Add custom attribute to QCheckBox widget - pyqt

I have (I think) a simple question but haven't had much luck trying to find an answer. Really new to pyqt!
I am dynamically adding a number of QtGui.QCheckBox() widgets to a gridLayout based on a number of factors. My question is, how can I add a custom attr to each chkbox widget? I want to store a few custom things inside each qt widget.
Thanks for any help. A basic example would be most useful.

You can also use the .setProperty() method, aka Dynamic Properties:
self.the_wdiget.setProperty("my_string", "hello")
self.the_wdiget.setProperty("my_bool", True)
self.the_wdiget.setProperty("my_int", 10)
self.the_wdiget.setProperty("my_stringList", ['sl1', 'sl2', 'sl3'])
# And get it by:"my_bool") # etc.
Strings can also be set to translateable. E.g.
self.the_widget.setProperty("my_string", _translate("Dialog", "hello"))
Also see:

You can just subclass the QCheckBox class. For example:
class MyCheckBox(QtGui.QCheckBox):
def __init__(self, my_param, *args, **kwargs):
QtGui.QCheckBox.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.custom_param = my_param
Here we override the __init__ method which is called automatically when you instantiate the class. We add an extra parameter my_param to the signature and then collect any arguments and keyword arguments specified into args and kwargs.
In our new __init__ method, we first call the original QCheckBox.__init__ passing a reference to the new object self and unpacking the arguments are keyword arguments we captured. We then save the new parameter passed in an an instance attribute.
Now that you have this new class, if you previously created (instantiated) checkbox's by calling x = QtGui.QCheckBox('text, parent) you would now call x = MyCheckBox(my_param, 'text', parent) and you could access your parameter via x.custom_param.


MetaClass in Python

I am trying to create a Meta-Class for my Class.
I have tried to print information about my class in meta-class
Now I have created two objects of my class
But Second object gets created without referencing my Meta-Class
Does Meta Class gets called only once per Class??
Any help will be appreciated
class Singleton(type):
def __new__(cls,name,bases,attr):
print (f"name {name}")
print (f"bases {bases}")
print (f"attr {attr}")
print ("Space Please")
return super(Singleton,cls).__new__(cls,name,bases,attr)
class Multiply(metaclass = Singleton):
objA = Multiply()
objB = Multiply()
print (objA)
print (objB)
Yes - the metaclass's __new__ and __init__ methods are called only when the class is created. After that, in your example, the class will be bound to theMultiply name. In many aspects, it is just an object like any other in Python. When you do objA = Multiply() you are not creating a new instance of type(Multiply), which is the metaclass - you are creating a new instance of Multiply itself: Multiply.__new__ and Multiply.__init__ are called.
Now, there is this: the mechanism in Python which make __new__ and __init__ be called when creating an instance is the code in the metaclass __call__ method. That is, just as when you create any class with a __call__ method and use an instance of it with the calling syntax obj() will invoke type(obj).__call__(obj), when you do Multiply() what is called (in this case) is Singleton.__call__(Multiply).
Since it is not implemented, Singleton's superclass, which is type __call__ method is called instead - and it is in there that Multiply.__new__ and __init__ are called.
That said, there is nothing in the code above that would make your classes behave as "singletons". And more importantly you don't need a metaclass to have a singleton in Python. I don't know who invented this thing, but it keeps circulating around.
First, if you really need a singleton, all you need to do is to write a plain class, no special anything, create your single instance, and document that the instance should be used. Just as people use None - no one keeps getting a reference to Nonetype and keep calling it to get a None reference:
class _Multiply:
# document that the code should use this instance:
Multiply = _Multiply()
second Alternatively, if your code have a need, whatsoever, for instantiating the class that should be a singleton where it will be used, you can use the class' __new__ method itself to control instantiation, no need for a metaclass:
class Multiply:
_instance = None
def __new__(cls):
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
# insert any code that would go in `__init__` here:
return cls._instance
Third just for demonstration purposes, please don't use this, the metaclass mechanism to have singletons can be built in the __call__ method:
class Singleton(type):
registry = {}
def __new__(mcls,name,bases,attr):
print(f"name {name}")
print(f"bases {bases}")
print(f"attr {attr}")
print("Class created")
print ("Space Please")
return super(Singleton,mcls).__new__(cls,name,bases,attr)
def __call__(cls, *args, **kw):
registry = type(cls).registry
if cls not in registry:
print(f"{cls.__name__} being instantiated for the first time")
registry[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kw)
print(f"Attempting to create a new instance of {cls.__name__}. Returning single instance instead")
return registry[cls]
class Multiply(metaclass = Singleton):

Kivy Mapview: distinguish buttons pressed

Sorry for this noob question, im still learning and I find little documentation for the mapview module.
So for one screen page I have this:
class Mapspage(Screen):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Mapspage, self).__init__(**kwargs)
gl = GridLayout(cols=1)
mapview = MapView(zoom=12, lat=55.6712674, lon=12.5938239)
for i in self.nums:
marker = MapMarkerPopup(lat=list(df["latitude"])[i], lon=list(df["longitude"])[i])
def pressbutton(self,num, *args):
global aboutname
chatapp.screenmanager.current = "About"
where I use from functools import partial.
The problem with my approach, despite I made sure the buttons are stored in a different variable (elements of the self.buttons list), and even made sure the numbers them self are stored in a separate list, I cant get to pass the number variable, that distinguishes the buttons (that appear when clicking the maps point), on to the pressbutton function. When I run my attempt I recieve the error, TypeError: pressbutton() got multiple values for argument 'num' where I think all buttons passed on their num variable.
The problem is with the definition of your pressbutton() method and its handling of keyword arguments. You can handle keywords by defining pressbutton() as:
def pressbutton(self, button_instance, num=99):
which defines num as a keyword argument and provides a default value.
Another option is something like:
def pressbutton(self, button_instance, **kwargs):
num = kwargs.pop('num', 99)
which does the same thing.

To put objects from a class into another class's attribute which is a class itself in Python

I have a class named Geometricalobjects of which many classes inherit from : Triangle, Circle, Rectangle, Square,Parallelepiped...
I also have a Drawmpaper class which has exactly two attributes : its name and a list of geometrical objects. The idea here is to put geometrical objects on a draw paper. (For example, if d=Drawpaper("one") and s=Square(0,1,3) and we do d.addgeometricalobjet(s) it'll add the square whose center is (0,1) and side=3 in a list).
And I want to use a class Display which will inherit from Canvas' class of Tkinter's module in order to take a Drawpaper and display which geometrical objets it's made of.
The problem is that I don't know how to add objects from a class in a class's attribute which itself is a class.
I tried this :
class Display(Canvas):
def __init__(self,parent, w, h, bg, draw):
Canvas.__init__(self, width = w, height = h, bg = bg)
self.__drawings=drawpaper #drawpaper is actually an object of Drawpaper class
I don't know if this code is correct or it's what's going to resolve my problem.
I hope you can help me to understand those difficult concepts.
Thank you by advance.
First of all, have a look at this page explaining the concept of class inheritance and the super() in Python. This can be quite useful and can already be applied in your code snippet
Regarding your question:
The problem is that I don't know how to add objects from a class in a class's attribute which itself is a class.
I'm not sure I fully understand your problem, but I can clear some points around:
Once you define a class, this is the blueprint of the Python object. When you call that blueprint with the __init__ method (e.g. a = Square(0,1,3)) you are now dealing with an instance of that class, that is stored in the variable a
Each class can have as many methods and attribute as you want, and will inherit them from the Superclass as well. Those are stored within the assigned variable and can be called from anywhere. The link I gave you has some nice examples, but let's say that:
class Square():
def __init__(self, center_x, center_y, width): = (center_x, center_y)
self.width = width
self.length = width
a = Square(0,1,3) #will return (0,1)
a.width #will return 3
in your code snippet, if draw is an instance of Drawpaper, and this class has the attribute Drawpaper.__list_of_geometricalobjects, you can access that attribute of the instance by doing draw.__list_of_geometricalobjects. However, it is good practise to check whether this is the case by using the isinstance() method, or better the hasattr() to check for the attribute directly.
Another thing I notice in your code snippet is that drawpaper is not defined within the scope of that class. In other words, should this be included in the __init__ call as an argument? is this a typo?

The metaclass's "__init_subclass__" method doesn't work in the class constructed by this metaclass

My question was inspired by this question.
The problem there is the 3 level class model - the terminating classes (3-rd level) only should be stored in the registry, but the 2-nd level are interfering and also have stored, because they are subclasses of 1-st level.
I wanted to get rid of 1-st level class by using metaclass. By this way the only 2 class levels are left - base classes for each group of settings and their childs - various setting classes, inherited from the according base class. The metaclass serves as a class factory - it should create base classes with needed methods and shouldn't be displayed in the inheritance tree.
But my idea doesn't work, because it seems that the __init_subclass__ method (the link to method) doesn't copied from the metaclass to constructed classes. In contrast of __init__ method, that works as I were expected.
Code snippet № 1. The basic framework of the model:
class Meta_Parent(type):
class Parent_One(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
class Child_A(Parent_One):
class Child_B(Parent_One):
class Child_C(Parent_One):
[<class '__main__.Child_A'>, <class '__main__.Child_B'>, <class '__main__.Child_C'>]
I have wanted to add functionality to the subclassing process of the above model, so I have redefined the type's builtin __init_subclass__ like this:
Code snippet № 2.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
From my point of view, now every new class, constructed by Meta_Parent metaclass (for example, Parent_One) should have __init_subclass__ method and thus, should print the subclass name when every class is inherited from this new class, but it prints nothing. That is, my __init_subclass__ method doesn't called when inheritance happens.
It works if Meta_Parent metaclass is directly inherited though:
Code snippet № 3.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
class Child_A(Meta_Parent):
class Child_B(Meta_Parent):
class Child_C(Meta_Parent):
<class '__main__.Child_A'>
<class '__main__.Child_B'>
<class '__main__.Child_C'>
Nothing strange here, the __init_subclass__ was created exactly for this purpose.
I were thinking at a moment, that dunder methods are belong to metaclass only and are not passed to new constructed classes, but then, I try the __init__ method and it works as I were expecting in the beginning - looks like the link to __init__ have copied to every metaclass's class.
Code snippet № 4.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init__(cls, name, base, dct):
super().__init__(name, base, dct)
<class '__main__.Parent_One'>
<class '__main__.Child_A'>
<class '__main__.Child_B'>
<class '__main__.Child_C'>
The questions:
Why __init__ works, but __init_subclass__ doesn't?
Is it possible to implement my idea by using metaclass?
1. Why __init__ works, but __init_subclass__ doesn't?
I found the answer by debugging CPython by GDB.
The creation of a new class (type) starts in the type_call() function. It does two main things: a new type object creation and this object initialization.
obj = type->tp_new(type, args, kwds); is an object creation. It calls the type's tp_new slot with passed arguments. By default the tp_new stores reference to the basic type object's tp_new slot, but if any ancestor class implements the __new__ method, the reference is changing to the slot_tp_new dispatcher function. Then the type->tp_new(type, args, kwds); callsslot_tp_new function and it, in own turn, invokes the search of __new__ method in the mro chain. The same happens with tp_init.
The subclass initialization happens at the end of new type creation - init_subclass(type, kwds). It searches the __init_subclass__ method in the mro chain of the just created new object by using the super object. In my case the object's mro chain has two items:
### Output
(<class '__main__.Parent_One'>, <class 'object'>).
int res = type->tp_init(obj, args, kwds); is an object initialization. It also searches the __init__ method in the mro chain, but use the metaclass mro, not the just created new object's mro. In my case the metaclass mro has three item:
(<class '__main__.Meta_Parent'>, <class 'type'>, <class 'object'>)
The simplified execution diagram:
So, the answer is: __init_subclass__ and __init__ methods are searched in the different places:
the __init_subclass__ firstly is searched in the Parent_One's __dict__, then in the object's __dict__.
the __init__ is searched in this order: Meta_Parent's __dict__, type's __dict__, object's __dict__.
2. Is it possible to implement my idea by using metaclass?
I came up with following solution. It has drawback - the __init__ method is called by each subclass, the children included, that means - all subclasses have registry and __init_subclass__ attributes, which is needless. But it works as I were requesting in the question.
class Meta_Parent(type):
def __init__(cls, name, base, dct, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name, base, dct)
# Add the registry attribute to the each new child class.
# It is not needed in the terminal children though.
cls.registry = {}
def __init_subclass__(cls, setting=None, **kwargs):
cls.registry[setting] = cls
# Assign the nested classmethod to the "__init_subclass__" attribute
# of each child class.
# It isn't needed in the terminal children too.
# May be there is a way to avoid adding these needless attributes
# (registry, __init_subclass__) to there. I don't think about it yet.
cls.__init_subclass__ = __init_subclass__
# Create two base classes.
# All child subclasses will be inherited from them.
class Parent_One(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
class Parent_Two(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
### Parent_One's childs
class Child_A(Parent_One, setting='Child_A'):
class Child_B(Parent_One, setting='Child_B'):
class Child_C(Parent_One, setting='Child_C'):
### Parent_Two's childs
class Child_E(Parent_Two, setting='Child_E'):
class Child_D(Parent_Two, setting='Child_D'):
# Print results.
print("Parent_One.registry: ", Parent_One.registry)
print("#" * 100, "\n")
print("Parent_Two.registry: ", Parent_Two.registry)
Parent_One.registry: {'Child_A': <class '__main__.Child_A'>, 'Child_B': <class '__main__.Child_B'>, 'Child_C': <class '__main__.Child_C'>}
Parent_Two.registry: {'Child_E': <class '__main__.Child_E'>, 'Child_D': <class '__main__.Child_D'>}
The solution I came up with and use/like is:
class Meta_Parent(type):
def _init_subclass_override(cls, **kwargs):
# Do whatever... I raise an exception if something is wrong
# i.e
# if sub-class's name does not start with "Child_"
# raise NameError
# cls is the actual class, Child_A in this case
class Parent_One(metaclass=Meta_Parent):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
Meta_Parent._init_subclass_override(cls, **kwargs)
### Parent_One's childs
class Child_A(Parent_One):
I like this because it DRYs the sub-class creation code/checks. At the same time, if you see Parent_One, you know that there is something happening whenever a sub-class is created.
I did it while mucking around to mimic my own Interface functionality (instead of using ABC), and the override method checks for existence of certain methods in the sub-classes.
One can argue whether the override method really belongs in the metaclass, or somewhere else.

Adding Parameters to init function of inherited class

i am quite new to inheritance and overriding methods and i am not quite sure how to override the __init__ method of a class, more specifically, adding another parameter to it.
Basically i want to override the __init__ method of the tkinter class simpledialog.Dialog.
From the documentation the init method of simpledialog.Dialog has the Parameters __init__(self,parent,title=None) and i want it to be __init__(self,parent,labeltitle,title=None)
Ok guys, so for context i also changed some of the other methods of the class, i will give you the code so that people know why i want labeltitle in the init method. I found a solution on how to solve my problem, if anyone has an idea or sees a problem with this let me know.
import tkinter
from tkinter import simpledialog
class MyDialog(simpledialog.Dialog):
def __init__(self,parent,labeltitle,title):
def body(self, master):
tkinter.Label(master, text=self.labeltitle).grid(row=0)
self.e1 = tkinter.Entry(master)
self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1,pady=30)
return self.e1 # initial focus
def apply(self):
first = self.e1.get()
self.result = first
so now when i create an Object of MyDialog like this:
asd = MyDialog(root,"title_of_the_label","title_of_the_Dialogwindow")
i get the Dialogwindow with these titles. Now i can create multiple objects with different windowtitles and labeltitles, since the simpledialog.Dialog class only allowed to change the title of the Dialogwindow, not the labeltitle.
