Send Cookie on every request to identify user? - security

I'm not getting my head around the whole session-management thing.
I've now implemented this to take care for the login process and also this example to protect my services from XSRF attacks.
But now that I'm having it I wonder:
If I turn on SSL, is the cookie sent before a secure connection is built up? So is this session ID (the cookie) ever secure?
Is it save to send the cookie on each request to identify the user? E.g. if a user wants to view his/her settings, to make sure it's not a fake request that tries to retrieve the settings from another user. Is it clear what I mean by that? I would send the session ID on each request, compare it to the session ID in my database and if the request-token (XSRF securiy) is fine I execute the request - or is that too much overhead?
I'm still not quite confident if what I'm doing here is 100% correct and I want to make sure that I don't unnecessarily break any security measures I've spent time implementing.

SSL or TLS connections are established before the HTTP request is sent over the wire, so data in the request is encrypted.
I'm not sure I understand your second question, but a lot of web applications use cookie based authentication to identify the user. As cookies are automatically sent to the website, you have to protect yourself against CSRF attacks.


node user authentication with cookie

I am going to write a server api that responsible for user authentication. From my limit knowledge and understanding, when a user login with username and password, session will be created and auth cookie with username will save into cookie. When the user request for the next page, the user information in the cookie will send to server and server will recognize it. so my question is what if another person manually copy the existing cookie info and create the same cookie in a browser of another computer? Will it skip the login stage? Can anyone explain in details how to prevent this in details? thanks
Yes, it will most likely skip the login stage. What you describe is a form of session hijacking, or cookie hijacking. Using cookies over unencrypted connection (ie. HTTP instead of HTTPS) is not a secure solution because anyone can steal and use the same cookie and this is usually enough to get full access with no need to authenticate. (It can be - though it usually isn't - made harder to exploit but not impossible.)
Soon there will be no reason not to use HTTPS (see my answer to other question for details).
In addition to making sure that no one can read the cookie (using HTTPS and HttpOnly) you also have to make sure that no one can guess the session ID (eg. it cannot be a sequential or small number or anything like that).
See also:
Session hijacking on Wikipedia
Session hijacking on OWASP
Session fixation on Wikipedia
Session fixation on OWASP
Session riding (XSRF, CSRF)

GWT Sessions and XSRF - the optimal solution?

Ok, first I was a bit confused when reading
Remember - you must never rely on the sessionID sent to your server in
the cookie header ; look only at the sessionID that your GWT app sends
explicitly in the payload of messages to your server.
at because I didn't understand the nature of XSRF completely and thought: why does it matter how the id gets transmitted?
Then I read and now I understand that XSRF works despite NOT knowing the cookie content (your browser just attaches it to the request, so you exploit your browser's knowledge of the cookie's content - although the browser does not tell 'YOU' or the attacker about the content. The cookie content itself remains uncompromised by that attack). So any proof of knowing the cookie's content validates that the request is not part of XSRF.
I don't like the solution as implemented by GWT ( because it needs a separate call to the server. Please tell me if my ansatz is secure and if I understand the XSRF stuff correctly:
To prevent XSRF, I just copy the session ID contained within the cookie into some non-standard HTTP header field, ie. "X-MY-GWT-SESSION-ID: $sessionId", when doing RPC calls.
That way, I do not need to make any additional calls during app startup because session validation is already done during delivery of the gwt app by destroying the cookie if the session is not valid any more (see How can delete information from cookies?).
So here is the complete security implementation:
registration: client submits cleartext credentials via RPC call to the server, which in turn stores the password using a hash during registration in the server's database (How can I hash a password in Java?)
login: client sends cleartext pwd via https+RPC, check password on server, if ok: store and return (via https) random UUID. That UUID is the shared secret stored on server and client that is used to identify the authenticated user over possibly many browser sessions to avoid requiring the user to log in each time he visits the site.
server sets cookie expiry time to 0 if session is not valid any more so that the client clears the session id and the GWT app detects that it needs to re-authenticate.
on server side only accept session UUIDs sent through a special HTTP header field to prevent XSRF
handle invalidated sessions on client side (either no session cookie or RPC request produced auth failure)
to prevent re-authentication shortly after gwt app loading, the server side devlivery mechanism (ie. index.jsp) deletes the cookie some time before the timeout actually happens - delivering a page and asking for authentication a few seconds later is a bit dumb.
Example sources for the GWT part can be found there: The solution bsaically uses GWT XSRF classes, but embeds the MD5-hashed session ID directly into the web page instead of getting the token via a separate RPC call. The client actually never calls any cookie-related code and the server has only embedded a request.getSession().getId() call into the jsp page.
Any comments, suggestions, critique? Do I miss something important?
Disclaimer: I'm not a security expert.
Actually, if you obtain your xsrf token by an RPC call, then you're subject to XSRF, as an attacker could possibly forge both requests (this is very unlikely though, because it would have to read the response of the first call, which is most of the time prohibited by the cross-origin nature of the request and/or the way it has to be executed).
So ideally you'll make your xsrf token available to the GWT app through any mean.
You'll generally want your session cookie to be unaccessible through scripts (HttpOnly flag), so you'll need to find another way of passing the value (e.g. write it in the HTML host page that's delivered to the browser –as a JS variable, or a special HTML attribute on a special HTML element–, and read it there with GWT, either through Dictionary, JSNI or the DOM).
Also, you'll probably want to use both the cookie and the request header to validate the request (they must match), or you might be vulnerable to session fixation attacks (would probably need an XSS vulnerability too to make it truly useful)

Can I disable a cookie from being sent automatically with server requests?

I'm fairly new to website development. I'm working on a site where the user logs in with username/password, and gets a sessionID from the server in response. This sessionID is sent back to the server (and a new one returned) with each request.
I'd like the site to work properly if the user opens it in multiple tabs or windows. i.e. once logged in at one tab, opening a members-only URL in another tab works without loggin in. (And, logging out in one tab logs out from all.) I see no way of doing this without storing the latest sessionID in a cookie. That way the latest sessionID can be "shared" among all tabs.
However I am starting to read up on cookies, and some of the security threats. I was unaware that cookies were sent with every request. I don't need to send my cookie to the server, ever. The sessionID is added to the xhr request's headers -- not read as a cookie. So I'm wondering if there is a way to disable sending of this cookie. My only purpose for it is to allow multiple tabs/windows in the same browser to share the same session.
I was reading up on the path parameter for cookies. Apparently this can be used to restrict when the cookie is sent to a server? What if I set the path to something that would never be used? Would this prevent the cookie from ever being sent out automatically? I only want to access it from JavaScript.
A coworker has put a lot of safeguards into the server-side of this application, which I won't go into here. So this question is just about what client-side precautions I can and should take, particularly with cookies, for optimal security. If there is a better way to allow a members-only site to work properly with multiple tabs open at once, I'm all ears.
I discovered just now that in HTML 5 there is local storage, which stores key/value pairs much like a cookie, but is not sent with every server request. Since it's supported in every browser except IE 7 and earlier, I'll be switching to this to enable sharing data between tabs when available, and use cookies instead on IE 7 and earlier.
The sessionID is stored in a cookie already there's no need to manage it. Because the HTTP protocol is stateless the only way to maintain state is through a cookie. What happens when you set a session value the server will look up the dictionary of items associated with that cookie id (session Id).
What is meant by stateless is that between requests HTTP does not know if your still alive or have closed your browser. Therefore with each request the browser will attach all cookie values to the request on the domain. SessionId is stored in the cookie automatically when they go to your site. The Server then uses that value to look up anything you've set in the users session.
Depending on which programming language and/or server you're using the session could be handled differently but that's usually abstracted away from the programmer.
Now with respect to sessions, there are a number of different things that make them insecure. For example if an attacker were able to get their hands on your session cookie value they could replay that cookie and take over your session. So sessions aren't a terribly secure way of storing user information. Instead what most people do is create an encrypted cookie value with the users details, the cookie could be a "session cookie" meaning as soon as the user closes their browser window the cookie is thrown away from the browser. The encrypted cookie contains user information and role information as well as some identifier (usually the clients ip address) to verify that the user who is submitting the request is the same user the cookie was issued to. In most programming languages there are tools that help in abstracting that away as well (such as the ASP.NET membership provider model).
Check out some details on the HTTP protocol and HTTP cookies on Wikipedia first
and check out the membership provider model on ASP.NET, it's a really good tool for helping to secure your site.
Preventing the browser sending cookies seems to defeat the object of using cookies in the first place.
If you don't want the sessionID to be sent with each request, why set the cookie? A better solution would be to use a custom response header that you send from the server to the browser - this will then be under your control and will not be sent automatically with all browser requests. You are using request headers to send your sessionID anyway so you could receive them from the server using a custom header and read this into your JavaScript from each XHR.

How do I prevent session hijacking by simply copy a cookie from machine to another?

Most Web Applications use cookies to manage the session for a user and allow you to stay logged in even if the browser was closed.
Let's assume we did everything by the book to make sure the cookie itself is safe.
encrypt the content
set http only
set secure
ssl is used for the connection
we check for tampering with the content of the cookie
Is it possible to prevent someone with physical access to the machine to copy the cookie and reuse it on another machine and thus stealing the session?
It doesn't make sense to "protect" against this. If this kind of copying happens, then either:
The end user did it on purpose because they wanted to change computers. This is, of course, not something you should care about or be concerned about.
An attacker has already compromised the user's browser and gotten access to the cookies stored inside. By definition this cookie is a secret that proves that the identity of the HTTP client. If the attacker already has access to it, they can already use it in any number of ways of their choosing that you won't be able to prevent or distinguish from the real user accessing the server legitimately.
This risk is inherent in using cookies to authenticate sessions: the cookie is a bearer token, anyone who can present the cookie is authenticated.
This is why you see further protections such as:
automatic log out after a certain amount of time, or period of inactivity;
device fingerprinting;
requiring re-authentication for critical actions (e.g. making a bank transfer or changing your password).

Is secure to store user data like logged status and id in cookies?

The question says pretty much everything. My point is, is the user able to change his cookie's values in order to appear "logged", when he's not really logged?
Cookies aren't secure. As others here have pointed out, you shouldn't trust any data received from the client, period. That said, cookies are often used to store Session IDs for logged in users, which is sort of what you're asking.
Signing your cookies will help you detect if they've been tampered with on the client. Basically, you create a HMAC of the keys/values and a secret key, known only to the server. On each request, you re-compute the MAC: if it matches the previous value, all is well; if not, you reject the request.
For more sensitive data, you can optionally encrypt the cookies. Most web frameworks will allow you transparently do these using some kind of "middleware" external to your application code, so the signing/validation and encryption/decryption happens for each request.
Also, you should know that simply securing your cookies doesn't guarantee, :) You might still be vulnerable to Cross-site Request Forgeries.
For more information on cookies, check out this article.
So then if I change the user_id=1 do I become the administrator?
What if i type this into the address bar:
In general it is a horrible idea to re-invent the wheal. Especially when it comes to security, a cookie should always be a very large random value. Whatever platform you are using should have a session handler already built for you.
Usually a server generated token is stored in a cookie. When the cookie expires the token is lost and the user needs to sign in again. You can't fake the token. It's not a boolean value stating whether the user is signed in or not.
Anything you get from the client (including cookies) is unsafe. The safe way is to set a cookie with a random hash, log the hash in the database together with an ID and a timestamp (and perhaps even IP) and then check the incoming cookies against the stored hashes. If you set the cookies to expire after some time, make sure you also reject them on the server if they arrive when they should not.
