Customizing my Own model in Stanford NER - nlp

Could I ask about Stanford NER?? Actually, I'm trying to train my own model, to use it later for learning. According to the documentation, I have to add my own features in SeqClassifierFlags and add code for each Feature in NERFeatureFactory.
My questions is that, I have my tokens with all features extracted and Last column represents the label. So, is there any way in Stanford NER to give it my Tab-Delimeted file which contains 30 columns (1 is word , 28 are featurs, and 1 is label) to train my own model without spending time for extracting features???
Of course, in Testing phase, I will give it a file like the the aforementioned file without label to predict the label.
Is this possible or Not??
Many thanks in Advance

As explained in the FAQ page, the only way to customize the NER model is by inserting the data and specifying the features that you want to extract.
But, wait ... you have the data, and you have managed to extract the features, so I think you don't need the NER model, you need a classifier. I know this answer is pretty pretty late, but maybe this classifier will be a good place to start.


How to fine tune BERT on unlabeled data?

I want to fine tune BERT on a specific domain. I have texts of that domain in text files. How can I use these to fine tune BERT?
I am looking here currently.
My main objective is to get sentence embeddings using BERT.
The important distinction to make here is whether you want to fine-tune your model, or whether you want to expose it to additional pretraining.
The former is simply a way to train BERT to adapt to a specific supervised task, for which you generally need in the order of 1000 or more samples including labels.
Pretraining, on the other hand, is basically trying to help BERT better "understand" data from a certain domain, by basically continuing its unsupervised training objective ([MASK]ing specific words and trying to predict what word should be there), for which you do not need labeled data.
If your ultimate objective is sentence embeddings, however, I would strongly suggest you to have a look at Sentence Transformers, which is based on a slightly outdated version of Huggingface's transformers library, but primarily tries to generate high-quality embeddings. Note that there are ways to train with surrogate losses, where you try to emulate some form ofloss that is relevant for embeddings.
Edit: The author of Sentence-Transformers recently joined Huggingface, so I expect support to greatly improve over the upcoming months!
#dennlinger gave an exhaustive answer. Additional pretraining is also referred as "post-training", "domain adaptation" and "language modeling fine-tuning". here you will find an example how to do it.
But, since you want to have good sentence embeddings, you better use Sentence Transformers. Moreover, they provide fine-tuned models, which already capable of understanding semantic similarity between sentences. "Continue Training on Other Data" section is what you want to further fine-tune the model on your domain. You do have to prepare training dataset, according to one of available loss functions. E.g. ContrastLoss requires a pair of texts and a label, whether this pair is similar.
I believe transfer learning is useful to train the model on a specific domain. First you load the pretrained base model and freeze its weights, then you add another layer on top of the base model and train that layer based on your own training data. However, the data would need to be labelled.
Tensorflow has some useful guide on transfer learning.
You are talking about pre-training. Fine-tuning on unlabeled data is called pre-training and for getting started, you can take a look over here.

Do I need to provide sentences for training Spacy NER or are paragraphs fine?

I am trying to train a new Spacy model to recognize references to law articles. I start using a blank model, and train the ner pipe according to the example given in the documentation.
The performance of the trained model is really poor, even with several thousands on input points. I am tryong to figure out why.
One possible answer is that I am giving full paragraphs to train on, instead of sentences that are in the examples. Each of these paragraphs can have multiple references to law articles. Is this a possible issue?
Turns out I was making a huge mistake in my code. There is nothing wrong with paragraphs. As long as your code actually supplies them to spacy.
Paragraphs should be fine. Could you give an example input data point?

Training an NER classifier to recognise Author names

I want to use NER(CRF classifier) to identify Author names in a query. I trained NER following the method given in site using the training file:training-data.col. And tested using the file:testing-data.tsv.
The NER is tagging every input as Author, even the data that is tagged as non-Author in the training data. Can anyone tell me why NER is tagging the non-Authors in training data as Authors and how to train NER to identify Authors(I have the list of Author names to train).
Any suggestions for reference material on NER other than site will be helpful.
That's a very small piece of training data, so I'm not surprised that it made the wrong inferences. Since the only example it has seen of "Atal" is as Author, it's tagging "Atal" as such.
But more so, if you want to discriminate between people listed at the beginning as Author and people listed in the text as 0, Stanford NER is not going to do that. Stanford NER is intended to make long distance inferences about the named-entity tags of tokens in natural language text. In other words, it's doing the opposite of what you're trying to do.
You could probably do this with some simple pattern recognition---if your documents are formatted in a similar way, with the authors together, I would start with exploiting that. You could use the NER to tag the authors as PERSON, and then use that tag as a feature in your own tagging.

opennlp sample training data for disease

I'm using OpenNLP for data classification. I could not find TokenNameFinderModel for disease here. I know I can create my own model but I was wondering is there any large sample training data available for disease?
You can easily create your own training data-set using the modelbuilder addon and follow some rules as mentioned here to train create a good NER model.
you can find some help using modelbuilder addon here.
It is basically, you put all the information in a text file and the NER entities in another. The addon searches for a paticular entity and replace it with the required tag. Hence producing the tagged data. It must be pretty easy to use this tool!
Hope this helps!

Timeline Detection

I am trying to do a timeline detection problem using text classification. As a newbie I am confused as to how I can go about with this. Is this a classification problem? i.e, Can I use the years(timelines) as outcomes and solve this as a classification problem?
You should be able to solve this as a classification problem as you suggest. An option could be to find or build a corpus consisting of texts tagged with the period in which they're set, and train a classification algorithm on this data set.
Another option could be to train a word space model on such a data set, and generate vectors for different periods of time (e.g. the 50s, 60s etc.). You could then create a document vector for the text you wish to classify, and find which of these time vectors yields the best match.
Might not work, but it could be interesting to see what results you get.
Hope this helps!
