MeshBasicMaterial color tints texture map three.js - colors

I'm working with a MeshBasicMaterial to which I have applied a color.
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: myColor});
at some point I need to add a texture to the material = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(...);
this works fine but the color of the material is tinting the texture.
I realise I can change the color of the material to white to remove this tinting but cannot find a a way of deleting the material's color or changing the way the color and texture blend - is this possible ? I'm trying to avoid creating a new material and replacing if possible.
demonstrated in Lee Stemkoski's examples - change map to 'grass' and then change the material color

By the fact you can set the material's .map after the fact, you should be able to set the material's .color after the fact.
material.color = myColor;
Of course, this new color should be white for your texture to be visible and not black.


LibGDX - change the inside color, not border

I have a rounded square texture, drawn in paint, with black border. How can I change only the inner color without changing the border color?
EDIT: I did it, but I want to ask if it can be done without using another texture? I also wonder if there is a connection between this and 9patch as in scaling. Can we use that or is there something like that?
You can tint whatever it is what you are drawing, using SpriteBatch. This means that color you specify is multiplied with the color of the image. For example if your image is a white rounded rectangle with a black border and you tint it using the color purple then the inside will be purple and the border will remain black. You didn't provide enough information to be more specific. But if you are for example using the Sprite class then you can use the setColor method to tint it. Likewise if you are using the Image class. If you are drawing the "texture" directly using SpriteBatch then you can use the setColor method of the SpriteBatch.

GIMP - Alpha to Color

I have created a simple square using GIMP which color is a shade of blue (#07192c). I lowered the opacity on this square a bit, and realized I like the shade of blue which was now created from lowering the opacity.
My question is, does GIMP have a function which allows you to select (like the eyedropper) the color of a transparent layer? I've searched but can only find 'color to alpha' which is not what I'm looking for.
You can activate the Sample merged option of the Color Picker tool. This will pick the color as it is shown in the image composition.
This setting is available in the tool options for the color picker:
Layer -> Transparency -> Remove Alpha Channel
Colours -> Map -> Colour Exchange...

color blending with GDI+

I am refering to a older question saying color blending with GDI+
Using GDI+ with Windows Forms, I want to be able to draw with a pen and blend color based on the destination pixel color.
For example, if I draw a line and it passes over black pixels, I want it to be a lighter color (like white for example) so that it's visible. When that same line passes over white pixels, it should be a darker color (black for example) so that it's still clearly visible.
the answers says to use a color matrix for transformation
so i started implementing it..
My image is present in raw data format in rgb48
Gdiplus::Bitmap image(input.width,input.height,input.width*6,PixelFormat48bppRGB,(unsigned char*)rgb48);
Gdiplus::Image *images= image.GetThumbnailImage(input.width,input.height);
Gdiplus::TextureBrush brush(images);
Gdiplus::Pen pen(&brush);
Gdiplus::ColorMatrix matrix={
Gdiplus::Graphics gfx(&image1);
Gdiplus::ImageAttributes imageAttr;
I am not getting what i expect..Can some one help me in finding the mistake i m doing.
You can use the alpha component of a color to specify transparency, so that colors can be combined. However, if you want the combination to be something other than the alpha blend, you must draw the pixels yourself. You could first draw into a transparent bitmap, then render that onto the destination pixel by pixel.

How to overlay color on texture in libgdx?

I'm using texture and textureAtlas in libgdx.
This textures loads images of white circle.
How can I overlay its color with another color?
Or maybe their is another approach for this?
private final static TextureAtlas textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("spritesheet.atlas"));
private final static TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion texture = textureAtlas.findRegion("Bubble.001");
As I said I have a white circle and I want to make it red (without the need for another image with a red circle)
You can use the lerp method in Color class.
actor.setColor(Color.WHITE.cpy().lerp(tintingColor, .5f));
lerp changes your Color object, so use the cpy command before it to preserve the original color. In this case I use WHITE as my original color, which preserves the color of your Actor's texture. lerp will overlay the tintingColor with a strength of 50% in this case.

How to draw a transparent rectangle?

How to draw a transparent rectangle in j2me?
Transparency is supported only in immutable images, i.e. images loaded from files. So you can create appropriate image. Or create transparency via filling its transparency parts with background color.
Nokia has some functions that will allow you to draw transparent rects and polygons
However if you want it to be a generic solution you should create a transparent image in code and draw it in the appropriate position. Create a int array with size = width*height then fill it with the required color (for example 0x550000ff for semi transparent blue) and create the image using Image.createRGBImage (and setting the last parameter to true).
int[] tmpArray = new int[width*height];
for(int i=tmpArray.length;i--!=0;)
tmpArray[i] = 0x550000ff;
Image transparentRectImg = Image.createRGBImage(tmpArray,width,height,true);
Also don't forget that some old j2me devices do not support alpha transparency even in images.
