Getting "calling" list size in list closure - groovy

I need to get the "calling" list size in a Groovy list closure, e.g.:
def foo = [1,2,3,4,5]
def bar = foo.findAll {
}.collect {
processElement(it, <self>.size())
where <self> is the list resulting from filtering foo with findAll.
Of course, one can save the intermediate result and get its size, but is it possible to do without it?

The best I can currently think of is:
def bar = foo.findAll { someCondition(it) }
.with { list ->
list.collect { processElement(it, list.size()) }
But this just uses with instead of an intermediate result.
Or, you could use the delegate of a Closure:
def foo = [1,2,3,4,5]
def collector = { it -> processElement(it, delegate.size()) }
(collector.delegate = foo.findAll { someCondition(it) }).collect collector
But this is just using the delegate as an intermediate result ;-)


Is there a way to mimic map like access (using brackets) to get method on an arbitrary object

Is there a way in groovy where I can use brackets to access the get function like with maps? Something like this:
class Foo<V> {
String bar = "Bar:"
V get(Object lal) {
return bar + lal
def f = new Foo()
PS I would like to avoid extending the whole Map interface.
It works this way:
class Foo {
String bar = "Bar:"
def getAt(String lal) {
return bar + lal
def getAt(int i) {
return bar + i
def f = new Foo()
You need to pass concrete object class.

Concise way of assigning a map entry only if new value is not empty or null in Groovy

I have this piece of code all over my gradle file:
def itemA = getVar('ITEM_A')
if (itemA) {
envmap['itemA'] = itemA
def itemB = getVar('ITEM_B')
if (itemB) {
envmap['itemB'] = itemB
Is there a much concise way of assigning to a variable only if new value is not null or empty?
You could write a helper closure like so:
def envHelper = { map, vkey, mkey ->
getVar(vkey)?.with { v ->
envmap[mkey] = v
then, you can replace
def itemA = getVar('ITEM_A')
if (itemA) {
envmap['itemA'] = itemA
envHelper(envmap, 'ITEM_A', 'itemA')
Use collectEntries and findAll to get a Map.
//An example of keys corresponding to your query
def keyNameFromVarName(String varName){
def varNames = ['ITEM_C', 'ITEM_D', 'ITEM_E', 'ITEM_F', 'ITEM_G', 'ITEM_H']
Map map = varNames.collectEntries{ [ (keyNameFromVarName(it)) : getVar(it) ] }.findAll{ k,v-> v }
First use collectEntries on the list object. Remember to put the generation of the map key inside parentheses or you will get a compilation error.
varNames.collectEntries{ [ (keyNameFromVarName(it)) : getVar(it) ] }
Then use findAll to get the entries where the value is not null. Define k,v as parameters to the closure for easy access to the value.
.findAll{ k,v-> v }

Call method multiple times with each member of a collection as parameter

Let's say that I have a collection of parameters
def params = ['a','b','c']
Is there a short way to run a method that accepts a single parameter once for every element of a collection to replace this:
params.each {
with something more declarative (like a "reverse" spread operator)?
You can use collect:
def params = ['a','b','c']
def foo(param) {
'foo-' + param
assert ['foo-a', 'foo-b', 'foo-c'] == params.collect { foo(it) }
Or just a closure
def foo = { a -> a + 2 }
def modified = list.collect foo
You can use method pointer:
def l = [1,2,3]
l.each(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
Or add a method that will do the task you need:
def l = [1,2,3]
List.metaClass.all = { c ->
l.all(new A().&lol)
class A {
def lol(l) {
println l
return l+2

Deep copy Map in Groovy

How can I deep copy a map of maps in Groovy? The map keys are Strings or Ints. The values are Strings, Primitive Objects or other maps, in a recursive way.
An easy way is this:
// standard deep copy implementation
def deepcopy(orig) {
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)
oos.writeObject(orig); oos.flush()
bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray())
ois = new ObjectInputStream(bin)
return ois.readObject()
To go about deep copying each member in a class, the newInstance() exists for Class objects. For example,
foo = ["foo": 1, "bar": 2]
bar = foo.getClass().newInstance(foo)
foo["foo"] = 3
assert(bar["foo"] == 1)
assert(foo["foo"] == 3)
See and navigate to java.lang, Class, and finally the newInstance method overloads.
The example I have above is ultimately an example of a shallow copy, but what I really meant was that in general, you almost always have to define your own reliable deep copy logic, with perhaps using the newInstance() method, if the clone() method is not enough. Here's several ways how to go about that:
import groovy.transform.Canonical
import groovy.transform.AutoClone
import static groovy.transform.AutoCloneStyle.*
// in #AutoClone, generally the semantics are
// 1. clone() is called if property implements Cloneable else,
// 2. initialize property with assignment, IOW copy by reference
// #AutoClone default is to call super.clone() then clone() on each property.
// #AutoClone(style=COPY_CONSTRUCTOR) which will call the copy ctor in a
// clone() method. Use if you have final members.
// #AutoClone(style=SIMPLE) will call no arg ctor then set the properties
// #AutoClone(style=SERIALIZATION) class must implement Serializable or
// Externalizable. Fields cannot be final. Immutable classes are cloned.
// Generally slower.
// if you need reliable deep copying, define your own clone() method
def assert_diffs(a, b) {
assert a == b // equal objects
assert ! // not the same reference/identity
assert ! // String deep copy
assert ! // Integer deep copy
assert ! // non-identical list member
assert ! a.l[0].is(b.l[0]) // list element deep copy
assert ! // non-identical map member
assert ! a.m['mu'].is(b.m['mu']) // map element deep copy
// deep copy using serialization with #AutoClone
class Bar implements Serializable {
String s
Integer i
def l = []
def m = [:]
// if you need special serialization/deserialization logic override
// writeObject() and/or readObject() in class implementing Serializable:
// private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
// oos.writeObject(s)
// oos.writeObject(i)
// oos.writeObject(l)
// oos.writeObject(m)
// }
// private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
// throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// s = ois.readObject()
// i = ois.readObject()
// l = ois.readObject()
// m = ois.readObject()
// }
// deep copy by using default #AutoClone semantics and overriding
// clone() method
class Baz {
String s
Integer i
def l = []
def m = [:]
def clone() {
def cp = super.clone()
cp.s = s.class.newInstance(s)
cp.i = i.class.newInstance(i)
cp.l = cp.l.collect { it.getClass().newInstance(it) }
cp.m = cp.m.collectEntries { k, v ->
[k.getClass().newInstance(k), v.getClass().newInstance(v)]
// assert differences
def a = new Bar("foo", 10, ['bar', 'baz'], [mu: 1, qux: 2])
def b = a.clone()
assert_diffs(a, b)
a = new Baz("foo", 10, ['bar', 'baz'], [mu: 1, qux: 2])
b = a.clone()
assert_diffs(a, b)
I used #Canonical for the equals() method and tuple ctor. See groovy doc Chapter 3.4.2, Code Generation Transformations.
Another way to go about deep copying is using mixins. Let's say you wanted an existing class to have deep copy functionality:
class LinkedHashMapDeepCopy {
def deep_copy() {
collectEntries { k, v ->
[k.getClass().newInstance(k), v.getClass().newInstance(v)]
class ArrayListDeepCopy {
def deep_copy() {
collect { it.getClass().newInstance(it) }
def foo = [foo: 1, bar: 2]
def bar = foo.deep_copy()
assert foo == bar
assert !
assert ! foo['foo'].is(bar['foo'])
foo = ['foo', 'bar']
bar = foo.deep_copy()
assert foo == bar
assert !
assert ! foo[0].is(bar[0])
Or categories (again see the groovy doc) if you wanted deep copying semantics based on some sort of runtime context:
import groovy.lang.Category
class ArrayListDeepCopy {
def clone() {
collect { it.getClass().newInstance(it) }
use(ArrayListDeepCopy) {
def foo = ['foo', 'bar']
def bar = foo.clone()
assert foo == bar
assert !
assert ! foo[0].is(bar[0]) // deep copying semantics
def foo = ['foo', 'bar']
def bar = foo.clone()
assert foo == bar
assert !
assert foo[0].is(bar[0]) // back to shallow clone
For Json (LazyMap) this wokred for me
copyOfMap = new HashMap<>()
originalMap.each { k, v -> copyOfMap.put(k, v) }
copyOfMap = new JsonSlurper().parseText(JsonOutput.toJson(copyOfMap))
EDIT: Simplification by: Ed Randall
copyOfMap = new JsonSlurper().parseText(JsonOutput.toJson(originalMap))
I've just hit this issue as well, and I just found:
deepCopy = evaluate(original.inspect())
Although I've been coding in Groovy for less than 12 hours, I wonder if there might be some trust issues with using evaluate. Also, the above doesn't handle backslashes. This:
deepCopy = evaluate(original.inspect().replace('\\','\\\\'))
I am afraid you have to do it the clone way. You could give Apache Commons Lang SerializationUtils a try

How to select specific field using Groovy Closure

class FruitBasket {
int apples = 0
int oranges = 0
I need to pick out apples from each FruitBasket. The work need to be done in processFruit:
def processFruit(list, picker) {
list.each {
println "processing " + picker(it)
def processAll() {
List fruitList = [
new FruitBasket("apples": 2, "oranges": 4),
new FruitBasket("apples": 3, "oranges": 5)
processFruit(fruitList, applePicker)
def applePicker(FruitBasket f) {
return f.getApples()
but it is complaining # runtime that
No such property: applePicker for class: FooTest
possibly a problem with the closures FruitBasket arg...
In that code, applePicker is a method, not a closure.
You can either use a method handle to pass the method as a parameter like so:
processFruit(fruitList, this.&applePicker)
Or change it to an actual closure:
def applePicker = { FruitBasket f -> return f.getApples()    }
You are passing applePicker to processFruit, but it is a method. You can only pass closures this way. Redefine applePicker as a closure like so:
applePicker = { FruitBasket f ->
return f.getApples()
Or convert the method to a closure when processFruit is called:
processFruit(fruitList, this.&applePicker)
