Perl: Run multiple system commands at once - multithreading

In perl, I have some code like
my $enter = `curl -s -m 10 http://URL`;
How would I use threading to run this function 10 times at once?
I found this but I am not sure how to use it to set a specific amount of threads
Edit: I guess I misunderstood what Threads::Queue was doing. My original question still stands for simultaneously running multiple commands at once.

You can use fork(). In this example, I use the Parallel::ForkManager module. $max_forks is the number of processes to run simultaneously (set to two for an example), and you'd put your system/curl code after ### add curl logic here, and remove the print() and sleep() example statements from there as well.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my $max_forks = 2;
my $fork = new Parallel::ForkManager($max_forks);
my #urls = (
# on start callback
sub {
my $pid = shift;
print "Starting PID $pid\n";
# on finish callback
sub {
my ( $pid, $exit, $ident, $signal, $core) = #_;
if ($core){
print "PID $pid core dumped.\n";
else {
print "PID $pid exited with exit code $exit " .
" and signal $signal\n";
# forking code
for my $url (#urls){
$fork->start and next;
### add curl logic here
print "$url\n";


Perl run the same script for different directories at the same time

I have a directory that contains other directories (the number of directories is arbitrary), like this:
I have a script that receives as input one directory each time and it takes 1h to run (for each directory). To run the script I have the following code:
opendir DIR, $maindirectory or die "Can't open directory!!";
while(my $dir = readdir DIR){
if($dir ne '.' && $dir ne '..'){
system("/bin/bash", "", $maindirectory.'/'.$dir);
closedir DIR;
However, I want to run the script for different directories at the same time. For instance, the subdirectory_sample_1/ and subdirectory_sample_2/ would run in the same thread; subdirectory_sample_3/ and subdirectory_sample_4/ in another. But I just can't find a way to do this.
As you're just starting external processes and waiting for them, a non-threading option:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Path::Tiny;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use Future::Utils 'fmap_concat';
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
my $maindirectory = '/foo/bar';
my #subdirs = grep { -d } path($maindirectory)->children; # excludes . and ..
# runs this code to maintain up to 'concurrent' pending futures at once
my $main_future = fmap_concat {
my $dir = shift;
my $future = $loop->new_future;
my $process = $loop->open_process(
command => ['/bin/bash', '', $dir],
on_finish => sub { $future->done(#_) },
on_exception => sub { $future->fail(#_) },
return $future;
} foreach => \#subdirs, concurrent => 2;
# run event loop until all futures are done or one fails, throw exception on failure
my #exit_codes = $main_future->get;
See the docs for IO::Async::Loop and Future::Utils.
One way is to fork and in each child process a group of directories.
A basic example
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h); # for WNOHANG
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); # for fractional seconds
my #all_dirs = qw(d1 d2 d3 d4);
my $path = 'maindir';
my #procs;
# Get iterator over groups (of 2)
my $it = natatime 2, #all_dirs;
while (my #dirs = $it->()) {
my $pid = fork // do { #/
warn "Can't fork for #dirs: $!";
if ($pid == 0) {
foreach my $dir (#dirs) {
my #cmd = ('/bin/bash/', '', "$path/$dir");
say "in $$, \#cmd: (#cmd)";
# system(#cmd) == 0 or do { inspect $? }
push #procs, $pid;
# Poll with non-blocking wait for processes (reap them)
my $gone;
while (($gone = waitpid -1, WNOHANG) > -1) {
my $status = $?;
say "Process $gone exited with $status" if $gone > 0;
sleep 0.1;
See system and/or exec for details, in particular on error checking, as well as $? variable. It can be unpacked to retrieve more details about the error; or, at least print a warning and skip to the next item (which happens above anyway).
The code above prints out the command and pid's with their exit status, but replace #cmd with a test command of no consequence and un-comment the system line to try this out.
Watch for how many jobs there are. A basic rule of thumb is to not have more than 2 per core at which point the performance starts suffering, but this depends on many details. Experiment to find the sweet spot for your case. I like to have a job per core and then at least one core free. In order to throttle this see modules linked at the end.
To break all jobs (directories) into groups I used natatime from List::MoreUtils (n-at-a-time). If there are more specific criteria about how to group directories adjust that.
See Forks::Super and Parallel::ForkManager for higher-level ways to work with forked processes.

Need Commands to be run in parallel in perl expect

I have a script as mentioned below, I see the command mentioned as "Command which needs to be run" (in for loop) executes for some time and later the process which was forked to execute the command is killed and thus only part of my script in "Command which needs to be run" (in for loop) is executed. Instead, I want the command in "Command which needs to be run" (in for loop) to all run in parallel i.e. if the for loop runs for 50 iterations, 50 different process needs to be executing in parallel and none should be stopped in between. Could some one please suggest on this ?
use Expect;
sub hostuser_expect() {
$expect= Expect->new;
or die "Cannot spawn $cmd: $!\n";
[ qr/.*\?/i, #/
sub {
my $self = shift;
[ qr/password:/i, #/
sub {
my $self = shift;
#$expect->expect(1500,'-re', 'Mails marked as moved successfully\.$');
$timeout = 5;
$password = "changeme";
for ($i=1;$i<=50;$i++) {
$cmd="Command which needs to be run";
print "Invoking script - $cmd\n";
I believe Parallel::ForkManager will do what you want. I don't use Expect, so I've simplified the sub as an example. I've also added use strict; and use warnings;, removed the prototype parens from the sub definition, and changed from using a C-style for() loop implementation.
Just change the number in the call to Parallel::ForkManager->new() to raise or lower the maximum number of forks to be executing at any one time.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
sub hostuser_expect {
my $num = shift;
print "in child $num\n";
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(5);
for (1..5){
$pm->start and next COMMANDS;
in child 1
in child 2
in child 5
in child 3
in child 4

Why doesn't waitpid wait for the process to exit?

In the below script I am trying to figure out how waitpid works, but it doesn't wait for ssh process to exit. done is printed right away and not after the ssh process exists.
How to I make waitpid only continue when the pid I give it have exited?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(5);
my $pid = $pm->start;
my $p = $pid;
if (!$pid) {
system("ssh sleep 10");
$p = qx(/usr/bin/pgrep -P $p);
print "ssh pid is $p\n";
my $kid;
do {
$kid = waitpid($p, 0);
} while $kid > 0;
print "done\n";
I have also tried
while (1) {
$p = kill 0, $p;
print "x";
sleep 1 if $p;
print "*";
last unless $p;
but it doesn't even reach the first print for some reason and never exits.
The wait family of functions only work on child processes, even waitpid. The sleep process is not your child, it's your child's child. This is because system is essentially fork + exec. By using Parallel::ForkManager + system you're forking, then forking again, then executing sleep.
Since you've already forked, you should use exec. This has the extra advantage of not needing the call to pgrep and it's timing problem (ie. it's possible the parent will call pgrep before the child has executed system).
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(5);
my $pid = $pm->start;
my $p = $pid;
if (!$pid) {
no warnings; # no warnings "exec" is not working
exec("sleep 10");
print "sleep pid is $p\n";
waitpid($p, 0);
For simplicity it's now using sleep. A warning from Perl that "Statement unlikely to be reached" must be suppressed because Perl doesn't realize $pm->start has forked. This should be no warnings "exec" but that's not working so I had to suppress them all.

Perl 5.8: possible to get any return code from backticks when SIGCHLD in use

When a CHLD signal handler is used in Perl, even uses of system and backticks will send the CHLD signal. But for the system and backticks sub-processes, neither wait nor waitpid seem to set $? within the signal handler on SuSE 11 linux. Is there any way to determine the return code of a backtick command when a CHLD signal handler is active?
Why do I want this? Because I want to fork(?) and start a medium length command and then call a perl package that takes a long time to produce an answer (and which executes external commands with backticks and checks their return code in $?), and know when my command is finished so I can take action, such as starting a second command. (Suggestions for how to accomplish this without using SIGCHLD are also welcome.) But since the signal handler destroys the backtick $? value, that package fails.
use warnings;
use strict;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
sub reaper {
my $signame = shift #_;
while (1) {
my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
last if $pid <= 0;
my $rc = $?;
print "wait()=$pid, rc=$rc\n";
$SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper;
# system can be made to work by not using $?, instead using system return value
my $rc = system("echo hello 1");
print "hello \$?=$?\n";
print "hello rc=$rc\n";
# But backticks, for when you need the output, cannot be made to work??
my #IO = `echo hello 2`;
print "hello \$?=$?\n";
exit 0;
Yields a -1 return code in all places I might try to access it:
hello 1
wait()=-1, rc=-1
hello $?=-1
hello rc=0
wait()=-1, rc=-1
hello $?=-1
So I cannot find anywhere to access the backticks return value.
This same issue has been bugging me for a few days now. I believe there are 2 solutions required depending on where you have your backticks.
If you have your backticks inside the child code:
The solution was to put the line below inside the child fork. I think your statement above "if I completely turn off the CHLD handler around the backticks then I might not get the signal if the child ends" is incorrect. You will still get a callback in the parent when the child exits because the signal is only disabled inside the child. So the parent still gets a signal when the child exits. It's just the child doesn't get a signal when the child's child (the part in backticks) exits.
local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT'
I'm no Perl expert, I have read that you should set the CHLD signal to the string 'IGNORE' but this did not work in my case. In face I believe it may have been causing the problem. Leaving that out completely appears to also solve the problem which I guess is the same as setting it to DEFAULT.
If you have backticks inside the parent code:
Add this line to your reaper function:
local ($!, $?);
What is happening is the reaper is being called when your code inside the backticks completes and the reaper is setting $?. By making $? local it does not set the global $?.
So, building on MikeKull's answer, here is a working example where the fork'd child uses backticks and still gets the proper return code. This example is a better representation of what I was doing, while the original example did not use forks and could not convey the entire issue.
use warnings;
use strict;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
# simple child which returns code 5
open F, ">", "" or die "$!";
print F<<EOF;
echo exit5 pid=\$\$
exit 5
close F;
sub reaper
my $signame = shift #_;
while (1)
my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
print "no child waiting\n" if $pid < 0;
last if $pid <= 0;
my $rc = $? >> 8;
print "wait()=$pid, rc=$rc\n";
$SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper;
if (!fork)
print "child pid=$$\n";
{ local $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; print `./`; }
print "\$?=" . ($? >> 8) . "\n";
exit 3;
# sig CHLD will interrupt sleep, so do multiple
sleep 2;sleep 2;sleep 2;
exit 0;
The output is:
child pid=32307
exit5 pid=32308
wait()=32307, rc=3
no child waiting
So the expected return code 5 was received in the child when the parent's reaper was disabled before calling the child, but as indicated by ikegami the parent still gets the CHLD signal and a proper return code when the child exits.

How can I make Perl wait for child processes started in the background with system()?

I have some Perl code that executes a shell script for multiple parameters, to simplify, I'll just assume that I have code that looks like this:
for $p (#a){
system("/path/to/ $p&");
I'd like to do some more things after that, but I can't find a way to wait for all the child processes to finish before continuing.
Converting the code to use fork() would be difficult. Isn't there an easier way?
Using fork/exec/wait isn't so bad:
my #a = (1, 2, 3);
for my $p (#a) {
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == -1) {
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
exec '/bin/sleep', $p or die;
while (wait() != -1) {}
print "Done\n";
You are going to have to change something, changing the code to use fork is probably simpler, but if you are dead set against using fork, you could use a wrapper shell script that touches a file when it is done and then have your Perl code check for the existence of the files.
Here is the wrapper:
touch /tmp/$2.$PPID
Your Perl code would look like:
for my $p (#a){
system("/path/to/ /path/to/ $p &");
while (#a) {
delete $a[0] if -f "/tmp/$a[0].$$";
But I think the forking code is safer and clearer:
my #pids;
for my $p (#a) {
die "could not fork" unless defined(my $pid = fork);\
unless ($pid) { #child execs
exec "/path/to/", $p;
die "exec of failed";
push #pids, $pid; #parent stores children's pids
#wait for all children to finish
for my $pid (#pids) {
waitpid $pid, 0;
Converting to fork() might be difficult, but it is the correct tool. system() is a blocking call; you're getting the non-blocking behavior by executing a shell and telling it to run your scripts in the background. That means that Perl has no idea what the PIDs of the children might be, which means your script does not know what to wait for.
You could try to communicate the PIDs up to the Perl script, but that quickly gets out of hand. Use fork().
