Leksah in NixOS 14.12 - fails to install, why? - haskell

Leksah in NixOS 14.12 - unstable channel fails to install, why ?
[demo#nixos:~]$ nix-channel --list
nixpkgs http://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
[demo#nixos:~]$ nix-env -i leksah
installing ‘leksah’
these derivations will be built:
building path(s) ‘/nix/store/53kxzd2apkijwib78gw4mdlpxs5vllpj-haskell-regex-tdfa-text-’
Build with /nix/store/bc84hdk730zcdm1c9s5yf2ahpvm51lzp-ghc-7.10.1.
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/cmrcmadl401k7sjgqwj2dz4b9jqwxnck-regex-tdfa-text-
source root is regex-tdfa-text-
patching sources
setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/tmp/nix-build-haskell-regex-tdfa-text- -j1 -threaded
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.lhs, /tmp/nix-build-haskell-regex-tdfa-text- )
Linking Setup ...
configureFlags: --verbose --prefix=/nix/store/53kxzd2apkijwib78gw4mdlpxs5vllpj-haskell-regex-tdfa-text- --libdir=$prefix/lib/$compiler --libsubdir=$pkgid --with-gcc=gcc --package-db=/tmp/nix-build-haskell-regex-tdfa-text- --ghc-option=-optl=-Wl,-rpath=/nix/store/53kxzd2apkijwib78gw4mdlpxs5vllpj-haskell-regex-tdfa-text- --ghc-option=-j1 --enable-split-objs --disable-library-profiling --enable-shared --enable-library-vanilla --enable-executable-dynamic --enable-tests
Configuring regex-tdfa-text-
Dependency array -any: using array-
Dependency base >=3 && <5: using base-
Dependency regex-base -any: using regex-base-0.93.2
Dependency regex-tdfa >=1.1.1: using regex-tdfa-1.2.0
Dependency text -any: using text-
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-7.10
Using compiler: ghc-7.10.1
Using install prefix:
Binaries installed in:
Libraries installed in:
Private binaries installed in:
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in:
No alex found
Using ar found on system at:
No c2hs found
No cpphs found
Using gcc version 4.8.4 given by user at:
Using ghc version 7.10.1 found on system at:
Using ghc-pkg version 7.10.1 found on system at:
No ghcjs found
No ghcjs-pkg found
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.16.0 found on system at:
No happy found
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hsc2hs version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hscolour version 1.22 found on system at:
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at:
No lhc found
No lhc-pkg found
No pkg-config found
Using strip version 2.23 found on system at:
Using tar found on system at:
No uhc found
Building regex-tdfa-text-
Preprocessing library regex-tdfa-text-
[1 of 2] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy ( Text/Regex/TDFA/Text/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Text/Regex/TDFA/Text/Lazy.o )
Non type-variable argument
in the constraint: Data.Array.Base.IArray a (Int, Int)
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
When checking that ‘go’ has the inferred type
go :: forall t (a :: * -> * -> *) i.
(Functor (a i), Num i, GHC.Arr.Ix i,
Data.Array.Base.IArray a (Int, Int), Extract t) =>
Int -> t -> [a i (Int, Int)] -> [a i (t, (Int, Int))]
In the expression:
go i _ _ | i `seq` False = undefined
go _i _t [] = []
go i t (x : xs)
= let ... in fmap trans x : seq t' (go (off0 + len0) t' xs)
in go 0 source (matchAll regex source)
In an equation for ‘matchAllText’:
matchAllText regex source
= let
go i _ _ | i `seq` False = undefined
go _i _t [] = ...
go i t (x : xs) = ...
in go 0 source (matchAll regex source)
builder for ‘/nix/store/69k8c7mvz64k08z9gabh7gmcn1i265rn-haskell-regex-tdfa-text-’ failed with exit code 1
cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/lfjh66d015dkh9kr51h5871c7gqji5na-ghc-7.10.1.drv’: 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/pdpsxp33mffmq72vhk5ig8bhrrdyq7p2-leksah.drv’: 1 dependencies couldn't be built
error: build of ‘/nix/store/pdpsxp33mffmq72vhk5ig8bhrrdyq7p2-leksah.drv’ failed

Current versions of Leksah compile successfully in the Nixpkgs master branch, i.e. at http://hydra.cryp.to/build/1410084. The unstable channel will have these updates soon. There are still some problems left to figure out with regard to how to run Leksah successfully on NixOS: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/10351 has more details.


Error with cabal install while building lib

I'm trying to install FunGEn with cabal install --allow-newer=all FunGEn (I added --allow-newer=all bcs it was having trouble with dependencies). After a few tries of running this I keep getting the same error message:
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-9.2.1 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- text- (lib) (requires build)
- OpenGLRaw- (lib) (requires build)
- GLURaw- (lib) (requires build)
- OpenGL- (lib) (requires build)
- GLUT- (lib) (requires build)
- FunGEn-1.1.1 (lib) (requires build)
- FunGEn-1.1.1 (exe:fungen-worms) (requires build)
- FunGEn-1.1.1 (exe:fungen-hello) (requires build)
- FunGEn-1.1.1 (exe:fungen-pong) (requires build)
Starting text- (lib)
Building text- (lib)
Failed to build text-
Build log (
Preprocessing library for text-
Building library for text-
[ 1 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Encoding.Error ( Data\Text\Encoding\Error.hs, dist\build\Data\Text\Encoding\Error.o )
[ 2 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Int.Digits ( Data\Text\Internal\Builder\Int\Digits.hs, dist\build\Data\Text\Internal\Builder\Int\Digits.o )
[ 3 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Builder.RealFloat.Functions ( Data\Text\Internal\Builder\RealFloat\Functions.hs, dist\build\Data\Text\Internal\Builder\RealFloat\Functions.o )
[ 4 of 44] Compiling Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.Utf16 ( Data\Text\Internal\Encoding\Utf16.hs, dist\build\Data\Text\Internal\Encoding\Utf16.o )
Data\Text\Internal\Encoding\Utf16.hs:32:23: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `Word#' with actual type `Word16#'
* In the first argument of `word2Int#', namely `a#'
In the expression: word2Int# a#
In an equation for `x#': !x# = word2Int# a#
32 | !x# = word2Int# a#
| ^^
Data\Text\Internal\Encoding\Utf16.hs:33:23: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `Word#' with actual type `Word16#'
* In the first argument of `word2Int#', namely `b#'
In the expression: word2Int# b#
In an equation for `y#': !y# = word2Int# b#
33 | !y# = word2Int# b#
| ^^
cabal.exe: Failed to build text- (which is required by exe:fungen-worms
from FunGEn-1.1.1, exe:fungen-hello from FunGEn-1.1.1 and others). See the
build log above for details.
Can somebody please explain what's going wrong here, and possibly how to fix it? Thank You!
These particular errors are coming from using GHC 9.2 to compile code that is not compatible with GHC 9.2. The package you're trying to use compiles okay with GHC 9.0 (no --allow-newer needed), which I suggest you to use. It is very easy to switch between compiler versions these days using GHCup.
Another option, not requiring switching the compiler, is, as you do, to apply --alow-newer in some way. You should understand that it's a very dangerous weapon better used only in cases when you understand how dependency solving works, and have sufficient experience with it and cabal in general. The variant that worked for me:
cabal update
cabal install --allow-newer=bytestring FunGEn
Another possible issue in your approach is that cabal install (without appropriate switches on top of it) will only give you executables in the package, not the library. It's okay if that's what you want.

Couldn't import and download Data.List.Ordered in Haskell

I'm too beginner in Haskell and I wrote a simple program that imports Data.List.Ordered, when I run the program this error appears:
test.hs:3:1: error:
Could not find module `Data.List.Ordered'
Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
3 | import Data.List.Ordered ( isSorted, nub )
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Then I tired to download the package using the following command:
cabal install --lib --package-env . ordered
but It didn't work as well
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cabal install --lib --package-env . ordered
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.10.7 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- ordered-0.1 (lib:ordered) (requires build)
Starting ordered-0.1 (all, legacy fallback)
Building ordered-0.1 (all, legacy fallback)
Failed to build ordered-0.1.
Build log (
Preprocessing library for ordered-0.1..
Building library for ordered-0.1..
[1 of 3] Compiling Data.Poset.Internal ( Data\Poset\Internal.hs, dist\build\Data\Poset\Internal.o )
Data\Poset\Internal.hs:32:10: error:
* No instance for (Semigroup PosetOrd)
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
* In the instance declaration for `Monoid PosetOrd'
32 | instance Monoid PosetOrd where
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cabal- Failed to build ordered-0.1. See the build log above for details.
These versions I'm using:
GHCi, version 8.10.7
Cabal, version3.6.2.0

ihp/nix how to add wreq to dependencies without compile failing?

In an IHP project, I tried adding wreq to default.nix as described in https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/recipes.html#making-a-http-request but I get
src/Codec/Crypto/RSA/Pure.hs:115:25: error:
• Could not deduce (MonadFail m) arising from a use of ‘fail’
when compiling. Similarly with the alternative req.
I've just used stackage before, I'm completely new to nix – is there some way to get a set of package versions that work together like with stackage? Or is there something obvious I'm missing?
Full output after adding wreq to default.nix and running make -B .envrc in nix-shell:
[nix-shell:~/src/foo]$ make -B .envrc
rm -f .envrc
echo "PATH_add $(nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --pure --run 'printf %q $PATH')" > .envrc
direnv allow
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/iamd2pmg0xhh67b9wx23pfq815v1rpg5-RSA-2.3.1.drv'...
building '/nix/store/wwn14fv4gmwh4p2w1516fwhc88bz7wdr-time-locale-compat-'...
building '/nix/store/jhkbm2z39sfi94zfy93bw4ivay21k49p-simple-reflect-0.3.3.drv'...
Build with /nix/store/z9hplpp91s3s8k8gsj5wvhnsqpvijz0p-ghc-8.8.3.
Build with /nix/store/z9hplpp91s3s8k8gsj5wvhnsqpvijz0p-ghc-8.8.3.
Build with /nix/store/z9hplpp91s3s8k8gsj5wvhnsqpvijz0p-ghc-8.8.3.
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/vbjq94k0fh92d2g1i5xl0bv0bj4kawyp-time-locale-compat-
source root is time-locale-compat-
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 1535285808 of file time-locale-compat-
patching sources
setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/build/setup-package.conf.d -j4 -threaded
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/7zj46nqh5hynrrc2vkniyymfryf8f8h3-simple-reflect-0.3.3.tar.gz
source root is simple-reflect-0.3.3
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 1521050226 of file simple-reflect-0.3.3/simple-reflect.cabal
patching sources
setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/build/setup-package.conf.d -j4 -threaded
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, /build/Main.o )
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, /build/Main.o )
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/bv3lckj9fqlzw84xafipfnnv13lpigs4-RSA-2.3.1.tar.gz
source root is RSA-2.3.1
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 1546300677 of file RSA-2.3.1/Test.hs
patching sources
setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/build/setup-package.conf.d -j4 -threaded
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, /build/Main.o )
Linking Setup ...
Linking Setup ...
Linking Setup ...
configureFlags: --verbose --prefix=/nix/store/5l41880hdczl2yhpxr4579vljmpr1lmj-time-locale-compat- --libdir=$prefix/lib/$compiler --libsubdir=$abi/$libname --docdir=/nix/store/wmnnz02rq2pxdxzadmm57m1wdq253mz6-time-locale-compat- --with-gcc=gcc --package-db=/build/package.conf.d --ghc-option=-j4 --disable-split-objs --enable-library-profiling --profiling-detail=exported-functions --disable-profiling --enable-shared --disable-coverage --enable-static --disable-executable-dynamic --enable-tests --disable-benchmarks --enable-library-vanilla --disable-library-for-ghci --ghc-option=-split-sections --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/kpw4kmc74djprg3bjc5rxblij46jdmnf-ncurses-6.1-20190112/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/x6sc334nvkl7pr3yqiqs3dzhfsbsgqcd-libffi-3.3/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/gldhjyzsj475ymgax9ycv8m1wf6rkc02-gmp-6.2.0/lib
configureFlags: --verbose --prefix=/nix/store/myldnlikwicwz054kycwx6gzpyp29sw6-simple-reflect-0.3.3 --libdir=$prefix/lib/$compiler --libsubdir=$abi/$libname --docdir=/nix/store/n4rqdqimm3rq1m2w3fhnmdxy9vj1srx7-simple-reflect-0.3.3-doc/share/doc/simple-reflect-0.3.3 --with-gcc=gcc --package-db=/build/package.conf.d --ghc-option=-j4 --disable-split-objs --enable-library-profiling --profiling-detail=exported-functions --disable-profiling --enable-shared --disable-coverage --enable-static --disable-executable-dynamic --enable-tests --disable-benchmarks --enable-library-vanilla --disable-library-for-ghci --ghc-option=-split-sections --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/kpw4kmc74djprg3bjc5rxblij46jdmnf-ncurses-6.1-20190112/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/x6sc334nvkl7pr3yqiqs3dzhfsbsgqcd-libffi-3.3/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/gldhjyzsj475ymgax9ycv8m1wf6rkc02-gmp-6.2.0/lib
configureFlags: --verbose --prefix=/nix/store/qa57n6w7772mq96gbhz1jf95aqz4ay2l-RSA-2.3.1 --libdir=$prefix/lib/$compiler --libsubdir=$abi/$libname --docdir=/nix/store/2mxz458lx9xfbracvz4icjjyi6s304kk-RSA-2.3.1-doc/share/doc/RSA-2.3.1 --with-gcc=gcc --package-db=/build/package.conf.d --ghc-option=-j4 --disable-split-objs --enable-library-profiling --profiling-detail=exported-functions --disable-profiling --enable-shared --disable-coverage --enable-static --disable-executable-dynamic --enable-tests --disable-benchmarks --enable-library-vanilla --disable-library-for-ghci --ghc-option=-split-sections --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/kpw4kmc74djprg3bjc5rxblij46jdmnf-ncurses-6.1-20190112/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/x6sc334nvkl7pr3yqiqs3dzhfsbsgqcd-libffi-3.3/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/gldhjyzsj475ymgax9ycv8m1wf6rkc02-gmp-6.2.0/lib
Using Parsec parser
Configuring time-locale-compat-
Flags chosen: old-locale=False
Dependency base <5: using base-
Dependency time >=1.5: using time-1.9.3
Using Parsec parser
Configuring simple-reflect-0.3.3...
Dependency base >=2 && <5: using base-
Source component graph: component lib
Configured component graph:
component time-locale-compat-
include base-
include time-1.9.3
Linked component graph:
unit time-locale-compat-
include base-
include time-1.9.3
Ready component graph:
definite time-locale-compat-
depends base-
depends time-1.9.3
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-8.8
Using compiler: ghc-8.8.3
Using install prefix:
Executables installed in:
Libraries installed in:
Dynamic Libraries installed in:
Private executables installed in:
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in:
No alex found
Using ar found on system at:
No c2hs found
No cpphs found
No doctest found
Using gcc version 9.2.0 given by user at:
Using ghc version 8.8.3 found on system at:
Using ghc-pkg version 8.8.3 found on system at:
No ghcjs found
No ghcjs-pkg found
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.23.0 found on system at:
No happy found
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hsc2hs version 0.68.5 found on system at:
Using hscolour version 1.24 found on system at:
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at:
No pkg-config found
Using runghc version 8.8.3 found on system at:
Using strip version 2.31 found on system at:
Using tar found on system at:
No uhc found
Preprocessing library for time-locale-compat-
Building library for time-locale-compat-
Source component graph: component lib
Configured component graph:
component simple-reflect-0.3.3-7n1WmXGrTqW325T1Vh7H5M
include base-
Linked component graph:
unit simple-reflect-0.3.3-7n1WmXGrTqW325T1Vh7H5M
include base-
Ready component graph:
definite simple-reflect-0.3.3-7n1WmXGrTqW325T1Vh7H5M
depends base-
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-8.8
Using compiler: ghc-8.8.3
Using install prefix:
Executables installed in:
Libraries installed in:
Dynamic Libraries installed in:
Private executables installed in:
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in:
No alex found
Using ar found on system at:
No c2hs found
No cpphs found
No doctest found
Using gcc version 9.2.0 given by user at:
Using ghc version 8.8.3 found on system at:
Using ghc-pkg version 8.8.3 found on system at:
No ghcjs found
No ghcjs-pkg found
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.23.0 found on system at:
No happy found
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hsc2hs version 0.68.5 found on system at:
Using hscolour version 1.24 found on system at:
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at:
No pkg-config found
Using runghc version 8.8.3 found on system at:
Using strip version 2.31 found on system at:
Using tar found on system at:
No uhc found
[1 of 1] Compiling Data.Time.Locale.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Locale/Compat.hs, dist/build/Data/Time/Locale/Compat.o )
Preprocessing library for simple-reflect-0.3.3..
Building library for simple-reflect-0.3.3..
Using Parsec parser
Configuring RSA-2.3.1...
Dependency SHA >= && <2.0: using SHA-
Dependency base >=4.6 && <7.0: using base-
Dependency binary >0.7 && <1.0: using binary-
Dependency bytestring >0.8 && <0.12: using bytestring-
Dependency crypto-api >=0.10 && <0.14: using crypto-api-0.13.3
Dependency crypto-pubkey-types >=0.2 && <0.6: using crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3
Dependency DRBG >=0.5.2 && <0.7: using DRBG-0.5.5
Dependency QuickCheck >=2.5 && <3: using QuickCheck-2.13.2
Dependency SHA >= && <2.0: using SHA-
Dependency base >=4.6 && <7.0: using base-
Dependency binary >0.7 && <1.0: using binary-
Dependency bytestring >0.8 && <0.12: using bytestring-
Dependency crypto-api >=0.10 && <0.14: using crypto-api-0.13.3
Dependency crypto-pubkey-types >=0.4 && <0.6: using crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3
Dependency tagged >=0.2 && <0.9: using tagged-0.8.6
Dependency test-framework >= && <0.10: using test-framework-
Dependency test-framework-quickcheck2 >= && <0.5: using
[1 of 3] Compiling Debug.SimpleReflect.Expr ( Debug/SimpleReflect/Expr.hs, dist/build/Debug/SimpleReflect/Expr.o )
[1 of 1] Compiling Data.Time.Locale.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Locale/Compat.hs, dist/build/Data/Time/Locale/Compat.p_o )
Source component graph:
component test:test-rsa
component lib
Configured component graph:
component RSA-2.3.1-JJYZ7HtptBX49F9kO59MAB-test-rsa
include DRBG-0.5.5-4enzLx907KB4ly1cvZ83Rj
include QuickCheck-2.13.2-9teeivRumd01cV6oeVrmWt
include SHA-
include base-
include binary-
include bytestring-
include crypto-api-0.13.3-5deppbfxVTTBecXOiXtKKK
include crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-HEZvEEbmspDBQkghRIQNcJ
include tagged-0.8.6-FYc8l1vwILF5OSKkSTSNII
include test-framework-
include test-framework-quickcheck2-
component RSA-2.3.1-ET1TzkXBKSBHYmOWRgR5vO
include SHA-
include base-
include binary-
include bytestring-
include crypto-api-0.13.3-5deppbfxVTTBecXOiXtKKK
include crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-HEZvEEbmspDBQkghRIQNcJ
Linked component graph:
unit RSA-2.3.1-JJYZ7HtptBX49F9kO59MAB-test-rsa
include DRBG-0.5.5-4enzLx907KB4ly1cvZ83Rj
include QuickCheck-2.13.2-9teeivRumd01cV6oeVrmWt
include SHA-
include base-
include binary-
include bytestring-
include crypto-api-0.13.3-5deppbfxVTTBecXOiXtKKK
include crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-HEZvEEbmspDBQkghRIQNcJ
include tagged-0.8.6-FYc8l1vwILF5OSKkSTSNII
include test-framework-
include test-framework-quickcheck2-
unit RSA-2.3.1-ET1TzkXBKSBHYmOWRgR5vO
include SHA-
include base-
include binary-
include bytestring-
include crypto-api-0.13.3-5deppbfxVTTBecXOiXtKKK
include crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-HEZvEEbmspDBQkghRIQNcJ
Ready component graph:
definite RSA-2.3.1-JJYZ7HtptBX49F9kO59MAB-test-rsa
depends DRBG-0.5.5-4enzLx907KB4ly1cvZ83Rj
depends QuickCheck-2.13.2-9teeivRumd01cV6oeVrmWt
depends SHA-
depends base-
depends binary-
depends bytestring-
depends crypto-api-0.13.3-5deppbfxVTTBecXOiXtKKK
depends crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-HEZvEEbmspDBQkghRIQNcJ
depends tagged-0.8.6-FYc8l1vwILF5OSKkSTSNII
depends test-framework-
depends test-framework-quickcheck2-
definite RSA-2.3.1-ET1TzkXBKSBHYmOWRgR5vO
depends SHA-
depends base-
depends binary-
depends bytestring-
depends crypto-api-0.13.3-5deppbfxVTTBecXOiXtKKK
depends crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3-HEZvEEbmspDBQkghRIQNcJ
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-8.8
Using compiler: ghc-8.8.3
Using install prefix: /nix/store/qa57n6w7772mq96gbhz1jf95aqz4ay2l-RSA-2.3.1
Executables installed in:
Libraries installed in:
Dynamic Libraries installed in:
Private executables installed in:
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in:
No alex found
Using ar found on system at:
No c2hs found
No cpphs found
No doctest found
Using gcc version 9.2.0 given by user at:
Using ghc version 8.8.3 found on system at:
Using ghc-pkg version 8.8.3 found on system at:
No ghcjs found
No ghcjs-pkg found
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.23.0 found on system at:
No happy found
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hsc2hs version 0.68.5 found on system at:
Using hscolour version 1.24 found on system at:
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at:
No pkg-config found
Using runghc version 8.8.3 found on system at:
Using strip version 2.31 found on system at:
Using tar found on system at:
No uhc found
Preprocessing test suite 'test-rsa' for RSA-2.3.1..
Building test suite 'test-rsa' for RSA-2.3.1..
[1 of 2] Compiling Codec.Crypto.RSA.Pure ( src/Codec/Crypto/RSA/Pure.hs, dist/build/test-rsa/test-rsa-tmp/Codec/Crypto/RSA/Pure.o )
running tests
src/Codec/Crypto/RSA/Pure.hs:115:25: error:
• Could not deduce (MonadFail m) arising from a use of ‘fail’
from the context: (Monad m, Show a)
bound by the type signature for:
failOnError :: forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Show a) =>
Either a b -> m b
at src/Codec/Crypto/RSA/Pure.hs:114:1-53
Possible fix:
add (MonadFail m) to the context of
the type signature for:
failOnError :: forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Monad m, Show a) =>
Either a b -> m b
• In the expression: fail (show e)
In an equation for ‘failOnError’:
failOnError (Left e) = fail (show e)
115 | failOnError (Left e) = fail (show e)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Package has no test suites.
builder for '/nix/store/iamd2pmg0xhh67b9wx23pfq815v1rpg5-RSA-2.3.1.drv' failed with exit code 1
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/i1fqnspxpy7ikvbzbnr484dlggn98dpk-ghc-8.8.3-with-packages.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
This is a known issue. To fix the RSA package that causes the build failure, create a file Config/nix/haskell-packages/RSA.nix and paste in the following content:
{ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, crypto-api
, crypto-pubkey-types, QuickCheck, SHA, stdenv, tagged
, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2
mkDerivation {
pname = "RSA";
version = "2.4.1";
sha256 = "0hchsqrxpfw7mqrqwscfy8ig1w2di6w3nxpzi873w0gibv2diibj";
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base binary bytestring crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types SHA
testHaskellDepends = [
base binary bytestring crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types QuickCheck
SHA tagged test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2
description = "Implementation of RSA, using the padding schemes of PKCS#1 v2.1.";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
This overrides the existing RSA package to use a newer version. After that make -B .envrc should work as expected.
In case you're curious how to update an existing package from the IHP nixpkgs version, take a look at https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/package-management.html#using-a-different-version-of-a-haskell-package :)

Haskell error with cabal: no instance for

I'm trying to follow the steps for installation for derivation of software product lines called hephaestus-pl. However, at the time of performing the installation steps, according to the tutorial, there is an error when executing the cabal install command on all cloned repositories. The erros is:
$ sudo cabal install
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring funsat-0.6.2...
Building funsat-0.6.2...
Failed to install funsat-0.6.2
Build log ( /home/notebook/workspace/hephaestus/hephaestus-sb/logs/funsat-0.6.2.log ):
cabal: Entering directory '.'
Configuring funsat-0.6.2...
Building funsat-0.6.2...
Preprocessing library funsat-0.6.2...
[ 4 of 10] Compiling Funsat.Monad ( src/Funsat/Monad.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-cf02e0bc/build/Funsat/Monad.o )
src/Funsat/Monad.hs:64:10: error:
• No instance for (Applicative (SSTErrMonad e st s))
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
• In the instance declaration for ‘Monad (SSTErrMonad e st s)’
src/Funsat/Monad.hs:88:10: error:
• Could not deduce (GHC.Base.Alternative (SSTErrMonad e st s))
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
from the context: Error e
bound by the instance declaration at src/Funsat/Monad.hs:88:10-52
• In the instance declaration for ‘MonadPlus (SSTErrMonad e st s)’
cabal: Leaving directory '.'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
funsat-0.6.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
I'm using the following version of ghci, which came installed along with the haskell-platform:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.0.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
The cabal version is:
$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library
My operating system is debian 9.2.
This is failing to compile due to the Functor/Applicative/Monad proposal implemented in more recent versions of GHC. The code would originally have compiled just fine, but in recent versions of GHC, you cannot declare something as Monad without first declaring it as Functor and Applicative. You used to be able to, but now you cannot.
The library authors need to update the library's code to fix this new restriction.

Building project dependent on gtk2hs fails on lts-7.8 and later

Building project dependent on glib fails on lts-7.8 and later after Cabal becomes
Steps to reproduce
Add glib to a project's .cabal file
build-depends: base
, gtktest
, glib
Run following commands
stack install gtk2hs-buildtools
stack build
The following error occurred
[debug] Ignoring package Cabal due to wanting version instead of
-- While building package glib- using:
C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghc-8.0.1\bin\ghc.EXE --make -odir C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\.stack-work\dist\b7fec021\setup -hidir C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\.stack-work\dist\b7fec021\setup -i -i. -package=Cabal- -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=C:\sr\snapshots\a78c6a89\pkgdb C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\Setup.hs -o C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\.stack-work\dist\b7fec021\setup\setup
Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
Logs have been written to: C:\Users\foo\Documents\Files\Haskell\gtktest\.stack-work\logs\glib-
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\Setup.hs, C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\.stack-work\dist\b7fec021\setup\Main.o )
C:\Users\foo\AppData\Local\Temp\stack5512\glib-\Setup.hs:8:29: error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Distribution.Simple.UserHooks.UserHooks’
with actual type ‘Cabal-’
NB: Cabal-’
is defined in ‘Distribution.Simple.UserHooks’
in package ‘Cabal-’
is defined in ‘Distribution.Simple.UserHooks’
in package ‘Cabal-’
In the first argument of ‘defaultMainWithHooks’, namely
In the expression: defaultMainWithHooks gtk2hsUserHooks
In an equation for ‘main’:
main = defaultMainWithHooks gtk2hsUserHooks
I thought that Cabal- in the ghc-8.0.1 global package was causing problems, and succeeded building it after installing Cabal- in ghc 's global package.
However, this method is difficult for beginners and I do not think the right solution. How is the correct way to solve it?
Stack version
Version 1.2.0, Git revision 123819b7d65df2ad7fe63fb5eb39a98536acb5f3 (4055 commits) x86_64 hpack-0.14.0
