waitforSelector function in casperjs - node.js

hello I am new to Casper and node
I am trying to run a code that scrpping data from a site
but WaitForselector function is not working correctly .
my code is
casper.waitForSelector('.searchAutoSuggstn', function() {
this.echo('Search auto suggestion.'); // this line is printing my console
var data = this.evaluate(function() {
var suggestions = [];
this.echo('Search auto suggestion data.'); //But this line is not printing my console
var element = $('.searchAutoSuggstn .suggestionsList_menu').find('.topProdhead_left').prevAll().filter(function() {
return $(this).data("omnitrack") ;
is any boddy can tell me whats the main problem ?

You can't call casper methods such as casper.echo() in casper.evaluate() since evaluate executes code in the context of the browser.
You could use console.log in the browser to output to the javascript console which you can then catch with the hook
casper.on("remote.messsage", function(msg){
// Do something


Node.js insert variables into loaded Gumroad API

I'm new to node.js, I was creating a script to verify Serial and Product with the Gumroad Api package.
From a script I load two variables from an html file and send them to the node server
The node receives them and they are displayed, but I cannot get them to be read by the gumroad package function.
This is the script in send variables page ( and works )
$.post('http://localhost:3000/node_server_test/', {
The node.js retrive the variables well.
I report only the part of the code concerned.
app.post('/node_server_test', (req, res) => {
var a = req.body.product;
var b = req.body.serial;
// var a = "product_id";
// var b = "xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx"
.then(function(license) {
console.log('Licence Valid');
}, function() {
console.log('Invalid Licence');
in this mode the data is read and reported correctly in the console, but they are not read by the gumroad.verifyLicense(a,b) function, the serial / product pair is always invalid.
If instead I remove the comments from the variable declarations for the function
var a = "product_id";
var b = "xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx"
the function returns the correct result.
It's possible to do it? where am i wrong?

Break in console.log?

I have an irksome problem in my node.js test code. Somewhere, something prints out an error message using console.log (i think). I am somewhat fastidious about clutter in my logs, so I trying to catch whatever it is. I am 100% sure that it's not in my code, it must be in some library we're using.
This brought me to an interesting question: is it possible to set a breakpoint in console.log? I'm working in WebStorm IDE and I'm running on node.js 4.4.3.
You could overwrite console.log with a custom version that breaks into the debugger:
var _log = console.log.bind(console);
// es6
console.log = (...args) => {
// es5
console.log = function() {
_log.apply(null, arguments);
Here's a one-liner if you'd like to copy/paste into a browser console for a drive test (verified in Chrome 51, Safari 9.1, and Firefox 46):
var _log = console.log.bind(console); console.log = function() { _log.apply(null, arguments); debugger; }
you could try something like this.
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
console.log('Threw Exception: ' + err.stack);

Returned method call is undefined?

Ok so i am using a method to make a request and pull some tables from another URL
gimmetitle: function () {
var url = 'http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=B-17G_Flying_Fortress';
request(url, function(err, response, body) {
$ = cheerio.load(body);
var text = $('.flight-parameters td').text();
return text;
When called the td's in the table succesfully print to the server console: http://prntscr.com/721pjh
Buuut, when that text is returned from that method to this client code, undefined is printed to the console:
'click #thebutton': function () {
Meteor.call('gimmetitle', function(error, result){
Session.set('gogle', result);
var avar = Session.get('gogle');
You need to understand two different things here :
On the client side, making some calls to the server is always asynchronous, because we have to deal with network latency. That's why we use callbacks to fetch the result of Meteor methods : this code is executed some time in the future, not right away.
This is why Session.set('gogle', result); is actually executed AFTER var avar = Session.get('gogle'); even though it appears before in your event handler code flow.
Contrary to template helpers, event handlers are NOT reactive, so it means that when you set the Session variable to the result of the method, the event handler code is not automatically reexecuted with the new value of Session.get('gogle').
You'll need to either do something with the result right in the Meteor method callback, or use a reactive computation (template helpers or Tracker.autorun) depending on Session.get('gogle') to rerun whenever the reactive data source is modified, and use the new value fetched from the server and assigned to the Session variable.
Quick update..Was able to fix this with just 1 line of code lol.
instead of request(url, function(err, response, body) i used the froatsnook:request package and used var result = request.getSync(url, {encoding: null}); and then just replaced $ = cheerio.load(body); with $ = cheerio.load(result.body);.

Zombie.js check dynamic updates

I am trying to scrape content from a web page that is continuously changing. I have been able to use PhantomJS to achieve this however wanted a lighter weight solution. The following code gets the correct value the first time it prints to the console. However on following iterations the same value is printed. Any ideas?
var Browser = require("zombie");
var assert = require("assert");
// Load the page from localhost
browser = new Browser()
browser.visit("http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/los-angeles", function () {
Note the example above is purely an example. I know this would be the most inefficient way to get the time in Los Angeles.
Once you call browser.visit(), the browser stores the response, but unless you call it multiple times, the response won't change. See it for yourself:
browser.visit("http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/los-angeles", function () {
console.log(browser.html()); // will print the HTML to stdout
So what you probably want is to call browser.visit() more than once, maybe inside setInterval() (although there may be more robust solutions out there).
I readapted your code:
var Browser = require("zombie");
var assert = require("assert");
var browser = new Browser();
setInterval(function () {
browser.visit("http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/los-angeles", function () {
}, 10000);

ClientJade - Trouble executing jade.render()

I've run into a problem in the clientside code for a Node.js app I'm working on.
The idea behind this is to update the browser immediately as the socket receives an event.
This is the script block on the client side:
var socket = io.connect();
socket.on('obj', function(obj) {
var newsItem = document.createElement("item");
jade.render(newsItem, 'objTemplate', { object: obj });
When the alert() is placed before the jade.render(), it alerts, but if inserted after, it doesn't execute (hence, I think it's a problem with the jade.render()).
This is objTemplate.jade, referred to in line 7:
p #{object}
// That's it.
And this is a relevant snippet from the app.js:
var server = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
server.on('message', function(buf, rinfo) {
isOnline = true;
var message = buf.toString();
io.sockets.emit('obj', message);
Here's a link to /public/scripts/jadeTemplate.js, which IMO is too long of a snippet for a question.
If I need to provide any more snippets or files let me know. :)
Your template doesn't want an attribute object, it wants obj. Try this:
socket.on('obj', function(obj) {
var newsItem = document.createElement("item");
jade.render(newsItem, 'objTemplate', { obj: obj }); // changed object to obj
http://jsfiddle.net/trevordixon/VeYBY/ shows it working. If you change the attribute back to object, you'll get a javascript error in the console.
