Power pivot named MDX field - excel

I have a PowerPivot Data Model in Excel 2013. There are several measures that I have grouped into a named set using MDX - something like this:
{[Measures].[Sum of Value1],
[Measures].[Sum of Value2],
[Measures].[Sum of Value3]}
By using this named Set, I can place multiple measures on the rows or columns of an Excel PivotTable in a single action. My question is, is there any way using MDX (or DAX in the PowerPivot screen when working with the individual measures) to filter out or hide the entire set based on a single measure value (whether that measure is included in the set or not)? Preferably, I'm looking for a way to do this without including another member in the set (I.e. Not a measure).
Ror example, if the Sum of Value3 in the above example was zero, I'd want the entire set to be hidden from the pivot table.
I know I could edit the DAX in the Data Model to return BLANK() for each measure included in the set based on the value of another measure, but there may be times I want to show those measures in all cases. This would require writing at least 2 measures for every one I have now which I don't like the thought of doing.
Sourav's answer looks great, but unfortunately won't work in my particular scenario, I believe, because I'm using the "Create Set using MDX" function (under the Manage Sets option in the Fields, Items, & Sets ribbon menu) within Excel. It will only let me write the MDX as:
IIF([Measures].[Sum of Value3]=0,
{[Measures].[Sum of Value1],[Measures].[Sum of Value2],[Measures].[Sum of Value3]})
And once I add that new set to the PivotTable, it will still display all 3 measures for any members where [Sum of Value3] is 0.
I think I'm going to have to find an approach using DAX and the Excel Data Model measures.
Below is a screenshot to help illustrate. Keep in mind the data source in my example is not an external cube, it's simply an Excel file linked in the Data Model against which MDX queries (with limitations?) can be run. In this example, I would like the set to return only Rows A and C because Sum of Value3 is not zero. However, as you can see, all rows are being returned. Thanks!

You can't choose to hide/unhide members/sets on the fly. Instead, you can use IIF to conditionally return an empty set
IIF([Measures].[Sum of Value3] = 0,
{[Measures].[Sum of Value1],[Measures].[Sum of Value2], [Measures].[Sum of Value3]}
Working example in AdventureWorks for #whytheq(DISCLAIMER - Cube was created by me for testing purposes)
with set abc as
iif([Measures].[Fact Internet Sales Count]>34229,
[Measures].[Fact Internet Sales Count],
[Measures].[Extended Amount - Fact Internet Sales]
on 0
from [AdventureWorksDW]
where [Due Date].[Year].&[2004]
As you can see, the scope IS changing the results.

An alternative would be to create a dummy measure that returns null or 1 depending on your [Measures].[Sum of Value3]. Then multiply all other target measures by this dummy measure.
Here is an example of you scenario in AdvWrks:
[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].[Components] ON 0
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
,[Measures].[Sales Amount]
,[Measures].[Standard Product Cost]
,[Measures].[Total Product Cost]
} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];
Returns this:
Adding the dummy measure and amending the other measures:
MEMBER [Measures].[isItZero] AS
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] = 0
MEMBER [Measures].[Sales Amount NEW] AS
[Measures].[Sales Amount] * [Measures].[isItZero]
MEMBER [Measures].[Standard Product Cost NEW] AS
[Measures].[Standard Product Cost] * [Measures].[isItZero]
MEMBER [Measures].[Total Product Cost NEW] AS
[Measures].[Total Product Cost] * [Measures].[isItZero]
NON EMPTY //<<<<this is required
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
,[Measures].[Sales Amount NEW]
,[Measures].[Standard Product Cost NEW]
,[Measures].[Total Product Cost NEW]
} ON 0
,{} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].[Components];
Now this returns:
According to your latest edit please just try this (I'm assuming you're using Excel 2013):
Create two new measures to replace two of the existing ones:
Name: "Sum of Value1 NEW"
[Measures].[Sum of Value3] = 0
,[Measures].[Sum of Value1]
Name: "Sum of Value2 NEW"
[Measures].[Sum of Value3] = 0
,[Measures].[Sum of Value2]
Now use only these three measures in your pivot and just use the ID dimension in a normal way on rows i.e. do not use the custom set you have already tried.
[Measures].[Sum of Value1 NEW]
[Measures].[Sum of Value2 NEW]
[Measures].[Sum of Value3]
Has ID B should now disappear?


calculate sum with criteria from many columns of another filtered table DAX PowerBi

Hello i want to sum a column but i need to filter the table based on data from another table.
So i have table1 where i want to sum points and i want to sum only the record that for the dates and the names and the classes i find in table 2
I am using measure like this:
Measure 3 = CALCULATE(sum(Table1[points]);Table1[name] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[name]));Table1[date] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[date]));Table1[class] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[class])))
but it does not filter properly,
is there any better way to do this?
One way would be, you create a relationship between the two tables. I think Power BI doesnt support multi relationships between two tables, so you have to add a custom column on both tables with your key <> foreign key. In your case like you mentioned it woulb be the name, date and class (in the query editor):
Key = [name] & [date] & [class]
In my sample here I just use the name as key column.
If the relationship is set you can use the following measure:
You can use TREATAS to filter Table1 based on Table2. No relationship is needed.
Total Points Filtered By Table2 =
SUM ( Table1[point] ),
SUMMARIZE ( Table2, Table2[name], Table2[date], Table2[class] ),
Table1[name], Table1[date], Table1[class]

SSAS MDX Calculated Measure - COUNT of [ITEMS].[Item] grouped [Items].[Item Group]

In Excel connected to SSAS, I am trying to build a pivot table and add a custom Measure Calculation using "OLAP Tools" and/or "OLAP Pivot Table Exensions". I am trying to add a calculation that is really simple in my mind, but I cannot get it to work. The calc I need is:
GOAL: A record count of the [Items] dimension records grouped by any of the
[Items] dimension fields.
In particular I am trying to group by [Items].[Items Groups] and [Items].[Item]. Item is the lowest grain, so the count should return value "1". I have created a couple calculations that are kind of in the ballpark (see below). But the calcs don't appears to be working as desired.
What I have tried:
Attempt #1 -- [Measures].[Items Count (With net amount values)]
The calc 'Items Count (With net amount values)' appears to be
returning a decent count value, but it appears it only counts the Item
if there are transnational records found (not sure why). Also, when
at the lowest grain level the calc returns that value for the parent
group, not the dimension level selected on the rows.
Attempt #2 -- [Measures].[Items Count (All)]
This calc returns the TOTAL item count for the entire dimension
regardless of the dimension level placed on the rows.
Attempt #3 -- [Measures].[Items Count]
This calc freezes up Excel and I have to quit Excel. No idea why. I have seen this sytnax recommended on a few different sites.
Help please? This seems really simple, but I am not very skilled with MDX. In DAX and SSAS TABULAR this would be very simple expression. But I'm struggling to count the rows with MDX in SSAS MD.
The "Outside Purchased Beef" group has 18 items with transactions, but 41 items in total. I do not know how to calculate the "41" value.
SSAS Excel-CalcMeasure-CountRows.png
Take a look at the following samples on AdventureWorks.
with member [Measures].[CountTest]
count(existing [Product].[Subcategory].members - [Product].[Subcategory].[All])
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],[Measures].[CountTest]
on columns,
,[Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory] -- comment this line for the second result
on rows
from [Adventure Works]
Now comment the indicated line for the parent view.

Value column counts or Summarizes even if I checked "Dont Summarize" Power BI Desktop

The goal is to create a visual that shows Budget vs Premium for each month in a year;
Something like that:
I established relationship between Premiums table and Divisions table. It didnt give me any error, so I'm assuming everything is fine.
On a chart I need SUM of premium but NOT SUM of Budget.
But when I put Budget on a column chart it summarizes it. I checked "Do not summarize" but it still, either summarize either count value.
Premium value summarized which is fine, that is what I need. But Budget value I do not need summarize or count.
Is it possible?
Why it acting that way?
.PIBX file is available here:
You have 6 InsurType and hence 6 Budget for each month.
That's why Power BI has to enforce a summarization to the Budget column when it's put in the Value of the chart.
To display Premium alongside Budget for each InsurType, you'll have to create a measure for each InsurType and add them to the chart:
Commercial Auto Budget =
FIRSTNONBLANK('Divisions 2'[Budget], 0),
'Divisions 2'[InsurType] = "Commercial Auto"
Worker's Comp Budget =
FIRSTNONBLANK('Divisions 2'[Budget], 0),
'Divisions 2'[InsurType] = "Worker's Comp"
Specialty Casualty Budget =
FIRSTNONBLANK('Divisions 2'[Budget], 0),
'Divisions 2'[InsurType] = "Specialty Casualty"
You also have to change the Cross filter direction between Premium and Division 2 table to Both so that the Date filter can be passed to the Division 2 table.
P.S. If you're OK with not putting Premium in the same chart, then you can just create one measure for Budget and then put in InsurType as Legend to the chart to separate the types. (Legend is only usable when you have one Value)

relationship filter in powerBI or powerpivot

i am using the powerBI tools (powerpivot) to create a data model. i am done the model. the model include the product, customer dimensions and sales fact table. i have made the relationship and hierarchy in the model. now i have a requirement to show the total revenue of all the customer who brought product 1,2,3.
for example customer A brought product 1 and product 5 and the total revenue from this customer is 50 so i want to show 50 as a result
customer B bought product 4 and i do not want to include this customer in my output.
i can do the same in microstratergy using relationship filter but how can i do the same in powerpivot or powerview or powerBI.
Please help
Thanks in Advance
In PowerPivot, relate Sales table with Customer table (Lookup table) and Relate Sales table to Product table (Lookup table).
Create following two measures
[HasPurchased X Products] =
OR (
OR (
CONTAINS ( Sales, Sales[ProductID], 1 ),
CONTAINS ( Sales, Sales[ProductID], 3 )
CONTAINS ( Sales, Sales[ProductID], 5 )
[DesiredMeasure] =
IF (
Sales[HasPurchased X Products] = TRUE (),
SUM ( [Amount] ),
Select Customers in ROWS and add [DesiredMeasure] in VALUES, pivot table will show desired result.
Additionally to what Abhijeet said, which is a nice robust solution, you might also just filter the chart in Power View. Assuming you have a relationship between sales and products table, you can select the chart in Power View, open the Filters pane, select per chart filters, add Product to the chart filters and filter to include only productions 1,2,3. This will automatically calculate the measure. Now Abhijeet's solution is better if you need that calculation to be reused. This solution works great if you're in a 'what if' scenario where you'd like to say "what are the sales for products 1,2,3" and in another breath say "actually i'm interested in sales for products 2,3 only, so me that instead.".

Selecting a measures value with slicers in PowerPivot

I'm using PowerPivot in Excel 2010 to analyse some data. I have a situation where I have several boolean measures evaluating whether or not a condition is met. My Pivot table looks like this:
The measure to determine whether or not the criteria is met is non-trivial so I can't get users to select the right combination of groups in slicers to find the data.
Ideally I want a solution that allows me to have a slicer that looks like below:
This filters my pivot table accordingly to just the records that match.
Anyone got any ideas? I'm reading about disconnected slicers but not making much progress.
Disconnected slicers is one way to tackle this problem.
Lets say you create a 2 row table called 'TrueFalse' with a column called 'tf' and rows TRUE and FALSE.
You can then write a measure that counts the number of rows in that table that equal the value of the measure - if you then slice on the 'TrueFalse' table the option that you haven't selected will return BLANK() so will not be displayed.
The measure could look something like this:
COUNTROWS ( truefalse ),
FILTER ( truefalse, truefalse[TF] = [Measure] )
