MS-Access 2013 unable to remove .laccdb locking file - excel

This is a long shot, but does any one know how to remove the lock file created by access 2013 file type ".laccdb".
I have an excel sheet which is connected to the access database via power query. The access database is on a shared drive. However even when this file is closed the locking file for the access database is not deleted.
When trying to remove the lock file it just says that unable to close as another program is using.
I've closed down the machine, removed all temp files, checked nothing is running and also checked in computer management within the administration tools. and checked for any open files.
I know the database should be split to stop this happening. however this is not my database, and the user refuses to split.
Any help will be grateful.

You can open and read the lock file with a text editor (I use Notepad++); within the file you should find the computer name (or some similar identifier) of the one(s) who have it open. You could then take that name/number/whatever to IT and see if they can identify who the user is. You should be able to close it from their computer. Hope this helps.


find open files on Azure NetApp Files Share using Powershell

Our Operations team has started piloting a project where we would be migrating to ANF. I manage an application which would be using templates stored on the ANF share. Sometimes users leave the template files open and we are unable to update the templates.
Previously, we would be able to go to computer management and check for Open files and close them. I am being told that after we move to ANF this would no longer be able to do this. Please note I have no idea how the ANF is setup or anything about this technology.
Is there any way we can use Powershell to check if files are open on the ANF share and close it?
I was given the file location in the following format \domain\Office\AppData<application files>.
I'm not even sure if we can use Get-SmbOpenFile cmdlet.
Any advice would be helpful.
Previously for opened files we could go to Computer Management and close the files. We can no longer do this with ANF or I dont know how to do it.

How to get the internal table data in excel format if the report runs in background?

Could you please tell me the way to get internal table data in excel file to be saved in local desktop (presentation server). Remember that the report runs in background.
Both requirements a contradictionary because a backround job does not have any connection to any SAPGui. I.e. there is no SAPGui connection linked to a background job ans thus it is not possible to determine onto which local desktop the excel file should be saved.
A possibility would be to store the results that are created in the backround job somehow and externalize the save to a local desktop into another program. When creating files on the SAP AS you should keep in mind what happens with these file after they are not needed any longer. I.e. you need to do the file maintenance (deletion of files after they are not needed any longer) your self.
Theoretically you can do this, if you create the file on a SAP AS and move this file using any shell file move command. However, it's a bad practice to make any connection from SAP AS to a user's machine.
The best solution here is to create the file on SAP AS. The user must download the file manually from the SAP AS. You can also send this file to a user for example per e-mail. The user will do no manual work in the last case.
Also a good practice is to use PI server functionality. It can deliver your file within a way the user wants to have.

Copy file from ehternet-connected FTP - no internet

I have a device that stores data in an FTP-accessible folder. I can connect to it through windows (ftp: and map drive to it (C:\Users#ME#\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\MyDevice). There are no usernames or passwords - if the device is attached, you have access.
i can click and drag the file in Windows. I want to automate that in VBA so I can process the file.
The single file is located at the root (, and I want to copy it to a location on my C drive to process it in Excel. I've tried for hours using code snips found here to no avail. I don't access the internet to get it, and I think that might be the problem, since 99% of FTP activity is that way.
FileCopy doesn't work either.
Any help appreciated
If you can access it and map it to a drive, open up a cmd then type 'net use' and hit enter (when it's plugged in and mapped to a drive). You should then have the long location used by windows which you can use in your procedures to play around with the file?

Renaming executable's image name is giving it write permission

Dear community members,
We have three of same hardware Windows 7 Professional computers. No one of them is connected to a domain or directory service etc.
We run same executable image on all three computers. In one of them, I had to rename it. Because, with my application's original filename, it has no write access to it's working directory.
I setup full access permisions to USER group in working directory manually but this did not solve.
I suspect some kind of deny mechanism in Windows based on executable's name.
I searched the registry for executable's name but I did not find something relevant or meaningfull.
This situation occured after lot of crashes and updates of my program on that computer (I am a developer). One day, it suddenly started not to open files. I did not touch registry or did not change something other on OS.
My executable's name is karbon_tart.exe
When it start, it calls CreateFile (open mode if exist or create mode if not exist) to open karbon_tart.log file and karbon_tart.ini file.
With the files are exist and without the file exists, I tried two times and none of them, the program can open the files.
But if I just rename the name to karbon_tart_a.exe, program can open files no matter if they are exist or not.
Thank you for your interest
Ömür Ölmez.
I figured out at the end.
It is because of an old copy of my application in Virtual Store.

Importing Multiple Tables from Excel Using SSIS 2008 - Exclusivity

I'm writing a SSRS report that is the direct result of a SSIS package.
It is my understanding that SSIS must have exclusive access to Excel files for import. Is there any way around this?
If I can't read what was there as of the last save, can I at least send an e-mail notifying the user of the failure? How do I catch that error?
This seems like a limitation of the Jet connection engine and Excel, by default, opens files in exclusive access mode. If there is only one or two people using the file, then you may be able to have them open the file in shared access mode to avoid this error. Or, since this is ultimately a Jet database engine connection, you might be able to specify in your connection string that you open it in Mode=Read.
