with this process in the command line.
So now i've tried to access like this:
<script src="/"></script>
Like it shows on the website, however i get an error saying the file isn't found..... my first guess is that the installation of node.js and are both on the local machine (program files) and not in the htdocs.
I have tested this one two platforms, first was my localhost which is Windows 7 running XAMPP on it, and i installed node.js and globally (Program files). Second was my Windows server that uses IIS still get the error.
So my question is, how do i reference the API and start using it based on the installations i have?
Thanks for your time.
npm isntall installs Socket.IO in a local node_modules folder so that the library is accessible to you in your own Node.js applications. You still need to create (and run) a Node.js application that loads up the module and sets up an HTTP server that uses the module; the examples under How to use in the project readme is a good starting point, although preexisting knowledge of Node.js will be helpful. You might check out Node.js Tutorial with Socket.IO if you're looking for additional information.
