Using Office 365 API with only one account - azure

I am trying to use the Office 365 API to write events to the calendars of anyone at our organization. This should not involve the users logging in to Office 365 at any point. The events to add are written out at various points during the day (when the user who would own the event may not even be at a computer), so the per-user token approach doesn't even make sense.
It appears that Microsoft provides an alternative that uses a service account. This account can be used to write to any user's calendar (or sending email as any user, etc.). However, I can't find any documentation on doing this. Could anyone provide a link to it?

I found a blog post on this topic:
Also, if you aren't using Microsoft's client library for this (for example, if you use linux), you'll need to see this too: Office 365 Rest API - Daemon week authentication


What service do I need to be able to let my users use Office 365 Cloud Excel

I am working on an accounting system where the system will generate an excel file using a template and then open it using embedded Office 365 Excel. I can do this with my personal account where I would use the OneDrive API to create an excel file and then use the Embedded option in the OneDrive to generate the iframe link and use it on my website. However, the iframe url exposes the auth token though which could be misused by the users.
In future when we have real customers, I would want my users to be able to edit the excel file with their own Office 365/sharepoint account (that we would create for them during onboarding). I believe embedded excel option is not available for business users of Office 365, and I learned that you could do that with sharepoint though for business use cases. What service do I need? Maybe sharepoint but I dont know what else I need and how to make the integration work.

Is there any Node js or REST API to create new users in office 365.

I have purchased office 365 essentials plan. I have got an admin account. Office provides user interface to add new users under this main admin account.
What I need is I want a Node js or REST API to create users on this account. I have googled well, can't met anything like this. Anyone can provide any samples on this. Any help would be appreciable.
Office 365 Users are hosted in the background by Azure Active Directory. I believe you should be able to create new accounts for your Office 365 programmatically using the Azure Active Directory Graph API, or probably even better, using the Microsoft Graph API.
Check out the documentation here:
You should be able to get a jump-start using our public samples located here:
I hope this helps!

Authenticating Excel Task Pane app to CRM Online

I would like to write an Excel Task Pane app to interact with CRM Online - to take data from the Excel worksheet, process it and push it into a CRM entity record. My Excel users are on Office 365, as is CRM Online (obviously). We are using ADFS 2.0.
The specific problem I am experiencing is that I do not know how to get authentication to work for the Task Pane app: specifically, to the OData endpoint via JavaScript. Authentication is not my area, so I don't know how to precisely phrase this next requirement, but as we are using Office 365/CRM Online/ADFS then I need to use the logged-in user's Windows AD credentials to authenticate the request.
As far as I can tell, it is not possible to authenticate the Task Pane app directly with CRM Online, and I would like to know if that is known to be true, and if not what method(s) I can use.
I do know that there is a hack for indirect authentication published by a couple of people ( or which authenticates the user via the CRM plug-in and then allows other OData connections to succeed - but it doesn't work for me, and I'm averse to rolling out functionality to users which relies on back-door methods.
In the end, I ended used using SOAP in VBA instead of oData in the Task Pane, which meant I was able to use Jason Lattimer's hard work from - I don't think there is any way I would have figured out the Authentication piece without that post, so many thanks to him.

Using Office 365 login as identity provider for my web app

I want my users to be able to connect with same email/pass combination in reporting system for my company as they use for Office 365 and outlook.
Reporting system is in my server, simple PHP engine and i don't want to mess with double login info for every user and for every system. So far i couldn't find any solution how to use O365's login/session. So i wonder if it is possible at all and how?

How to create a new user on Dynamics CRM Online through calling APIs

I want to design an application to sync user information between local system and CRM online. I found we can't create user in CRM online through APIs directly as CRM on-premise. System said we only can add user through office 365 admin portal. But I have no idea about how to use office 365 APIs to create CRM online user. Did you guys encounter the situation before? Please help me, thanks!
Ok, let me answer my question. Right now if we want to operate Dynamics CRM Online User or License information, we need to operate Active Directory Graph Service associated with CRM Online. This Service is a web api based service. We can get the example code on "", and current there is one helper library can be used you guys can download it on
