Brunch plugin pipline issues - brunch

I'm writing a plugin for Brunch to 'filter' files from code library. Basic idea is to:
check my source files (in src\ folder, or any watched folders that don't match library pattern),
build a list of imported/required modules from code library (in lib\ folder, outside src\, somewhere on disk)
check files against this list and 'approve' or 'reject' them
compile only what's 'approved', so I don't end up with huge files that have all modules/components from my library, but only what I use in particular project
When I work only with JavaScript files this.pattern = /.*(js|jsx)$/; everything works fine. Next step is to include more files, since many modules/components in library have some sort of template or stylesheets, for example this is one AngularJS module:
But when I expand the pattern to include other files this.pattern = /.*/;, I run into all sorts of issues (; Most have to do with pipline - those are the kinds of errors I'm getting. For example:
jshint-brunch doesn't like
html-brunch won't wrap template.html
stylus-brunch and sass-brunch are also unhappy
I've tried solving these problems individually, for example if I disable html-brunch ['html-brunch'], and add this code inside the compiler function, it kinda works:
if( params.path.match(/.html$/) ) { = "module.exports = function() { return " + JSON.stringify( + ";};";
return callback(null, this.config.modules.wrapper(params.path,;
..but I couldn't resolve all the issues. Pretty much all problems have to do with this line in the compiler function: return callback(null, null);. When I 'reject' a file next plugin gets something undefined and breaks...
Any ideas how to solve this?
I'd like to eventually expand plugin's functionality to handle static assets too, for example copy lib\images\placeholder-1.jpg (but not placeholder-2.jpg) from library if it's used in html files, but I'm stuck at this point...
Here's the code of the plugin:
var CodeLibrary;
module.exports = CodeLibrary = (function() {
var required = [];
CodeLibrary.prototype.brunchPlugin = true;
function CodeLibrary(config) {
this.config = config;
this.pattern = /.*/;
this.watched = this.config.paths.watched.filter(function(path) {
return !path.match( config.plugins.library.pattern );
function is_required(path) {
var name = this.config.modules.nameCleaner(path);
return required.some(function(e, i, a) { return name.match(e); });
function in_library(path) {
return Boolean(path.match( this.config.plugins.library.pattern ));
function is_watched(path) {
return this.watched.some(function(e, i, a) { return path.match( e ); });
CodeLibrary.prototype.lint = function(data, path, callback) {
if( !is_watched.apply(this, [path]) &&
!is_required.apply(this, [path]) )
return callback();
var es6_pattern = /import .*'(.*)'/gm;
var commonjs_pattern = /require\('(.*)'\)/gm;
var match = es6_pattern.exec(data) || commonjs_pattern.exec(data);
while( match != null ) {
if( required.indexOf(match[1]) === -1 )
required.push( match[1] );
match = es6_pattern.exec(data) || commonjs_pattern.exec(data);
CodeLibrary.prototype.compile = function(params, callback) {
if( is_required.apply(this, [params.path]) ||
!in_library.apply(this, [params.path]) )
return callback(null, params);
return callback(null, null);
return CodeLibrary;


Renaming multiple files asyncroniosly causing error in Node.js

I am trying to rename a bunch of pre-generated testing files (1000+) asynchronously in Node.js.
The code looks like the following:
const fs = require('fs')
const { each } = require('async')
each(files, file => {
let newfile = 'new' + file
fs.rename(file, newfile, err => {
err ? console.log(err) : console.log('renamed')
This leads to following error:
Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '8d3320e35d22772f'
at fs.lstatSync (fs.js:902:18)
at Object.fs.lstatSync
It's not async module issue, since replacing each with native forEach leads to the same error. Also, there are no issues when using synchronous version of rename fs.renameSync.
I think it's trying to move some file twice or so but can't figure where exactly mistake is. Made this assumption, because all files have been already renamed successfully and very likely error generated afterward. Can someone advice what causing such behavior?
My bad. Just in case someone curious, this error came from following underlying function:
function rmDir(dir) {
var list = fs.readdirSync(dir);
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var dirOrFile = path.join(dir, list[i]);
var stat = fs.lstatSync(dirOrFile);
if(dirOrFile == "." || dirOrFile == "..") {
// pass these files
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// rmdir recursively
// else { fs.unlinkSync(dirOrFile) } // rm fiilename

Node.js moving contents of subdirectory into current directory

I have a Node script that downloads a zip into tmp/ and extracts that to tmp/archive.
I would like to move the contents of tmp/archive into .. I'm having difficulty finding how to use fs.rename in a way that is equivalent to mv tmp/archive/* .
I have tried fs.rename('tmp/archive/*', '.', function(err){ but that gives me the following error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename 'tmp/archive/*' -> '.'
I have also tried using glob to list the contents of tmp/archive and then iterate through it and move the files using fs-extra's move, as follows:
glob('tmp/archive/*', {}, function(err, files){
for (var i = files.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
fs.move(files[i], '.', function(err){});
which results in the folowing error: Error: EEXIST: file already exists, link 'tmp/archive/subdirectory' -> '.'
I could just call mv tmp/archive/* . from the script but i would like to avoid that if possible. Is there something obvious I am missing? How can I go about doing this?
Here's one way to move a directory of files from one location to another (assuming they are on the same volume and thus can be renamed rather than copied):
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
var path = require('path');
function moveFiles(srcDir, destDir) {
return fs.readdirAsync(srcDir).map(function(file) {
var destFile = path.join(destDir, file);
return fs.renameAsync(path.join(srcDir, file), destFile).then(function() {
return destFile;
// sample usage:
moveFiles(path.join(".", "tempSource"), path.join(".", "tempDest")).then(function(files) {
// all done here
}).catch(function(err) {
// error here
This will move both files and sub-directories in the srcDir to destDir. Since fs.rename() will move a sub-directory all at once, you don't have to traverse recursively.
When designing a function like this, you have a choice of error behavior. The above implementation aborts upon the first error. You could change the implementation to move all files possible and then just return a list of files that could not be moved.
Here's a version that renames all files that it can and if there were any errors, it rejects at the end with a list of the files that failed and their error objects:
function moveFilesAll(srcDir, destDir) {
return fs.readdirAsync(srcDir).map(function(file) {
var destFile = path.join(destDir, file);
var srcFile = path.join(srcDir, file);
return fs.renameAsync(srcFile, destFile).then(function() {
return {file: srcFile, err: 0};
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("error on " + srcFile);
return {file: srcFile, err: err}
}).then(function(files) {
var errors = files.filter(function(item) {
return item.err !== 0;
if (errors.length > 0) {
// reject with a list of error files and their corresponding errors
throw errors;
// for success, return list of all files moved
return files.filter(function(item) {
return item.file;
// sample usage:
moveFilesAll(path.join(".", "tempSource"), path.join(".", "tempDest")).then(function(files) {
// all done here
}).catch(function(errors) {
// list of errors here

Copy specified files with condition using gulp

I am trying copy my vendor files to my dev folder using gulp. When I was in development mode, I want copy only the unminified files, if unminified is not present copy minified files. And in production mode I want copy minifed files if files are not present minify the normal files.
my folder structure
Here my basic I had written.
var scriptsPath = '../vendor/';
function getFolders(dir) {
return fs.readdirSync(dir)
.filter(function(file) {
return fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory();
gulp.task('vendor', function() {
var folders = getFolders(scriptsPath);
var cssFilter = $.filter('**/*.css')
var tasks = {
var jsFilter;
if (isProduction) {
jsFilter = $.filter('**/*.min.js');
} else {
jsFilter = $.filter(['**/*.js', '!**/*.min.js']);
return gulp.src(path.join(scriptsPath, '**/'))
.pipe($.if(useSourceMaps, $.sourcemaps.init()))
.pipe($.if(isProduction, $.uglify({preserveComments: 'some'})))
.on('error', handleError)
.pipe($.if( isProduction, $.minifyCss() ))
.on('error', handleError)
.on('error', handleError)
return es.concat.apply(null, tasks);
I am trying the last two days using gulp-if& some methods. But not yet get the solution.Thanks in advance.
You are trying to cram way to much into your vendor task. The stuff you do with your JS files is completely unrelated to the stuff you do with your CSS files. That's hard to read.
Instead of using gulp-filter try splitting vendor up into smaller tasks like vendor-js, vendor-css, etc... and then declare them as dependencies for your vendor task:
gulp.task('vendor', ['vendor-js', 'vendor-css' /* etc ... */]);
Your vendor-js task could then look like this:
var glob = require('glob');
gulp.task('vendor-js', function () {
var js = glob.sync('../vendor/**/*.js');
if (isProduction) {
// use <file>.min.js, unless there is only <file>.js
js = js.filter(function(file) {
return file.match(/\.min\.js$/) ||
js.indexOf(file.replace(/\.js$/, '.min.js')) < 0;
} else {
// use <file>.js, unless there is only <file>.min.js
js = js.filter(function(file) {
return !file.match(/\.min\.js$/) ||
js.indexOf(file.replace(/\.min\.js$/, '.js')) < 0;
gulp.src(js, { base: '../vendor' })
.pipe($.if(isProduction, // only minify for prod and when
$.if("!**/*.min.js", uglify()))) // the file isn't minified already
Adapting this to you specific needs should be fairly trivial from here on.

Write to same file from multiple tasks (Gulp, Node, gulp-json)

I've just started using Gulp (and NodeJs)... Obviously I ran into my first wall.
Here it is:
I have a large project that uses themes. Each theme has it's own assets (scss and js files). Here is my gulpfile.js:
// < require block here (not included, to keep this short)
var themes = ["theme1", "theme2", "theme3"];
// Since I can have up to 20 different themes, I use the 'themes' array so I can create tasks dynamically, like this:
themes.forEach(function (theme) {
gulp.task('css:' + theme, function () {
setVersion([theme], 'css'); // write asset version into a json file
gulp.src('../themes/frontend/' + theme + '/assets/css/style.scss')
.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}).on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(gulp.dest('../themes/frontend/' + theme + '/assets/css'))
// Of course, I need an "all" task to build all CSS in rare ocasions I need to do so:
gulp.task('css:all', ("css:" + themes.join(",css:")).split(","));
// ("css:" + themes.join(",css:")).split(",") => results in the needed ['css:theme1', 'css:theme2'] tasks array
// The same logic as above for JS files
// but added the use of gulp-concat and gulp-uglify
// Having scripts = { "theme1" : ['script1', 'script2'], "theme2": ['script1', 'script2'] }
// ...
// And "per theme" both "css and js"
themes.forEach(function (theme) {
gulp.task('theme:' + theme, ['css:' + theme, 'js:' + theme]);
// Next I need to set versions for each asset
// I'm writing all the versions into a json file
assetsVersion = someRandomGeneratedNumber;
function setVersion(themes, assetType) {
* themes: array
* assetType: 'all', 'css' or 'js'
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require("path");
var versionsFilePath = path.normalize(__dirname + '/../protected/config/theme/frontend/');
var versionsFileName = '_assets-version.json';
if (!fs.existsSync(versionsFilePath + versionsFileName)) {
// Create file if it doesn't exist
fs.writeFile(versionsFilePath + versionsFileName, "{}", function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
gulp.src(versionsFilePath + versionsFileName)
.pipe(jeditor(function (json) {
themes.forEach(function(theme) {
if ("undefined" == typeof (json[theme])) {
json[theme] = {};
if ('css' == assetType) {
json[theme]['css'] = assetsVersion;
} else if ('js' == assetType) {
json[theme]['js'] = assetsVersion;
} else {
json[theme] = {"css": assetsVersion, "js": assetsVersion};
if ("undefined" == typeof(json[theme]['css'])) {
// if we're missing the 'css' key (i.e. we've just created the json file), add that too
json[theme]['css'] = assetsVersion;
if ("undefined" == typeof(json[theme]['js'])) {
// if we're missing the 'js' key (i.e. we've just created the json file), add that too
json[theme]['js'] = assetsVersion;
return json;
The assets versioning json should look like this:
"theme1": {
"css": "20150928163236",
"js": "20150928163236"
"theme2": {
"css": "20150928163236",
"js": "20150928163236"
"theme3": {
"css": "20150928163236",
"js": "20150928163236"
running 'gulp css:theme#' - works fine...
BUT running 'gulp css:all' - makes a messy json
Of course, this happens because all css:theme# (or js:theme#) tasks run async, and more often than not there are multiple tasks writing simultaneously to my json file.
I've read about tasks depending on other tasks, but that doesn't really fit into my whole "dynamic tasks" flow (or I don't know how to fit it in).
I mean I don't think that this:
gulp.task('css:theme1', ['versioning'], function() {
//do stuff after 'versioning' task is done.
would help me. SO what if it waits for the version to be written? Multiple tasks would still write to the file at the same time. Also, for this to work, I would need to pass parameters that I also don't know how to do... like:
gulp.task('css:'+theme, ['versioning --theme ' + theme], function() {
//do stuff after 'versioning' task is done.
Like I could make it work in the console. I know this isn't working, BUT would be really useful in some cases if it would somehow be possible to send parameters to the task in the task name.
Neither runSequence() { ... done(); }, I really don't see how could I make it work within my flow...
Please, anybody... help a newb...
How can I solve this, while:
Having tasks created dynamically;
Having one versioning json file for all themes.

How to create full path with node's fs.mkdirSync?

I'm trying to create a full path if it doesn't exist.
The code looks like this:
var fs = require('fs');
if (!fs.existsSync(newDest)) fs.mkdirSync(newDest);
This code works great as long as there is only one subdirectory (a newDest like 'dir1') however when there is a directory path like ('dir1/dir2') it fails with
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory
I'd like to be able to create the full path with as few lines of code as necessary.
I read there is a recursive option on fs and tried it like this
var fs = require('fs');
if (!fs.existsSync(newDest)) fs.mkdirSync(newDest,'0777', true);
I feel like it should be that simple to recursively create a directory that doesn't exist. Am I missing something or do I need to parse the path and check each directory and create it if it doesn't already exist?
I'm pretty new to Node. Maybe I'm using an old version of FS?
NodeJS version 10.12.0 has added a native support for both mkdir and mkdirSync to create a directory recursively with recursive: true option as the following:
fs.mkdirSync(targetDir, { recursive: true });
And if you prefer fs Promises API, you can write
fs.promises.mkdir(targetDir, { recursive: true });
Original Answer
Create directories recursively if they do not exist! (Zero dependencies)
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function mkDirByPathSync(targetDir, { isRelativeToScript = false } = {}) {
const sep = path.sep;
const initDir = path.isAbsolute(targetDir) ? sep : '';
const baseDir = isRelativeToScript ? __dirname : '.';
return targetDir.split(sep).reduce((parentDir, childDir) => {
const curDir = path.resolve(baseDir, parentDir, childDir);
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'EEXIST') { // curDir already exists!
return curDir;
// To avoid `EISDIR` error on Mac and `EACCES`-->`ENOENT` and `EPERM` on Windows.
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { // Throw the original parentDir error on curDir `ENOENT` failure.
throw new Error(`EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '${parentDir}'`);
const caughtErr = ['EACCES', 'EPERM', 'EISDIR'].indexOf(err.code) > -1;
if (!caughtErr || caughtErr && curDir === path.resolve(targetDir)) {
throw err; // Throw if it's just the last created dir.
return curDir;
}, initDir);
// Default, make directories relative to current working directory.
// Make directories relative to the current script.
mkDirByPathSync('path/to/dir', {isRelativeToScript: true});
// Make directories with an absolute path.
Try It!
[UPDATE] This solution handles platform-specific errors like EISDIR for Mac and EPERM and EACCES for Windows. Thanks to all the reporting comments by #PediT., #JohnQ, #deed02392, #robyoder and #Almenon.
This solution handles both relative and absolute paths. Thanks to #john comment.
In the case of relative paths, target directories will be created (resolved) in the current working directory. To Resolve them relative to the current script dir, pass {isRelativeToScript: true}.
Using path.sep and path.resolve(), not just / concatenation, to avoid cross-platform issues.
Using fs.mkdirSync and handling the error with try/catch if thrown to handle race conditions: another process may add the file between the calls to fs.existsSync() and fs.mkdirSync() and causes an exception.
The other way to achieve that could be checking if a file exists then creating it, I.e, if (!fs.existsSync(curDir) fs.mkdirSync(curDir);. But this is an anti-pattern that leaves the code vulnerable to race conditions. Thanks to #GershomMaes comment about the directory existence check.
Requires Node v6 and newer to support destructuring. (If you have problems implementing this solution with old Node versions, just leave me a comment)
A more robust answer is to use use mkdirp.
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
mkdirp('/path/to/dir', function (err) {
if (err) console.error(err)
else console.log('dir created')
Then proceed to write the file into the full path with:
fs.writeFile ('/path/to/dir/file.dat'....
One option is to use shelljs module
npm install shelljs
var shell = require('shelljs');
shell.mkdir('-p', fullPath);
From that page:
Available options:
p: full path (will create intermediate dirs if necessary)
As others have noted, there's other more focused modules. But, outside of mkdirp, it has tons of other useful shell operations (like which, grep etc...) and it works on windows and *nix
Edit: comments suggest this doesn't work on systems that don't have mkdir cli instances. That is not the case. That's the point shelljs - create a portable cross platform set of shell like functions. It works on even windows.
fs-extra adds file system methods that aren't included in the native fs module. It is a drop in replacement for fs.
Install fs-extra
$ npm install --save fs-extra
const fs = require("fs-extra");
// Make sure the output directory is there.
There are sync and async options.
Using reduce we can verify if each path exists and create it if necessary, also this way I think it is easier to follow. Edited, thanks #Arvin, we should use path.sep to get the proper platform-specific path segment separator.
const path = require('path');
// Path separators could change depending on the platform
const pathToCreate = 'path/to/dir';
.reduce((prevPath, folder) => {
const currentPath = path.join(prevPath, folder, path.sep);
if (!fs.existsSync(currentPath)){
return currentPath;
}, '');
This feature has been added to node.js in version 10.12.0, so it's as easy as passing an option {recursive: true} as second argument to the fs.mkdir() call.
See the example in the official docs.
No need for external modules or your own implementation.
i know this is an old question, but nodejs v10.12.0 now supports this natively with the recursive option set to true. fs.mkdir
// Creates /tmp/a/apple, regardless of whether `/tmp` and /tmp/a exist.
fs.mkdir('/tmp/a/apple', { recursive: true }, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
Now with NodeJS >= 10.12.0, you can use fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true }) fs.mkdirSync
Example for Windows (no extra dependencies and error handling)
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
let dir = "C:\\temp\\dir1\\dir2\\dir3";
function createDirRecursively(dir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
createDirRecursively(path.join(dir, ".."));
createDirRecursively(dir); //creates dir1\dir2\dir3 in C:\temp
You can simply check folder exist or not in path recursively and make the folder as you check if they are not present. (NO EXTERNAL LIBRARY)
function checkAndCreateDestinationPath (fileDestination) {
const dirPath = fileDestination.split('/');
dirPath.forEach((element, index) => {
if(!fs.existsSync(dirPath.slice(0, index + 1).join('/'))){
fs.mkdirSync(dirPath.slice(0, index + 1).join('/'));
You can use the next function
const recursiveUpload = (path: string) => {
const paths = path.split("/")
const fullPath = paths.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
return `${accumulator}/${current}`
return fullPath
So what it does:
Create paths variable, where it stores every path by itself as an element of the array.
Adds "/" at the end of each element in the array.
Makes for the cycle:
Creates a directory from the concatenation of array elements which indexes are from 0 to current iteration. Basically, it is recursive.
Hope that helps!
By the way, in Node v10.12.0 you can use recursive path creation by giving it as the additional argument.
fs.mkdir('/tmp/a/apple', { recursive: true }, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
Too many answers, but here's a solution without recursion that works by splitting the path and then left-to-right building it back up again
function mkdirRecursiveSync(path) {
let paths = path.split(path.delimiter);
let fullPath = '';
paths.forEach((path) => {
if (fullPath === '') {
fullPath = path;
} else {
fullPath = fullPath + '/' + path;
if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) {
For those concerned about windows vs Linux compatibility, simply replace the forward slash with double backslash '\' in both occurrence above but TBH we are talking about node fs not windows command line and the former is pretty forgiving and the above code will simply work on Windows and is more a complete solution cross platform.
const fs = require('fs');
try {
fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
} catch (error) {
// this make script keep running, even when folder already exist
An asynchronous way to create directories recursively:
import fs from 'fs'
const mkdirRecursive = function(path, callback) {
let controlledPaths = []
let paths = path.split(
'/' // Put each path in an array
p => p != '.' // Skip root path indicator (.)
).reduce((memo, item) => {
// Previous item prepended to each item so we preserve realpaths
const prevItem = memo.length > 0 ? memo.join('/').replace(/\.\//g, '')+'/' : ''
return [...memo, './'+prevItem+item]
}, []).map(dir => {
fs.mkdir(dir, err => {
if (err && err.code != 'EEXIST') throw err
// Delete created directory (or skipped) from controlledPath
controlledPaths.splice(controlledPaths.indexOf(dir), 1)
if (controlledPaths.length === 0) {
return callback()
// Usage
mkdirRecursive('./photos/recent', () => {
console.log('Directories created succesfully!')
Here's my imperative version of mkdirp for nodejs.
function mkdirSyncP(location) {
let normalizedPath = path.normalize(location);
let parsedPathObj = path.parse(normalizedPath);
let curDir = parsedPathObj.root;
let folders = parsedPathObj.dir.split(path.sep);
for(let part of folders) {
curDir = path.join(curDir, part);
if (!fs.existsSync(curDir)) {
How about this approach :
if (!fs.existsSync(pathToFile)) {
var dirName = "";
var filePathSplit = pathToFile.split('/');
for (var index = 0; index < filePathSplit.length; index++) {
dirName += filePathSplit[index]+'/';
if (!fs.existsSync(dirName))
This works for relative path.
Based on mouneer's zero-dependencies answer, here's a slightly more beginner friendly Typescript variant, as a module:
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
* Recursively creates directories until `targetDir` is valid.
* #param targetDir target directory path to be created recursively.
* #param isRelative is the provided `targetDir` a relative path?
export function mkdirRecursiveSync(targetDir: string, isRelative = false) {
const sep = path.sep;
const initDir = path.isAbsolute(targetDir) ? sep : '';
const baseDir = isRelative ? __dirname : '.';
targetDir.split(sep).reduce((prevDirPath, dirToCreate) => {
const curDirPathToCreate = path.resolve(baseDir, prevDirPath, dirToCreate);
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') {
throw err;
// caught EEXIST error if curDirPathToCreate already existed (not a problem for us).
return curDirPathToCreate; // becomes prevDirPath on next call to reduce
}, initDir);
As clean as this :)
function makedir(fullpath) {
let destination_split = fullpath.replace('/', '\\').split('\\')
let path_builder = destination_split[0]
$.each(destination_split, function (i, path_segment) {
if (i < 1) return true
path_builder += '\\' + path_segment
if (!fs.existsSync(path_builder)) {
I had issues with the recursive option of fs.mkdir so I made a function that does the following:
Creates a list of all directories, starting with the final target dir and working up to the root parent.
Creates a new list of needed directories for the mkdir function to work
Makes each directory needed, including the final
function createDirectoryIfNotExistsRecursive(dirname) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fs = require('fs');
var slash = '/';
// backward slashes for windows
if(require('os').platform() === 'win32') {
slash = '\\';
// initialize directories with final directory
var directories_backwards = [dirname];
var minimize_dir = dirname;
while (minimize_dir = minimize_dir.substring(0, minimize_dir.lastIndexOf(slash))) {
var directories_needed = [];
//stop on first directory found
for(const d in directories_backwards) {
if(!(fs.existsSync(directories_backwards[d]))) {
} else {
//no directories missing
if(!directories_needed.length) {
return resolve();
// make all directories in ascending order
var directories_forwards = directories_needed.reverse();
for(const d in directories_forwards) {
return resolve();
I solved the problem this way - similar to other recursive answers but to me this is much easier to understand and read.
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
function mkdirRecurse(inputPath) {
if (fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {
const basePath = path.dirname(inputPath);
if (fs.existsSync(basePath)) {
Could not find an example to create dir's with the required permissions.
Create Directories async recursively with the permissions you want.
Heres a plain nodejs solution
node v18.12.1
Ubuntu 18
const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = fs.promises;
const checkDirAccess = async (userDir) => {
try {
await fsPromises.access(userDir, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK);
console.log(` ${userDir} Dir existss`);
return userDir;
} catch (err) {
if(err.errno = -2)
return await crDir(userDir);
throw err;
const crDir = async (userDir) => {
try {
let newDir = await fsPromises.mkdir(userDir, { recursive: true, mode: 0o700});
// When userDir is created; newDir = undefined;
console.log(` Created new Dir ${newDir}`);
return newDir;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
const directoryPath = ['uploads/xvc/xvc/xvc/specs', 'uploads/testDir11', 'uploads/xsXa/', 'uploads//xsb//', 'uploads//xsV/'];
const findDir = async() => {
try {
for (const iterator of directoryPath) {
let dirOK = await checkDirAccess(iterator);
console.log(`found ${dirOK}`)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error : ', error);
Exec can be messy on windows. There is a more "nodie" solution. Fundamentally, you have a recursive call to see if a directory exists and dive into the child (if it does exist) or create it. Here is a function that will create the children and call a function when finished:
fs = require('fs');
makedirs = function(path, func) {
var pth = path.replace(/['\\]+/g, '/');
var els = pth.split('/');
var all = "";
(function insertOne() {
var el = els.splice(0, 1)[0];
if (!fs.existsSync(all + el)) {
fs.mkdirSync(all + el);
all += el + "/";
if (els.length == 0) {
} else {
This version works better on Windows than the top answer because it understands both / and path.sep so that forward slashes work on Windows as they should. Supports absolute and relative paths (relative to the process.cwd).
* Creates a folder and if necessary, parent folders also. Returns true
* if any folders were created. Understands both '/' and path.sep as
* path separators. Doesn't try to create folders that already exist,
* which could cause a permissions error. Gracefully handles the race
* condition if two processes are creating a folder. Throws on error.
* #param targetDir Name of folder to create
export function mkdirSyncRecursive(targetDir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(targetDir)) {
for (var i = targetDir.length-2; i >= 0; i--) {
if (targetDir.charAt(i) == '/' || targetDir.charAt(i) == path.sep) {
mkdirSyncRecursive(targetDir.slice(0, i));
try {
return true;
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') throw err;
return false;
