Azure - is one 'block blob' seen as one file? - azure

Question background:
This may be a simple question but I cant find an answer to it. I've just started using Azure storage (for storing images) and want to know if one 'blob' holds a maximum of one file?
This is my container called fmfcpics:
Within the container I have a block blob named myBlob and within this I have one image:
Through the following code, if I upload another image file to the myBlob block blob then it overwrites the image already in there:
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("myblob");
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(#"C:\Users\Me\Pictures\Image1.jpg"))
Is this overwriting correct? Or should I be able to store multiple files at the myBlob?

Each blob is a completely separate entity, direct-addressable via uri:
If you want to manage multiple entities (such as image jpg's in your case), you would upload each one to a separate blob name (and you're free to store as many as you want within a single container, and you may have as many containers as you want).
Note: These are block blobs. There are also page blobs that have random-access capability, and this is the basis for vhd storage (and in that case, the vhd would have a formatted file system within it, with multiple files).

In blob Azure Documentation you understand how blob service works and the concepts about this storage service.
In some minutes you can use the service easily


Can you output an Azure Logic App Variable to file and store on blob storage?

I have searched google and MSDN and it's not clear if you can write a variable to blob storage? Searching the available steps/actions does not yield anything obvious either.
I have constructed an array variable of file names from an SFTP in per the following documentation, but I can't figure out if this can be stored or saved in any capacity.
Right now it seems these variables are essentially internal to the logic app and can't be made external or is there a way to export them?
If you just simply want to save the variable's value in a blob then you can do so with the Azure Blob Storage - Create Blob action:

Store Item Level Blobs (Images) in Azure Blob Storage

I need to store multiple images link to 1000s of items in SQL Server. For each record there can be multiple Images to be stored.
I will be using a single account for storing all documents. Though, within accounts Blob Storage allows segregation only by Containers.
Should I create 1000s of containers for each item to separate images? Or '/' notation is recommended in this scenario (link below with details on using forward slash to achieve hierarchy)? If images are stored with '/' notation, can the name of the image be preserved while rendering or when users are accessing it, without '/' in the name?
Creating an Azure Blob Hierarchy
Here is an example scenario -
ItemID Images
1 A1.jpg; A2.jpg; A32018.jpg
2 B1.jpg; B2.jpg; A32018.jpg
3 C1.jpg; C2.jpg; A32018.jpg
As specified here, multiple items can have images with same names, but should be stored separately.
The Azure blob storage have account/contianer/blob(s)
There is one account, one container (could be called folder) but can have multiple blob (folders or files). This means that whatever is after container and whatever is the depth all are called as blob.
I don't understand still know that how you want to store the images but may be this will help.
In case I have two images image1.png and image2.png, it can be stored in below ways
Suppose account : imagedatastore
container : imagescontainer
You can keep both the images on imagescontainer such as
or can create separate containers for both images.
This is totally dependant on your segregation logic.

Creating a folder using Azure Storage Rest API without creating a default blob file

I want to create following folder structure on Azure:
Now, one way is to use PUT Blob request and upload img001.jpg specifying the whole path as
PUT "mycontainer/images/2007/img001.jpg"
But, I want to first create the folders images and 2007 and then in a different request upload the blob img001.jpg.
Right now when I tried to doing this using PUT BLOB request:
x-ms-date:Tue, 07 Feb 2017 23:35:12 GMT
It is creating a folder but its not empty. By, default its creating an
empty blob file without name.
Now, a lot of people say we can't create a empty folder. But, then how come, we can make it using the azure portal as the browser must be sending some type of rest request to create the folder.
I think it has to do something with Content-Type i.e. x-ms-blob-content-type, which should be specified in order to tell azure that its a folder not a blob.
But, I am confused.
I want to first create the folders images and 2007 and then in a different request upload the blob img001.jpg
I agree with Brendan Green, currently, Azure blob storage just enable us to create virtual directory structure by naming blobs with path information in their names.
I think it has to do something with Content-Type i.e. x-ms-blob-content-type, which should be specified in order to tell azure that its a folder not a blob. But, I am confused.
You could check the description of Request Headers that could be set for Put Blob operation and you will find it does not support creating an empty folder by specifying some request headers.
Besides, as Gaurav Mantri said, if you really want to create an empty folder structure without content, you could try to use Azure File storage and it also enables us to use REST API to access Azure File storage. And the Create Directory operation cloud be used to create a new directory under the specified share or parent directory.
This is not possible - the folder structure is virtual only.
See Get started with Azure Blob storage using .NET. You can only create a container, and everything else held in that container is a blob.
As shown above, you can name blobs with path information in their
names. This creates a virtual directory structure that you can
organize and traverse as you would a traditional file system. Note
that the directory structure is virtual only - the only resources
available in Blob storage are containers and blobs.

Check if Blob of unknown Blob type exists

I've inherited a project built using the Azure Storage Client 1.7 and am upgrading it as Microsoft have announced that this will no longer be supported from December this year.
References to the files in Blob storage are stored in a database with the following fields:
FilePath - a string in the form of uploadfiles/xxx/yyy/Image-20140117170146.jpg
FileURI - A string in the form of
GetBlobReferenceFromServer will throw an exception if the file doesn't exist, so it seems you should use GetBlockBlobReference if you know the container and the Blob type.
So my question(s):
Can I assume any Blobs currently uploaded (using StorageClient 1.7) will be BlockBlobs?
As I need to know the container name to call GetBlockBlobReference can I reliably say that in the examples above my container would always be uploadfiles
Can I assume any Blobs currently uploaded (using StorageClient 1.7)
will be BlockBlobs?
Though you can't be 100% sure that the blobs uploaded via Storage Client library 1.7 are Blob Blobs because 1.7 also supported Page Blobs however you can make some intelligent guesses. For example, if the files are image files and other commonly used files (pdf, document etc.), you can assume that they are block blobs. Typically you would see vhd files uploaded as page blobs. Again if these are uploaded by the users of your application, more than likely they are block blobs.
Having said this, I think you should use GetBlobReferenceFromServer method. What you could do is list all blobs from the database and for each of them call GetBlobReferenceFromServer method. If the blob exists, then you will get the blob type. If the blob doesn't exist, this method will give you an error. This would be the quickest way to identify the blob type of existing entries in the database. If you want, you can store the blob type back in the database along with existing record if you find both block and page blobs when you check the blob type so that if in future you need to decide between creating a CloudBlockBlob or CloudPageBlob reference, you can look at this field.
As I need to know the container name to call GetBlockBlobReference can
I reliably say that in the examples above my container would always be
Yes. In the examples you listed above, you can say that the blob container is upload files.

Listing the files, which are inside a Blob?

Just started working on with Windows Azure and Mapreduce. I've already created an HDInsight cluster within the Azure Portal and also created a Block Blob using the Azure Explorer named BlobFiles.
What I wanted to know is, is there a way of listing all the files within a Blob which is within a Blob Container? In other words if I'm uploading text files as well as images to the same Blob, how could I list those text files as well as those images programmatically or in another way?
Searched for a solution, but still couldn't come across of one. I'm able to see the content of the file individually using the Azure Explorer, where as um unable to find a way to see or display the files within that particular Blob!
This is what I've tried to display the Blobs:
// Retrieve storage account from connection string.
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
// Create the blob client.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
// Retrieve reference to a previously created container.
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("fyptest1");
// Retrieve reference to a blob named "myblob".
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("myblob");
lboxblob.ItemsSource = container.ListBlobs();//lboxblob is the name of my listbox
When I tried the above code it displays something like Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob, and so on for a few number of times.
Any help would be appreciated.
Each Azure storage "blob" is a "file." You want to list the "blobs" in a "blob container," most likely.
To do this, use the CloudBlobContainer.ListBlobs() method.
That is because the binding would end up calling ToString on every list item returned, which just displays the type name. If you would like to see URIs in your list box instead, please change the last line to:
lboxblob.ItemsSource = container.ListBlobs().Select(b => b.Uri);
But please refer to the other answer for the correct terminology. As others mentioned, blobs do not contain other objects like files.
