Extracting the number of members inside a structure - struct

How would I go about extracting the number of members inside a structure for a cond.
For example. I have two different structures, one with two members and another with three. How would I extract the number of members in my structures in this case?
(define-struct triangle (vertex1 vertex2 vertex3))
(define-struct rectangle (vertex1 vertex2))
(define (shape=? shape1 shape2)
Where shape1 can be a triangle or rectangle.
I may be approaching the question wrong, but I need shape=? to produce true if shape1 and shape2 are both triangles or both rectangles, and false otherwise.
Thank you.

Your problem description pretty much describes what's required:
(define (shape=? shape1 shape2)
(or (and (triangle? shape1) (triangle? shape2))
(and (rectangle? shape1) (rectangle? shape2))))


Computing the area filled by matplotlib.pyplot.fill(...)

I'd like to compute the area inside of a curve defined by two vectors a and b. For your reference the curve looks something like this (pyplot.plot(a,b)):
I saw matplotlib has a fill functionality that let you fill the area enclosed by the curve:
I'm wondering, there's any way to obtain the area filled using that same function? It would be very useful as the other way I'm thinking of computing that area is through numerical integration, much more cumbersome.
Thank you for your time.
If you really want to find the area that was filled by matplotlib.pyplot.fill(a, b), you can use its output as follows:
def computeArea(pos):
x, y = (zip(*pos))
return 0.5 * numpy.abs(numpy.dot(x, numpy.roll(y, 1)) - numpy.dot(y, numpy.roll(x, 1)))
# pyplot.fill(a, b) will return a list of matplotlib.patches.Polygon.
polygon = matplotlib.pyplot.fill(a, b)
# The area of the polygon can be computed as follows:
# (you could also sum the areas of all polygons in the list).
This method is based on this answer,
and it is not the most efficient one.

Making holes in GeoJson Shapes - clipperLib

I have several overlapping shapes. I want to be able to make holes in the biggest shape that contains all the smaller shapes. the holes will represent the smaller shapes within the bigger shape.
sample image:
I am using the C# version of ClipperLib:
const double precisionFactor = 1000000000000000.0;
//precondition: all your polygons have the same orientation
//(ie either clockwise or counter clockwise)
Polygons polys = new Polygons();
multiPolygon.ForEach(x =>
Polygon polygon = x.First().Select( y => new IntPoint()
X = (long)(y[0] * precisionFactor),
Y = (long)(y[1] * precisionFactor)
Polygons solution = new Polygons();
Clipper c = new Clipper();
c.AddPaths(polys, PolyType.ptSubject,true);
c.Execute(ClipType.ctDifference, solution,
PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
var coordinates = solution.SelectMany(x => x.Select(y=> (IList<double>)new List<double>()
y.X / precisionFactor,
y.Y / precisionFactor
}).ToList()) .ToList();
return coordinates;
but the shape that gets returned is the biggest shape in the above picture.
GeoJson File:
When you state that you "want to be able to make holes in the biggest shape", I think you're misunderstanding the way the Clipper library manages/defines polygon regions. In Clipper, polygons are defined by a series of closed paths together with a specified polygon filling rule - most commonly either EvenOdd or NonZero filling. (Polygons are almost always defined in this way in graphics display libraries.)
Hence with your data above, since you're using NonZero filling, the 'hole' paths must be orientated in the opposite direction to the orientation of the container outer path. If the inner paths have the same orientation as the outer container, then performing a 'difference' clipping operation using NonZero filling will correctly ignore the inner paths.
As a side note, when performing a clipping operation on a single set of polygons (ie when there are no clipping paths) it's more intuitive to perform a 'union' operation since subject paths are 'union'-ed (as are clip paths) before any clipping op between subject and clip regions.

How to get penetration vector of two rects?

Suppose if I have two rects with x,y,w,h and one is stationary and the other is moving at vx, vy. I already calculated that they overlap each other and I know the overlap rect as well. What I am interested in finding out is the red vector in the below graph:
This is different than a minimum adjustment vector because as you can see, the minimum adjustment would just move rect A leftwards, whereas the red vector moves it leftwards and upwards. Is there an efficient way to calculate this?
The movement vector V0 and penetration vector V1 are anti-parallel
so you can exploit that:
where dx,dy is the overlap area size so
if (|V0.x|>=|V0.y|)
if (|V0.x|<|V0.y|)
Hope I did not make some silly mistake but anyway the idea behind should be strait-forward. If not make the parametric line equation of V0 ... You can also exploit the dot product for this but that should lead to the same results ...

How can I detect and remove unneeded points in cubic bezier

Here is example image of what I want to do:
I want to calculate Path 1 from Path 2.
Screenshot made from Inkscape, where I'm, at first, create Path 1, then add p3 to the original path. This is didn't change the original path at all, because new point actually unneeded. So, how can I detect this point(p3) using Path 2 SVG path representation and calculate Path 1 from Path 2?
Basically, I search for the math formulas, which can help me to convert(also checking that whether it is possible):
C 200,300 300,250 400,250 C 500,250 600,300 600,400
C 200,200 600,200 600,400
You're solving a constraint problem. Taking your first compound curve, and using four explicit coordinates for each subcurve, we have:
points1 = point[8];
points2 = point[4];
with the following correspondences:
points1[0] == points2[0];
points1[7] == points2[3];
direction(points1[0],points1[1]) == direction(points2[0], points2[1]);
direction(points1[6],points1[7]) == direction(points2[2], points2[3]);
we also have a constraint on the relative placement for points2[1] and points2[2] due to the tangent of the center point in your compound curve:
direction(points1[2],points[4]) == direction(points2[1],points2[2]);
and lastly, we have a general constraint on where on- and off-curve points can be for cubic curves if we want the curve to pass through a point, which is described over at http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#moulding
Taking the "abc" ratio from that section, we can check whether your compound curve parameters fit a cubic curve: if we construct a new cubic curve with points
A = points1[0];
B = points1[3];
C = points1[7];
with B at t=0.5 (in this case), then we can verify whether the resulting curve fits the constraints that must hold for this to be a legal simplification.
The main problem here is that we, in general, don't know whether the "in between start and end" point should fall on t=0.5, or whether it's a different t value. The easiest solution is to see how far that point is along the total curve (using arc length: distance = arclength(c1) / arclength(c1)+arclength(c2) will tell us) and use that as initial guess for t, iterating outward on either side for a few values.
The second option is to solve a generic cubic equation for the tangent vector at your "in between" point. We form a cubic curve with points
points3 = [ points1[0], points1[1], points1[6], points1[7] ];
and then solve its derivative equations to find one or more t values that have the same tangent direction (but not magnitude!) as our in-between point. Once we have those (and we might have more than 2), we evaluate whether we can create a curve through our three points of interest with the middle point set to each of those found t values. Either one or zero of the found t values will yield a legal curve. If we have one: perfect, we found a simplification. If we find none, then the compound curve cannot be simplified into a single cubic curve.

Finding the bounds of an area covered by n of m rectangles

I have a set of m non-rotated, integer (pixel) aligned rectangles, each of which may or may not overlap. The rectangles cover thousands of pixels. I need to find the minimum sized bounding box that covers all areas that are covered by n of the m rectangles.
A (dirty) way of doing this is to paint a canvas that covers the area of all the targets. This is O(mk) where m is the number of rectangles and k is the number of pixels per rectangle. However since k is much greater than m I think there is a better solution out there.
This feels like a dynamic programming problem...but I am having trouble figuring out the recursion.
Solution which is better but still not great:
Sort the start and end points of all the rectangles in the X direction O(mlogm), iterate and find the x positions that may have over n rectangles, O(m) loop. For each x position that may have over n rectangles, take the rectangles at that position and sort the starts and stops at that position (O(mlogm)). Find the region of overlap, keep track of the bounds that way. Overall, O(m^2logm).
Hello MadScienceDreams,
Just to clarify, the bounding box is also non-rotated, correct?
If this is the case, then just keep track of the four variables: minX, maxX, minY, maxY–representing left-most, right-most, top-most, and bottom-most pixels–that define the bounding box, loop through each of the rectangles updating the four variables, and defining the new bounding box given those four variables.
It looks like you are asking about finding the bounds of some subset of rectangles, not the whole set.
So you have M rectangles, and you choose N rectangles from them, and find the bounds within that.
Even in this situation, looping through the N rectangles and keeping track of their bound would be at most O(m), which isn't bad at all.
I feel that I must be misunderstanding your question since this response isn't what you are probably looking for; is your question actually trying to ask how to precompute the bounds so that given any subset, know the total bounds in constant time?
Is this defines your question? For bounding box => #rect_label >= n
How about we starts with one box and find the next box that has nearest furthest corner from it. Now we have a region with two box. Recursively find the next region, until we have n boxes.
While we need to start on every box, we only need to actively work on the currently smallest regions. The effect is we start from the smallest cluster of boxes and expand out from there.
If n is closer to m than 0, we can reverse the search tree so that we start from the omni-all-enclosing box, chopping off each bordering box to create the next search level. Assuming we only actively work on the smallest remaining region, effect is we chop off the emptiest region first.
Is it too complicated? Sorry I can't remember the name of this search. I'm not good at maths, so I'll skip the O notation. >_<
I propose the following algorithm :
if (findBorder('left')) {
foreach (direction in ['top', 'right', 'bottom']) {
} else noIntersectionExists
prepareData (O(mlogm)):
Order vertical bounds and horizontal bounds
Save the result as:
- two arrays that point to the rectangle (arrX and arrY)
- save the index as a property of the rectangle (rectangle.leftIndex, rectangle.topIndex, etc.
findBorder(left): // the other direction are similar
best case O(n), worst case O(2m-n)
arrIntersections = new Array;
//an intersection has a depth (number of rectangles intersected), a top and bottom border and list of rectangles
for(i=0; i < 2*m-n-1; i++){ // or (i = 2*m-1; i > n; i--)
addToIntersections(arrX[i].rectangle, direction);
if(max(intersections.depth) = n) break;
} else {
removeFromIntersections(arrX[i].rectangle, direction);
addToIntersections(rectangle, direction): // explanations for direction=left
Best case: O(n), worst case: O(m)
hasIntersected = false;
foreach(intersection in intersection){
if(intersect(intersection, rectangle)){
hasIntersected = true
intersections[] = {
depth: intersection.depth,
bottom: min(intersection.bottom, rectangle.bottom),
top: max(...)}
intersection.bottom = max(intersection.bottom, rectangle.bottom)
intersection.top = max(...)
intersections[]={depth:1, bottom:rectangle.bottom, top:rectangle.top}
This gives an overall order between O(n^2) and O(m*(m-n/2))
I hope my pseudo code is clear enough
