I have a pageParent with an overlapping pageChild. Attempts to call the Click() method on either page throw an OnOverlappingWindow event. Calling the Activate() method on either page before clicking won't change this. Suppressing the overlapping window error results in an invisible or out of bounds error.
function GeneralEvents_OnOverlappingWindow(Sender, Window, OverlappingWindow, LogParams)
LogParams.Locked = true; //prevent error
I would like to get the coordinates of the intended click, and just click arbitrarily using those coordinates. How might I achieve this?
Found out a reasonable method. I called obj.WindowToScreen(obj.Width/2, obj.height/2) to get the screen coordinates at the center of the window, then used LLPlayer.KeyDown and LLPlayer.KeyUp with those coordinates to simulate the click.
Forgive what is potentially an obscure question.
In the webtable displayed below the following code will click on the highlighted radio button and fire the JS associated with its "click" event.
Set myEle = ch.FindElementById("__M5_1_1_image")
For reasons I will not bore you with, I am trying to write a function which will check if you can click on this (or another candidate webelement in the table) WITHOUT actually clicking on it as I do not want to fire the associated "click" event at this stage of the code. However, I do want to know that the webelement I have specified will not throw an error or produce no event when I do click it later.
I have tried .ClickAndHold and .ReleaseMouse as tests to see if the same potential errors are returned as with the use of .click, but this does not work. For example I can get a "Element not interactable error" with .click but no error with the other 2.
Going back to the webpage I notice that this (and all the other tables I want to apply this function to) change the mouse cursor from an arrow to a "pointing hand" graphic when you hover the mouse over the correct element (e.g. radio button image in this example). Hence, one method would be to look for the presence of the "mouseover" event in the list of event listeners for the specific webelement - as highlighted right lower pane of the image. Unfortunately I don't have any idea how to check the "event listeners" associated with a defined webelement using selenium and VBA. For example if I fire the mouseover event for a webelement would it return an error if no such event existed or would there merely be no action? I assume it is the later, so can anyone tell me if it is possible to query whether a specific event is associated on the webpage for a defined webelement?
I would like to know, just by subscribing to the Interactable OnClick event, if I pressed the button with my left or right hand. Would that even be possible without passing this information along with the OnClick event?
The button has quite the logic to go through until it decides to accept a click request, so replicating all of that via global listener is not feasible.
Is it possible to get that information OnClick from somewhere else? Is it possible to query the potential click sources for who that was?
Without altering the Interactable class the only way I found was to query the FocusProvider for the active pointer, which must have been the one pressing the button (in my case):
Setup your controllers, take note of the axis name, in code you can do something like this in any GameObject's update loop:
if (Input.GetAxis("Axis1D.PrimaryHandButton") > 0.5f) {
// this axis (button) is pressed do something
I have a fabricjs canvas and onto that i am adding image. when we click the image the image is in selected mode.
is there a way to know if the mouse if over the grapples(the square boxed around the image) but not the one used to rotate?
and if it is can i fire a javascript command from there?
the rotation square is called 'mtr' inside fabricjs.
You can hook a 'mousedown' or 'mouseover' event to the object in this way:
object.on('mouseover' myfunction.bind(object));
the function you pass will receive an object parameter that we will call opt, just for example.
function(opt) {
var mouseevent = opt.e;
if (this.__corner === 'mtr') {
this will not stop the rotation handling during mousemove or firing modified on mouseup
this.__corner referes to the object (this) and the last findTargetCorner result. Is not documented and is not a public feature, is mostly used for internal fabric logic, but is there and you can use it.
You should propose on the fabric issue tracker to make it an official feature, removing the double dash in front and documenting it in the docs.
I'm facing a problem with the LWUIT's Textfield.
In some of my Forms I display a CategoryBar, while in others I hide it.
In some of the Forms I have Textfields, the problem presents itself when I focus on one and make the Virtual Keyboard (VKB) to appear. When the VKB appears, the screen components resize themselves to adjust to the Textfield to be visible while text is entered, but when I hide the VKB, either through the back button or the return key on the VKB, the Textfield remains with the focus, not only that, when the screen components resize themselves, the current visible Form resizes itself as if there was no CategoryBar present, so any components that are at the bottom of the Form are hidden by the CategoryBar.
This is fixed by displaying another Form (this includes PopupChoiceGroup and DatePicker) and then going back to the Form that is covered by the CategoryBar.
In other Forms where no CategoryBar is visible, sometimes the resizing when the VKB is shown causes the Forms to resize themselves as if the CategoryBar was visible, making it possible to interact with it when it shouldn't be available.
How can I make sure the focus is completely lost on the Textfield? Also, how to make sure a Form is resized correctly whether a CategoryBar is visible or not?
I've been digging through the class reference for TextField, Form and VKB, in the later I found a method called autoAdjust which according to documentation:
Auto adjust size of the dialog. This method is triggered from a
sizeChanged event.
The method sizeChanged sounded like something I should check and in the Form's reference the description for this method is:
This method is only invoked when the underlying canvas for the form
gets a size changed event. This method will trigger a relayout of the
Form. This method will get the callback only if this Form is the
Current Form
This method seemed like the callback for resizing I was looking for, so I overrode it and placed a NotificatioBar to be displayed with the width and height values sent when the method was called.
What I found after testing this on my device was that when the Form was being resized after the VKB was shown or hidden, the height value sometimes instead of being 270 (the height for the Form when the CategoryBar is being displayed) it was sent as 320 (the full screen height, as if no CategoryBar was being displayed).
So far I haven't been able to understand why would the Form ignores the fact that the CategoryBar is being displayed or not when resizing the itself.
I tried to change the Form height inside its sizeChanged method but the Form wasn't affected by it. It seems to me what I have to modify is the canvas where the Form is being drawn, but I don't really know for sure since the canvas is hidden in LWUIT.
Could it be the canvas where my Form is being drawn is the one at fault? What is provoking this behaviour?
At the moment I found a workaround to avoid having my Components hidden by the CategoyBar because the Form resized wrongly after the VKB hid, for the scenario in which the Form resizes wrongly and displays the CategoryBar (which I don't know why is visible if I'm calling to its setVisibility method and passing false).
First I overrode the sizeChanged method:
protected void sizeChanged(int w, int h){
if(h > 270){
mainContainer.getStyle().setMargin(Component.BOTTOM, 50);
mainContainer.getStyle().setMargin(Component.BOTTOM, 0);
I check the height value, if the value is greater than the expected height when the CategoryBar is being displayed then I set the bottom of my Container to 50, so it'll be visible.
But this wasn't enough because if I show again the same form and it resizes correctly then the Container will remain with a bottom of 50. So I overrode the onShow method too:
protected void onShow(){
int containerBottom = mainContainer.getStyle().getMargin(Component.BOTTOM);
if(this.getHeight() == 270 && containerBottom == 50){
mainContainer.getStyle().setMargin(Component.BOTTOM, 0);
I had to make sure if the height was 270 and my Container's bottom was 50 then the Container's bottom should be 0.
Since I haven't found a way to avoid having my Form to resize and show the CategoryBar when it shouldn't be displayed at all, I don't consider myself with a full answer. Will update if I find a workaround for this.
I tried with explicitly setting the shown/hidden status by calling the setVisibility method inside the onShow method of every Form I have. So far I've been able to avoid the visual problems I experienced previously. I'm not sure if this problem was due to LWUIT or due to J2ME restrictions but this is how I worked around it.
I've spent some time simplifying the code to get a simple example of the problem. I'm using Dojo 1.6.1. I've a TabContainer defined on my page. Dinamically, I add to it two tabs, each one of them contains an EnhancedGrid with a rowMenu(right click). The issue is that the menu does not work correctly on IE8 if the TabContainer is defined to use all the space available on the page. If I use a specific height and width, it works fine. By not working correctly I mean the following: The menu is pretty simple; it has just two MenuItem, one of them is a PopupMenu that shows a submenu, as follows:
If the TabContainer takes all the available width and height, the menu does something very strange. First, if you do a right click over a row, it does not do anything. You need to a second right click. Then the menu shows, but when you open the submenu, the main menu disapears, and the submenu does not work. It keeps floating around until you navigate to other page:
When it fails, it throws a javascript error saying "'undefined' is null or not an object", on the line 208 of dojox/grid/_FocusManager.js
_scrollHeader: function(currentIdx){
var info = null;
var cell = this.grid.getCell(currentIdx);
info = this._scrollInfo(cell, cell.getNode(0));
I've tried to create a jsfiddle sample, but Dojo 1.6.1 is not available there, and with Dojo .1.6.0 the behaviour is diferent (You need to do a left click on the row and then a right click, and then the menu works fine), so I've created a simple HTML sample you can see on http://pastebin.com/jDNFQxrP. To see the difference you just need to change the commented TabContainer at the bottom of the code. Has someone seen this before?