I want to send a query to the Google Search Appliance that includes date range criteria of a meta field (lets call it metaDate). For example: metaDate field between 01.01.2010 and 01.01.2015. How can i construct a query such like this?
Mohan's not entirely correct. You can perform range searches on any metadata attribute. This is different then the document date. See Google's Documentation for this.
Also you can create a dynamic navigation element and test the format yourself. Dynamic Navigation can be used to construct range searches.
You have to tell GSA to use metaDate as Lastmodifieddate either by adding it as Last-Modified response header or by configuring Document Dates in GSA admin console for metaDate. After the changes, reindex your documents and fire a date range query along with the query term.
For example, q=someterm daterange:2010-01-01..2015-01-01
We are building out the ARM module of Netsuite and our director of Accounting would like the Contract Start date on the header level to be populated with the earliest Term Start date from the line items on the sales order.
I'm just starting this project and am new to Suite Script. I'm hoping to get pointed in the right direction and work f rom there.
To filter earliest date from lines, you first need to fetch all the dates which can be done using record.getSublistValue which requires a set of parameters which you can find here. Once you have filtered out the date, you can set it on body field using record.setValue and you can find its documentation here.
To get the record, it depends on which script-type you are working on, like if you are sripting in User-Event, you will receive newRecord in its script parameter. Whereas if you are working on some scheduled/map-reduce script, you might have to load the record using record.load from N/record module.
You can also do this in the UI without SuiteScript.
Create a saved search with results as Term Start Date with a summary of Minimum.
Add any criteria that you may need (such as Term Start Date is not empty)
Add a filter of Internal Id.
Create the custom field, and under Validation and Defaulting select the previously created saved search. Make sure that stored value is checked off for the custom field!
Look into the article "Creating Custom Fields with Values Derived from Summary Search Results" in the help center for more information!
Domino REST API doesn't return any view data if I use date at query parameter "Keys". In case of Extension Library REST Control we can use NotesDateTime() or #Date() to make it work.
But I don't know how to use the same at Domino REST API call. Anybody knows how to use date as key?
This is the the sample url,
I looked at the source code for the Domino data service. The view entries resource (/{db}/api/data/collections/name/{view}) always assumes the keys parameter is a string. So apparently it's unable to match any value in a date column.
This behavior could be improved. Meanwhile, you could work around the limitation by creating a separate sort column with the TEXT representation of the same date. Use the new column name in the sortcolumn parameter and the view entries resource should be able find rows that match the keys parameter.
We have a lot of products that are stored as a Sitecore item.
Many of them use the presentation details defined on the Standard Values of the product template.
Now I would like the check for each product, if the presentation details is the same as the standard values.
And if they are not the same as in the standard values, I need to see the delta.
Someone an idea how to achieve this?
You can query all items and look at the "__renderings" field and come the value of it to the same field on the standard values. This field is the XML that stores the presentation settings. Any pages that have a value that doesn't match the standard values has been changed.
I have an xpage inside an indexed Lotus Notes database. There is a view control on the xpage (its data source being a Notes view), and since I plan to add a search text field to the xpage, I have been testing the view control "search" property (data\data\search). The documents on the database have text, date and numeric fields. When I look for something located on one of the text fields (e.g., koala), it works, but when I look for a date or a number no documents are found.
I wonder if this could be a localization problem, since in Spain we write the dates with format dd/mm/yyyy and the decimal character in numbers is the comma, but I also tried searching with format mm/dd/yyyy and using the point for decimals, and still no results are retrieved.
I also tried changing the searchFuzzy property on the view control, but nothing changed.
Thanks a lot,
Can you post the search syntax you're using? It's hard to diagnose the exact cause. Dates and times definitely work in full text searches.
I'm sorry in advance if you've already excluded any of these. The page in the Notes Help entitled "How can I refine a search query using operators" defines the correct syntax for full text searching, that will allow you to confirm you've got the right syntax.
Also, try doing the same search in the search bar of a view in Notes client. That will help diagnose if it's a problem with search criteria or XPages. (I've used searches in a variety of databases and I'm not aware of any specific problems in XPages.)
Also, have the field data types changed or do you use the same field name for different data types. Notes holds a separate table of the data type assigned to a field name. Once a document is created that has that field, that's the data type used for full text searching. It's not form specific. So if you have a field MyDate that's text on one form and date on another, you can't search both ways. http://www.intec.co.uk/full-text-search-musings/
I have a document library where i have columns called Title and Category(is a lookup field) and User.Also,I have a list where i am just storing categories. I would like to join both document library and list so that i can dispaly all categories and the documents associated with it. once i get everything i would like to perform filtering so that it dispalys only selected user's documents.The displaying of the documents is working fine but not filtering. My questions is CAn we perform join between doc library and list? Plesae help me.
The content query web part (CQWP)is probably the easiest way to do this without code. Since you only have one field in your lookup (categories) you don't need to do a join as SharePoint stores the lookup value in the Document Library. You will need to edit your CQWP to add this field, there is a good tutorial on doing this here. It also explains how to filter your CQWP.
Finally you will need to clean up your lookup field as SharePoint will store the value like this: 1;#Category1.
The CQWP uses XSLT to display the results so in your case you probably don't want to show 1;#Category1 you probably only want to show Category1. You can use the following XSLT to accomplish this:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after(#Name_Of_Your_Lookup,'#')"></xsl:value-of>