How to get a solution to a puzzle having a function that gives the next possible steps in Haskell - haskell

I'm solving the Brigde and torch problem
in Haskell.
I wrote a function that given a state of the puzzle, as in which people have yet to cross and those who have crossed, gives back a list of all possible moves from one side to the other (moving two people forwards and one person backwards).
module DarkBridgeDT where
data Crossing = Trip [Float] [Float] Float deriving (Show)
data RoundTrip = BigTrip Crossing Crossing deriving (Show)
trip :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float -> Crossing
trip x y z = Trip x y z
roundtrip :: Crossing -> Crossing -> RoundTrip
roundtrip x y = BigTrip x y
next :: Crossing -> [RoundTrip]
next (Trip [] _ _) = []
next (Trip (a:b:[]) s _ )
|a>b = [BigTrip (Trip [] (a:b:s) a) (Trip [] [] 0)]
|otherwise = [BigTrip (Trip [] (b:a:s) b) (Trip [] [] 0)]
next (Trip d s _) = [BigTrip (Trip [x,z] (i:j:s) j) b | i <- d, j <- d, i < j, x <- d, z <- d, x < z, z /= i, z /= j, x /= z, x /= i, x /= j, b <- (back [x,z] (i:j:s))]
back [] s = []
back d s = [Trip (i:d) (filter (/= i) s) i | i <- s]
Now I need a function that given a state as the one above and a maximum amount of time gives back all possible solutions to the puzzle in less than that given time.
All I have for that is this:
cross :: Crossing -> Float -> [[RoundTrip]]
cross (Trip [] _ _) _ = []
cross (Trip _ _ acu) max
| acu > max = []
cross (Trip a b acu) max = map (cross (map (crec) (next (Trip a b acu)) acu)) max
crec (BigTrip (Trip _ _ t1) (Trip a b t2)) acu = (Trip a b (t1+t2+acu))
Of course that doesn't compile, the 5th line is the one that's driving me insane. Any input?
The cross function is meant to apply the next function to every result of the last nextfunction called.
If the first result of next was something like: [A,B,C,D] then it would call next on A B C and D to see if any or all of those get to a solution in less than max (A B C and D would be Crossings inside which contain the floats that are the time that ads up and is compared to max).
My data structure is
Crossing: Contains the first side of the bridge (the people in it represented by the time they take to cross the bridge) the other side of the bridge (the same as the other) and a time that represents the greatest time that last crossed the bridge (either the greatest of the two in the first crossing or the only one in the second) or the amount of time acumulated crossing the bridge (in the cross function).
RoundTrip: Represents two crossings, the first and the second, the one getting to safety and the one coming back to danger.
cross (Trip [1,2,5,10] [] 0) 16 should give an empty list for there is no solution that takes less than 17 minutes (or whatever time unit).
cross (Trip [1,2,5,10] [] 0) 17 should give the normal solution to the puzzle as a list of roundtrips.
I hope that makes it clearer.
I finally got it. I read Carsten's solution before I completed mine and we laid it out practically the same. He used fancier syntax and more complex structures but it's really similar:
module DarkBridgeST where
data Torch = Danger | Safety deriving (Eq,Show)
data State = State
[Float] -- people in danger
[Float] -- people safe
Torch -- torch position
Float -- remaining time
deriving (Show)
type Crossing = [Float]
classic :: State
classic = State [1,2,5,10] [] Danger 17
next :: State -> [Crossing] -- List all possible moves
next (State [] _ _ _) = [] -- Finished
next (State _ [] Safety _) = [] -- No one can come back
next (State danger _ Danger rem) = [[a,b] | a <- danger, b <- danger, a /= b, a < b, max a b <= rem]
next (State _ safe Safety rem) = [[a] | a <- safe, a <= rem]
cross :: State -> Crossing -> State -- Crosses the bridge depending on where the torch is
cross (State danger safe Danger rem) cross = State (taking cross danger) (safe ++ cross) Safety (rem - (maximum cross))
cross (State danger safe Safety rem) cross = State (danger ++ cross) (taking cross safe) Danger (rem - (maximum cross))
taking :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float]
taking [] d = d
taking (x:xs) d = taking xs (filter (/=x) d)
solve :: State -> [[Crossing]]
solve (State [] _ _ _) = [[]]
solve sf = do
c <- next sf
let sn = cross sf c
r <- solve sn
return (c:r)
All in all thanks everyone. I'm new to Haskell programming and this helped me understand a lot of things. I hope this post can also help someone starting haskell like me one day :)

I'm not going to leave much of your code intact here.
The first problems are with the data structures. Crossing doesn't actually represent anything to do with crossing the bridge, but the state before or after a bridge crossing. And you can't use RoundTrip because the number of bridge crossings is always odd.
I'm renaming the data structure I'm actually keeping, but I'm not keeping it unmodified.
data Bank = Danger | Safety deriving (Eq,Show)
data PuzzleState = PuzzleState
[Float] -- people still in danger
[Float] -- people on the safe bank
Bank -- current location of the torch
Float -- remaining time
type Crossing = ([Float],Bank)
Modifying/writing these functions is left as an exercise for the reader
next :: PuzzleState -> [Crossing] -- Create a list of possible crossings
applyCrossing :: PuzzleState -> Crossing -> PuzzleState -- Create the next state
Then something like this function can put it all together (assuming next returns an empty list if the remaining time is too low):
cross (PuzzleState [] _ _ _) = [[]]
cross s1 = do
c <- next s1
let s2 = applyCrossing s1 c
r <- cross s2
return $ c : r

Just for the fun, an approach using a lazy tree:
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
type Pawn = (Char, Int)
data Direction = F | B
data Turn = Turn {
_start :: [Pawn],
_end :: [Pawn],
_dir :: Direction,
_total :: Int
type Solution = ([String], Int)
-- generate a tree
mkTree :: [Pawn] -> Tree Turn
mkTree p = Node{ rootLabel = s, subForest = branches s }
where s = Turn p [] F 0
-- generates a node for a Turn
mkNode :: Turn -> Tree Turn
mkNode t = Node{ rootLabel = t, subForest = branches t }
-- next possible moves
branches :: Turn -> [Tree Turn]
-- complete
branches (Turn [] e d t) = []
-- moving forward
branches (Turn s e F t) = map (mkNode.turn) (next s)
turn n = Turn (s\\n) (e++n) B (t+time n)
time = maximum . map snd
next xs = [x| x <- mapM (const xs) [1..2], head x < head (tail x)]
-- moving backward
branches (Turn s e B t) = map (mkNode.turn) e
turn n = Turn (n:s) (delete n e) F (t+time n)
time (_,b) = b
solve :: Int -> Tree Turn -> [Solution]
solve limit tree = solve' [] [] limit tree
solve' :: [Solution] -> [String] -> Int -> Tree Turn -> [Solution]
solve' sols cur limit (Node (Turn s e d t) f)
| and [t <= limit, s == []] = sols ++ [(cur++[step],t)]
| t <= limit = concat $ map (solve' sols (cur++[step]) limit) f
| otherwise = []
where step = "[" ++ (v s) ++ "|" ++ (v e) ++ "]"
v = map fst
Then you you can get a list of solutions:
solve 16 $ mkTree [('a',2), ('b',4), ('c',8)]
=> [(["[abc|]","[c|ab]","[ac|b]","[|bac]"],14),(["[abc|]","[c|ab]","[bc|a]","[|abc]"],16),(["[abc|]","[b|ac]","[ab|c]","[|cab]"],14),(["[abc|]","[a|bc]","[ba|c]","[|cab]"],16)]
Or also generate a tree of solutions:
draw :: Int -> Tree Turn -> Tree String
draw limit (Node (Turn s e d t) f)
| t > limit = Node "Time Out" []
| s == [] = Node ("Complete: " ++ step) []
| otherwise = Node step (map (draw limit) f)
where step = "[" ++ (v s) ++ "|" ++ (v e) ++ "]" ++ " - " ++ (show t)
v = map fst
putStrLn $ drawTree $ draw 16 $ mkTree [('a',2), ('b',4), ('c',8)]
Will result in:
[abc|] - 0
+- [c|ab] - 4
| |
| +- [ac|b] - 6
| | |
| | `- Complete: [|bac] - 14
| |
| `- [bc|a] - 8
| |
| `- Complete: [|abc] - 16
+- [b|ac] - 8
| |
| +- [ab|c] - 10
| | |
| | `- Complete: [|cab] - 14
| |
| `- [cb|a] - 16
| |
| `- Time Out
`- [a|bc] - 8
+- [ba|c] - 12
| |
| `- Complete: [|cab] - 16
`- [ca|b] - 16
`- Time Out


Coordinates for clockwise outwards spiral

I'm trying to make what I think is called an Ulam spiral using Haskell.
It needs to go outwards in a clockwise rotation:
6 - 7 - 8 - 9
| |
5 0 - 1 10
| | |
4 - 3 - 2 11
..15- 14- 13- 12
For each step I'm trying to create coordinates, the function would be given a number and return spiral coordinates to the length of input number eg:
mkSpiral 9
> [(0,0),(1,0),(1,-1),(0,-1),(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,1),(1,1)]
(-1, 1) - (0, 1) - (1, 1)
(-1, 0) (0, 0) - (1, 0)
| |
(-1,-1) - (0,-1) - (1,-1)
I've seen Looping in a spiral solution, but this goes counter-clockwise and it's inputs need to the size of the matrix.
I also found this code which does what I need but it seems to go counterclock-wise, stepping up rather than stepping right then clockwise :(
type Spiral = Int
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
-- number of squares on each side of the spiral
sideSquares :: Spiral -> Int
sideSquares sp = (sp * 2) - 1
-- the coordinates for all squares in the given spiral
coordinatesForSpiral :: Spiral -> [Coordinate]
coordinatesForSpiral 1 = [(0, 0)]
coordinatesForSpiral sp = [(0, 0)] ++ right ++ top ++ left ++ bottom
where fixed = sp - 1
sides = sideSquares sp - 1
right = [(x, y) | x <- [fixed], y <- take sides [-1*(fixed-1)..]]
top = [(x, y) | x <- reverse (take sides [-1*fixed..]), y <- [fixed]]
left = [(x, y) | x <- [-1*fixed], y <- reverse(take sides [-1*fixed..])]
bottom = [(x, y) | x <- take sides [-1*fixed+1..], y <- [-1*fixed]]
-- an endless list of coordinates (the complete spiral)
mkSpiral :: Int -> [Coordinate]
mkSpiral x = take x endlessSpiral
endlessSpiral :: [Coordinate]
endlessSpiral = endlessSpiral' 1
endlessSpiral' start = coordinatesForSpiral start ++ endlessSpiral' (start + 1)
After much experimentation I can't seem to change the rotation or starting step direction, could someone point me in the right way or a solution that doesn't use list comprehension as I find them tricky to decode?
Let us first take a look at how the directions of a spiral are looking:
R D L L U U R R R D D D L L L L U U U U ....
We can split this in sequences like:
n times n+1 times
_^_ __^__
/ \ / \
R … R D … D L L … L U U … U
\_ _/ \__ __/
v v
n times n+1 times
We can repeat that, each time incrementing n by two, like:
data Dir = R | D | L | U
spiralSeq :: Int -> [Dir]
spiralSeq n = rn R ++ rn D ++ rn1 L ++ rn1 U
where rn = replicate n
rn1 = replicate (n + 1)
spiral :: [Dir]
spiral = concatMap spiralSeq [1, 3..]
Now we can use Dir here to calculate the next coordinate, like:
move :: (Int, Int) -> Dir -> (Int, Int)
move (x, y) = go
where go R = (x+1, y)
go D = (x, y-1)
go L = (x-1, y)
go U = (x, y+1)
We can use scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a] to generate the points, like:
spiralPos :: [(Int, Int)]
spiralPos = scanl move (0,0) spiral
This will yield an infinite list of coordinates for the clockwise spiral. We can use take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] to take the first k items:
Prelude> take 9 spiralPos
The idea with the following solution is that instead of trying to generate the coordinates directly, we’ll look at the directions from one point to the next. If you do that, you’ll notice that starting from the first point, we go 1× right, 1× down, 2× left, 2× up, 3× right, 3× down, 4× left… These can then be seperated into the direction and the number of times repeated:
direction: > v < ^ > v < …
# reps: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 …
And this actually gives us two really straightforward patterns! The directions just rotate > to v to < to ^ to >, while the # of reps goes up by 1 every 2 times. Once we’ve made two infinite lists with these patterns, they can be combined together to get an overall list of directions >v<<^^>>>vvv<<<<…, which can then be iterated over to get the coordinate values.
Now, I’ve always thought that just giving someone a bunch of code as the solution is not the best way to learn, so I would highly encourage you to try implementing the above idea yourself before looking at my solution below.
Welcome back (if you did try to implement it yourself). Now: onto my own solution. First I define a Stream data type for an infinite stream:
data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a) deriving (Show)
Strictly speaking, I don’t need streams for this; Haskell’s predefined lists are perfectly adequate for this task. But I happen to like streams, and they make some of the pattern matching a bit easier (because I don’t have to deal with the empty list).
Next, I define a type for directions, as well as a function specifying how they interact with points:
-- Note: I can’t use plain Left and Right
-- since they conflict with constructors
-- of the ‘Either’ data type
data Dir = LeftDir | RightDir | Up | Down deriving (Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
move :: Dir -> Point -> Point
move LeftDir (x,y) = (x-1,y)
move RightDir (x,y) = (x+1, y)
move Up (x,y) = (x,y+1)
move Down (x,y) = (x,y-1)
Now I go on to the problem itself. I’ll define two streams — one for the directions, and one for the number of repetitions of each direction:
dirStream :: Stream Dir
dirStream = Stream RightDir $ Stream Down $ Stream LeftDir $ Stream Up dirVals
numRepsStream :: Stream Int
numRepsStream = go 1
go n = Stream n $ Stream n $ go (n+1)
At this point we’ll need a function for replicating each element of a stream a specific number of times:
replicateS :: Stream Int -> Stream a -> Stream a
replicateS (Stream n ns) (Stream a as) = conss (replicate n a) $ replicateS ns as
-- add more than one element to the beginning of a stream
conss :: [a] -> Stream a -> Stream a
conss [] s = s
conss (x:xs) s = Stream x $ appends xs s
This gives replicateS dirStream numRepsStream for the stream of directions. Now we just need a function to convert those directions to coordinates, and we’ve solved the problem:
integrate :: Stream Dir -> Stream Point
integrate = go (0,0)
go p (Stream d ds) = Stream p (go (move d p) ds)
spiral :: Stream Point
spiral = integrate $ replicateS numRepsStream dirStream
Unfortunately, it’s somewhat inconvenient to print an infinite stream, so the following function is useful for debugging and printing purposes:
takeS :: Int -> Stream a -> [a]
takeS 0 _ = []; takeS n (Stream x xs) = x : (takeS (n-1) xs)

Same thing freezes or works in an instant

The code below solves this challenge:
Find the number of ways in which a given integer, X, can be expressed as the sum of the the Nth power of unique natural numbers.
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map ((!),fromList,Map(..),member)
-- depth first search higher order function
depthFirstSearch :: (node -> [node]) -> -- successor node generator
(node -> Bool) -> -- is goal checker
[node] -> -- starting root nodes
[node] -- goal nodes
depthFirstSearch succ goal roots = search' roots
where search' [] = []
search' (x:xs) | goal x = x : search' xs
| otherwise = search' (succ x ++ xs)
type Degree = Int
type CurrentSum = Int
type CurrentNumber = Int
type Node = (CurrentNumber,CurrentSum)
type Goal = Int
-- generates valid successor nodes
succN :: Goal -> Map Int Int -> Node -> [Node]
succN goal _map (i,sum) = do
i' <- [(i+1)..goal]
guard (member i' _map)
let sum' = sum + _map!i'
guard (sum' <= goal)
return (i',sum')
-- checks if the node is the goal
goalN :: Goal -> Node -> Bool
goalN goal (_,sum) = goal == sum
-- counts solutions
solCount :: Degree -> Goal -> Int
solCount d goal =
let roots = [(i,i^d) | i <- [1..goal], i^d <= goal]
_map = Map.fromList roots
nodes = depthFirstSearch (succN goal _map) (goalN goal) roots
c = length nodes
in c
Strange thing is happening. It freezes on solCount 10 1000. If I run the solCount manually in ghci it freezes as expected
let roots = [(i,i^10) | i <- [1..1000], i^10 <= 1000] -- [(1,1)]
let _map = Map.fromList roots
let nodes = depthFirstSearch (succN 1000 _map) (goalN 1000) roots
But when it is replaced with the "same" thing like this
let nodes = depthFirstSearch (succN 1000 $ Map.fromList [(1,1)]) (goalN 1000) [(1,1)]
it prints the result instantly. I have no idea why it's freezing and not freezing.
The assumption:
let roots = [(i,i^10) | i <- [1..1000], i^10 <= 1000] -- [(1,1)]
for Ints is not true due to overflow. You can fix this by performing the comparisons using Integers and converting:
let roots = [(b,b^10) | a <- [(1::Integer)..1000], a^1000 <= 1000, let b = fromInteger a ]
You probably didn't spot this problem because ghci defaults to Integers in the REPL, but in your code roots has type [Int].

Slowdown by removing useless code (Project Euler 23)

I'm trying to optimize my old code from Project Euler #23 and noticed some strange slowdown while removing useless comparisons in a function for list merging.
My code:
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
limit = 28123
-- sum of all integers from 1 to n
summe :: Int -> Int
summe n = div (n*(n+1)) 2
-- all divisors of x excluding itself
divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors x = l1 ++ [x `div` z | z <- l1, z*z /= x, z /= 1]
where m = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral x
l1 = [y | y <- [1..m] , mod x y == 0]
-- list of all abundant numbers
liste :: [Int]
liste = [x | x <- [12..limit] , x < sum (divisors x)]
-- nested list with sums of abundent numbers
sumliste :: [[Int]]
sumliste = [[x+y | x <- takeWhile (<=y) liste, x + y <= limit] | y <- liste]
-- reduced list
rsl :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
rsl (hl:[]) = hl
rsl (hl:l) = mergelists hl (rsl l)
-- build a sorted union of two sorted lists
mergelists :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
mergelists [] [] = []
mergelists [] b = b
mergelists a [] = a
mergelists as#(a:at) bs#(b:bt)
-- | a == b = a : mergelists at bt
-- | a > b = b : mergelists as bt
-- | a < b = a : mergelists at bs
| a == b = if a == hl1
then trace "1" l1
else a : l1
| a > b = if b == hl2
then trace "2" l2
else b : l2
| a < b = if a == hl3
then trace "3" l3
else a : l3
where l1 = mergelists at bt
hl1 = if null l1 then a + 1 else head l1
l2 = mergelists as bt
hl2 = head l2
l3 = mergelists at bs
hl3 = head l3
-- build the sum of target numbers by subtracting sum of nontarget numbers from all numbers
main = print $ (summe limit) - (sum $ rsl sumliste)
My problem is the function mergelists. The body of this functions contains some useless if clauses (as can be seen by the missing trace output) and could be refactored to the three commented lines. The problem with this is an increase of execution time from 3.4s to 5.8s what I can't understand.
Why is the shorter code slower?
As Thomas M. DuBuisson suggested, the problem has to do with the lack of strictness. The following code is a slight modification of the code that you have commented out, which uses the $! operator to ensure that the mergelists call is evaluated before forming the list.
mergelists :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
mergelists [] [] = []
mergelists [] b = b
mergelists a [] = a
mergelists as#(a:at) bs#(b:bt)
| a == b = (a :) $! mergelists at bt
| a > b = (b :) $! mergelists as bt
| a < b = (a :) $! mergelists at bs
The function $! ensures if the result of (_ :) $! mergelists _ _ is evaluated, then mergelists _ _ must be evaluated as well. Thanks to the recursion, this implies that if the result of mergelists is evaluated, then the entire list must be evaluated.
In the slow version,
mergelists as#(a:at) bs#(b:bt)
| a == b = a : mergelists at bt
| a > b = b : mergelists as bt
| a < b = a : mergelists at bs
you can inspect the first element of the result without evaluating the remainder of the list. The call to mergelists in the tail of the list is stored as an unevaluated thunk. This has various implications:
This is good if you only need a small portion of the merged list, or if the inputs are infinitely long.
On the other hand, if the lists aren't that big to begin with and/or you need all the elements eventually, this adds extra overhead due to the presence of the thunk. It also means that the garbage collector doesn't get to free any of the inputs since the thunks will retain references to them.
I don't understand exactly why it's slower for your particular problem though — perhaps someone more experienced can shed some light on this.
I've noticed that, at -O0, the "slow version" is actually the fastest of the three approaches, so I suspect that GHC was able to take advantage of the strictness and produce more optimized code.

Haskell: Avoiding heap overflow in tree+zipper construction

I'm trying to implement a simple lexicon compression algorithm that uses Deterministic Finite Automaton as a data structure (actually it is Deterministic Acyclic Finite State Automaton, see Wikipedia entry). When I run the program against a large lexicon database (I have two datasets -- one contains ~900.000 unique words and the other ~4.000.000 unique words) I get a heap overflow:
mindfa.exe: Heap exhausted;
Current maximum heap size is 1073741824 bytes (1024 MB);
use `+RTS -M<size>' to increase it.
6,881,239,544 bytes allocated in the heap
4,106,345,528 bytes copied during GC
1,056,362,696 bytes maximum residency (96 sample(s))
6,884,200 bytes maximum slop
1047 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause
Gen 0 13140 colls, 0 par 2.14s 2.13s 0.0002s 0.0019s
Gen 1 96 colls, 0 par 197.37s 199.06s 2.0736s 3.3260s
INIT time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
MUT time 2.54s ( 12.23s elapsed)
GC time 190.09s (191.68s elapsed)
RP time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
PROF time 9.42s ( 9.51s elapsed)
EXIT time 0.00s ( 0.00s elapsed)
Total time 202.05s (203.91s elapsed)
%GC time 94.1% (94.0% elapsed)
Alloc rate 2,706,148,904 bytes per MUT second
Productivity 1.3% of total user, 1.2% of total elapsed
My guess is that one of the problems is the laziness in addWord and addWords functions.
-- | Update the tree structure, starting from the current location.
addWord :: Zipper TnLabel -> B.ByteString -> Zipper TnLabel
addWord z s | B.null s = z
addWord (Zipper (DFA ts) parents) s = addWord z rest
ch = B.head s
rest = B.tail s
pack defaultFlag = packTransitionLabel ch (if B.null rest then bit bitWordStop else defaultFlag)
z = case break (\(w,_) -> getCh w == ch) ts of
(_, []) -> Zipper
{ _focus = DFA []
, _parents = (pack 0, [], ts) : parents
(left, (w, newFocus):right) -> Zipper
{ _focus = newFocus
, _parents = ((pack w), left, right) : parents
-- | Add a list of words to the DFA tree.
addWords :: Zipper TnLabel -> [B.ByteString] -> Zipper TnLabel
addWords z [] = z
addWords z (s:ss) = addWords z' ss
z' = addWord (root z) s
I have read about seq, $! and !, but still cannot see how I can use them in my example. How do I make the code strict(er)? On the other hand, maybe I'm using a wrong data structure (a tree + zipper)?
Here's a (not very) Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example of what I'm doing. When you run it, it should print out the number of states, the number of transitions and the whole DFA tree like this:
State# 16
Transition# 21
| |
| d!-*
| |
| s!-*
| |
| d--*
| |
| i--*
| | |
| | n--*
| | |
| | g!-*
| |
| e--*
| |
| d!-*
| |
| e--*
| |
| s--*
| |
| s!-*
| |
| y!-*
The code:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import Prelude hiding (print)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B hiding (unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B (unpack)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), bit, complement, testBit)
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf)
import Text.Printf hiding (fromChar, toChar)
--------------------------------------------- Deterministic finite automaton
type TnLabel = Word16
bitsInWord :: Int
bitsInWord = sizeOf (0::TnLabel) * 8
bitWordStop :: Int
bitWordStop = bitsInWord-1 -- ^ marks the end of a word
packTransitionLabel :: Word8 -> TnLabel -> TnLabel
packTransitionLabel ch flags = (flags .&. complement 0xFF) .|. fromIntegral ch
getCh :: TnLabel -> Word8
getCh w = fromIntegral $ w .&. 0xFF
type Transition e = (e, DFA e)
data DFA e = DFA [Transition e]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- DFA Zipper -----------------------------------------------------------------
data Zipper e = Zipper
{ _focus :: DFA e
, _parents :: [(e, [Transition e], [Transition e])]
deriving (Show)
-- Moving around ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The parent of the given location.
parent :: Zipper TnLabel -> Maybe (Zipper TnLabel)
parent (Zipper _ []) = Nothing
parent (Zipper focus ((event, left, right):parents)) = Just Zipper
{ _focus = DFA $ left++((event,focus):right)
, _parents = parents
-- | The top-most parent of the given location.
root :: Zipper TnLabel -> Zipper TnLabel
root z#(Zipper _ []) = z
root z = case parent z of
Nothing -> z
Just z2 -> root z2
-- Modification -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Update the tree structure, starting from the current location.
addWord :: Zipper TnLabel -> B.ByteString -> Zipper TnLabel
addWord z s | B.null s = z
addWord (Zipper (DFA ts) parents) s = addWord z rest
ch = B.head s
rest = B.tail s
pack defaultFlag = packTransitionLabel ch (if B.null rest then bit bitWordStop else defaultFlag)
z = case break (\(w,_) -> getCh w == ch) ts of
(_, []) -> Zipper
{ _focus = DFA []
, _parents = (pack 0, [], ts) : parents
(left, (w, newFocus):right) -> Zipper
{ _focus = newFocus
, _parents = ((pack w), left, right) : parents
-- | Add a list of words to the DFA tree.
addWords :: Zipper TnLabel -> [B.ByteString] -> Zipper TnLabel
addWords z [] = z
addWords z (s:ss) = addWords z' ss
z' = addWord (root z) s
-- Conversion ------------------------------------------------------------
empty :: Zipper TnLabel
empty = Zipper
{ _focus = DFA []
, _parents = []
toDFA :: Zipper TnLabel -> DFA TnLabel
toDFA (Zipper dfa _) = dfa
fromList :: [B.ByteString] -> DFA TnLabel
fromList = toDFA . root . addWords empty
-- Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Number of states in the whole DFA tree.
stateCount :: DFA TnLabel -> Int
stateCount = go 0
go acc (DFA []) = acc
go acc (DFA ts) = go' (acc+1) ts
go' acc [] = acc
go' acc ((_,dfa):ts) = go 0 dfa + go' acc ts
-- | Number of transitions in the whole DFA tree.
transitionCount :: DFA TnLabel -> Int
transitionCount = go 0
go acc (DFA []) = acc
go acc (DFA ts) = go' acc ts
go' acc [] = acc
go' acc ((_,dfa):ts) = go 1 dfa + go' acc ts
-- DFA drawing ---------------------------------------------------------
draw' :: DFA TnLabel -> [String]
draw' (DFA ts) = "*" : drawSubTrees ts
drawSubTrees [] = []
drawSubTrees [(w, node)] = "|" : shift (toChar w : flagCh w : "-") " " (draw' node)
drawSubTrees ((w, node):xs) = "|" : shift (toChar w : flagCh w : "-") "| " (draw' node) ++ drawSubTrees xs
shift first other = zipWith (++) (first : repeat other)
flagCh flags = if testBit flags bitWordStop then '!' else '-'
toChar w = head . B.unpack . B.singleton $ getCh w
draw :: DFA TnLabel -> String
draw = unlines . draw'
print :: DFA TnLabel -> IO ()
print = putStr . draw
-- Main -----------------------------------------------------------------
main :: IO ()
main = do
let dfa = fromList ["bad", "badass", "badly", "badness", "bed", "bedded", "bedding", "beds"]
printf "Lexicon\n"
printf "\tState# %d\n" (stateCount dfa)
printf "\tTransition# %d\n" (transitionCount dfa)
print dfa
You may not need to do any of the following; have you tried -O or -O2 yet? The GHC optimizations include a "strictness analyzer" which can often sift through some of these things for you.
Regardless, laziness certainly seems like a likely culprit, and the first place that you'd start would be making the data structure strict by annotating its fields with ! prefixes. So for example the IntMap type in Data.IntMap is just:
type Prefix = Int
type Mask = Int
type Key = Int
data IntMap a = Bin {-# UNPACK #-} !Prefix
{-# UNPACK #-} !Mask
!(IntMap a)
!(IntMap a)
| Tip {-# UNPACK #-} !Key a
| Nil
The "unpack" pragma tells GHC to store the integers directly in Bin and Tip rather than as a pointer to an object on the heap; the ! tells GHC to immediately do whatever mathematics on them will convert them to a real integer; and the functions which manipulate the Prefix, Mask, and Key are ultimately the subject of {-# INLINE ... #-} pragmas which say, "hey, this isn't recursive", reducing those manipulations down to Prelude mathematics functions.
You might be surprised to know that actually, this code is shared between the Lazy and Strict IntMap cases. The !(IntMap a) only guarantees that the structure of the tree (and its keys, prefixes, and masks) is strict, but it still contains promises-to-compute its leaf elements if they've not already been computed. Doing this is unnecessary in your case (because you're not storing any information in the nodes) but is accomplished in Data.IntMap.Strict by peppering the functions which manipulate the nodes with seq:
insert :: Key -> a -> IntMap a -> IntMap a
insert k x t = k `seq` x `seq`
case t of
Read more about strictness on the wiki.

Euler #4 with bigger domain

Consider the modified Euler problem #4 -- "Find the maximum palindromic number which is a product of two numbers between 100 and 9999."
rev :: Int -> Int
rev x = rev' x 0
rev' :: Int -> Int -> Int
rev' n r
| n == 0 = r
| otherwise = rev' (n `div` 10) (r * 10 + n `mod` 10)
pali :: Int -> Bool
pali x = x == rev x
main :: IO ()
main = print . maximum $ [ x*y | x <- nums, y <- nums, pali (x*y)]
nums = [9999,9998..100]
This Haskell solution using -O2 and ghc 7.4.1 takes about 18
The similar C solution takes 0.1 second.
So Haskell is 180 times
slower. What's wrong with my solution? I assume that this type of
problems Haskell solves pretty well.
Appendix - analogue C solution:
#define A 100
#define B 9999
int ispali(int n)
int n0=n, k=0;
while (n>0) {
k = 10*k + n%10;
n /= 10;
return n0 == k;
int main(void)
int max = 0;
for (int i=B; i>=A; i--)
for (int j=B; j>=A; j--) {
if (i*j > max && ispali(i*j))
max = i*j; }
printf("%d\n", max);
The similar C solution
That is a common misconception.
Lists are not loops!
And using lists to emulate loops has performance implications unless the compiler is able to eliminate the list from the code.
If you want to compare apples to apples, write the Haskell structure more or less equivalent to a loop, a tail recursive worker (with strict accumulator, though often the compiler is smart enough to figure out the strictness by itself).
Now let's take a more detailed look. For comparison, the C, compiled with gcc -O3, takes ~0.08 seconds here, the original Haskell, compiled with ghc -O2 takes ~20.3 seconds, with ghc -O2 -fllvm ~19.9 seconds. Pretty terrible.
One mistake in the original code is to use div and mod. The C code uses the equivalent of quot and rem, which map to the machine division instructions and are faster than div and mod. For positive arguments, the semantics are the same, so whenever you know that the arguments are always non-negative, never use div and mod.
Changing that, the running time becomes ~15.4 seconds when compiling with the native code generator, and ~2.9 seconds when compiling with the LLVM backend.
The difference is due to the fact that even the machine division operations are quite slow, and LLVM replaces the division/remainder with a multiply-and-shift operation. Doing the same by hand for the native backend (actually, a slightly better replacement taking advantage of the fact that I know the arguments will always be non-negative) brings its time down to ~2.2 seconds.
We're getting closer, but are still a far cry from the C.
That is due to the lists. The code still builds a list of palindromes (and traverses a list of Ints for the two factors).
Since lists cannot contain unboxed elements, that means there is a lot of boxing and unboxing going on in the code, that takes time.
So let us eliminate the lists, and take a look at the result of translating the C to Haskell:
module Main (main) where
a :: Int
a = 100
b :: Int
b = 9999
ispali :: Int -> Bool
ispali n = go n 0
go 0 acc = acc == n
go m acc = go (m `quot` 10) (acc * 10 + (m `rem` 10))
maxpal :: Int
maxpal = go 0 b
go mx i
| i < a = mx
| otherwise = go (inner mx b) (i-1)
inner m j
| j < a = m
| p > m && ispali p = inner p (j-1)
| otherwise = inner m (j-1)
p = i*j
main :: IO ()
main = print maxpal
The nested loop is translated to two nested worker functions, we use an accumulator to store the largest palindrome found so far. Compiled with ghc -O2, that runs in ~0.18 seconds, with ghc -O2 -fllvm it runs in ~0.14 seconds (yes, LLVM is better at optimising loops than the native code generator).
Still not quite there, but a factor of about 2 isn't too bad.
Maybe some find the following where the loop is abstracted out more readable, the generated core is for all intents and purposes identical (modulo a switch of argument order), and the performance of course the same:
module Main (main) where
a :: Int
a = 100
b :: Int
b = 9999
ispali :: Int -> Bool
ispali n = go n 0
go 0 acc = acc == n
go m acc = go (m `quot` 10) (acc * 10 + (m `rem` 10))
downto :: Int -> Int -> a -> (a -> Int -> a) -> a
downto high low acc fun = go high acc
go i acc
| i < low = acc
| otherwise = go (i-1) (fun acc i)
maxpal :: Int
maxpal = downto b a 0 $ \m i ->
downto b a m $ \mx j ->
let p = i*j
in if mx < p && ispali p then p else mx
main :: IO ()
main = print maxpal
#axblount is at least partly right; the following modification makes the program run almost three times as fast as the original:
maxPalindrome = foldl f 0
where f a x | x > a && pali x = x
| otherwise = a
main :: IO ()
main = print . maxPalindrome $ [x * y | x <- nums, y <- nums]
where nums = [9999,9998..100]
That still leaves a factor 60 slowdown, though.
This is more true to what the C code is doing:
maxpali :: [Int] -> Int
maxpali xs = go xs 0
go [] m = m
go (x:xs) m = if x > m && pali(x) then go xs x else go xs m
main :: IO()
main = print . maxpali $ [ x*y | x <- nums, y <- nums ]
where nums = [9999,9998..100]
On my box this takes 2 seconds vs .5 for the C version.
Haskell may be storing that entire list [ x*y | x <- nums, y <- nums, pali (x*y)] where as the C solution calculates the maximum on the fly. I'm not sure about this.
Also the C solution will only calculate ispali if the product beats the previous maximum. I would bet Haskell calculates are palindrome products regardless of whether x*y is a possible max.
It seems to me that you are having a branch prediction problem. In the C code, you have two nested loops and as soon as a palindrome is seen in the inner loop, the rest of the inner loop will be skipped very fast.
The way you feed this list of products instead of the nested loops I am not sure that ghc is doing any of this prediction.
Another way to write this is to use two folds, instead of one fold over the flattened list:
-- foldl g0 0 [x*y | x<-[b-1,b-2..a], y<-[b-1,b-2..a], pali(x*y)] (A)
-- foldl g1 0 [x*y | x<-[b-1,b-2..a], y<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (B)
-- foldl g2 0 [ [x*y | y<-[b-1,b-2..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C)
maxpal b a = foldl f1 0 [b-1,b-2..a] -- (D)
f1 m x = foldl f2 m [b-1,b-2..a]
f2 m y | p>m && pali p = p
| otherwise = m
where p = x*y
main = print $ maxpal 10000 100
Seems to run much faster than (B) (as in larsmans's answer), too (only 3x - 4x slower then the following loops-based code). Fusing foldl and enumFromThenTo definitions gets us the "functional loops" code (as in DanielFischer's answer),
maxpal_loops b a = f (b-1) 0 -- (E)
f x m | x < a = m
| otherwise = g (b-1) m
g y m | y < a = f (x-1) m
| p>m && pali p = g (y-1) p
| otherwise = g (y-1) m
where p = x*y
The (C) variant is very suggestive of further algorithmic improvements (that's outside the scope of the original Q of course) that exploit the hidden order in the lists, destroyed by the flattening:
{- foldl g2 0 [ [x*y | y<-[b-1,b-2..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C)
foldl g2 0 [ [x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C1)
foldl g0 0 [ safehead 0 . filter pali $
[x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C2)
fst $ until ... (\(m,s)-> (max m .
safehead 0 . filter pali . takeWhile (> m) $
head s, tail s))
(0,[ [x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]]) (C3)
safehead 0 $ filter pali $ mergeAllDescending
[ [x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C4)
(C3) can stop as soon as the head x*y in a sub-list is smaller than the currently found maximum. It is what short-cutting functional loops code could achieve, but not (C4), which is guaranteed to find the maximal palindromic number first. Plus, for list-based code its algorithmic nature is more visually apparent, IMO.
