How Firewall bocks ports - firewall

When we say firewall has blocked port 28 doest it mean that a firewall process running on a computer scans every packet it receives and if it finds a packet containing port 28 (since packet contains port information) it will not pass that packet on to particular service listening on port 28

Firewalls examine every packet coming in (and often going out). If the firewall rules dictate that the packet should be blocked, then it is not passed on. What "passed on" means depends on the context. On an end-point machine, the packet is not sent to the application handling the network traffic. On a router or firewall appliance, the packet is not sent on the output link.
The firewall can completely drop the packet, or if it is TCP connection packet it can ACK the packet then send a reset:
Rational for dropping packets:
If you run no internet facing services, dropping packets instead of rejecting them (RST,ACK) allows you to make your machine to appear to be offline to attackers (as long as you block pings etc). If you run services on uncommon (high range) ports, dropping packets on closed ports can make an attacker overlook you as they may not scan the higher ranges. However, if you run services on common ports and most ports drop packets while these ports reject them, you are actually giving information about what services your system runs. So drop on all ports or don't bother. Link


DOES router or linux kernel change the tcp headers and ip headers of packets

I was looking into raw sockets. so I created one raw socket client and other one is server. on two different computers. I am using ISP provided router. so I sent spoofed packet (with iphdr struct's saddr of different computer on same network) from client but when the packet received at the server the source ip in packet's ip header was correct (the real sender address=client address) plus the source port and destination port of tcphdr were something different too (which really didnt make sense). So I assumed that my ISP provided router is doing something funny -- OR I am completely wrong correct if this is a normal ip protocol. if I am correct then what steps should i take to configure my router so it does not mess up with tcp and ip headers of incoming packets plus the sync=1 at sender's end became sync=0 of tcphdr. I am using local IPs plus I am trying to implement tcp using raw socket server. I have configured iptables on server as well with sync allowed on my bounded port
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport xxxx --syn -j ACCEPT
WHat settings do I need to do on server in iptables so my socket incoming packets wont be dropped nor any header be touched so I can get all packets required for tcp to keep coming in. plus what setting do I need to do on router so,if its cause problem then, it wont
Update 1:
after spending some time to the problem I found that one cause could be my kernel tcp stack dropping the incoming sync packets. so I looked around and found that in the tcp stack there is work done to make this happening. So I changed the sysctl.conf in /etc to allow sync packets to come in through by adding or uncommenting this line
Then I rebooted the system but still no difference. is it because somehow I have to reload my sysctl.conf file. if this is the case or any related case then please fill in.
Update 2
I have reloaded sysctl.conf after allowing syn packets and now I am getting syn packets from client application. but the destination port different. also along with syn=1, ack=1 is also coming in same packet. is this also something kernel is doing. please explain. as long as I know this is not how tcp works (tcp handshake) and I am connecting from client using stream socket

packet drops at application port level

I am trying to identify if there are any UDP packet drops while receiving messages, because of my application not processing them in time.
So I would like to know packet drops at the application port level.
My application is listening on port 5018 (this is my application port.)
I would also like to mention that I checked the following command.
I checked in the file /proc//net/udp
the last column drops. Would that be the column which will provide dropped packets info at the application port level
other commands like ss, netstat, ip, ethtool they all do not seem to provide info port level. Let me know if there any other commands or procedures for me to know dropped packets dues to application at a port level.

How to transfer of any type of data across two separate networks without violating cyber security using UDP

How we can share any type of data over the two separate networks without violating security mechanisms using UDP ?
There are a few things you'll have to remember:
Every network has its firewall, and it depends on the firewall rules, whether to allow your traffic into the network or not. First, ask your client or receiver to make changes in the firewall so that it accepts your IP address and also remember most of the systems have an edge firewall too.
Be clear with the type of connection i.e., p2p (or) server & client. It's better if it is a client & server type connection.
UDP by definition is NOT a connection-oriented protocol, so there is no state to keep track of as far as OSI layers 2-4 are concerned. All incoming UDP connections are treated as "new" or the same.
Also, see that none of the systems is under NAT connection, as the router will remember the IP and port of the device just for a while. And if there is any delay in response from client-side then the system under NAT will not know the IP or the port of the device, where it is supposed to send the traffic.

Linux socket UDP server - exchanging messages between 2 servers on 2 machines

I am working on a small linux socket project. The goal is to have multiple servers (ie. 1,2,3,4,5) that listen for send get and ACK packets from each of their respective clients. I am currently attempting to implement a routing table protocol whereby 2 servers (A, B) exchange their routing tables (vectors containing respective clients, server name, and number of hops). The issue I am having is with binding a socket to B's external address from A and vice-versa. From what I have read you do not bind to anything other than a local address except in certain cases. What I am wondering is how do I simply fire off a UDP packet from one server to another knowing the (static) IP address of each server?
What I am wondering is how do I simply fire off a UDP packet from one
server to another knowing the (static) IP address of each server?
The short answer is, you can't. At least on the Internet proper, only unicast is widely supported, which means that in order to send a UDP packet to another machine, you'll need to know its IP address (somehow).
The longer answer is: The first thing you often need to do is discover the target machines' IP addresses. That might be a matter of having the user manually enter a list of IP addresses, or if the target machines are on the same LAN, you can program a mechanism for auto-discovering them by having your program send out a broadcast or multicast UDP query packet. Make sure any instances of your program running on the same LAN receive that packet and respond to it by sending back a response UDP packet (the responses can be sent by by unicast or multicast or broadcast, your choice), and then your query-originating computer can know from the responses it receives which other IP addresses your program is presently also running on.
Note that a lot of computers and network devices run firewalls that reject incoming UDP packets by default, so if you packets don't seem to be getting through that is a likely reason why.

How does the packets go out even behind Firewall or NAT with some application?

Such as Skype/Team viewer/Logmein etc application, which send audio/video behind NAT (behind firewall). But when i make a small tiny application which send text to another NAT location it failed to do the same.
-> Public ip: My lan ip is: with port 14446 udp
-------> Data format: RTP packets
<------- Data received: 0 packets
-> Public ip: Friend lan ip is: with port 14446 udp
* same in both way
How others does this? What is the way of doing peer 2 peer application development to overcome NAT issues? Always we have public ip's and mostly it has NAT issues.
But how does then Skype works in such cases too? Do we have a audio/video port range for UDP or always UDP is open from anything? But mine does not work above range ports for UDP i also tried. What is the secret? that is making me curious!!.
My goal is audio packets handling where i believe too much filtering or firewall cause latency and delay and other issues gets involved relatively too. So i would like to know very clearly for my application that some of the ports (which port ranges?) can be used for such purposes, where it really not blocking development stress.
There are a number of types of NATs, which vary in what traffic they'll allow in.
See the Wikipedia article on NATs
For most NATs, STUN will let you open ports AND find out what port you opened (may be different than the port you sent from). In SIP and RTSP you'd typically provide the external IP and port determined by STUN to the other end.
A fully-symmetric NAT means that STUN won't let you use a 3rd-party server to prop ports via STUN, so you'll have to use UPnP (if enabled) or map ports in the router (or set up triggers), or you'll have to play evil games to make both sides think they initiated the connection. (Not easy and not guaranteed.)
See the ICE & TURN specs (RFCs) from the IETF for detailed mechanisms to traverse NATs - though note that in some cases you must use an external proxy to forward packets.
One common solution is that the client program connects outward to the server and thus establishes a connection. Most firewalls allow outward connections - the assumption being that you are trusted and can always connect to the outside. When the server then wishes to send a message to you, it responds on the open connection.
I believe the port that you use is what is usually used to determine if it should be allowed or not. Certain ports are always let through. I'm not sure of the exact ports, but that will be different for all NATs and firewalls.
