Disable dynamically created button from managed bean - jsf

I have a problem with dynamicaly created CommandButton in Primefaces.
I want to disable button after user click (submit). I've tried in two ways:
By adding widgetWar (commandButton.setWidgetVar("pony");) property to my commandButton and setting onclick behaviour (commandButton.setOnclick("PF('pony').disable();");). WidgetVar property is unique among all elements on page. This approach doesn't work - my button after click turns into disable and then immediately goes back to enable.
From managedBean by calling setDisabled method on button UiComponent ((CommandButton) component).setDisabled(true);. This also doesn't work.
Is there any other way to disable CommandButton from Java code or am I missing something?
I'm generating my page dynamically so I cannot use disabled property in xhtml.
I also set my commandButton update property to update parent p:outputPanel.
Thanks in advance.

my button after click turns into disable and then immediately goes back to enable.
That will happen if the ajax update covers the button itself. Just exclude the button from it and specify only the parts which really need to be updated.

you can a declare field in your bean
boolean disable = false;
after click on button in your listener:
disable = true;
in your button use this code:
<p:commandButton id="x" disabled="#{bean.disable}" update="#form:x" />


JSF rerender clears html code added onload

I add a checkbox in front of specific components like dropdowns on page load. When a particular dropdown on change reRenders the a4j:outputPanel which has the checkbox, the checkox disappears. Is it because of the view being created and then I have added the checkbox. OR the a4j:outputPanel is the cause. I cannot remove the panel. Can anyone please guide me?
P.S : If I dont reRender the a4j:outputPanel the checkbox remains. But I need to reRender the panel.
The reason it disappears is that as you said it is added using javascript. When you render an element using jsf + ajax the element is created from the response from server. As the server knows nothing about your onload code, it removes the element and recreates it with response from server.

JSF component is not getting reloaded for page refresh

I am new to JSF framework and Facelets as view, I am stuck with a problem now. I have got a page where i show some dropdown menu using <h:selectOneMenu> tag. On each selection i used to fire an ajax event using <f:ajax> event it all are working fine. But my problem is, if i select an option 2 on a select box and if I reloads the page again that particular select box will be selected with option 2 by default. I dont need this. I have to reload the select boxes along with page refresh. Please help me to solve this issue.
The selectbox shows the option that is set in the backing bean (and bound by the value attribute of <h:selectOneMenu>). The behavior after a page refresh depends on the scope of your backing bean. If it is session scoped, a page refresh doesn't reset the bean. You could change the scope to #ViewScoped to get the desired behavior. The bean then will be recreated after a full request.
Just set null to backing bean property that used in selectonemenu value after the selected action or set default value in property get method.

Skip form validation on command button

I have a JSF page that includes a tree form tag which is rendered depending on some bean property. There are two buttons for next and previous page. I want to skip form validation on the button which goes to the previous page.
I tried the following ways to disable the validation:
Set h:commandButton immediate="true"
Change button by a4j:commandButton ajaxSingle="true" rerender="someparts"
It does not work. Why does the navigation fail when I want to skip validation?
immediate="true" does skip the validation. Make sure you have redeployed successfully, and the there aren't any errors.
I solve problem using a4j:commandButton ajaxSingle="true" reRender=":outhercomponent:formconteningcomponent:component"
reRender needs absolute path to component even if component id unique

refreshing a datatable

dudes, does any of you know how to do this?
i have a page that has a datatable on it. it has a button to delete a row. the button works as expected, when you click it, it will delete the selected row/s. i also have another button that opens a popup window where you search for items and them add them to the said datatable. i am having a hard time figuring out how to refresh the datatable once you click the "select" button on the popup window.
my solution is having a hidden button that will refresh the datatable. it works when i litterally click it. but when i trigger the click event on the popup window using javascript, it doesnt always work. sometime it refreshes, sometimes it doesnt.
what's actually the best way to refresh a datatable?
If you use JSF2.0, there is an option to update part of your application with
...(here you have the binding data)
<h:commandButton action="#{yourbean.updateRows}" >
<f:ajax render="tableName" />
If you want to invoke it from JAVASCRIPT use:
How are you accessing your DataTable in the popup window ? by keeping it in some session variable and in you parent page are you displaying the datatable through some UI Component like GridView ? In that case you can reload your parent window from where you opned the popu windo through javascript. E.g. window.opener.location.reload();
I can think of .. Datatable.AcceptChanges(); But that's for C#..

Problem With JSF 1.1 and PopUp

I am trying to popup a window when someone clicks a button on the data table.
value="View Details"
The associated popup function is
function popup() {
window.open('RDDetails.jsf','popupWindow', 'dependent=yes, menubar=no, toolbar=no, height=500, width=400');
Now in the new 'RDDetails.jsf" file, I am trying to access the same managedBean cacheController. But the problem is, the pop-up window and JSF lifecycle is not in sync. As a result, the popup first displays blank and when I refresh, it pulls out the proper data.
Is there anyway I can click on a button which will do some processing in the managed bean and then opens a pop up which rerieves the processed data from the managed bean.
I am using JSF 1.1.
You're here basically firing two independent requests: one associated with the form submit and other which opens the RDDetails.jsf in a popup. You'll need to combine this in one request. You can achieve this in basically two ways:
Get rid of the onclick and just add target="_blank" to the <h:form> so that it get submitted into a new window/tab.
Block the default action by adding return false; to the onclick and do the business logic in the constructor of the bean associated with RDDetails.jsf. The only (major) caveat is here that the model won't be updated with the form fields. Thus, you'll need to pass the form fields as request parameters of the popup URL manually with help of JavaScript. You can then make use of managed property entries in the faces-config.xml to inject the GET request parameters into the model.
First way is obviously the easiest, but this doesn't give you a "fullworthy" popup/modal dialog. The second way is a bit harder (unless you've already a good grasp on both JavaScript and JSF). I would then consider to look for a component library which provides a ready-to-use popup component.
See my example:
<h:commandLink action="#{controller.myAction}" onmousedown="document.forms['idform'].target='_blank';">
I'm using jsf 1.1
