Paypal code's color scheme - sublimetext3

Is there a method to extract the code's color scheme from paypal code expamples and place it in sublime text?
Here is a link: Paypal link

That page is made using Groc, that put comments next to code in a beautiful way. Groc seems to use two projects that I have used before: highlight.js and maybe pygments, to highlight the code, but they don't use any of the default stylesheets, I think they use their own stylesheet.
Inside the Groc project you can see this sass file which contains almost all the info you need (color for variables, strings, keywords, etc.) to manually add the values to a custom color scheme. In addition Groc style documentation shows other useful values of the Color Scheme such as the background. You can get other values inspecting DOM.

I think you would have to manually do it. You can use this Sublime Text Color Scheme Generator. In the Paypal window, you can use developer tools (Ctrl + Shift + C if you're using Chrome) and click on the words to see the exact color value, and then just use those in the color scheme generator.
EDIT: Please take a look at #sergioFC's answer, he gave an easier way of finding all the color values.


How to change hyperlink color in github markdown

I'm creating a webpage using markdown hosted by I really don't like the blue color of the hyperlink automatically generated by markdown and I'm wondering if it's possible to change it. More specifically, I'd like the text to stay black and the solid underline to become dashed underline. Here is a sample code:
Support static-based commenting via [Staticman]( for sites hosted with GitHub Pages. [#424](
I heard github markdown is different from traditional markdown, but I've seen people changed the link color and underline type with the same website template so I think it's still possible to change. Any suggestions?
Since GitHub uses its own styling after it processes your markdown file, any custom stylings will be overwritten. However, in a broader case, you can always use HTML elements in your markdown files. Take this example:
[normal link](
custom link
The first one will appear as a normal blue link which will be underlined when you hover your mouse over it. The second one is a link that matches your requirements for black color and dotted underline.
I tested it on my local machine and it renders just fine in VSCode, but all styling is lost when I put it on GitHub.
Though, since you're going for a webpage, I really recommend going for HTML and CSS. They're really easy if you know MD and are much much more customizable.

How exactly does Syntax Highlighting work in IDEs?

I was writing my own text editor in Electron using React and I tried to do some basic syntax highlighting. The user writes their code inside a textarea, but there is no way to insert markup inside a textarea so I can't color text that way.
I found this jquery plugin which adds a backdrop behind the textarea so we can put a background color in certain places however I wanted the text themselves to be colored (which can't be done as the textarea is in front of the backdrop).
Any ideas about how other IDEs like Visual Studio Code (also written in electron) pulled this off?
There are multiple approaches that can work here.
One way could be using a div with a contenteditable="true" attribute instead of a textarea. This way you can both write text inside the element and style its contents. Of course this creates its own issues that would have to be dealt with - when to parse the code, how to reposition the caret and more. Depending on the approach, MutationObserver could come in handy.
Another way would be to not use any built-in writing functionalities at all and implement your own. Listen to keyboard events and programatically insert characters. In that case you would also need to implement your own caret, selection etc., which is not easy.
VS Code is open source, so you can actually take a look under the hood and see how the editor is made. They use a completely bespoke editor called Monaco but its source code is in the VS Code repo. This file is a good start.

How to recover color palette in Sublime Text 3

Something strange happened to me recently. I was testing the color schemes of Sublime Text 3 by selecting them from the menu Sublime Text > Preferences > Color Scheme. I did not find any that I liked more than my current one, but then I realized that the one I was using was not among the color schemes listed. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the color scheme I was using.
By searching for popular color schemes online, I found one that is close: "Afterglow-twilight". However, the scheme I was using had much higher contrast, i.e. darker background and more vivid code highlight colors.
Is there a way in Sublime Text 3 to recover the color scheme I was using?
The color scheme that you're using is set as the color_scheme setting in your user preferences and the menu item Preferences > Color Scheme (which is under Sublime Text if you're on MacOS) allows you to more easily set that preference by showing you a list of all all most available color schemes along with letting you preview what they look like.
The short answer to your question is No, but the longer answer to your question is Yes.
The No is because unless you have your Preferences.sublime-settings file backed up somewhere (say if you use Dropbox to sync it) or under version control of some sort, then the value of the setting is gone now and the only way to get it back is to figure out what color scheme you were using so that you can reset it.
The Yes is because Sublime will only allow you to use color schemes that you have installed locally, and using the menu item outlined above allows you to pick between those you have installed (changing the setting as appropriate) but it doesn't remove any installed color schemes.
That means that unless you uninstalled a package in between when you were playing and noticed that your color scheme is no longer listed, that color scheme is still present even if the list isn't displaying it (and if you did uninstall a package, re-installing the package will bring it back). So all you need to do is figure out what it was.
There's a strikethrough in the first paragraph because Sublime hides some color schemes from you, so if you were using one of those it won't appear in the list and you need other means to find it.
The first thing to try is to add the following setting to your user settings (if it's not already there) to tell Sublime that legacy color schemes should also be listed:
"show_legacy_color_schemes": true,
Around the time the menu item for changing color schemes was added to the interface, some of the color schemes that used to ship with Sublime were relegated to Legacy status because they were wildly out of date and either not popular enough to warrant work to update them or impossible to fix without making visual changes.
Those color schemes are still present, but they're masked from the list of displayed color schemes unless you turn that setting on. So, in the case that you happened to be using one of those previously, this setting should let you find it again. Syntaxes that fall into this category will say Color Scheme - Legacy under them in the list.
If that doesn't turn up the color scheme that you were using, there is one last avenue of exploration. Sublime supports the idea of a hidden color scheme, which is generally something used by packages to give color schemes to things without more generally exposing them. Possibly there is a Theme out there for Sublime that distributes it's color schemes this way as well.
If you open the Sublime console with View > Show Console, you can enter the following lines one at a time into the input at the bottom of the window:
This will get Sublime to show you a list of all of the hidden color schemes (there are two different formats). Assuming either list is not empty, the items in the list represent hidden color schemes that the command mentioned above doesn't display.
If so, you can open your user preferences and manually set the color_scheme setting to each of the items in turn to see if one of them is the one you're looking for.

Proper way to change color scheme for whole application

Pls give me a hint what is the best way to change color scheme for whole Smartface application: 1. statically (before building a project) 2. dynamically (from within running application)
If you are going to change the scheme for only one time, you can change it statically. You can define new colors, and change the old ones in the .pge files.
But if you want to change the scheme colors more than once or while you are using the application, you can do this in runtime dynamically. This will be done in script files. Objects properties such as fillColor can be changed in scripts.
I cannot say which one is best but changing in runtime looks better. For example, you can use an editbox to get colors, and then you can use a button, when pressed you can change the color scheme, etc.

How to change the font style for Rust primitive types in SublimeText 3?

Right now types like i32 etc. are being shown as Italics.
I wish to avoid that, but the only Rust preferences I see are in compiled form in ~/Library!
You will need to edit your color scheme to change the syntax highlighting. Look for the scope storage or storage.type and remove the italic setting. This resource is great for editing color schemes. If you're using Monokai, it comes up automatically. If not, click the Gallery button and select the color scheme you're using.
