Nginx & Node inside the same Docker container - node.js

I know that this is against the accepted convention but I need to run Nginx alongside a node.js server inside the same Docker container. I have no issues spinning up the container and getting Nginx and Node working alongside. Nginx works on Port 443 which is exposed by the container. The Node server listens on Port 8080 and is reverse proxied by Nginx
location /node/index.js {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X_Forwarded_For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
Here is what I find
Access to the resources, on the Nginx server is straightforward
I startup the Nodejs server nodejs index.js & disown which has been configured to output a few diagnostic messages to a log file. Those messages tell me that the server is working just fine.
I can Telnet to Port 8080 from inside the Docker container - once again indicating that the Node server i sup and running
Precisely the same configuration but with Nginx running on a "real" server with Node running on the same server offers acceess to the Node server with no issues.
However, when I attempt to access the Node server running inside the Nginx Docker container, say, I get a 404 error.
Examining my Nginx logs reveals that the request did reach Nginx inside its Docker host. However, examining the Node server log file indicates that the request never got forwarded.
It is not clear to me why this could be happening. From what I can tell when Nginx is running inside a Docker container it is failing to act as a reverse proxy for Node running inside the same container.
For good measure I tried EXPOSing the Node port, 8080 and starting up the Docker container with -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 but that made no difference. I'd be most grateful to anyone who might be able to shed any light on what is going on here.


Can't redirect traffic to localhost with nginx and docker

I'm new to Docker and nginx so this may be a simple question but I've been searching through question/answers for a while and haven't found the correct solution.
I'm trying to run an nginx server through docker to reroute all requests to to localhost:3000/api/...
I have the following Dockerfile:
FROM nginx
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
and the nginx.conf file:
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
When I make the calls to the api on localhost:3000 this works fine but when I try to run against I get a network error that the host isn't found. To be clear the domain I want to 'redirect' traffic from to localhost host is a valid server address, but I want to mock the api for it for development.
This isn't working because your nginx proxying request to localhost which is container itself but your app is running on host's port 3000 -- outside of container. check this article
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
proxy_pass http://host.docker.internal.
add in etc/hosts

Running .NET Core 5.0 on Debian Nginx

I wanted to move a project I have working on Windows to run on a Unix machine.
The machine running on Debian 9 with Nginx.
This project runs absolutely fine on Windows with IIS.
I've followed all the instructions on here created a service for this to run on the start of the machine and Nginx configuration to proxy the connection from the port I want to use to port 5000.
When I start the application running Dotnet Myddl.dll it starts and says it is only listening on port 5000.
Then when I try to access it, I can see a warning.
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpsPolicy.HttpsRedirectionMiddleware[3]
Failed to determine the HTTPS port for redirect.
I know it is related to my app redirecting to HTTPS and not knowing where to redirect it, but how do I resolve this?
My service
Description=Myapp API
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /var/www/myapp/publish/myapp.dll
# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:
server {
listen 6969;
server_name *;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
I've been trying to resolve this and still can't. When I start the app on the unix machine I get the following
root#myhost:/var/www/myapp/publish# dotnet Myapp.dll info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Now listening on: localhost:5000 info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Hosting environment: Production info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Content root path: /var/www/myapp/publish
Obviously it is missing https option, and I can't figure why.
I've published the app as self contained for Linux-x64, and now I do not get the warning saying that it couldn't determine the https port, on my browser I get redirected to https://mydomain:5001 when I access it on http://mydomain:6969
Still I do not get the app listening on https on Unix, just on Windows.
Noticed that if I go to one of my endpoints e.g. http://IP:6969/api/users I get a 500 response.
When I was loading my application locally, I was getting straight through to the swagger page, such as /swagger/index.html, for some reason my API when complied for Linux does not accept this URL and returns me a 404, but if I get to one of my endpoints e.g. /api/users, it does return me the data I was expecting for.
Default https port should be 5001.
You can set https port following offical docs.
Or disable relatied middlware. Use nginx for https termination if needed.
I was trying to Migrate an API, and as on Windows it was returning me to my swagger page located on /swagger/index.html I was expecting the same to happen, which for some reason, doesn't.
So if I access one of my endpoints (e.g. /api/users) it does work fine.

How to setup nginx with docker compose

I have nginx config and docker compose but I am not able to link them together properly.
worker_processes auto;
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http {
upstream docker_nginx {
server nginx:6000;
server {
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_pass http://localhost:4000;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
location /jwt/user/ {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
pproxy_pass http://localhost:4000;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Docker compose:
version: '2'
image: nginx
container_name: docker_nginx
- 6000:6000
- ./services:/default.conf
restart: always
build: ./jwt
image: jwt:1.0
- 4000:4000
restart: always
- ./jwt
I want to listen on port 6000 and route request to a service on port 4000. I tried running http://nginx:6000/ and http://localhost:6000/ but I get this:
This site can’t be reached. The web page at http://localhost:6000/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Let me give you my repo, you can check my docker-compose.yml, it uses several services and are proxied using Nginx and are worked together.
On this link you’ll find a default.conf file and it contains several Nginx upstream configuration please take a look at how I used docker-compose service references there.
Inside the client/ directory, I also have another Nginx as a web server of a react.js project.
On server/ directory, it has a Node.js API, It connects to Redis and Postgres SQL database also built from docker-compose.yml.
I think this use case can be useful for you and other users!
There are few things which are misconfigured.
config file is mapped to wrong location
It should be ./services/default.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
You've to explicitly tell nginx (in conf file) to listen to 6000 port or otherwise map your 6000 port to 80 port inside nginx (default for nginx) "6000:80"
Yes, and as suggested in other answer, instead of proxying to localhost:4000 you have to proxy it to jwt:4000.
For more on nginx in docker see it's doc
Should - ./services:/default.conf be something like - ./default.conf:/etc/nginx/sites-enables/default.conf?
Also try replacing proxy_pass http://localhost:4000; with proxy_pass http://jwt:4000; and you probably don't need the upstream section.
The "proxy_pass" is the address of the proxied service from within the network created by docker compose - and each service's domain is the same as its name in docker-compose.yml
I have never used upstream, but if you want to use it, I think you have to put this
upstream docker-jwt {
server jwt:4000;
# and
proxy_pass http://docker-jwt;
but as I put above, I would skip that and just put http://jwt:4000 as the proxied address.
You also seem to have a typo here: pproxy_pass http://localhost:4000;
But if you leave the typo, and look at the docker compose logs, you will hopefully see an error from nginx, which means that you successfully mapped the config file

Accessing cups from node within a docker container

So I have a node server within a docker container. Right now I would like to have it communicate with the parent system's CUP server. However when I do an ajax call to the server, with port 631 exposed I get a 400 bad request error.
When looking at the CUPS logs it gives this reason for the rejection:
Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "host.docker.internal:631"
Now to even access the parent machine I have to use host.docker.internal to gain access, but I have not figured out a way to get cups to ignore the host or think its localhost.
Cups is watching for any serverAlias, and anything on port 631 so it "should" accept the call. Any ideas?
I had the same problem with CUPS (2.3.4) on osx. I spent several hours to fix the invalid Host: field error.
It seems that there's a bug, even when using SeverAlias * on cups conf.
For those who are looking for a workaround:
We have to change the Host header sent from the docker container to localhost in order to do so, I managed to set up an Nginx container listening on port 8888 and rewriting the Host field while proxy_pass to the host’s CUPS server.
This is the nginx conf.d:
server {
listen 8888;
location / {
proxy_pass http://host.docker.internal:631;
proxy_set_header Host localhost;
Now instead of connecting to host.docker.internal:631 we connect the cups client to localhost:8888. (I have set up the nginx sever on the same docker container, you might want to set up a separate container depending on your needs)

How to setup Nginix Docker Reverse proxy

I am trying to use Nginix reverse proxy container for my web application(another docker container) which runs on non standard port ,
unfortunately I cannot edit my web application container as its developed by some vendor , so I have a plain request that I need to setup nginx as frontend with 80/443 and forward all requests to app container).
I had tried jwilder/nginx proxy and default docker nginx container not able to get the right configurtaion .any lead would be great.
At the moment I haven't shared any conf files , I can share it on demand. here is the environment details
OS - Ubuntu
Use proxy_pass nginx feature
Assuming you have both containers linked and the web app container's name is webapp use this configuration on nginx container
upstream backend {
server webapp:10101;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
NOTE: please note that I am skipping some configurations as this is just an example
Put the configuration in nginx.conf file and then deploy the container like this
docker run -d -v $(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -p 80:80 nginx
Then you'll be able to access your webapp on http://locahost
