How to search hyphenated words - livecode

How to search hyphenated words eg(Alexander-great) if this word present in search list then the output should be like Alexander-great:1 here 1 indicate that how many time the particular word present in main Scrolling field I am using the following code.
on mouseUp
put fld"MytextField"into Mytext
put fld "SRText" into myData
split myData by cr and colon
put the keys of myData into myData
repeat for each words myWord in Mytext
if myWord is among the words of myData then
if myCounts[myWord] is empty then
put 1 into myCounts[myWord]
--answer "Haii"
add 1 to myCounts[myWord]
end if
end if
end repeat
combine myCounts by cr and colon
put myCounts

Please use this code
if myWord contains the words of myData then
instead of
if myWord is among the words of myData then

Your code should work fine as is, though you might check out a slightly more compact version:
repeat for each words myWord in Mytext
if myWord is among the words of myData then add 1 to myCounts[myWord]
end repeat
Local variables in LC, including array variables, may be created and loaded on the fly. It is not necessary to either declare them or to create them with a default value. Please step through the handler, and watch the contents of the variable watcher.
Note that your method is not forbidden, but is unnecessarily verbose. You will become more efficient as you become more experienced.
Craig Newman


How do I listen to a specific text string on Mac OS X in a livecode application

I want to create a Mac app similar to Textexpander or Atext. Both these applications allow the user to define snippets along with their respective trigger words. Typing the trigger words in any app, replaces that trigger word with the actual snippet defined.
I presume that the app listens to all strings being typed in any app and when it detects a string matching one of the trigger words defined, it replaces it with the snippet.
Is that how it actually works, or is there some other way?
Make two fields. In field 2 put something like:
time xyz
come ABC
In the script of field 1:
on textChanged
if the last char of me = space then
put the last word of me into temp
if temp is in fld 2 then
repeat for each word tWord in fld 2
put the last word of line lineOffset(temp,fld 2) of fld 2 into the last word of me
exit repeat
end repeat
end if
select after text of me
end if
end textChanged
Now type into fld 1, you know, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country". This can be better done with an array, but the concept may be more accessible here.
This is a better handler, since it will not react to the trigger word:
on textChanged
if the last char of me = space then
put the last word of me into stringOfInterest
put fld 2 into dataToSearch
if stringOfInterest is in dataToSearch then
repeat for each line tLine in dataToSearch
if word 1 of tLine = stringOfInterest then
put word 2 of tLine into the last word of me
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
select after text of me
end if
end textChanged

Multiple space delimiter split string

I have a string like
string = "computer prog <5spaces> data mining <5spaces> oops concept"
As we can see clearly computer prog, data mining etc., are one continuous string and the delimiter is 5 spaces between the strings " ".
I need to split based on this in - so far I tried regex.split which works but results in giving 2 empty strings additionally and it's tedious to remove those additional strings.
I also tried using the string.split method but again it's taking even single white space also delimiters.
Below are the tried options:
None give me the required result. I am not sure what I need to use. I even tried the option of stringsplitoption.removesapceentry (something like that) to get the desired result inside the split method, but none worked.
Dim array_keyskills As String() = res.Split(" ".ToCharArray,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
system.Windows.MessageBox.Show(array_keyskills(2) & array_keyskills.Length & " key skills") 'Display
The following short program:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s = "computer prog data mining oops concept"
Dim parts = s.Split({" "}, StringSplitOptions.None)
For Each p In parts
End Sub
End Module
computer prog
data mining
oops concept
If your data does not work that way then you should examine it to find which whitespace characters are in it which appear to be spaces but are not.
This did the trick:
array_keyskills = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(res," ").Where(
Function(s) Not String.IsNullOrWhitespace(s)

Split, escaping certain splits

I have a cell that contains multiple questions and answers and is organised like a CSV. So to get all these questions and answers separated a simple split using the comma as the delimiter should separate this easily.
Unfortunately, there are some values that use the comma as the decimal separator. Is there a way to escape the split for those occurrences?
Fortunately, my data can be split using ", " as separator, but if this wouldn't be the case, would there still be a solution besides manually replacing the decimal delimiter from a comma to a dot?
"Price: 0,09,Quantity: 12,Sold: Yes"
Using Split("Price: 0,09,Quantity: 12,Sold: Yes",",") would yield:
Price: 0
Quantity: 12
Sold: Yes
One possibility, given this test data, is to loop through the array after splitting, and whenever there's no : in the string, add this entry to the previous one.
The function that does this might look like this:
Public Function CleanUpSeparator(celldata As String) As String()
Dim ret() As String
Dim tmp() As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
tmp = Split(celldata, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(tmp)
If InStr(1, tmp(i), ":") < 1 Then
' Put this value on the previous line, and restore the comma
tmp(i - 1) = tmp(i - 1) & "," & tmp(i)
tmp(i) = ""
End If
Next i
j = 0
ReDim ret(j)
For i = 0 To UBound(tmp)
If tmp(i) <> "" Then
ret(j) = tmp(i)
j = j + 1
ReDim Preserve ret(j)
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve ret(j - 1)
CleanUpSeparator = ret
End Function
Note that there's room for improvement by making the separator caharacters : and , into parameters, for instance.
I spent the last 24 hours or so puzzling over what I THINK is a completely analogous problem, so I'll share my solution here. Forgive me if I'm wrong about the applicability of my solution to this question. :-)
My Problem: I have a SharePoint list in which teachers (I'm an elementary school technology specialist) enter end-of-year award certificates for me to print. Teachers can enter multiple students' names for a given award, separating each name using a comma. I have a VBA macro in Access that turns each name into a separate record for mail merging. Okay, I lied. That was more of a story. HERE'S the problem: How can teachers add a student name like Hank Williams, Jr. (note the comma) without having the comma cause "Jr." to be interpreted as a separate student in my macro?
The full contents of the (SharePoint exported to Excel) field "Students" are stored within the macro in a variable called strStudentsBeforeSplit, and this string is eventually split with this statement:
strStudents = Split(strStudentsBeforeSplit, ",", -1, vbTextCompare)
So there's the problem, really. The Split function is using a comma as a separator, but poor student Hank Williams, Jr. has a comma in his name. What to do?
I spent a long time trying to figure out how to escape the comma. If this is possible, I never figured it out.
Lots of forum posts suggested using a different character as the separator. That's okay, I guess, but here's the solution I came up with:
Replace only the special commas preceding "Jr" with a different, uncommon character BEFORE the Split function runs.
Swap back to the commas after Split runs.
That's really the end of my post, but here are the lines from my macro that accomplish step 1. This may or may not be of interest because it really just deals with the minutiae of making the swap. Note that the code handles several different (mostly wrong) ways my teachers might type the "Jr" part of the name.
'Dealing with the comma before Jr. This will handle ", Jr." and ", Jr" and " Jr." and " Jr".
'Replaces the comma with ~ because commas are used to separate fields in Split function below.
'Will swap ~ back to comma later in UpdateQ_Comma_for_Jr query.
strStudentsBeforeSplit = Replace(strStudentsBeforeSplit, "Jr", "~ Jr.") 'Every Jr gets this treatment regardless of what else is around it.
'Note that because of previous Replace functions a few lines prior, the space between the comma and Jr will have been removed. This adds it back.
strStudentsBeforeSplit = Replace(strStudentsBeforeSplit, ",~ Jr", "~ Jr") 'If teacher had added a comma, strip it.
strStudentsBeforeSplit = Replace(strStudentsBeforeSplit, " ~ Jr", "~ Jr") 'In cases when teacher added Jr but no comma, remove the (now extra)...
' that was before Jr.

AppleScript to read strings from ".txt" files to variables

I am trying to build an AppleScript that reads each line of a “.txt” file (with a linefeed) and stores the contents of each line into AppleScript variables.
Here is what I mean:
Let’s say there was a “Test.txt” file with the contents:
As you can see, the “Test.txt” file’s contents have a String on each line, a linefeed introducing the new String, and so on.
I would really like to know how an AppleScript could be made so that each line’s Strings are copied into individual AppleScript variables.
(This way, “Apples” in the first line, would be stored in variableA, “Oranges” in the next would be stored in variableB, “Pears” … variableC, etc.)
Please let me know, from your experience, how best to accomplish this. I know it’s slightly more involved, here is where I am:
This portion of the AppleScript accesses the contents of the ".txt" file named "Test," though takes all of the content and places it into a single variable.
set newFile to ("Macintosh HD:Users:Username:Desktop:Test.txt")
set theFileContents to (read file newFile)
{ AppleScript code to read each line to individual variables }
I know there must be others trying to accomplish this.
This example is for a situation where you know the anticipated paragraphs you'll be looking for to assign to each of a known set of variables.
set newFile to ("Macintosh HD:Users:Username:Desktop:Test.txt")
set theFileContents to paragraphs of (read file newFile)
set recipientEmail to paragraph 1 of theFileContents as text
set senderEmail to paragraph 2 of theFileContents as text
set theSubject to paragraph 3 of theFileContents as text
set theBody to (paragraphs 4 thru -1 of theFileContents) as text
Another option would be to dynamically search for a string in the paragraph, and if it matches, then assign it to that variable. Something like:
set newFile to ("Macintosh HD:Users:jweaks:Desktop:horses.txt")
set theFileContents to paragraphs of (read file newFile)
set recipientEmail to ""
set senderEmail to ""
set theSubject to ""
set theBody to ""
repeat with p in theFileContents
if p contains "To:" then
set recipientEmail to p
else if p contains "From:" then
set senderEmail to p
else if p contains "Subject:" then
set theSubject to p
set theBody to theBody & p & return
end if
end repeat
Thank you so much for all of your effort to answer this question, jweaks. As I am still catching on to AppleScript best practices, I was thinking more about your recommendation of bringing the contents of the “.txt” file into a list, assigning the items to AppleScript variables (if needed), and began brainstorming how to accomplish it. I agree that it seems like the simplest and most efficient approach:
Reads the “.txt” file’s into a list of items: Apples, Oranges, and Pears
set paragraph_list to read file "Macintosh HD:Users:tombettinger:Desktop:Test.txt" using delimiter linefeed
set variableA to item 1 of paragraph_list
set variableB to item 2 of paragraph_list
set variableC to item 3 of paragraph_list
Displays the contents of each variable (optional comment)
display dialog variableA & " " & variableB & " " & variableC
End of AppleScript
As long as the contents of the ".txt" file are stacked in a table, this approach will support the accessibility of information I was searching for. Thanks again!

AppleScript and .txt file

I need to have an AppleScript that will edit the contents of a given text file (generic structure) and delete the 5th character through 8th character, leave characters 9-20, and delete characters 21-32. For example:
Say this is my text file:
(Single line)
I would need to delete starting from the first $ to the next $, and then delete everything after (including) the last $. In this example, the end result would be this:
Isaac D'Keefe
You could run a command like this in Terminal:
sed -Ei '' 's/(.{4}).{4}(.{12}).*/\1\2/' ~/Documents/file
Or if you need to use AppleScript:
set p to "/Users/username/Documents/file"
set input to read p as «class utf8»
set input to text 1 thru 4 of input & text 9 thru 20 of input
set fd to open for access p with write permission
set eof fd to 0
write input to fd as «class utf8»
close access fd
I would need to delete starting from the first $ to the next $, and
then delete everything after (including) the last $. In this example,
the end result would be this:
Based on these conditions you can split an string up into chunks using a delimiter/separator. Then to my understanding you only want to keep the odd items and remove the even ones (by index). So the following script will work as you described rather than working on the index of the characters.
set theString to " Qt&:$yp$shshshahahah$jsjsjajssjh "
set {oldTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "$"}
set textItems to every text item of theString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTID
set filteredTextItems to {}
repeat with x from 1 to count textItems by 2
set end of filteredTextItems to item x of textItems
end repeat
return filteredTextItems as string
