'invalid command' error in expect script that is fine in interactive mode - linux

I have a problem in running an expect script (very new in this).
Here is what I have now in an expect script autorun.exp:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
cd /auto/rmscr/shared_resources/qiuyuguo/softwares/QuEST_2.4
./generate_QuEST_parameters.pl -sam_align_ChIP A.sam -sam_align_RX_noIP \
B.sam -rp mm10_bychr -ap ./output_directory -ChIP_name name
After running this script, what I got is this:
[qiuyuguo#hpc-uec 20150605]$ ./auto_run.exp
invalid command name "./generate_QuEST_parameters.pl"
while executing
"./generate_QuEST_parameters.pl -sam_align_ChIP A.sam -s..."
(file "./auto_run.exp" line 3)
Interestingly, the content in the script runs fine in the interactive mode of expect. Could I get a hint about what is going on?

expect script should have a spawn command, a expect command and a send command.
This is a example:
#!/usr/bin/env expect
spawn su -l test
expect "Password: " {
send "xxxxx\r"
expect "# " {
send "exit\r"
expect eof {


sftp via bash script in a cronjob: 'get' and 'rm' commands not found?

I'm trying to do something real, real simple: download a file from a sftp site at a set time. However, I'm getting errors like 'command: rm does not exist' or 'command get does not exist' which is garbage, because these commands obviously exist.
#remove current version of file
rm -f /home/user/downloads/data/newdata.zip
spawn sftp user#ftpsite.com
expect "password:"
send "PaSsWoRd\n"
expect "sftp>"
get /mycompany/myproject/data/newdata.zip /home/user/downloads/data
expect "sftp>"
send "exit\n"
(base) root#ubuntu:~# ./shellscript.sh
invalid command name "rm"
while executing
"rm -f /home/user/downloads/data/newdata.zip"
or without the removal
(base) root#ubuntu:~# sudo ./shellscript.sh
spawn sftp user#sftpsite.com
EFT Server Login - %DATE% %TIME% - Please enter valid credentials to continueEnter password:
Connected to ftpsite.com
sftp> invalid command name "get"
while executing
"get /mycompany/myproject/data/newdata.zip /home/user/downloads/data"
What gives? Why can't I get real error messages - I'm sure get and rm a perfectly fine commands and I can verify this by running them directly from the command line, where they work fine.
You are writing TCL code in an Expect script. You are not writing Bash in a shell script.
You have to send the commands you want to write to the sftp tool:
send "get /mycompany/myproject/data/newdata.zip /home/user/downloads/data\n"
And exec any commands you want to run non-interactively:
exec rm -f /home/user/downloads/data/newdata.zip

Two commands or command pipe command - Spawn Expect

I'm trying to execute a expect script into bash script, but when I try to execute the shell without "| tee -a xxx.log" (where xxx.log is a file than I want to write to record the ssh session).
This code works fine:
comlog="ssh $USR#"
expect -c"
spawn \"$comlog\"
expect \"Password:\"
send \"$PASS\r\"
But when I try to add the "tee -a" command to save the ssh session the issue is
invalid command name "ssh"
while executing
This is the complete command where I obtain the error message
comlog="ssh $USR# | tee -a /home/xxx.log"
expect -c"
spawn \"$comlog\"
expect \"Password:\"
send \"$PASS\r\" #Already Obteined
I tried to change the "comlog" var as this ways but doesn't work :(
cssh $USR# \| tee -a /home/xxx.log
Does anyone know another way to save the ssh session started from expect? Or how can I send those two commands in same spawn command.
You can capture the expect session output this way:
comlog="ssh $USR#"
expect -c"
spawn \"$comlog\"
expect \"Password:\"
send \"$PASS\r\" #Already Obteined
" >/home/xxx.log
If you want to put shell metacharacters like the pipe, you'll have to spawn a shell to handle them. Also using a here-doc can help a lot with quoting
comlog="ssh $USR# | tee -a /home/xxx.log"
expect <<"END_EXPECT"
spawn sh -c "$comlog"
... rest of expect script

How do I ssh into a machine, wait for a prompt, and then send a bunch of commands to it?

How do I do the following?
SSH to a machine, probably using expect since this is a script and I can't type the password for it
Wait for a prompt from the machine. The prompt is ->
Then send a bunch of commands from the original host to the machine I ssh'd to. Note that the output from these commands can contain the characters ->
Here are the contents of some-commands.txt:
first command
second command
third command
Here are the contents of the expect script:
set f [open "some-commands.txt"]
set cmds [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
eval spawn ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no root#machine
interact -o -nobuffer -re "Password:" return
send "password\r"
# look for the prompt
set prompt "\n-> "
foreach cmd $cmds {
send "$cmd\r";
# The following works, except for the commands
# whose output include ->
interact -o -nobuffer -re "-> " return
The problem is that the interact command captures the -> from the command output instead of the prompt, which hasn't yet arrived at that point.
I'm used to accomplish the same thing by doing something like:
ssh -t -t -C user#host 'bash -s' < my_shell_script.sh param1 paramX
Where my_shell_script.sh is an simple shell script.
The trick here is use multiple -t to force pseudo-terminal over ssh and the -s option to bash witch makes it reads the commands from the standard input.

Expect script error send: spawn id exp4 not open while executing "send "password""

I'm trying to run an expect script but I have an error:
send: spawn id exp4 not open
while executing
"send "password"
My script is very simple:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
#!/usr/bin/env expect
#!/usr/bin/env export
spawn sftp -o IdentityFile=/home/localUser/MyPrivKeys_open.ppk user#
expect "sftp.gatewayEnter passphrase for key '/home2/localUser/MyPrivKeys_open.ppk':"
send "passphrase\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd /home/localUser/localPath \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "mget myfile.xml /home/localUser/localPath \r"
set timeout 5
What I do is editing my expect script in notepad.exe but when i upload my script i have to run next commands:
dos2unix bash.sh -> converts dos file to a Unix file
chmod +x bash.sh -> gives execution permission
And finally i run my script:
But after that it sends that error.
It is something really weird because i have another .sh file with the same structure and i am only changing paths where i get files
I think i need some help about it.
I have already fix it, it was an error in dos2unix command. I had to code it again over Ubuntu for avoiding to run dos2unix command.

send error while running expect code

I made an expect code:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ls
expect "*]$*"
send "cd /to/some/path\n"
expect "*]$*"
send "sudo -u root ./program.sh"
expect "*:*"
send "i_am_password\n"
while executing it I am getting the below error:
spawn ls
my_pgm.exp abc.sh axyz.zip all.zip test.exp
send: spawn id exp6 not open
while executing
"send "cd /to/some/path\n""
(file "./my_pgm.exp" line 5)
I am running this code on ubuntu. Please help.
I'm not sure to really understand why you need expect, but for a bash script, try this:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn bash -i
expect "*$ "
send "cd /to/some/path\n"
expect "*$ "
send "sudo -u root ./program.sh\n"
expect "*: "
send "i_am_password\n"
The spawn directive instruct expect which program are to be used to interact with. So if you want to interact with bash, you have to ask expectto spawn bash. The -i parameter to bash enforce them to start in interactive mode.
At all, this look like a very bad idea, but that's only my opinion ;)
