404 Not found - node.js

I've set up a CoffeeScript with node.js application on a subdomain such as using a port 8901 (
Within my coffeescript app, I'm using to communicate with the node server and client.
socket = io.connect('')
The problem is doing it that way, I've got an error :
GET 404 Not found

I would try including the port number in the initialization of socket io.
socket = io.connect('


Error connecting to server, changed code from websocket to

I'm currently using websocket library on both nodejs backend and JS client.
I'm trying to change to, I managed to write the code for both sides however I'm unable to connect to the server from my client.
On the console of my browser I see the error and realised that the address is being changed by the socketio library.
websocket: wss:// ==> works fine
socketio: auto changes the url to wss://
The error: WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed.
Is it something to do with my nginx config?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you
By default url adds the / path.
In my Nginx config I'm already using a custom path add, so I just specified a path on the io server config, like so:
const io = new Server(server, {
path: '/'
This way the default path would be overwritten.

Node express app with not working after deploy on heroku

Hello I'm trying to deploy an express app that uses for communication with the node server it's hosted on.
First problem : the server couldn't find the node module
somehow... even though it gets resolved on localhost.
We then switched to loading the client side through the cdn.
But we are getting this being spammed in the console :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404
(Not Found)
From this error is looks like is trying to communicate over polling ? But I don't get why.. heroku supports websockets. Could https cause things not to work anymore?
Server side we've got the socketio/express server setup like this :
server.listen(port,function () {
console.log("Server started at port: "+port);
On localhost everything works fine but when on heroku the doesn't work, while the express server does its thing perfectly fine...
Note: we are using the port that gets assigned automatically by the heroku environment

Node.js server for Socket.IO explanation?

I have the following code:
express = require('express');
app = express();
http = require('http').createServer(app);
io = require('')(http);
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
I know it creates a server that clients can connect to and it works. But I don't know what exactly happens. Can you explain in detail?
Also, why things don't work when I forget about Express.js and just use this line:
io = require('').listen(80);
It appears to listen for connections. However, inside the browser when I go to http://localhost/, nothing happens. My guess is that I don't specify the directory for my app like that:
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
Is that why I need Express? To specify the directory?
At the client, I use:
socket = io('http://localhost/'); // this
socket = io(); // or this
None of them work with the single line code at the server-side.
Also, why do I need an HTTP server when Socket.IO uses the WebSocket protocol?
When your browser goes to http://localhost/, you need a web server that's going to respond back to the browser with a web page. That's what Express and the express.static() lines were doing. When you remove those, you do indeed have a server listening for webSocket connections on a specific path, but you don't have anything serving web pages. So, when the browser goes to http://localhost/, there's nothing responding back with a plain web page.
Also, why do I need an HTTP server when Socket.IO uses the WebSocket
All connections start with an HTTP request. is based on the webSocket protocol and all webSocket connections are initiated with an HTTP request. So, to accept a connection, you need a web server that responds to an HTTP request and you then need a web server that is smart enough to recognize a request for a webSocket connection so it can "upgrade" the protocol from HTTP to webSocket.
For a well written overview of how a webSocket connection is established, see this overview on MDN.
The infrastructure then runs on top of that webSocket once it is connected.
I know it creates a server that clients can connect to and it works.
But I don't know what exactly happens. Can you explain in detail?
Here's a line-by-line explanation of your code:
express = require('express');
This loads the Express library.
app = express();
This creates an Express app object which can be used as a webServer request handler.
http = require('http').createServer(app);
This creates a web server and passes it the Express app object as the webServer request handler.
io = require('')(http);
This hooks into your web server as another request handler so it can see any incoming http requests that are actually the first stage of starting a webSocket/ connection.
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
This tells Express that if any request is made for a web page that it should look in the __dirname for a file that matches the requested path. If found, it should return that path.
This starts the web server listening on port 80.
None of them work with the single line code at the server-side.
Both of those lines of code to create a connection will work when used properly. You don't say how this code is being run. If you're trying to run this code from a web page that the browser loads from http://localhost/, then I've already explained why that web page won't load if you don't start Express. If you're trying to run those lines of code from a web page loaded some other way, then you're probably having a same-origin security issue were the browser by default won't let you access a domain that is different than the one the web page came from.
You need the express http server to deliver the socket client to the browser.
Express server starts on port 80
Browser connects to express on port 80, the server component delivers socket client javascript to the browser (http://localhost:80/
Socket client (running in browser) can then connect to server failing to connect because of nsp

I have a problem with^1.0. The setup is fine because it works locally, the server is correctly configured and when i try to connect to the server from my Angular APP it works fine with this:
The connection is established and i can send and receive event. Now in the production environment, "locahost:8080" is replaced with the address of the server Launched:
I know that the problem here is the /api, since is considering it as a namespace and it's trying to connect to it, in my network console I see 500 Internal server error with the address without the /api when i replace the request url to add the /api I get a 200 OK with type octet-stream.
So the question here is: how do I connect to the correct path without consideration of the namespace?
Thanks in advance for any help :)
I think you want to use the path option (documented here):
// client
var socket = io.connect('', {
path : '/api/'

Error binding socket on heroku , not sure about using express

this is my first node.js and application , i didn't use express ,I want to deploy the application on heroku do i need to use it ? i mean i just did npm install on localhost and in my server file i.e game.js i have io = require("") and socket = io.listen(Number(process.env.PORT)) only and in one of the files where from where i am sending the message i have socket = io.connect();
so please tell me if i need to use express and how show i modify my existing application ?
I have given the link to the source of application
( )
Although the Application works fine on localhost by changing the port no , to some port no like (8000) but Heroku error log on doing "heroku open" is
I noticed that you haven't created a http server. I am assuming that you are creating a web application, since you are deploying to heroku. For that, you need to create a http server in nodejs.
Go through
This should get you started
Note: You do not need express. But it will make your work easier in many ways. Depends on the type of application that you want to create.
