Obtaining video duration - python-3.x

A search is made to obtain videos. How do I obtain the duration of the video?
for search_result in search_response.get("items", []):
if search_result["id"]["kind"] == "youtube#video":
The last line returns a key error. Judging by the API on the website this is how it should be done but the documentation is pretty weird to be honest.

The search.list endpoint does not accept/provide contentDetails. You will need to take the id results from search and make another call to the videos.list endpoint for that.


How to use fhir client search to include all resources i.e. ($everything)

How would you search for all resources for a given patient e.g. encounter, appointment, consent?
I know you could search for it via postman request http://localhost:9090/organId/Patient/12345/$everything and get the result. But I want to be able to execute the search query from my java program.
This is what I have so far, but I know the include part is not good and not working. Googling didn't return any result.
Bundle bundle = myFhirClient
.where(new NumberClientParam(Patient.SP_RES_ID).exactly().number(patientId)).include(new Include("$everything"))
.sort(new SortSpec().setOrder(SortOrderEnum.DESC).setParamName(Patient.SP_RES_ID))
Any help is much appreciated
I had to use Fhir Client operation instead of search. This will return all the reference resources for the given patientId.
Parameters outParams = myFhirClient
.onInstance(new IdType("Patient", patientId))
.withNoParameters(Parameters.class) // No input parameters

How to handle replies in with Pyrogram when using ForceReply?

I am building a telegram bot where I am attempting to get the user to fill in detail about an event and store them in a dictionary which is itself in a list.
However I want it be link a conversation. I want it to look like:
user: /create
bot-reply: What would you like to call it?
user-reply: Chris' birth day
bot-reply: When is it?
user-reply: 08/11/2021
bot-reply: Event Chris birth day on 08/11/2021 has been saved!
To achieve this I plan to use ForceReply which states in the documentation
This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
The problem is the documentation does not seem to explain how to handle responses.
Currently my code looks like this:
async def create_countdown(client, message):
global countdowns
countdown = {
'countdown_id': str(uuid4())[:8],
'countdown_owner_id': message.from_user.id,
'countdown_onwner_username': message.from_user.username,
await message.reply('What do you want to name the countdown?',
except FloodWait as e:
await asyncio.sleep(e.x)
Looking through the form I have found options like this:
python telegram bot ForceReply callback
which are exactly what I am looking for but they are using different libraries like python-telegram-bot which permit them to use ConversationHandler. It seems to not be part of pyrogram
How to I create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces with pyrogram?
Pyrogram doesn't have a ConversationHandler.
You could use a dict with your users' ID as the key and the state they're in as the value, then you can use that dictionary of states as your reference to know where your User is in the conversation.
Dan: (Pyrogram creator)
A conversation-like feature is not available yet in the lib. One way to do that is saving states into a dictionary using user IDs as keys. Check the dictionary before taking actions so that you know in which step your users are and update it once they successfully go past one action

How to request all chats/groups of the user through Telegram Database Library(TDLib) for Node.js

The official example from telegram explains that in order to use getChats() command, one needs to set two parameters 'offset_order' and 'offset_chat_id'.
I'm using this node.js wrapper for the TDLib.
So when I use getChats() with the following params:
'offset_order': '9223372036854775807',
'offset_chat_id': 0,
'limit': 100
just like it is explained in the official docs:
For example, to get a list of chats from the beginning, the
offset_order should be equal to 2^63 - 1
as a result I get 100 chats from the top of the user's list.
What I can't understand is how do I iterate through that list? How do I use the API pagination?
When I try to enter a legitimate chat_id from the middle of the first 100, I still get the same first 100, so it seems like it makes no difference.
If I change that offset_order to ANY other number, I get an empty list of chats in return...
Completely lost here, as every single example I found says the same thing as the official docs, ie how to get the first 100.
Had the same problem, have tried different approaches and re-read documentation for a long time, and here is a decision:
do getChats as you do with '9223372036854775807' offset_order parameter
do getChat request with id of the last chat you have got. It's an offline request, just to tdlib.
here you get a chat object with positions property - get a position from here, looks like this:
positions: [
_: 'chatPosition',
list: [Object],
order: '6910658003385450706',
is_pinned: false
next request - getChats - use the positions[0].order from (3) as offset_order
goto (2) if there are more chats
It wasn't easy to come to this, so would be glad if it helps anybody who came from google like me :)

twitter api count more than 100, using twitter search api

i want to search-tweet related 'data' and count more than 100
this is python grammer
from twython import Twython
twitter= Twython(app_key=APP_KEY,app_secret=APP_SECRET)
for status in twitter.search(q='"data"',count =10000)["statuses"]:
user =status["user"]["screen_name"].encode('utf-8')
text =status["text"]
data = "{0} {1} {2}".format(user ,text,'\n\n')
So what you're trying to do uses the Twitter API. Specifically the GET search/tweets endpoint.
In the docs for this endpoint:
We can see that count has a maximum value of 100:
So even though you specify 10000, it only returns 100 because that's the max.
I've not tried either, but you can likely use the until or max_id parameters also mentioned in the docs to get more results/the next 100 results.
Keep in mind: "that the search index has a 7-day limit. In other words, no tweets will be found for a date older than one week" - the docs
Hope this helps!
You can use the field next_token of the response to get more tweets.
Refer to these articles:
The max_id parameter is the key and it is further explained here:
To use max_id correctly, an application’s first request to a timeline
endpoint should only specify a count. When processing this and
subsequent responses, keep track of the lowest ID received. This ID
should be passed as the value of the max_id parameter for the next
request, which will only return Tweets with IDs lower than or equal to
the value of the max_id parameter.
In other words, using the lowest id retrieved from a search, you can access the older tweets. As mentioned by Tyler, the non-commercial version is limited to 7-day, but the commercial version can search up to 30 days.

there any way to show more than 20 photos of the instagram API?

I'm trying to display more than 20 photos feed in a website like this:
There's any way to show?
Simple. Just append &count=-1 at the back of your api call.
For instance:
* Update April 2014 (credits: #user1406691): count=-1 is no longer available. Response:
"error_message":"Count must be larger than zero."}}
You may wish to use this instead:
There's also another method via rss + db but it's longer, although it's not limited to 30 calls / hour.
Actually, there is a chance to get the next 20 pictures, and after that the next 20 and so on...
In the JSON responce there is an "pagination" array:
"deprecation_warning":"next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead",
this is the information on specific API call and the object "next_url" shows the URL to get the next 20 pictures so just take that URL and call it for the next 20 pictures...
for more information about Instagram API check this out: https://medium.com/#KevinMcAlear/getting-friendly-with-instagrams-api-abe3b929bc52
Instagram has a 20 image limit on their API, check out this thread and my answer:
What is the maximum number of requests for Instagram?
Also, have a look at this link to bypass the pagination and display all results:
