Kprobe/Jprobe in the middle of a function - linux

I want to intercept the load_elf_binary function in fs/binfmt_elf.c file, read a few custom section headers from the file passed to it via an argument and set a few registers(eax, ebx, ecx, edx) before returning from the function.
Now I read that Jprobes is a good way to access the arguments of the target function but the problem is that once the control returns from Jprobes function the register and stack values are restored as per it's specifications, so I am looking into a way around it and probably inserting a probe in the middle of the function (preferably towards the end) would be a good idea. Please correct me if I am wrong and help with this.

So, let me see if I understand what you're doing properly.
You've modified the CPU (running in an emulator?) so that instruction 0xF1 does some sort of cryptographic thing. You want to arrange for load_elf_binary to invoke this instruction on return, with registers set properly for this instruction to do its magic. Somehow custom sections are involved.
This is going to be very difficult to do in the way you state. There are a few major problems:
I'm not sure what your threat model is, but if your magic CPU instruction just decrypts the mapped data directly you'll modify the pages in the linux page cache, and the decrypted code or data will be visible to other processes that mmap these pages.
Moreover, if the kernel frees the pages later, the encrypted data will be reloaded into memory, resulting in crashes at unpredictable times.
If some process makes those pages dirty, the decrypted data will be flushed back to disk, leaving a mix of decrypted and encrypted data on disk.
If you use a JProbe, your callback is invoked on entry to the function, which is way too early anyway.
All in all, this isn't going to work too well the way you state it.
A better approach might be to define your own binfmt (or replace the load_binary callback in elf_format). Your binfmt could then load the binary in whatever way it needs to. If you want to leverage the existing ELF loader, you could delegate to load_elf_binary, and on return do whatever you need to manipulate the loaded process, without any of this JProbe stuff.
In either case, do be sure to remap all of the pages you're encrypting/decrypting as MAP_PRIVATE and mark them dirty before changing their contents.


If I private-`mmap` a file and read it, then another process writes to the same file, will another read at the same location return the same value?

(Context: I'm trying to establish which sequences of mmap operations are safe from the "memory safety" point of view, i.e. what assumptions I can make about mmaped memory without risking security bugs as a consequence of undefined behaviour, or miscompiles due to compilers making incorrect assumptions about how memory could behave. I'm currently working on Linux but am hoping to port the program to other operating systems in the future, so although I'm primarily interested in Linux, answers about how other operating systems behave would also be appreciated.)
Suppose I map a portion into file into memory using mmap with MAP_PRIVATE. Now, assuming that the file doesn't change while I have it mapped, if I access part of the returned memory, I'll be given information from the file at that offset; and (because I used MAP_PRIVATE) if I write to the returned memory, my writes will persist in my process's memory but will have no effect on the underlying file.
However, I'm interested in what will happen if the file does change while I have it mapped (because some other process also has the file open and is writing to it). There are several cases that I know the answers to already:
If I map the file with MAP_SHARED, then if any other process writes to the file via a shared mmap, my own process's memory will also be updated. (This is the intended behaviour of MAP_SHARED, as one of its intended purposes is for shared-memory concurrency.) It's less clear what will happen if another process writes to the file via other means, but I'm not interested in that case.
If the following sequence of events occurs:
I map the file with MAP_PRIVATE;
A portion of the file I haven't accessed yet is written by another process;
I read that portion of the file via my mapping;
then, at least on Linux, the read might return either the old value or the new value:
It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.
— man 2 mmap on Linux
(This case – which is not the case I'm asking about – is covered in this existing StackOverflow question.)
I also checked the POSIX definition of mmap, but (unless I missed it) it doesn't seem to cover this case at all, leaving it unclear whether all POSIX systems would act the same way.
Linux's behaviour makes sense here: at the time of the access, the kernel might have already mapped the requested part of the file into memory, in which case it doesn't want to change the portion that's already there, but it might need to load it from disk, in which case it will see any new value that may have been written to the file since it was opened. So there are performance reasons to use the new value in some cases and the old value in other cases.
If the following sequence of events occurs:
I map the file with MAP_PRIVATE;
I write to a memory address within the file mapping;
Another process changes that part of the file;
then although I don't know this for certain, I think it's very likely that the rule is that the memory address in question continues to reflect the old value, that was written by our process. The reason is that the kernel needs to maintain two copies of that part of the file anyway: the values as seen by our process (which, because it used MAP_PRIVATE, can write to its view of the file without changing the underlying file), and the values that are actually in the file on disk. Writes by other processes obviously need to change the second copy here, so it would be bizarre to also change the first copy; doing so would make the interface less usable and also come at a performance cost, and would have no advantages.
There is one sequence of events, though, where I don't know what happens (and for which the behaviour is hard to determine experimentally, given the number of possible factors that might be relevant):
I map the file with MAP_PRIVATE;
I read some portion of the file via the mapping, without writing;
Another process changes part of the file that I just read;
I read the same portion of the file via the mapping, again.
In this situation, am I guaranteed to read the same data twice? Or is it possible to read the old data the first time and the new data the second time?

what is The poisoned NUL byte, in 1998 and 2014 editions?

I have to make a 10 minutes presentation about "poisoned null-byte (glibc)".
I searched a lot about it but I found nothing, I need help please because operating system linux and the memory and process management isn't my thing.
here is the original article, and here is an old article about the same problem but another version.
what I want is a short and simple explanation to the old and new versions of the problem or/and sufficient references where I can better read about this security threat.
To even begin to understand how this attack works, you will need at least a basic understanding of how a CPU works, how memory works, what the "heap" and "stack" of a process are, what pointers are, what libc is, what linked lists are, how function calls are implemented at the machine level (including calls to function pointers), what the malloc and free functions from the C library do, and so on. Hopefully you at least have some basic knowledge of C programming? (If not, you will probably not be able to complete this assignment in time.)
If you have a couple "gaps" in your knowledge of the basic topics mentioned above, hit the books and fill them in as quickly as you can. Talk to others if you need to, to make sure you understand them. Then read the following very carefully. This will not explain everything in the article you linked to, but will give you a good start. OK, ready? Let's start...
C strings are "null-terminated". That means the end of a string is marked by a zero byte. So for example, the string "abc" is represented in memory as (hex): 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x00. Notice, that 3-character string actually takes 4 bytes, due to the terminating null.
Now if you do something like this:
char *buffer = malloc(3); // not checking for error, this is just an example
strcpy(buffer, "abc");
...then that terminating null (zero byte) will go past the end of the buffer and overwrite something. We allocated a 3-byte buffer, but copied 4 bytes into it. So whatever was stored in the byte right after the end of the buffer will be replaced by a zero byte.
That was what happened in __gconv_translit_find. They had a buffer, which had been allocated with enough space to append ".so", including the terminating null byte, onto the end of a string. But they copied ".so" in starting from the wrong position. They started the copy operation one byte too far to the "right", so the terminating null byte went past the end of the buffer and overwrote something.
Now, when you call malloc to get back a dynamically allocated buffer, most implementations of malloc actually store some housekeeping data right before the buffer. For example, they might store the size of the buffer. Later, when you pass that buffer to free to release the memory, so it can be reused for something else, it will find that "hidden" data right before the beginning of the buffer, and will know how many bytes of memory you are actually freeing. malloc may also "hide" other housekeeping data in the same location. (In the 2014 article you referred to, the implementation of malloc used also stored some "flag" bits there.)
The attack described in the article passed carefully crafted arguments to a command-line program, designed to trigger the buffer overflow error in __gconv_translit_find, in such a way that the terminating null byte would wipe out the "flag" bits stored by malloc -- not the flag bits for the buffer which overflowed, but those for another buffer which was allocated right after the one which overflowed. (Since malloc stores that extra housekeeping data before the beginning of an allocated buffer, and we are overrunning the previous buffer. You follow?)
The article shows a diagram, where 0x00000201 is stored right after the buffer which overflows. The overflowing null byte wipes out the bottom 1 and changes that into 0x00000200. That might not make sense at first, until you remember that x86 CPUs are little-endian -- if you don't understand what "little-endian" and "big-endian" CPUs are, look it up.
Later, the buffer whose flag bit was wiped out is passed to free. As it turns out, wiping out that one flag bit "confuses" free and makes it, in turn, also overwrite some other memory. (You will have to understand the implementation of malloc and free which are used by GNU libc, in order to understand why this is so.)
By carefully choosing the input arguments to the original program, you can set things up so that the memory overwritten by the "confused" free is that used for something called tls_dtor_list. This is a linked list maintained by GNU libc, which holds pointers to certain functions which it must call when the main program is exiting.
So tls_dtor_list is overwritten. The attacker has set things up just right, so that the function pointers in the overwritten tls_dtor_list will point to some code which they want to run. When the main program is exiting, some code in libc iterates over that list and calls each of the function pointers. Result: the attacker's code is executed!
Now, in this case, the attacker already has access to the target system. If all they can do is run some code with the privilege level of their own account, that doesn't get them anywhere. They want to run code with root (administrator) privileges. How is that possible? It is possible because the buggy program is a setuid program, owned by root. If you don't know what "setuid" programs in Unix are, look it up and make sure you understand it, because that is also a key to the whole exploit.
This is all about the 2014 article -- I didn't look at the one from 1998. Good luck!

How to artificially cause a page fault in Linux kernel?

I am pretty new to the Linux kernel. I would like to make the kernel fault every time a specified page 'P' is being fetched. One simple conceptual idea is to clear the bit indicating the presence of page 'P' in Page Table Entry (PTE).
Can anyone provide more details on how to go about achieving this in x86? Also please point me to where in the source code one needs to make this modification, if possible.
I have to invoke my custom page handler which is applicable only for handling a set of pages in an user's application. This custom page handler must to be enabled after some prologue is executed in a given application. For testing purposes, I need to induce faults after my prologue is executed.
Currently the kernel loads everything well before my prologue is executed, so I need to artificially cause faults to test my handler.
I have not played with the swapping code since I moved from Minix to Linux, but a swapping algorithm does two things. When there is a shortage of memory, it moves the page from memory to disk, and when a page is needed, it copies it back (probably after moving another page to disk).
I would use the full swap out function that you are writing to clear the page present flag. I would probably also use a character device to send the command to the test code to force the swap.

How to portably extend a file accessed using mmap()

We're experimenting with changing SQLite, an embedded database system,
to use mmap() instead of the usual read() and write() calls to access
the database file on disk. Using a single large mapping for the entire
file. Assume that the file is small enough that we have no trouble
finding space for this in virtual memory.
So far so good. In many cases using mmap() seems to be a little faster
than read() and write(). And in some cases much faster.
Resizing the mapping in order to commit a write-transaction that
extends the database file seems to be a problem. In order to extend
the database file, the code could do something like this:
ftruncate(); // extend the database file on disk
munmap(); // unmap the current mapping (it's now too small)
mmap(); // create a new, larger, mapping
then copy the new data into the end of the new memory mapping.
However, the munmap/mmap is undesirable as it means the next time each
page of the database file is accessed a minor page fault occurs and
the system has to search the OS page cache for the correct frame to
associate with the virtual memory address. In other words, it slows
down subsequent database reads.
On Linux, we can use the non-standard mremap() system call instead
of munmap()/mmap() to resize the mapping. This seems to avoid the
minor page faults.
QUESTION: How should this be dealt with on other systems, like OSX,
that do not have mremap()?
We have two ideas at present. And a question regarding each:
1) Create mappings larger than the database file. Then, when extending
the database file, simply call ftruncate() to extend the file on
disk and continue using the same mapping.
This would be ideal, and seems to work in practice. However, we're
worried about this warning in the man page:
"The effect of changing the size of the underlying file of a
mapping on the pages that correspond to added or removed regions of
the file is unspecified."
QUESTION: Is this something we should be worried about? Or an anachronism
at this point?
2) When extending the database file, use the first argument to mmap()
to request a mapping corresponding to the new pages of the database
file located immediately after the current mapping in virtual
memory. Effectively extending the initial mapping. If the system
can't honour the request to place the new mapping immediately after
the first, fall back to munmap/mmap.
In practice, we've found that OSX is pretty good about positioning
mappings in this way, so this trick works there.
QUESTION: if the system does allocate the second mapping immediately
following the first in virtual memory, is it then safe to eventually
unmap them both using a single big call to munmap()?
2 will work but you don't have to rely on the OS happening to have space available, you can reserve your address space beforehand so your fixed mmapings will always succeed.
For instance, To reserve one gigabyte of address space. Do a
Which will reserve one gigabyte of continuous address space without actually allocating any memory or resources. You can then perform future mmapings over this space and they will succeed. So mmap the file into the beginning of the space returned, then mmap further sections of the file as needed using the fixed flag. The mmaps will succeed because your address space is already allocated and reserved by you.
Note: linux also has the MAP_NORESERVE flag which is the behavior you would want for the initial mapping if you were allocating RAM, but in my testing it is ignored as PROT_NONE is sufficient to say you don't want any resources allocated yet.
I think #2 is the best currently available solution. In addition to this, on 64bit systems you may create your mapping explicitly at an address that OS would never choose for an mapping (for example 0x6000 0000 0000 0000 in Linux) to avoid the case that OS cannot place the new mapping immediatly after the first one.
It is always safe to unmap mutiple mappinsg with a single munmap call. You can even unmap a part of the mapping if you wish to do so.
Use fallocate() instead of ftruncate() where available. If not, just open file in O_APPEND mode and increase file by writing some amount of zeroes. This greatly reduce fragmentation.
Use "Huge pages" if available - this greatly reduce overhead on big mappings.
pread()/pwrite()/pwritev()/preadv() with not-so-small block size is not slow really. Much faster than IO can actually be performed.
IO errors when using mmap() will generate just segfault instead of EIO or so.
The most of SQLite WRITE performance problems is concentrated in good transactional use (i.e. you should debug when COMMIT actually performed).

How to tell Linux that a mmap()'d page does not need to be written to swap if the backing physical page is needed?

Hopefully the title is clear. I have a chunk of memory obtained via mmap(). After some time, I have concluded that I no longer need the data within this range. I still wish to keep this range, however. That is, I do not want to call mummap(). I'm trying to be a good citizen and not make the system swap more than it needs.
Is there a way to tell the Linux kernel that if the given page is backed by a physical page and if the kernel decides it needs that physical page, do not bother writing that page to swap?
I imagine under the hood this magical function call would destroy any mapping between the given virtual page and physical page, if present, without writing to swap first.
Your question (as stated) makes no sense.
Let's assume that there was a way for you to tell the kernel to do what you want.
Let's further assume that it did need the extra RAM, so it took away your page, and didn't swap it out.
Now your program tries to read that page (since you didn't want to munmap the data, presumably you might try to access it). What is the kernel to do? The choices I see:
it can give you a new page filled with 0s.
it can give you SIGSEGV
If you wanted choice 2, you could achieve the same result with munmap.
If you wanted choice 1, you could mremap over the existing mapping with MAP_ANON (or munmap followed by new mmap).
In either case, you can't depend on the old data being there when you need it.
The only way your question would make sense is if there was some additional mechanism for the kernel to let you know that it is taking away your page (e.g. send you a special signal). But the situation you described is likely rare enough to warrant additional complexity.
You might be looking for madvise(..., MADV_DONTNEED)
You could munmap the region, then mmap it again with MAP_NORESERVE
If you know at initial mapping time that swapping is not needed, use MAP_NORESERVE
